Nick_T a écrit :
What should I prioritize first? I'm level 67 now.
BoR or Soultaker?
I'm pretty poor in the new league :D
Always prioritize BoR because will give you a huge DPS boost, plus great survivability.
Soul Taker is not really mandatory for this build and any good high pDPS axe could work (taking into consideration mana issues and probably picking mana leech from Duelist area near Spirit Void).
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:02:08
Nick_T a écrit :
deadmeat9 a écrit :
Nick_T a écrit :
What should I prioritize first? I'm level 67 now.
BoR or Soultaker?
I'm pretty poor in the new league :D
I say BoR. You want to focus and getting max or high block first.
If I use BoR without Soul taker will my sunder be super expensive mana wise?
As stated on previous answer, you just need to spend four points on tree to solve all your mana issues without Soul Taker. Go for Spirit Void area and pick first Mana Leech node and then choose between Life and Mana Leech node or another Mana Leech.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:04:21
PlayArcher a écrit :
So far im started t8-10s maps.
What can i say, the low HP pool is real problem i didnt played max block since incenirate. Some times u getting hit REALLy hard, also -60 chaos is problems sometimes.
Most troubling fight so far was in cemetry (beware poison arrow Skeleton) i was fighting double boss and almost died coz of chaos/poison dmg lost 4.5k hp in 2 shots with 1 second.
From other side kinda good clear speed, and no problems overall, but since Atlas really hard endgame content this will be very hard in t10+ so i even dunno what to do /;
Please check guide update if you find any useful information about solving some of the issues you got so far. I exchange some nodes on tree for more life, 4th ascendancy point changed too and I give some comments on new bosses up to T14.
After playing all maps from T1 to T14 I include a short list of what I found the most troubling ones. Except for them, I found the rest easy to deal with.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:11:20
georgeabg a écrit :
I burn trough 100 chroms trying to get 3R1B on my BOR, so I said fu..it I'll try wild strike... and I have to say that it seem more powerful than sunder or static strike. Right now I'm still on tier 5 maps but I've been having a blast with WS. I saw that you mentioned on the opening post but I haven't seen anyone using it.
Anyway here is what I have so far at 74, I need some better gloves, I want to try some of the new bases.
True that, sometimes getting RRRB on BoR could quite hard, that's why I get used to SS w/ PtL setup so I don't need to chrom BoR for testing other skills and use RRRB all the time.
I tested Wild Strike, but I must say that right now I'm really comfortable with Cleave (having Gratuitous Violence). Works great and damage buff from 2.4 allow me to put some more life on tree.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:14:35
rav3nspirit a écrit :
Hello, thanks very much for this build. I am currently lvl86 at Essence league. I was thinking about Wild strike too and I even bought Doryani's scepter and respecced to maces for a while :D (cuz the 130% inc. elemental damage affects the spells in wild strike), but I just simply hate skills where I have to target mobs... I am currently lvl86 in Essence league and I decided to do some modifications... I run EQ (yeah the meta is stil real) because it feels super responsive and comfortable and I went for the AOE nodes in templar area. Sometimes I play with Ice Crash because it feels overall better than EQ, but it lags my screen and makes it very messy so I dont like it that much. And also I use 310 pDPS axe (until I get better) and Blasphemy+Warlord's mark instead Herald of Ash and I have much more dps than with 260pDPS Sould Taker and HoA... WM gives u enough mana leech for sustain and the 2% life leech and 100% full Endurance charges uptime and more stuns on enemies feel like so much better survavibility. I also run leap slam instead of shield charge because it's much better for jumping over obstacles etc. But I'm thinking about going 2nd curse - Shield charge + curse on hit + vulnerability... could boost damage quite a bit. But so far the dmg is really nice. Highest tier map i cleared was T10 Malformation (+90% IIQ, +30% pack size) without any problems deathless, Piety died within 15 seconds even with the 30% inc dmg, speed, hp for unique boss mod. Well thank you again for this build idea and I can't wait to see if i get this to the endgame and possibly the Shaper himself. (ye I'm the noob who was asking if it's viable to use cyclone with this build few posts ago haha)
Just one consideration that maybe could be helpful: if you spend 4 points and go for two Mana Leech nodes near Spirit Void on Duelist area, you could solve all your mana issues and avoid using Blasphemy + WM. That will allow you to use another aura (AA/HoA) and choosing your curse without the need of getting a +1 additional curse gear.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:21:18
custerstukov a écrit :
Thanks for the answer.
I never want to go full physic, i only want the 40% physic damage from static strike.
Now i can see the monsters bleeding and exploding all around me thanks to Gratuitous Violence, so much fun XD
Also i find "Witchfire Brew Stibnite Flask" and want to try it.
One more time, thanks for all.
Yes, I just change guide and now I put Added Fire Damage as recommended setup for Static Strike. Way better bleed spread for little DPS loss.
I just leave PtL for those who like to try other skills, so anything works with a RRRB BoR.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:24:09
bivike a écrit :
Great build thanks for sharing it with us.
Can you help me? I switched to Aegis Aurora yesterday and im thinking that blood rage must gone with this setup. Do you agree or i will be fine using it with Aegis? Was thinking about switch enfeeble to Poacher's Mark or single frenzy gem to generate frenzy charges. My second question is what's the best setup for generating endurance charges, i saw on guide ur setup RIPOSTE, Melee Splash, Stun, ENDURANCE CHARGE ON MELEE STUN is this best?
Thanks! About Aegis, you're right. You can't use Blood Rage with it because will drain your ES pool completely. I suggest you pick Outmatch and Outlast as your 4th ascendancy point so you could get your FC.
The Blood Dance boots are another option, but loosing life doesn't seem to me the best thing to do.
For EC, yes, I suggest Riposte + Melee Splash. But, if you like to give it a try, you could use Warlord's Mark as your curse to get EC.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:28:55
r1CKBALLIN a écrit :
hi i rarely post, im using your build atm (check my gears) on my 1st duelist , why do you use increased duration in rainbringer helm?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbCgMvxR9T4 in this earthquake video he uses reduced duration, i just tried it and its much more better
I don't use Increased Duration on EQ, makes no sense. EQ setup is:
- EARTHQUAKE + Added Fire Damage + Less Duration + Increased Area of Effect/Concentrated Effect
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:32:13
Nemeria a écrit :
blizaro a écrit :
does anyone know if the explosions from the mobs that gratuitous violence provides hurts you? i feel that it does sometimes
Some mobs have : explosion on death , and it s hurt , GV don t hurts you
Explosions from GV cannot be reflected, so they can't hit you. As wiki states about explosions:
The explosion is neither an attack or a spell, so in particular it is not affected by modifiers to melee. The explosion damage cannot be reflected.
Because of that Volatile mobs or Detonate Dead hits you hard, because can't be blocked either. But thanks to that, GV hit so hard, because mobs cannot evade or block explosions.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:39:06
NumbSchiller a écrit :
Is this build viable for Uber Aziri and/or Shaper?
I never tried Uber Atziri and never will, have no interest on that. At least one did it with legacy BoR, is all I know. Only can say that normal Atziri deathless is easy with this build.
Shaper, well, wasn't able to reach him yet. Right now I made all maps from T1 to T14 included. You can find a brief description about this at the beginning of this guide.
Posté parmas_mariano#3542le 15 sept. 2016 01:43:56