[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
Xiaoyen a écrit :
In a rut at the moment. Moloch had to help out on Vaal, which means my gear isn't up to snuff yet. Currently at Level 61, not sure what to upgrade next (may need a faster weapon, but this axe from Moloch gives a VERY nice damage plus).
Current gear setup and gem setup (note: I am levelling some gems so I can use them later if needed)
I have almost capped all resists (by leaving chaos at -60) so I may skip on using Purity now and may opt for another aura. Evasion/Haste/Anger/Wrath? (not sure if I have an evasion gem stashed somewhere). Those auras will be underlevelled though, but not too much of a hassle to bring them up to a viable level.
How can you survive at all? almost no gear has +life?
And with 4% mana leech from gear, change mana leech gem to your faster attack gem.
Your shield sucks (atleast no life, and missing 7-800 evasive/armour value) sure if you must have tripple resists i get it, but else i would change the shield asap to anything with 1k+ armor/evasive and try to find resists in other places. with all our node-bonues for shields it is one of our key items for massive armor/evasive/ES.
having a helm that gives 80-90life is huge, sure its a pain to 4L if needed. Same goes for your shoes. and the rings could easy have 50+ life each... so i reckon you are missing 200base life before all hp% nodes it is a massive loss i think that you dont have all that life. Yeah resists are good up to a point. But if you have just 1k hp 75% resists can only help you so far compaired to having 2-2.5k.
Guess you have no weapon/armor scraps left, since 200more armor on the chest would help a bit. and same goes for 20% more physical damage from weapon scraps.
finding a 50% fire resist ring with 50+ life, same goes for cold/lightning, you can have 1defensive ring to change too depending on the area you are entering... not all areas do all 3 damage types
How can you survive at all? almost no gear has +life?
XD Good question. I am asking that myself sometimes. Anarchy isn't has painful as Ons/HC so I guess I am getting by. I could not get past Vaal Oversoul if that's your question. Molochmane had to help me out.
Hierokliff a écrit :
And with 4% mana leech from gear, change mana leech gem to your faster attack gem.
Your shield sucks (atleast no life, and missing 7-800 evasive/armour value) sure if you must have tripple resists i get it, but else i would change the shield asap to anything with 1k+ armor/evasive and try to find resists in other places. with all our node-bonues for shields it is one of our key items for massive armor/evasive/ES.
having a helm that gives 80-90life is huge, sure its a pain to 4L if needed. Same goes for your shoes. and the rings could easy have 50+ life each... so i reckon you are missing 200base life before all hp% nodes it is a massive loss i think that you dont have all that life. Yeah resists are good up to a point. But if you have just 1k hp 75% resists can only help you so far compaired to having 2-2.5k.
Guess you have no weapon/armor scraps left, since 200more armor on the chest would help a bit. and same goes for 20% more physical damage from weapon scraps.
finding a 50% fire resist ring with 50+ life, same goes for cold/lightning, you can have 1defensive ring to change too depending on the area you are entering... not all areas do all 3 damage types
Hmm... Very well noted. Guess I gotta do an almost full gear overhaul then. Gonna aim for extra armor and added hp mods then. Thanks for the feedback Hiero lol.
Next question: Should I wait for lvl 70+ whites before crafting or should I do it with lvl 60+ whites?
How can you survive at all? almost no gear has +life?
XD Good question. I am asking that myself sometimes. Anarchy isn't has painful as Ons/HC so I guess I am getting by. I could not get past Vaal Oversoul if that's your question. Molochmane had to help me out.
Hierokliff a écrit :
And with 4% mana leech from gear, change mana leech gem to your faster attack gem.
Your shield sucks (atleast no life, and missing 7-800 evasive/armour value) sure if you must have tripple resists i get it, but else i would change the shield asap to anything with 1k+ armor/evasive and try to find resists in other places. with all our node-bonues for shields it is one of our key items for massive armor/evasive/ES.
Hmm... Very well noted. Guess I gotta do an almost full gear overhaul then. Gonna aim for extra armor and added hp mods then. Thanks for the feedback Hiero lol.
Next question: Should I wait for lvl 70+ whites before crafting or should I do it with lvl 60+ whites?
If you can farm exp/drops i wouldnt change much more then finding a decent EVA shield and 3 cheap rings with resists+life. i like drops alot so i dont craft much, nor trade much. There are useally cheap items in sales unless you feel they must have all at once. atm ive traded down some blocking for higher eva, hoping to find a better shield asap but atm losing 6% block is worth having 1k EVA on the shield. The shield gets me to almost 45% evasion alone, think its a good trade off for 6% lower block...
dont go nuts and change all, tweak a bit here and there...
hmm damned thought the gems in the chest would be linked in also. using reave+multistrike+faster attacks+melee+melee on full life
I don't use hatred atm, i use haste as my offensive aura, trying to go all out on attackspeed for a test. reave benefits alot on fast attacks, the range is pretty good after 8 hits. having each attack within 0.14-0.15s is fun and great. Just wish my faster attacks was Q20%. And since i dont need to hit anything in melee after ive got reave started, i can just hold down shift and it clears the screen with the increased range from 8 reaves.
Also trying to use shield charge+melee physical damage+stun, it is great for annoying tripplefire voidbringers. charge in, hit reave until its dead, because its stunned for a long time. not sure if stun is better or worse then getting a melee on full life...
Atleast i dont get soooooooo angry anymore when i die...
The gems did show up just not in my quote for some reason.
I think it's a nice gem combo, especially if your max block + maybe spellblock keeps you from getting hit too often to ruin the damage on full life.
I agree speed is great. I have a fast enough attack speed though, so I went with Hatred for the damage and defensive aspect of chilling monsters.
I'm guessing Reave + Melee Physical somehow does more aoe dps than Infernal Blow + Melee Splash, but that's hard to tell.
Thanks to: my attack time with Reave is 0.15s, so I get full stacks almost instantly.
Very nice sword at 286 DPS. Looks pretty ideal for Reave to me.
Reave + Melee Physical Damage support would have a larger damage percentage boost (125%) than IB + Splash (102%). All at level 20 for comparison's sake. But there is no explosion with Reave so really hard to compare.
Next question: Should I wait for lvl 70+ whites before crafting or should I do it with lvl 60+ whites?
For the record, I starting crafting with level 59-63 items.
Here's the base items that I suggest:
Ezomyte Burgonet or Royal Burgonet or Pig Faced Bascinet
Astral Plate
Vaal Gauntlets
Vaal Greaves or Hydrascale Boots
Vaal Buckler or Corrugated Buckler
Everything should have life on it. After that, armour and evasion, then resists distant third (Purity will make up the gap). Run speed on boots.
Don't forget instant healing hallowed life flasks. You want at least two. These can be made by saving up flasks you don't need that have quality then turning in 40 quality at a time for glassblower's. Then use four glassblower's on a white hallowed flask. Then, you use a transmutation then alteration until you get seething or bubbling.
It's fine. I think it's at least as good as cleave, but a lot more fun.
If one happens to have a sword/claw/dagger with at least as good DPS as their axe, then go for it. :) Consider heavy strike as well for single targets.
Me, I'm sticking with heavy strike + multistrike (which alternates between adjacent targets) for now as I don't have a decent claw / dagger / sword. That could change in the future.
I love it, think its a bit to good so guess it will be adjusted somehow. I do train up lightningstrike and heavystrike on my extra weapons. Did get to level 64 so could finally stop use my level 38 sword to get out my shiny sword. In pure stats my dps did drop 5% when i switched to the elemental weapon. But my killspeed is alot higher, either mobs have higher physical resists then elemental or chaos damage bypasses all resists? I kill so fast so i've dropped all defensive auras, which feels nuts :-) did get haste+hatred+anger instead
hmm damned thought the gems in the chest would be linked in also. using reave+multistrike+faster attacks+melee+melee on full life
I don't use hatred atm, i use haste as my offensive aura, trying to go all out on attackspeed
Atleast i dont get soooooooo angry anymore when i die...
The gems did show up just not in my quote for some reason.
I think it's a nice gem combo, especially if your max block + maybe spellblock keeps you from getting hit too often to ruin the damage on full life.
I agree speed is great. I have a fast enough attack speed though, so I went with Hatred for the damage and defensive aspect of chilling monsters.
Ive got 200 ES, and it mostly enough to keep me at full hp with 45% EVA and atm only 65% block. My gear gives me 5% life leech, and with 6attacks/second i guess iam too slow to notice that i take damage...thinking of using that Aegis unique shield that gives 4% armor to ES after each block, but 7exalted is nuts for a test...