When you are looking, make sure you check for "(implicit) #% chance to block" or "(implicit) #% chance to block spells"
Here's a search for block in standard:
And this is spell block:
Running heists fully zoomed in... because
taylangur a écrit :
Should I just buy some amulets and Vaal them until I get it?
Nope, that would cost so much more than just buying one. They cost like 10 chaos.
Posté parSovyn#2637le 25 août 2017 12:15:23
Thanks for the build & your support. Just start playing POE first time & leveled 88 with this build. Have had some issues here and there, but for first char it's ok this far.
Think this already discussed, but serching the thread for pantheon info give nothing. What's prefered gods minor/major for overall T10-T15 map runs or at least what's really good for this build? Reading them over and over agian still can't chose the best.
Dernière édition par rnkot#1444, le 28 août 2017 08:27:37
Posté parrnkot#1444le 28 août 2017 02:45:16
rnkot a écrit :
Thanks for the build & your support. Just start playing POE first time & leveled 88 with this build. Have had some issues here and there, but for first char it's ok this far.
Think this already discussed, but serching the thread for pantheon info give nothing. What's prefered gods minor/major for overall T10-T15 map runs or at least what's really good for this build? Reading them over and over agian still can't chose the best.
Well, for your first character ever, I would say making it to level 88 is a fabulous success, congrats.
I would say that the soul of solaris is slightly better for us in most situations than the other major gods.
Minor ones, upgraded Soul of Gruthkul unless you use ice crash, then you want the Soul of Yugul and don't upgrade it.
Posté parSovyn#2637le 28 août 2017 19:32:12
Was looking primary for same choices. Used Soul of Tukohama as minor one, but considering how mobile you are with Whirling Blades & ranged damage from Blade Flurry, think it wasn't effective one.
Why not updating Soul of Yugul with "5% reduced Cold Damage taken if you've been Hit Recently" what's the point?
Reread the guide & found that missed Enfeeble completly! Updating futher
Posté parrnkot#1444le 29 août 2017 02:09:20
rnkot a écrit :
Why not updating Soul of Yugul with "5% reduced Cold Damage taken if you've been Hit Recently" what's the point?
Assuming you get both effects after upgrading rather than replacing the effect, it's fine to upgrade.
Dernière édition par Sovyn#2637, le 29 août 2017 12:01:27
Posté parSovyn#2637le 29 août 2017 11:56:15
Hi Sovyn.
Been following your build and enjoying it so far.
What masters would you recommend levelling first?
Posté parZeeshka#4340le 30 août 2017 06:09:49
Sovyn a écrit :
Sure. The duelist gladiator gets the spell block ascendancy node, so you don't have to try and find or craft spell block gear. Tradeoff, he won't get the strong elemental crits. Might be actually a little better to just use RT for him. The build is pretty much the same other than that.
Most of the new supports don't appear to be better than the old standard options. Ruthless does look good, but damage wouldn't be consistent. Try instead of added fire or faster attacks, which are usually the weaker supports.
You can build him with crit - but I would build him pure physical beause of missing elemental piercing.
BF - increased melee - increased melee on full life if using aegis - brutality - maim - ruthless
give all strong physical damage multiplier. Ruthless gives stuns for a bit of crowd control. With a sword as a good crit weapon due to the easy reachable sword cluster you can build the gladiator variant of the lazy paladin.
Auras can be choosen as blasphemie auras or grace for defense, since we don't specialize in elemental damage.
Posté parLlyrain#5646le 30 août 2017 08:01:25
Zeeshka a écrit :
Hi Sovyn.
Been following your build and enjoying it so far.
What masters would you recommend levelling first?
I would get Vorici and Haku first, then Elreon, Zana, Vagan, Tora. Roughly in that order.
Posté parSovyn#2637le 30 août 2017 13:29:40
Sovyn a écrit :
CelticHound a écrit :
Sovyn a écrit :
The endgame theoretical damage will be lower, but a duelist is probably better for solo self found mode.
Hi Sovyn. Could you comment on why you'd think the duelist would be better for solo self-found?
Also, any thoughts on the new supports? For example, Ruthless, which the marauder gets in the Twilight Strand now.
Sure. The duelist gladiator gets the spell block ascendancy node, so you don't have to try and find or craft spell block gear. Tradeoff, he won't get the strong elemental crits. Might be actually a little better to just use RT for him. The build is pretty much the same other than that.
Most of the new supports don't appear to be better than the old standard options. Ruthless does look good, but damage wouldn't be consistent. Try instead of added fire or faster attacks, which are usually the weaker supports.
Thanks for the reply - I finally found what you'd written about a gladiator build back on page 634. (I wish this forum had search-in-thread.)
Just so I can find it again, here's what Sovyn wrote earlier:
Sovyn a écrit :
Mephos a écrit :
may I ask if the build would also work out if I use duelist gladiator for 100% block to spellblock conversion. it would save me some items but I´m not sure if I will get the same dmg numbers as in your guide.
You can, yes. The build ends up being a bit different, mostly because you may end up leaning toward resolute technique since just getting the crit nodes without Inquisitor is not as juicy. Obviously you can use non-spellblock amulet and boot options which is a minor difference too. The end result will be about the same, maybe a little less gear dependent for solo self-found (SSF). For non-SSF / regular game, the spell block items are common and inexpensive so that would be a very minor thing. Overall clear speed may be a little bit slower than the build with Inquisitor/crits, but it will still be good. The skill tree would be quite similar. Something like this.
I'm trying a physical/bleed based variant - we'll see if I run out of steam.
Running heists fully zoomed in... because