[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" yes, thank you! (\ /) ( . .)♥ c(”)(”) |
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Is this belt good or is the lack of life and res a problem?
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" You nailed it. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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Not sure if I just got bitten by some good RNG or if the change to maps now getting IIR on the rolls is that big a difference.
More or less finished the build 1h ago. I still have about 8 more levels I want to get (currently 84), a Carcass Jack, tweak some gear and jewels, but in terms of MF in a 5L, I'm basically done. 10 chaos in recipes, 5 raw chaos drops, 3 vaal orbs, 4 fusings, a 6S drop, a GCP, two divination cards (both Gamblers), and about 25 chromes or so. Didn't track the alts I made, guessing about 40-60. In other words, I'm doing slightly better than 0.5ex/hr. And I still don't have IIR in the 6L, just culling with FT. 16/230. Very interesting. Immediate payoff, too. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Dernière édition par Serleth#4392, le 15 juil. 2015 04:26:42
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" GZ on finishing it ser! | |
" Nice nice, tho I'm not anywhere close atm. Got a 5L +1 bow level bow and some MF rares, nothing spectacular, lvl 62. At 64 I'll be done with 3 chaos clusters and starting on frenzies + transitioning to the rest of nodes. But item-wise, this is a nightmare. I cannot afford Goldwyrm or Andy's yet, still need to beat act 3 (which will be easy, but still) and then mapping begins. I can only hope that mapping will up my income, else the price-levels kill my motivation. And got unlucky, someone sold a +3 bow for 3 chaos, but it got sniped from someone before I had a chance.. Was it like that for you too, Ser? Pre-Mapping stuff just doesn't roll in currency that much? I'm at 0/109 through rares (both rings are non-MF yet) IGN: WildTortillaFart Dernière édition par Chronodroid#6060, le 15 juil. 2015 06:42:03
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" Yes, it was like that for me too. You shouldn't expect to be "rolling in the currency," so much as just getting a slow but steady stream. 0/109 is doing well for your level. At this point you should be getting somewhat consistent chaos recipes. The key early on is twofold: a) Make sure you're constantly maintaining your shop. I can't provide screens at the moment, but I have b/o tabs from 1-10 chaos, then an 11+ chaos tab. I price things to sell. Even if I know something is worth 15 chaos, I'll price it at 10. If something hasn't sold in 24-48 hours, I drop the price further. This way you keep a steady income coming from your shop, even if it's only selling 2-3 chaos items, all you need to do is sell 10 of them and you have an exalt. b) Currency conversion. Invest absolutely as little as humanly possible on your gear. Convert everything not critical to rolling your gear (jewellers, fuse, chromes) to chaos. Got 10 alcs? Make them 5 chaos. Got 20 chisels? Sell them for 5 chaos. Even if all you do is part B, the first Andvarius will happen fairly quickly. From there, it starts to take off. From Friday-Monday I was barely making any cash. I had a few decent sales here and there over time. These first sales and my first few chaos recipes, as well as converting some alcs to chaos, got me the first Andvarius. Recipes picked up a bit. By level 73 or so, I had about 35 chaos, 10 regret, and a mixed bag of other currency. I converted most of the chaos to exalt, had another exalt worth of fusings, then the regrets/alcs made up the last of 3 exalts I used to buy the +3 bow. My clear speed went up from there. Which raked in more currency. Then I got Goldwyrm. That was the end of last night. Next thing I know, today I drop and sell Kaom's Roots, a 6L chest, about another 2ex worth of decent rares. Fully geared. Was it a bit of RNG? Sure, that 6L was a godsend. But you'd be surprised how quickly even a bit of extra MF can scale that RNG. Persevere. It will come. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Dernière édition par Serleth#4392, le 15 juil. 2015 07:02:15
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Thank you for the details!
I use Acquisition and price ingame-tabs with 1c, 3c, 5c and 10c, plus a 'Highlight' tab similar to your 11+ tab, pricings are individual there. Updating from time to time, but I'm not able to play more than 1-2 hours before I have to logoff again, which is a main reason for low sells. I used up some alts to roll a damn bow I'll only use for some levels, bad return: Then yes, now I can (finally) do chaos recipe, this is the thing netting me most currency in the coming days I guess. The random sell rare / jewel is too few to rely on, plus much better gear is available from those players who could play lots of time in the past days where I couldn't. Sometimes I barely dare to re-check this thread, overnight everyone plus their grandma swims in +3 bows and the highly priced MF gear haha :D Well yeah, will get along I'm sure, do you by chance sell your old +2 bow? IGN: WildTortillaFart Dernière édition par Chronodroid#6060, le 15 juil. 2015 07:21:19
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" First, that bow's totally fine. It allows you to invest in an Empower earlier if you want. Yeah, not being able to stick around long enough to get consistent sales hurts, but it won't stop you. For every increase in MF you add, you are accelerating the process towards gearing. More MF = more rares = more alts = more cash = more sales (when you can make them). The build pays for itself very quickly. I had a friend give up on it, which just blew my mind completely. He already had a +2 bow and one Andvarius ring. If he kept playing with it instead of selling the Andvarius and re-rolling, he'd have a second Andvarius and Goldwyrm by now, at least. I already sold my +2 bow to help fund the first Andvarius I purchased. Your bow will do fine though. With Empower, it's equivalent to a +2 bow. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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M8, i dont wanna be the douche bag here but your thread (aesthetically speaking) looks downright awful. Would you mind fixing that up? Tidy up a bit so at first glace i dont go, NOPE.
For example, no one here needs to know what did what in patch 1.0.6. We are in 2.0 anything regarding 1.3 or whatever patch that is not in the current, take it off. too much irrelevant info to process. Dernière édition par gtrans#4236, le 15 juil. 2015 07:47:13
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