[3.0] End Game Guardian Support! 90% phys/84% ele res. On a Budget.
Hi, awesome build!!!
I have some question about your build... In defensive stats you post a pic with tons of armor, how do u get 18297 armor?? you only can take armor in rings, amulet, belt gloves or boots and i cant take more than 11k buffed at level 79 :S What is my mistake?
I know to need 30% movement speed in boots, little more chaos resist and more hp from belt, amulet and ring...but all my gear is same like u or near or better...so what is wrong again for my hp(2900) vs your pool hp(4732), maybe 500hp(with nodes) up/down from gear but more 1'8k hp :S And what do u think about orb of storms for bosses or maps with too many obstacles? i know ball lightning is very userfull for curse before your party destroy the pleb monsters but projectiles in closeplaces are annoying, u know? Well, im happy with the build and continue pulling my friends, so thanks and i wait your tips :D P.S.:
Your Alpha's Howls 2R-2B is crazy, meow xD
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Just got to 50 in about 5 hours, highly recommend using facebreaker, skirmish, tabula rasa (or any 4 or 5 link works) with warchief totems picking up physical damage on your gear. I didn't do anything different with the skill tree.
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" Haiho! finally started doing maps yesterday! first of all... lol i love it :D it's a extremly intressting gameplay and since i've done alot of tweaking around due to having 2 friends to play with constantly am only running Haste aura with Tri-purity, Tri-curse Aura, Determination, Discipline, Clarity and a vaal disciplin on top of that ( still lvling my gems but that 20% quality is nice and extra max ress ) I've gone for more ES then your build, since i belive at the point when our es is out we are either dead or running for our lifes anyway so to big investment in hp feels like a higher cost then it will actully taste Update for my lvling progress! i picked up a kaom's primacy at lvl 58 and that one carried my to lvl 70 solo, that's when i respeced out of totems and in for support it works like a charm, killed all bosses all the way solo it took me more then 10hours so can't give you and exact time, due to irl slack my timer is a bit off on this char.. sadly but i still estemate it will take roughly 10-12hours of gameplay to get to dried lake merci ( 65-70 ) all comes down to the player's knowledge about the game and pathings etc etc don't really know how you mange to get that high armour pool but it doesen't matter all to much since armour mostly matters for small hits ^^ This is what i've done with the build and how it will look if i ever hit 100 xD ( most likely back in standard befor that but you know gotta think positiv right? )
I felt that 8 talent points for Constitution was alittly bit to expensive cost for so little improvement that made me go for more ES and extra jewel slots Ohhh BTW-FYI! 2 extra jewel slots is really handy! you can get +15 int 8% Increased Maximum mana 8% increased maximum energy shield on one jewel and that is a cost of 2 talent points, that will give us a very nice boost both for ES and mana ( more mana more es ) Feel free to contact me ingame :) ![]() This build have cost me roughly 100c in HC breach with Q20 gems included, so yeah +10 to your statement of a budget build :D Dernière édition par Naffiy#3878, le 15 janv. 2017 05:00:18
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" Sorry for butting in but am just trying to be helpfull! checked your gear and first i notic is that you are missing one ring? and uniq amu can be swaped for a rare with life and your boots are lacking life that is a huge loss of life :) and if you can afford it i would recomend you to get a new Advancing fortress since it can go up to +50 life and yours only have +33, it's not much but everything counts right? belt could get more life too, to summerise to hit that high life pool with so little pieces to actully build with ( gloves, belt, boots, one ring and amulet ) the trick is to squise out as much as we just can from thoes few pieces hope this was somewhat helpfull! GL :) p.s myself am only at 3.5k life, and lvls do actully matter alot +20 base life per lvl i think Dernière édition par Naffiy#3878, le 15 janv. 2017 04:44:44
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" Hm why diden't i think of facebreaker! *facepalm* Did you take any of the totem clusters in talent tree to improve the totems? i think it can be worth since you get alot of free respec points from quest and it cost ish 15 points to gain one extra totem and alot of more dmg on them, correct me if am wrong :) Think that will boost the lvling speed even more |
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A big part in my huge life pool definitly plays my belt with insane 150hp :)
Herrkaktus: I don't think that it is worth it to use the one point at the witch starting point for the flat es. The 6% es in the scion area would be better. A very big thing I am wondering about your skilltree is that you don't take zealoths oath. Without it my sustain feels miserably to be honest. I think that my pathing to the aura node at vaal pact is better, since I get there earlier. Your tree could more efficent grabing that node at level 100, but I doubt that I will ever reach that. In my newest skilltree I also don't get the scion life wheel. Effectively that gave me 450more eHp, with a slight armor loss. I guess that it is worth it. Since I used a free full tree respec(didn't reskill in breach yet :D ) I also changed my ascendancys. Time of need is actually quite insane. With zealoths oath it regens about 2000k es for that one second. So all in all that means about 400es regen more per second! For the lulz I tested it yesterday against merciless Izaro: Since I didn't want to invest time I just went into his first stage and let him hit me...I went afk for about 10minutes and when I came back my stone golem killed him :D At this point I also use tripple blasphemy curses. No curse on hit for me at the moment. I feel like the cursing works better than 2 extra damage auras, which most builds run themselfs anyway. Question: Do you actually run your animate guardian? For me it is too annoying to buy the appropiate items for him, when he dies in everysecond map(atleast in t15/16)). Check out my Guaridan Support build! /view-thread/1656032 Dernière édition par NEINNEINNEIN#1281, le 15 janv. 2017 07:46:57
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Woulden't the witch ES nodes be better tho? since they give 10% vs 6%?
quess this is a question of preference since some of the nodes doesen't give es at all but my quess with out having done the math for it yet the witch nodes is slighly stronger Am probly going to squise in zealoth's later on but for now i feel alittle to unsafe with out the life reg. since chaos dmg can still hit us even with ress cap or am i missing a vital point? ^^ how do you feel about chaos dmg and so forth? i do agree that my pathing take alittle more points, but i feel like it will give more for the cost then pathing the "cheaper" way :) Vaal Disc overlaps our current ES aswell as boosing our total ES for the duration on vaal disc and during that time we get the chance to regenerate our main ES pool so this is one of the main reasons to why i haven't take zealoth's yet. and with good clear speed you'll be able to use it more then just for emergeny. yesterday me and one friend did a chayula breach and i poped it 5 times during the breach time, as we all know a breach doesen't last for a very long time ^^ was standing in the middle of everything keeping curse on every monster in my screen and chain poping vaal disc, quess with zealoth's it would be even more insane Yeah i've not really made up my mind for what to take with the uber ascendensy points yet. batteling between time of need and one of the small nodes, my quess is that time of need will have the upper hand most builds runs one or two dmg auras themself, sure they miss alittle of our improved versions from talents but the slightly diffrence aint going to do that much compared to the buffed curses that will but added flat on to the dmg! Notic that you went for charing charges, have you encounter alot of times were it is needed or just having it incase you need it? there is alot of builds that doesen't "benefit" from charges with my lineup in the tree and swaping one es node for zealoth's i'd be running around with 311% increased es from the tree Handing over the poeplanner instead of the reguler one
Dernière édition par Naffiy#3878, le 15 janv. 2017 07:11:10
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Did you look at my updated tree?
I just use conduit now, instead of the 2 ascendancy points for harmony of purpose^^ 1 Skillpoint basically accomplishes the same as 2 ascendancy points, it is definitly a worthy trade off. I also took the es nodes at the witch start with my updated tree :) I found that vaal discipline is too unrealiable to be realied upon as primary defense. Especially for bosses, where it really matters. For general clearing Vaal Haste is also way better. I didnt run chayula yet, since I don't have that character in breach, but for her you could use 2 or even 3 life flasks, I imagine. Zealoths oath is simply my primary defense and it works great! For the occasional chaos damage the single life flask is more than enough, atleast when you have capped chaos res. Check out my Guaridan Support build! /view-thread/1656032 Dernière édition par NEINNEINNEIN#1281, le 15 janv. 2017 07:59:02
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" Thank you very much, u help me a lot, im little noobie so all help is great... Yesterday i tested too many rings and any like me, and my girlfriend have the doedre ring I waited for him to reconnect but I fell asleep...womens xD Amulet, belt and boots need more hp, i will try it. Otherwise, what about armor? " In other Perandus league with other support character i tested 3 passive point, only for the guardian with aura items, in Minion life regeneration node ( near Herd the flock ), minion life node and minion life and minion life regeneration ( near Death Attunement ) and only with this passives he stilled alive. xD maybe i test it in breach... Thanks all for help!!! All my friend are happy with me in party xD Dernière édition par Thornhair#6395, le 15 janv. 2017 08:11:45
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" I agree xD just found out that the hard way! rip from breach lord. Ah well lesson learned should have picked up Zealoth's earlyer |
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