[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

thanks for the update! i'm gonna try out the Tukohama life based version with EB and MoM! will update here how is it going and what I think about the build a few days after league starts :]
Awesome guide, thanks!
I was just thinking of trying out some totem build this league.

What are your thoughts about critless, life based chieftain with Tukohama's Fortress?
Is losing crit chance and cast speed from second dagger a big deal for inquisitor?
Dernière édition par Creiw#0217, le 1 déc. 2016 à 16:04:48
I have been playing PoE for a couple of weeks now and wanted to try your build for Breach.

Do you level all the gems to max? I have seen other builds where they tell you to stop leveling the gems at certain levels and don't want to over level the gems.

For the beginner do you recommend Inquisitor or Hierophant? I will for sure be choosing the life build as this will be my first full league.

Thank you!
Do you level all the gems to max? I have seen other builds where they tell you to stop leveling the gems at certain levels and don't want to over level the gems.

Not OP, but typically this is done for one or two reasons:

Cst when damage taken (cwdt) setups - CWDT can only cast spells up to a certain level based on it's own level, so if you level the supported gem too high, it wont trigger.

Damage skill is being used for support purposes - generate cast on hit or charge on hit effects, movement skills it would be typically left at level 1 to ensure lowest mana cost.

In this build example, whirling blades/flame dash and orb of storms would be left at 1.
Dernière édition par dperls#3294, le 1 déc. 2016 à 16:36:41
dperls a écrit :
Do you level all the gems to max? I have seen other builds where they tell you to stop leveling the gems at certain levels and don't want to over level the gems.

Not OP, but typically this is done for one or two reasons:

Cst when damage taken (cwdt) setups - CWDT can only cast spells up to a certain level based on it's own level, so if you level the supported gem too high, it wont trigger.

Damage skill is being used for support purposes - generate cast on hit or charge on hit effects, movement skills it would be typically left at level 1 to ensure lowest mana cost.

In this build example, whirling blades/flame dash and orb of storms would be left at 1.

Thank you so much for the explanation!
I'll put the old tree back for people who don't want to go hybrid. Sorry, I didn't realise that would be a problem.

monkeyakax a écrit :
Hi! I am considering your build as my league starter. Just one quick question for you: You mentioned elementalist, is it possible to reach the same result as a witch?

I would prefer roll a witch, never had one. But I love your build, and I want to clear everything this league.

Thx !

If you want to play Witch, go for RaizQT's noncrit Elementalist version. Will be better than trying to duplicate this without Inquis ascendancies.

Kaiku_ a écrit :
Newbie here. This build looks really fun and promising, and I think I'll give it a try in the new league. Thanks for writing up the tutorial!

I have a question about the skill tree, though. It seems to me that there are a couple of obvious nodes that beg to be grabbed for but a very small investment, but are skipped, and I don't understand the reasoning. For example, Shamanistic Fury, and even stuff like Firewalker.

I understand that this build focuses on crit first and foremost, but surely increasing the base damage doesn't hurt? As that'll in turn also increase the crits?

Perhaps the crits are already so high that it's not worth the points, that they are better spend on survivability? Are they at least optional, or not worth it at all for some reason?


It's just a matter of how many points you have to spend. There are easily 150 points worth of things near our pathing that we'd want to take, but there aren't enough points to get them all so you just have to cut the worst ones.

jy03154586 a écrit :
As you said in your post, it's better to play life-based and respec to CI, so could you do a leveling tip for that, or you have already done in CI skill tree?

Yep, see CI levelling tips.

Kyotetsu a écrit :
Have you tested a non-crit version, using Chieftain as ascendancy ?

The damage is probably lower, but with Elemental Overload, Fire Pen. gem instead of Crit. Gem and Flammability, it should be enough to kill bosses easily.
Only issue is I don't have 100% chance to ignite anymore (34%), but with 3 totems (using new shield), it should be enough.

On the other hand, you get a lot more life (with BM), leech, taunt from totems and endurance charges instead of power charges.

Was thinking of using this tree : poeurl.com/SPu

I haven't tested it, but it's probably quite good for everything except the hardest bosses.

Creiw a écrit :
Awesome guide, thanks!
I was just thinking of trying out some totem build this league.

What are your thoughts about critless, life based chieftain with Tukohama's Fortress?
Is losing crit chance and cast speed from second dagger a big deal for inquisitor?

Chieftain and Inquis would both be good. I like Inquis for the same reason as ever (it's better against bosses than anything else is every going to be), but Chieftain will be good. Losing the second dagger is not a huge deal and is obviously outweighed in damage by having an extra totem.
Have you done something awesome with [url=http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sire_of_Shards]Sire of Shards[/url]? PM me and tell me all about it!
Why rush for inevitable judgement first? Won't crit be super low to benefit from it until you get better gear (around merc)? I feel like the greatest benefit is instruments of virtue early on...
Hi - what are your thoughts on Xoph'ethula's Heart? This would be good for a life based build? Anything on ammy not good? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Xoph%27ethula%27s_Heart

Hi! I got to level 54 with this build in standard (after a few years hiatus, having played flame totem scion) and I'm thinking of starting it again in breach league (since leaving standard behind seems to be what people do). I'm torn between this build and scorching ray heirophant. I had almost made up my mind before being tempted back here by the Tukohama's version. That's partly because I still find CI builds intimidating, and also because this thread is simply much better supported. As a noob who doesn't have any idea how to evaluate and compare builds, nor much time to simply test them both, do you have any advice about this decision?
The life version can replace Discipline with whatever 35% or less aura you like (e.g. Blasphemy Enfeeble), but it's still good.

What do you think about running herald of thunder, herald of ice, or arctic armour? I don't think I need blasphemy enfeeble due to applying curses with orb of storms + curse.

I noticed you have ice spear instead of orb of storms in the linked gear. Would you prefer one over the other?
Dernière édition par LadyLoriana#6426, le 2 déc. 2016 à 02:05:09


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