[2.6] Norse's Earthquake Slayer / Budget Viable / Guardian & Shaper Farmable
" WOW thank you soooo much for this incredible response! that is the feedback i was looking for to understand the game even more! so here are some questions that i have after reading your response: re: ancestral warchief. replace added fire damage with increased melee physical damage. this build scales with melee physical, as the aftershock from EQ is multiplicative from melee physical, not elemental(fire) damage. i understand that earthquake aftershock scales with phys dmg. but why does this matter for the totem? or do you mean because the totem increases meele dmg that it is better to give the totem also a melee dmg gem re: tooltip damage. poison damage is not shown in the tooltip, but it scales off your melee physical damage. and it benefits from "lesser duration" support skill gem. did you notice that mobs were dying alot faster, even though your tooltip shows a 50% decrease in damage? soo the less duration works, even if the poison is applyed throug the cospiris will and the curse? once you get a cospri's will, you'll swap Poison for Rapid Decay. i only have 1 green slot, would you use rapid decay or faster attacks? i will have to build my blasphemie curse setup now... it is really better to have 2 curses as auras than to run the auras and do the curses manually? thanks a lot for the tipp with the lvl 20 gems... never used this before! again a big thank you for your help! this game is hard for new people to understand, because everything connects to each other, so having a response on my own char is super super helpful. i will post my gear which i have upgraded below: Dernière édition par Cador2#7730, le 25 avr. 2017 09:49:03
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If someone could review that post :)
Many thanks for the build.I'm at lvl 66 right now, i have my cospri and devoto in stock waiting for the lvl 68. My weapon is Kaom's Primacy 4L, must work on the 5L 2 questions : For boots, as Atziri +1gems are expensive, is it better to go rare with MS / Life / Res or Atziri without +1 gems ? As my weapon didn't provide Bleeding, anything i can do to apply it ? |
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" Kaom's primacy will carry you until Hezmana's or straight up Atziri's Disfavour re: boots. atziri's steps offer 30%MS and chance to dodge spell. it's a little bit of survivability boost, but rare boots with MS/life/resist is perfectly ok as well. i recently swapped out my atziri's step for a pair of rare boots (check my profile if you need) re: bleeding. afaik, short of equipping a pair of Haemophilia gloves, or (that rings that causes bleeding, can't remember what it's called), there's no meaningful way to proc bleeding. as far as it goes, i'd say it's not worth replacing a ring slot to proc the bleeding. you can consider the Haemophilia gloves. Location: Singapore GMT+8
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" re: hotkeys. my previous setup was:
left click: EQ
right click:leap slam middle click: vaal lightning trap Q:(irrelevant) W:normal attack E:AW R:enfeeble T:temporal chain my current setup is:
left click:move
right click: EQ middle click: golem Q: leap slam W: vaal lightning trap E: AW R: enfeeble T: temporal chain the main difference was remapping the leap slam and EQ. it didn't make sense to me intially, but forcing myself to try out my current setup, i realised the gameplay feels so much smoother re: jewels. iirc, increased damage double dips with poison and physical. the rest does not double dip. (i could be VERY wrong on this, please do your own research before investing in said jewels) Location: Singapore GMT+8 Dernière édition par CliffAhead#0451, le 25 avr. 2017 22:44:51
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" re: AW. melee physical damage skill gem vs added fire damage skill gem. at L20/20%, melee physical damage provides a higher damage boost. also, the totem does physical damage by default. it'll be good to stick to pure physical due to map mod "reflects elemental damage". this build cannot do physical reflect, but elemental reflect is not an issue. restricting your totem to pure physical allows you to do "reflect ele damage" complete threat-free edit1: iirc, if your jewel has "increased melee damage" it will apply to your totem as well. re: poison. last you posted, your EQ was linked to poison support gem, which applies to EQ's 1st hit, and aftershock. in that manner, yes, lesser duration will work for both: - time between ground smash animation and aftershock proc animation - DoT of poison re: rapid decay vs faster attack. rapid decay is better. faster attack does not proc aftershock at a faster rate, just "more aftershocks in a fixed time" we want the aftershock to proc faster as that's the bulk of our damage, and faster aftershock = lesser waiting for mobs to die = faster & smoother gameplay re: blasphemy dual curse setup. absolutely dual auras. it's a massive QoL to NOT have to self-cast your curses. this build does not suffer from a lack of damage, but as with all life builds, survivability is the main concern. you can choose between 1 offensive + 1 defensive aura, or 2 defensive auras, depending on the tier of maps you're running and the map mods. re: your upgraded gear (nicely done on the cospri's will btw) your ruby ring can be upgrade for cheap (<10c) your belt can be upgraded for cheap (<10c) i wouldn't agree with your choice of gloves. frenzy gives 4% damage + 4% attack speed, which is minor in itself. power charge gives us nothing since we don't crit. i assume you're taking it for the attack speed, but there are better stats you can get. i did a poe.trade search with <10c buyout for: - attack speed - physical damage to attack - max life - elemental resist http://poe.trade/search/nikarisekimasi a lion's roar flask (<5c) and a writhing jar flask (<1c) is quite vital to the build. lion's roar gives a massive damage boost and gives knockback. this keeps the melee mobs at bay while you hammer them down. writhing jar gives emergency life leech via overkill (slayer ascendancy) replace the staunching life flask. slayer ascendancy gives "immune to bleeding while leeching", which is "all the time" for us. you need a anti-freeze flask. when frozen you can't use any skills nor move away i run a anti-ignite flask myself after a particularly bad experience lol. regarding granite flask, you might wanna consider a basalt flask "20% additional Physical Damage Reduction" for more physical dmg mitigation re: skill gem setup i see that you have lightning golem, may i suggest flame golem for more dmg per hit. the attack speed is not a high priority leap slam can be supported with Faster Attack for smoother mobility CWDT can be paired with vortex. blasphemy + curse can be boosted with Enhance Vaal Lightning Trap works wonders in rushing down a boss, or used in breaches. the dmg boost from the mobs being shocked allows me to rush a T13 boss down in <5secs with lion's roar + AW + writhing jar Location: Singapore GMT+8 Dernière édition par CliffAhead#0451, le 25 avr. 2017 22:41:28
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" hey, so i took a look at your current skill tree, and have the following suggestions to make. 1 point into "iron reflexes" 1 point into "vitality void" replace "wrecking ball" into "executioner" moved some stats nodes around +20int -10str -4%attack speed at this point, this is the skill tree:
assuming you're aiming for L90, that's 9 more skill points for you to invest. also note that along your skill tree, there's big +30dex/int nodes for you to pick up if you're lacking those stats. 1. getting more life nodes, +30 dex
2. getting +1 jewel, replacing "Slaughter" with "Cleaving", getting more life nodes
3. getting more endurance charge-related
i see that you're trending towards more attack speed vs raw damage. also, jewel slots offers alot more than you might expect. overall, my personal preference is option 2 Location: Singapore GMT+8
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Many thanks for your support.
I will not consider Hemo gloves as i thinks it is too much loss for just apply Bleeding, i will not set Bloodlust on my future cospri for now (will loose too much rest and life i think). As i have loose much components to have only RRBVV Cospri (don't have any 3R1B ...) i will set Blind on it for now. I will take Atziri boots for now as there are cheap :) Again many thanks for the support provide to Cador great explanations for me. The AS on gloves are mandatory ? EDIT : Kaom > Hez or not ? Is it worth invest 150 fuse to have 5L on kaom or better to buy a cheap Hez with 5L (20c) ? Dernière édition par Isdrydge#6092, le 26 avr. 2017 04:40:56
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" re: AS on gloves. nope, not mandatory. it's a QoL (quality of life) but your primary concern should be: - +max life - +resistance - +physical damage to damage - + mana leech (this allows you to spec out of the Vitality Void area nodes re: Kaom's Primacy vs Hezmana. it's way better to get Hezmana with 5L. slayer ascendancy provides the culling strike by default, and the physical dps of hezmana is high than kaom's primacy. Location: Singapore GMT+8
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" can you explain that? executioners bones (low life) doesnt help because of the slayer special that kills on 20% and we loose attack speed.... what did i miss? :) edit: ok, i looked in path of building, it just gives me a little more dps with executioner :) so i guess that is why... so i learned that 16% attack speed are not as good as 14% dmg with this build Dernière édition par Cador2#7730, le 26 avr. 2017 17:27:59
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What method are you guys using to get the 4R1G1B on the Cospri's chest?
Just curious on the best way before I start dumping a ton of currency in. |
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