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Ils devraient revenir en ligne dans environ .[2.5] 2600+ Int Whispering Ice Guardian. Wonderous Wizard of Wisdom
" This is why I'm surprised you opted to take Trickery instead of Catalyse. The crit chance is literally wasted as it won't be enough to dent the -100% from CD. With Catalyse you get 4% increased elemental damage and another 10 Int for free. Deliver pain exquisite
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" Catalyse is weapon elemental damage. We do not attack with a weapon. We cast spells. Catalyse is just 13.3 recurring int per point, it's decent. Trickery is 10 per point but adds 20% inc elemental daamge. if we're going for pure int, which is what Catalyse is we can get better using perfect Jewels until late lvl 90's Dernière édition par Drahnier123#3070, le 5 oct. 2016 17:56:33
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Why does build suggest controlled destruction support and Elemental overload passive, how do they work together?
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" You swap controlled destr with Conc effect for bosses which is where you "need" elemental overload, and it procs a lot. Thanks for the reply guys, will update with my current stats when i get one more level (new jewel slot) :P. EDIT: Ok i got the lvl, stats at level 77: 2148 INT 8068 ES 45% dmg reduction, puritys need more levels. 5528 tooltip unbuffed with controlled destruction. It has been a very smooth and fast experience so far, just did merc Izaro, it was a joke. In the spare sockets i chose to use the allmighty Decoy totem, which gets really tanky with all the auras and its insanely useful for standing still casting and not getting hit. Flame Dash instead of warp so i don't need extra support gems, Vaal lightning trap for nuking bosses, Frostbite, Frost Bomb, and the Golem of choice was Chaos golem for even MOAR mitigation, with culling strike! GEAR:
Can't wait to get more levels, and upgrade the parts that can be upgraded (Mostly helm enchant, glove enchant and belt corruption i think).Maybe legacy Shavs and +1 Skyforths in a far away future haha. Dernière édition par tkbowned#4130, le 5 oct. 2016 18:54:24
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Love the min-maxing discussion.... :)
Quick question. I assume take the points for all 3 bandits? Played a similar build back in 2.2(?) as a witch but respecing my Templar into this build right now. I'm sure I'll have some questions and/or commentary once I get it all up and running. Thanks, Waffle, for rekindling my interest in a Whispering Ice build. My witch one was a blast but a little sluggish casting and moving. If I recall correctly I was not using faster casting in the old build and certainly wasn't using Haste. I plan to use both this time. Later.... |
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" CD is 40% more elemental damage with an additional 10% increased based on quality. The former is a multiplicative bonus which means if your tooltip read 5,000 avg damage, CD alone would boost it to 7,000. You don't pass on a gem like that. EO is a bonus. This isn't a crit build but 5-10% crit chance is enough to spark it given that it's up for 8 seconds. CD has not synergy with EO, it's basically a flat 40% more multiplier, a 10% increased additive gain and when you get a crit, another 40% more multiplier on top of that. And since this isn't a crit build where crit damage matters, there is no downside to taking EO. Deliver pain exquisite
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" Never mind found the answer on page 3. Take all the points. Figured as much. |
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" Thanks for correcting my math. I derped and just did the quick math without considering the increase that base Int gets. its better to have the real number and it does take a decently high level before emperors gives more then the 34 from Fertile. |
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" I wrote that in the "leveling" tab but It is a bit messy there. I'll try some formatting to keep it all readable as there is bordering on information overload on the main page as I add sections on things people had questions for |
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" Elemental Overload is interesting. I have not been running it and frankly I forgot about it until now. I think I'm going to spec into it. Since adding Skyforth to my build I've been trying to get some idea about what 5% crit chance really means with Icestorm. as I only see 25% of crits but vs a boss where I stack icestorms I often see 1 or 2 power charges pop up I conclude that 5% is enough. This is with a high level build with lots of cast speed, haste and even 16% cast speed enchant on boots. When I get home I'm definitely going to try Ele overload. tkbowned mentioned swapping in Conc effect and getting a little more crit at the same time... but honestly I never do this, curious as to how many of you actively swap this gem? The only time I've really used it is vs Atziri so as to not hit the mirror Atziri. Some map bosses are stationary enough that Conc effect might be decent but I feel like Vs t16 guardians I value the Aoe more as it keeps hitting them while they move and the damage is fine anyhow. Also, just for a bit of fun. Have you guys ever tried swapping in Inc duration on your Icestorm? not good but at over 8 seconds duration it's hilarious in Hideout to lag people out. Dernière édition par Drahnier123#3070, le 5 oct. 2016 21:16:39
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