GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Another BIG wall of text bois! GET READY!

Ghostextechnica a écrit :
Hey Ghazzy, any chance you could add what level the gems should be leveled to? (or just let me know if i"m doing anything wrong)?

Enfeeble + blasphemy + clarity is currently reserving 1013 mana and I'm wondering if I should have not leveled something.

Similarly - shield charge at 16 is requiring a lot of strength!

I'm guessing I've screwed up somewhere and leveled gems I shouldn't have.



All gems should be lvld except CWDT / IC they are to be put at a lvl that you feel comfortable using. I prefer LvL 3 with lvl 5 IC for example. As well as Shield Charge not gaining any benefits above lvl 1. :)

Efed a écrit :
Hey Ghazzy! How do you like my idea to use automatic casing curse with Kitava helmet? I know we sacrifece some life but profit is HUGE. I focus on 3rd curse right now, but not shure what is the best way to get it, i like bisco collar amulet so much =) Check this out
Maybe you have advice how to get 100 mana with ed without Fevered mind jewel?


I like the idea but you ll be forced to use Fevered Mind I'm afraid :/
Gear looks straight up solid! :)

DS_DV a écrit :

what are your thoughts about the Clear Mind Cobalt Jewel?
i would have to drop clarity and the blasphemy cures in order to get the 60% spell dmg.

but i feel i have more than enough mana regen and i dont even run Grand Spectrum yet.

maybe u can enlighten me why i should need so much mana regen?

with best +DS_DV+

PS last day i traded a tabula and a corrupted +3 empower ... today i 6liked my first item ever in total with under 50 fusings o.0
now i run empower setup with ed on the Cherrubim's Maleficence Triumphant Lamellar rocks like a charm :)

casting could be a lot faster tho^^


It's not so much about the mana regen as it is about the actual mana pool. It's there to fully sustain the mitigating effect provided by the MoM. Personally I would prefer to have a Curse guaranteed up before I need to do anything hence the Blasphemy. Frenzy charges should help a bit with the cast speed :)

CapitalPunishment a écrit :
Just wanted to say i absolutely LOVE how you (ghazzy) are here answering specific questions on an old thread thats over 100 pages large. Keep it up and keep making builds, answering questions like this is a massive help towards understanding the build better.

You also seem to not care that you are probably answering the same questions over and over, which is great because its so easy to miss stuff already explained in a thread this large.

keep it up!


Cheers bro, though the thread may be old the guide is continuesly getting updated for each big patch and I continue to push to be a pillar of information in the PoE community. I do what I can, it's very nice to hear that my time invested is being appreciated <3

The bigger the threads get the more questions will start to pop back up, I was considering to do a FaQ section but honestly after 20 pages of questions it would simply be too long and since GGG is limiting the ammount of letters I can use in the guide itself it wouldn't fit.

Woots0 a écrit :
Has anyone managed to kill Shaper or any higher level bosses with this build?

A handful of pages back we got confirmed Shaper kill, will add it to the title tbh..
Before the buffs this build recieved a friend called "Killerdamage" killed Uber Atziri and we got confirmed kills of that as well since 3.0. :)

Mortichar a écrit :
Woots0 a écrit :
Has anyone managed to kill Shaper or any higher level bosses with this build?

I leveled this build up to 92, and let me just say that it can kill shaper, and clear all of the content in the game, but you really need to have a 21/20 ED and a lvl 4 empower. Keeping this build budget, it's much better for just general mapping.

Playing this build as LL (probably occultist instead) would be much better for shaper, but slower for mapping.


Alzaraz a écrit :
Sorry if this has been discussed, hard to sort through the 110 pages.

But I'm in a bit of a pickle with my progression. I can do the level 15 maps, but I'm starting to find the damage is really lacking in single target and even sometimes on packs if there is a + life mod in the map.

I have empower level 3 and a + 1 skill Tabula Rasa, all my DPS gems are quality 20 and are either level 19 or 20.

I was considering Death's Oath as Ghazzy notes it provides a DPS bump but I wasn't sure if that was still the case as I'm going to lose the +1 gem from the Tabula Rasa.

Problem though is I'm also starting to find myself a little squishy so also considered going the other direction for sustainability and getting the Cloak of Defiance with he mana gems. However in doing that I'd need to refund mind over matter, so my Mana pool would only soak up 10% of damage vs. 30% so not even sure this is a benefit. Currently I have about 2k unreserved mana and 5800 HP.

I was wondering if anyone has tinkered with some different gear setups and if some suggestions could be had. I see the previous poster mentioned you can clear shaper with a 21/20 Essence Drain gem and level 4 empower, what chest piece were you using and if you were using Cloak of Defiance, what did you do with the 4 skill points you got refunded?


Don't worry about that, after 50 pages I expect people not to browse through them and as an earlier response in this post states, I can't make a FaQ covering everything due to thread size limitations. (WTB MORE ROOM!)

With CoD you still want to take the MoM keystone for the sake of the nodes behind it. Also, the CoD provides you with 10% AS WELL as MoM which means you get 40% MoM effect :)

Some approaches that I would prefer and will most likely tweak when I get time to play this build (Look at the strawpoll explanation further down in this response).
Is to get the Whispers of Doom cluster north of Witch area to run 2x Curses to have both Enfeeble & Vulnerability which also allows for Corruption cluster for some more damage.

Strawpoll explanation:
Basically, I'm not a fulltime streamer, at least not yet. So after every build I play is finished I have a poll up for the viewers to decide which build to do next, in that list of options there are the builds I have yet to update the gameplay footage for, such as this build thread.

gameduku a écrit :
I've been trying out this build and it's fun but I have a very noob question - I set up Cast When Damage Taken with Immortal Call but realised only now that I might not be generating Endurance Charges. What am I missing?

We don't use Endurance Charges and it is a very common missunderstanding of how IC works :)
CWDT + IC will give you the base duration of 0.4 seconds + what ever increased duration you might have on the tree and or linked to it. This means you become practically immortal vs Porcupines exploding in your face as well as Bone Husks, which is the reason we use the setup despite not having Endurance Charges. I use this in almost every build I have :)

Reapeah a écrit :
I am new to the game and this is my first real character.
I have cleared up to some t11/ 12 maps and did the Atziri lvl 70 thing. Atm I am finding the build pretty slow when it comes to farming t10 maps and such as often I am standing there waiting for the enemies to die slowly (it seems it did not scale well into the higher maps as I was able to go fast early on and everything just died)
This slower play style is something I would like to fix, to at least be able to bring in some of the old clear speed. Can someone look over the character and recommend some upgrades that I can pick up? I have around 100C to spend right now.


Your shield doesn't provide any spell damage.
Amulet doesn't provide any spell damage.
You have very low life on both rings & amulet though you got some nice chaos damage on one of your rings!
Allelopathy should be 4L according to the guide to make the single target Blight addition a bit more stable. And the sockets in it should be as the guide describes as the sokcets used in the gloves affects the selfcasted Blight ability for single target.

Sorting those details will help your damage output quiet significantly.

hacktiv a écrit :

I would like to know if my items is ok, i woul like to equip Tabula with empower for increase my dmg. Is it a good idea ? Thx a lot ED's Cult !

Tabula corrupted with +1 is generally my personal prefered way to play this build, though not everyone agrees as it's a matter of taste.

TriGGeredMonkey a écrit :
Reapeah a écrit :
I am new to the game and this is my first real character.
I have cleared up to some t11/ 12 maps and did the Atziri lvl 70 thing. Atm I am finding the build pretty slow when it comes to farming t10 maps and such as often I am standing there waiting for the enemies to die slowly (it seems it did not scale well into the higher maps as I was able to go fast early on and everything just died)
This slower play style is something I would like to fix, to at least be able to bring in some of the old clear speed. Can someone look over the character and recommend some upgrades that I can pick up? I have around 100C to spend right now.

You have a very bad helm, rings and amulet. Shield and Boots could be improved in stats. Forge 4 linked sockets on the gloves, get Bisco's Leash belt for clear speed, get a ring with +chaos dmg, get a helm with Essence drain +40% enchant. And of course, get +maximum life and res on everything. Also consider getting +20% quality on ED and Contagion.

Also good points in this response @Reapeah.

Vorret a écrit :
do you guys have problems with getting interrupted while trying to cast ED? Happens to me all the time... bit annoying and can sometimes be a death sentence

I personally don't have a problem with it, though to avoid connecting stuns you can use the Brine King pantheon. If the first stun is the problem, look to get any of the stun immunity items and/or get Practical Application (north of witch) stun resistance :)

Zelos666 a écrit :
I've been using your build and it's been great. But I feel like I've hit a wall with T13 maps and I'm having major trouble with the bosses.

Not sure what to upgrade next, but here's my equip:

I got 5048 Life and 2085/3637 Mana. Trash mobs are dying very quickly, but I also die very quickly at many of the bosses I've encountered. I wanted to take out Le Heup, but I noticed that I rely on the STR bonus and resistances it gives.

Your life is very low on your gear for the most parts. Outside of that a 6L will help you cover the highest tier of maps. I would look to sort higher life & maintaining good resistances and remove the unique ring.

toren_ a écrit :

hi all, tell me please what can I improve or change in the build? give advice: D


Well... this is a Low Life version of the build and goes way beyond what the guide describes. So I'll give a few quick pointers after taking a brief look at it:
Bated Breath can be changed for a proper crystal belt for better survival and/or Bisco's Leash for higher clear speed if you feel the need.

Chaos DMG craft on rings are favourable.
Sexy ass dagger <3
Shield can have plenty more ES as well as spell damage tbh without costing too much currency to arrange.
I honestly wouldn't bother the duration cluster for the build on the tree, I'd much rather look towards dmg or more ES.
Do Consider picking up both Heart & Soul as well as Cruel Preparation life nodes above the witch starter area and get the jewel slot for a Energy From Within Jewel in there for a big boost in ES. It does feel like you have around 6-7k ES with your current setup, possibly a bit more due to pressence?

paranoiah a écrit :
thanks for the reply, yea i changed up my gear quite a lot and now im at the point where i am thinking about an rare corrupted amulet with the extra curse mod.

sooo, my current amulet has 30% spell damage, life and res. if i get me a extra curse amulet with just life and res (which are already at around 200c), how much will the difference be? i mean, 30% spell damage vs lvl 21 vulnerability.

cheers, para

It's not much and I had that idea first till I saw the prices... It simply isn't worth the investment.

Efed a écrit :
paranoiah a écrit :
thanks for the reply, yea i changed up my gear quite a lot and now im at the point where i am thinking about an rare corrupted amulet with the extra curse mod.

sooo, my current amulet has 30% spell damage, life and res. if i get me a extra curse amulet with just life and res (which are already at around 200c), how much will the difference be? i mean, 30% spell damage vs lvl 21 vulnerability.

cheers, para

You can check it youself. Just remove and watch numbers. Its around 3% in total damage.


DullahX a écrit :
Hey and thanks for this guide.

Can you give a little advice on how to spend points after level 92 ? 2nd curse or more chaos dmg ?

for the previous posters, i have a 5L chest with lvl 18 20% gems/ 24k tooltip dps in hideout, and i have no trouble killing bosses or clearing maps.

Something is strange


My pleasure bro!
2nd Curse is the most favourable tweak, then it's more damage (compare with a proper dmg jewel and see which one you'd benefit from the most as Jewels are favourable as well after the 2nd curse).
Maybe someone can help clear this up for me, but why is Empower Lv 3 considered superior to Decay Support and Efficacy Support? From looking at the numbers alone, Decay gives 675 Chaos Damage per Second at level 20, and Empower LV 3 only gives an additional 307 Chaos Damage/Sec from level 20 to 22 Essence Drain. So wouldn't Decay be superior? All I can think of is that all the multipliers apply to ED and not the Decay. And if I'm going five link, should I link Efficacy first or Empower LV 3 if I already have the currency for it? Thanks!!!
DrKatz11 a écrit :
Maybe someone can help clear this up for me, but why is Empower Lv 3 considered superior to Decay Support and Efficacy Support? From looking at the numbers alone, Decay gives 675 Chaos Damage per Second at level 20, and Empower LV 3 only gives an additional 307 Chaos Damage/Sec from level 20 to 22 Essence Drain. So wouldn't Decay be superior? All I can think of is that all the multipliers apply to ED and not the Decay. And if I'm going five link, should I link Efficacy first or Empower LV 3 if I already have the currency for it? Thanks!!!

Did you max lvl gems?

For me empower is the difference between 36k dmg/sec to 46k dmg/sec

Dernière édition par NekoChester#1935, le 11 sept. 2017 09:54:24
Which gives higher dps, +1 tabula or non corrupt 6l cherrubims? By how much does the higher option increase dps?
Dernière édition par potato321#3216, le 11 sept. 2017 10:03:24
I'm actually doing t15 maps and i must say i find Allelopathy / Blight pretty uselees right now. Bosses on this tier will not allow you to play static. You must move so you can't use it without a totem. Using a totem the damage burst is pretty small and i don't think is worth to use it there instead of wither. And for map clearing Blight has no use.

Blight was pretty nice until tier 13-14 maps and also with Apex/Atziri runs. But now i feel i could get more value with another gloves and a different gem setup.

Anyone on my same situation? doing t15 and has begun to think to replace Allelopathy? Thoughts?
Dernière édition par NekoChester#1935, le 11 sept. 2017 10:04:44

normal :d on auras
NekoChester a écrit :
DrKatz11 a écrit :
Maybe someone can help clear this up for me, but why is Empower Lv 3 considered superior to Decay Support and Efficacy Support? From looking at the numbers alone, Decay gives 675 Chaos Damage per Second at level 20, and Empower LV 3 only gives an additional 307 Chaos Damage/Sec from level 20 to 22 Essence Drain. So wouldn't Decay be superior? All I can think of is that all the multipliers apply to ED and not the Decay. And if I'm going five link, should I link Efficacy first or Empower LV 3 if I already have the currency for it? Thanks!!!

Did you max lvl gems?

For me empower is the difference between 36k dmg/sec to 46k dmg/sec

I haven't actually maxed the gems or tested this out, I just wanted to understand the mechanisms behind it. Part of it is that I have a 5L Cherrubim's with one red socket, and I'm wondering if I should keep it red and use Empower LV 3 or swap it out for Efficacy Support instead and save Empower for when it's 6-linked. Thoughts?
NekoChester a écrit :
I'm actually doing t15 maps and i must say i find Allelopathy / Blight pretty uselees right now. Bosses on this tier will not allow you to play static. You must move so you can't use it without a totem. Using a totem the damage burst is pretty small and i don't think is worth to use it there instead of wither. And for map clearing Blight has no use.

Blight was pretty nice until tier 13-14 maps and also with Apex/Atziri runs. But now i feel i could get more value with another gloves and a different gem setup.

Anyone on my same situation? doing t15 and has begun to think to replace Allelopathy? Thoughts?

Depend on the user. For me, blight skill really help me to kill the boss faster and provided additional slow debuff when killing boss. In fact, blight skill really help me to do corrupt hydra map deathless.
Amanzel a écrit :
NekoChester a écrit :
I'm actually doing t15 maps and i must say i find Allelopathy / Blight pretty uselees right now. Bosses on this tier will not allow you to play static. You must move so you can't use it without a totem. Using a totem the damage burst is pretty small and i don't think is worth to use it there instead of wither. And for map clearing Blight has no use.

Blight was pretty nice until tier 13-14 maps and also with Apex/Atziri runs. But now i feel i could get more value with another gloves and a different gem setup.

Anyone on my same situation? doing t15 and has begun to think to replace Allelopathy? Thoughts?

Depend on the user. For me, blight skill really help me to kill the boss faster and provided additional slow debuff when killing boss. In fact, blight skill really help me to do corrupt hydra map deathless.

Thanks for the reply. Do you use totem support with blight?

Could you post your setup?
Dernière édition par NekoChester#1935, le 11 sept. 2017 11:18:50
I have no idea about anything on ED builds, but why does the poeplanner only show like 3 pieces of equipment? The build looks amazing but I have no clue what to do gear wise.


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