[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
Sorry i'm just retarded i missed this leveling path there is everything i need. I'm sorry for the trouble.
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" You're not retarded... And again - sorry for the bad attitude on my part. Just kind of pissed off (not at you but at other things) atm - this is a great build, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. |
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" PoE never was, it isn't and it'll never be fully or perfectly balanced. Or close to that. The game has grown in complexity over the years and this trend will (have to) continue. The more complex the game gets the harder it will be to get balanced, no matter how "bright" the devs behind it are. We'll just be lucky if they don't make stupid childish rookie mistakes anymore, like kalandra+eternal etc was. And speaking about "bright" devs, kalandra is still in the game, go figure ;) |
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" Good point about the T5 vs T10, I think this is likely due to the difference of gear I have in standard (6L +3) vs the gear I use in challenge leagues (5L +2). So for me it still feels fast at clear speed up to the T10 range. User experience will very. " Thanks. And Congratulations are in order for your completing 40 as well! |
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" Thanks! |
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" There are so many skills and combinations of those skills and uniques and passive trees... Yes, I agree that POE cannot possibly be totally balanced - maybe it could be mostly balanced. But then again, maybe that's part of the fun - finding a really strong build, far better than most others. Still... Channeled skills - most likely including the new channeled skills - really need some work - sit in place to do decent damage and die - or move around and do sub-standard damage. I'm afraid that the "sit in place" mechanic will be the undoing of these new channeled skills - we'll see though. |
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Spoilered this cuz it's OT and ranty about PoE's current balance
There was a post on reddit to this effect regarding channeled skills.
To that, I point to Yoji's FB Elementalist. Perfectly capable of doing the Shaper in HC. FB itself was ranked #7 in skills used by players level 90+ in HC. I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid, particularly when it comes to elemental status ailments and poison. However, it's been stated by Chris that poison double-dipping is going to be addressed significantly, they're just trying to get it right so that alternative methods will still scale fairly. See the CoC nerf as something of an example, although a quick glance at a Twinned Core run indicates it probably still isn't where it should be, there's a few points that need to be made here. a) Freeze will never see the same mechanics as ignite/poison, although shock *should.* For freeze, the answer is simple: you can't completely trivialize a boss fight to the point where they deal literally no damage, ever. b) GGG has been on record (in some podcast) that not all skills are created equal. There will always be power disparity and some skills will always be more powerful. That said, I agree, I don't think the balance is anywhere near where it needs to be when literally any poison build and BV are the top two mechanics to do anything, followed shortly by EA and CoC builds. Where does that leave the rest of melee (which is another argument about balance in and of itself)? Or Elemental Hit? How come you have to put in hundreds of exalts worth of work in order to make some abilities even compete with these four setups? As for melee, it needs a full scale overhaul. Take a look at the majority of spells and projectile attack builds: * For any projectile-based skill, attack or spell, you have the GMP/LMP swap. With a few exceptions (Flameblast, Rain of Arrows, Blast Rain, etc), which have a VERY similar swap mechanic: AoE for Conc Effect. * Now, outside of a few skills (Earthquake, Cyclone, Ice Crash, Reave, Lacerate and the black sheep Lightning / Wild Strike / Molten Strike), you're forced to use Melee Splash if you want to generate AoE coverage, which relegates your swap gems to either Fortify, which you're probably already using as your 6L, or Added Fire / WED (which, build dependent, you're probably already running one OR it doesn't benefit you). Guess what? Your single-target option is relegated to removing Melee Splash and running a 5L, unless you're fortunate enough to be running a 2H build and can afford two 6Ls. The mechanical design disparity makes no sense to me, how some melee skills have AoE inherently built in while others don't, and any argument about how these skills require splash because they're leveling skills is just BS. And sure, there's the odd spell/ranged attack you could make that argument for, but you're still running the AoE/Conc swap no matter what. And how does Increased Area of Effect get away without having a Less Damage modifier on it like LMP/GMP/Melee Splash? Their design philosophy inherently punishes you as melee for not running one of a small set of skills with AoE built into the skill itself, particularly when the black sheep options that are built weird AoE generation (Lit/Wild/Molten Strike) are simply ineffective in their power by comparison. Again, just like with poison double-dipping (which is confirmed getting nerfed, just a matter of doing it right), melee has been promised a significant rework. But unless it's giving all melee skills built-in AoE and removing Splash as a mechanic from the game, it's a failure from the get. You will never see Dual Strike or Double Strike, etc., reach the same level as a small set of melee skills. Now. While I'm definitely aggravated that melee's just had the short end of the stick for a long time, for a lot of reasons (I haven't even argued why its generally pointless due to the defensive mechanic issues in this game [I'm looking at you, armour & evasion]), I will say this: Ranged attacks need a rework, too. Unless you feel like being quirky, you're shooting yourself in the foot by not doing Tornado Shot, Lightning Arrow or Explosive Arrow. And this doesn't even touch on relatively useless spells like Ice/Shock Nova, Artic Breath as a self-cast skill, etc. I get that not all skills should necessarily be brought up to the exact same potency, but there's a massive problem when Blade Vortex, CoC, Explosive Arrow and poison make you feel punished by trying to play another skill. No, maybe I shouldn't be able to melt the Shaper that quickly with Firestorm, but goddamnit I should at least be competitive with whatever I want to play, regardless of playstyle or defensive mechanic. There's a reason you don't see me in the game that much anymore after I complete the challenges per league. Because theorycrafting is basically just a game of trying to catch up to Blade Vortex CI, failing miserably and questioning why not BV CI. Then I go play Overwatch until the next patch. When it gets to the point where this sort of commment is the general consensus of the community: " There's a fucking problem. It's gotten so bad that Niffler just released a video showcasing the Top Three meta builds, which afaik nobody has ever done in the history of PoE. Because at least there was some semblance of diversity until the past year or so. Surprises? Nope. Ancestral Warchief, BV CI, Barrage poison, and CoC Cospri's with the honourable mention. As it's pretty much been since the Awakening (minus Warchief, as its new, but that will probably continue if/until other skills get competitive). And that's my problem. Back when Flameblast was the meta, you had a plethora of skills that were competitive with it. Maybe not AT the same level as Flameblast, but at least competitive WITH it. I ran a CI dual striker with a paltry 6K ES that was able to compete because I could get it up to 200k damage and melt bosses. Sure, it required a hefty investment to get doing, but at least it COULD compete. Now? That same build struggles to get 150k while powercreep continued on elsewhere. I have to invest the same amount, to get less damage, while other builds got even more powerful than Flameblast was, for cheaper. It's like in the midst of trying to make the game more accessible, GGG's decided balance could take a backburner. I really hope there's a drastic rework of skills in general coming by the time Act 5 is released, or quite frankly this game might not retain my interest for much longer. I'm tired of being punished for wanting to do skills that aren't in the top 3 of the metagame. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Dernière édition par Serleth#4392, le 12 nov. 2016 13:26:25
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" Imo its always been like this since i started playing in 1.1, the main difference has been price of the op builds vs now. Also coc is pretty gutted outside of cospris malice and vortex burn builds so in essence ggg just put a bigger price tag on it, removed diversity of spells used with it and ruined a lot of vagan daggers. |
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Hi guys.
I have question what is the better: Buy 6link item or jeweller & fusing? I'am worry for bet RNG. Best Regards |
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"Depends. Given that you can buy a 6L bow in the current league for 40c, it's definitely cheaper to buy one than try to 6L it. Even if you are looking for one of the movement speed bows - a steelwood 6L is only 2ex, which is ~310 fusing at current rates. On average, it should take you many more fusings than that to 6L one from scratch. Hell, even Maraketh's can be picked up off the market for about the same. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. Dernière édition par grimjack68#6087, le 13 nov. 2016 04:19:19
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