[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

Having a lot of fun with this build... here's my current gear:

Lot of kind of weak stuff, and even with this, I've started mapping and find it's comfortable and tanky. The dual apeps give a load of cast speed, and I also have clear mind for an extra 55% with essence worm/anger.

Question, what should I focus on next? Building currency for void battery? Looks like cloak of defiance changed at some point from 50% mana regen rate to 1% regen per second- guessing that doesnt matter? Should I focus on that?

Thanks again for fun build!
Hi, I have so much fun playing flameblast totem this season, thanks for everything.
Like your guide suggest ,I was levelling with firestorm but I hope I can keep it.
I'm trying to stay hybrid ( firestorm and fb totem ).
My passive tree looks like this.


Presently I am lvl 63 in act 10 with really crappy gear and everything is easy if I play safe of course ;) I still using Tabula rasa and it's my only good item.

My setup for firestorm is : Spell Echo support , faster casting , arcane surge , elemental focus and concentrated effect. NB : I got 2 fire penetration lvl up just in case ...

Of course I'm still squishy and I will need to invest in Maximum life with devotion and/or constitution.
Do you have any suggestion for me please.
Should I go top for all the fire dmg ( Hearth of flame )
Going down for Shaper and Constition
Going right for crit and Soul/Blood Siphon.
Last question, I know I'm asking a lot ... for my next ascendancy I'm thinking about Illuminated devotion or you still suggest conviction of power.

Thanks for the futur help
oh and I'm playing one hand / shield for the sweet shield charge.
Cool build. I am currently playing it myself and it is performing well on red maps. I was wondering what you think about Malachai's Awakening. It adds quite a lot of damage to the build if i am not mistaken.
I am an idiot ;) I was looking at uniques and i missed the blood magic part :)
Guys, how the ..... did you get 6 linked cloak? Every 2nd guy posting here have 6l cloak :) Did you get it via farming currency and than just bought it? Or any other tip? And if via currency, how do you farm currency fastest with this build? I already did phoenix and medusa, but i doubt that with this dps i can go to shaper.

Thanks for any advice! :)
Eliah_cze a écrit :
Guys, how the ..... did you get 6 linked cloak? Every 2nd guy posting here have 6l cloak :) Did you get it via farming currency and than just bought it? Or any other tip? And if via currency, how do you farm currency fastest with this build? I already did phoenix and medusa, but i doubt that with this dps i can go to shaper.

Thanks for any advice! :)

I'm guessing you are new to POE? People just generally use fusings untill they succeed. 6 linking can be a long process so be patient.

Remember that Vorici will offer you 20 fusings for cheap everytime you complete his daily. I think he needs to be level 6 if i remember correct.
You can also trade jewellers orbs for fusings at other vendors if you have a surplus of jewellers orb(wich you should have).
Esquilaxxx a écrit :
Eliah_cze a écrit :
Guys, how the ..... did you get 6 linked cloak? Every 2nd guy posting here have 6l cloak :) Did you get it via farming currency and than just bought it? Or any other tip? And if via currency, how do you farm currency fastest with this build? I already did phoenix and medusa, but i doubt that with this dps i can go to shaper.

Thanks for any advice! :)

I'm guessing you are new to POE? People just generally use fusings untill they succeed. 6 linking can be a long process so be patient.

Remember that Vorici will offer you 20 fusings for cheap everytime you complete his daily. I think he needs to be level 6 if i remember correct.
You can also trade jewellers orbs for fusings at other vendors if you have a surplus of jewellers orb(wich you should have).

Im actualy not new to POE, but to do 6 socket is cca 300 jewelers and 6 link is avg 1000 fusing which is cca 5,5 ex. So yeah, my question is basicali still same. Did you guys have so much currency or how did you manage to get it? :)
Eliah_cze a écrit :
Esquilaxxx a écrit :
Eliah_cze a écrit :
Guys, how the ..... did you get 6 linked cloak? Every 2nd guy posting here have 6l cloak :) Did you get it via farming currency and than just bought it? Or any other tip? And if via currency, how do you farm currency fastest with this build? I already did phoenix and medusa, but i doubt that with this dps i can go to shaper.

Thanks for any advice! :)

I'm guessing you are new to POE? People just generally use fusings untill they succeed. 6 linking can be a long process so be patient.

Remember that Vorici will offer you 20 fusings for cheap everytime you complete his daily. I think he needs to be level 6 if i remember correct.
You can also trade jewellers orbs for fusings at other vendors if you have a surplus of jewellers orb(wich you should have).

Im actualy not new to POE, but to do 6 socket is cca 300 jewelers and 6 link is avg 1000 fusing which is cca 5,5 ex. So yeah, my question is basicali still same. Did you guys have so much currency or how did you manage to get it? :)

I just answered that for you. Buy them with Jewellers orbs. Do you not have a surplus of them?
Don't buy the fusings from other players. Just buy them from vendors, jewellers orbs dont really have a purpose anyways. Simply make sure to pick up every 6 socket item and vendor it for jewellers orbs. Not much else i can tell you.

There is no easy fix to getting a 6 link. Some leagues it took me many weeks to get one. Other leagues you are simply lucky.
Alright, newbie here, been farming uberlab since day 3, got pretty lucky, my budget is around 70 ex for a new build, new goal is to hit lvl 100, thought totems would be my safest option. What do you think, should I go with your build or can you recommend a safer totem build? Thanks for your answer in advance.
Hi all,
I'm only doing T1 and T2 maps at the moment, but I find that I'm dying alot to bosses. Not sure what's going on. I know that my gear isn't great, but I don't think it's too god awful. Maybe someone can take a look at my character, which should be visible and see if anything stands out? It might be something obvious even...... thanks


Char Name: FireTotemDestroyer


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