[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!
" It could yes. The reason for going CI in the current meta though is the ability to obtain a higher ES pool to soak up the absurd damage spikes that can happen in the extreme endgame. This especially shines on bow toons. Which traditionally have lower HP pools, or make great sacrifices to obtain a reason max hp (losing a 6link for kaoms, pathing for life nodes etc.) |
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Would you consider Witch - Elementalist ascendancy
Minor Nodes - Elemental Damage Major Nodes - 1) Linege of the Primordial - +1 max golem, 40% each dmg type golem. 100% inc golem buff 2) Shaper of Desolation - Gain Chilling/Shocking/Igniting Conflux 3) Beacon of Ruin - Elemental Status Effect Caused by your skills spread. 4) Paragon of Calamity - 50% reduced reflected elemental dmg taken, 8% reduced damage taken recently of that element, increased 40% dmg of that taken element. 5)Pendulum of Destruction - Every 10 sec, gain 100% elemental dmg for 4 sec Every 10 sec, gain 25% inc aoe for 4 sec 6)Mastermind of Discord - Damage Penetrate Fire/Cold/Lightning Resistance if that element skill is used in the past 10sec. Tree wise more ES, but less dps probably ? Also with Council of the Reach.. though the major dps drop compared to high P Dps Harbringer Can you test how far apart is it ? because you gain 4 projectile. For tornado (or any other clearing skill) you can not use GMP which might boosts some DPS For Barrage, you gain 4 more projectile. if your findings are good.. inc price f up of Reach of the Coucil LOL ! |
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Hi, I've been watching your stream last days and waiting for the guide :D
Currently lvl 31. Just 1 or 2 noob questions: At what level should I change to CI? Is mandatory a Harbinger bow with crit or can I use another unique bow? I think to buy a Harbinger bow with critical and 6L will be very expensive for my economy ;D What Ascendancy points should I take? (going for Pathfinder) Ty and sorry for my english. |
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Was planning to use Inquisitor and Reach of the Council, dunno if it is viable.
As I see you have more than enough damage :-D Dernière édition par SuperSaiaJin#6222, le 29 sept. 2016 09:31:22
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" Reach works well with this. Witch I believe the prime candidate for a HC version of the build, less DPS, slower but more ES and +1 curse and the other occultist goodies are nice. |
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What do we loose if we have a signal+Barrage bow on a second weapon slot setup, if we go legacy kaom's build?
1)I suppose we loose some DPS(about 1/3) on bosses,but not that much, cause we do have physical part in our damage, and shaper/uber resists are dealt through Veteran Bower, thus no "shit imunity" by master alchemist.. By the way, why not? It could give damage + utility(unti freeeze), and 10% light pene from VoVT combined with ele weakness curse aura(we can stuck it in,can't we?) should make master alcemist more Usefull, don't u think? 2)But what about life leach? Full life on kaoms is very tanky due to perfect life leach even when u are out of flasks if u do have high end bow like brood for example? I agree the shaper shotgunning will be 1.5-2 times faster here, but is it really important 1.5 seconds or 3? We kill super fast both ways, but total survival is beter on full life i think.. Could be wrong of course.. Just theory. Am playing the kaom version now, will try yours and commpare... Just give some feedback on my thoughts, what u think about it? IGN:Jane_Has_A_Gun Dernière édition par Dzz1rt#4733, le 29 sept. 2016 11:12:30
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Just a heads up you're missing a couple hyperlinks in dps section. No one wants to copy paste :D Dernière édition par Lordsidro#6913, le 29 sept. 2016 12:10:03
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What is the reason for going full ele? Isn't phys alot better? You also can use poison/bleed
Dernière édition par SuperSaiaJin#6222, le 29 sept. 2016 14:08:05
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" Barrage and Tornado shot end up having more damage due to the scaling than pure phys with ele aura scaling and no conversion. Also leech from vinktar is magnitudes better than going that traditional route with phys and poison with say master herbalist. |
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Hey guys, Fanonflower here.
Let me tell you why we are scaling ele dmg? First of all, ele dmg can be penetrated. In this build ele penetration is very important because the more we penetrate light damage the better we can leech life in boss fights. In short, that means, our tankiness relies on the amount of leech we can get. Vinktar converts 20% of phys damage to light damage, but in this guide we convert 50% of physical damage to light damage AND we penetrate 35% ele dmg. (15 vinktar, 10 boots, 10 pathfinder, 8% from tree, 8% from tree is optional and i'Ll be fair i wont put that to consideration) we can leech 4 to 5 times more with ele conversion compared to phys + poison + conversion vinktar leech path; math is here:
lets say you have 100 dmg,
you'd scale it with slow proj, ppad, faster attacks, barrage, inc critical strikes, inc crit damage. (100 base damage) x 0.3% x 0.45(ppad 50% more damage 10% less attack speed) x 0.3 (faster attack provides like 30% more damage to harbinger bases) so our barrage damage is like 212 damage with inc. crit damage. lets say, inc crit would buff 25% damage even though its a bit exaggeration: 258 damage. when you put vinktar on, you leech of (vinktar + pathfinder leeches 45% of damage, and vinktar convets 20% of damage, you can leech 25 damage assuming you have 100 base damage) lets check our full ele dmg, 100 dmg, 35% added by added fire, (145) 35% added by signal fire, (180) 50% converted to light 30% of phys added to damage pool (200) (80 light) ele focus %50 more( 300 ) - ( 120 light) ppad (435), approx 45% more ( 174 light) and weapon ele dmg on top of that, makes it 705 damage. ( 270 light ) AND we penetrate globally 26 of it as pathfinder, and we can penetrate 49%(10 boots, 10 pathfinder, 15 vinktar, 14 ( 6 + 8 )tree) of light damage. we cant penetrate poison damage though. and you cant scale it with ele weakness on hit gloves also. you can get 95 crit chance with signal fire setup if you are using a gg weapon. WHEN YOU PUT VINKTAR ON YOU LEECH 35% PENETRATED 270 LIGHT DAMAGE BY %45 AND THAT IS, 135! damage. we can leech 5+ times more with ele scaling method. Shaper has 40% light resistance. by choosing the poison + phys path, that 25 damage you can leech with convert vinktar gets scaled down by 40% too due to shapers resistances, i dont even count these into my math! also base damage is more than x3 times higher as you can see with 49% possible penetration. my tooltip dps ![]() no tooltip damage buffer flasks or vaal haste etc, just blood rage + just flask effect buffs of pathfinder. to such dps you can reach only by ele conversion and ele scaling. this is like 4M DPS. when i buff this fully i can get 7M dps. gear used:
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Dernière édition par Rupenus#5905, le 29 sept. 2016 17:57:12
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