[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" Won't you lose a lot of link potential though? Btw noob question: Can you re-fuse a unique for more sockets? |
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You won't loose potential damage on your main attack if you use The Bringer of Rain. It's a 4L piece, but gems on it are supported by a 18? Melee Physical Damage + Faster Attack + Blind As a previous post stated, it's like having a 7L item, but three gems on it are fixed in skill, level and quality. Life is good enough and armour/evasion too. Of course you can have an extraordinary chest with 6L and enormous armour/evasion. But that would cost further than The bringer of rain. Only point I'd say it lacks is that it has no elemental resistance. I think it's 3 exalted now. Yes, you can tweak your unique items same way as rares. Jewels, fusing and chromatic are welcome. The only items you can tweak with that orbs are those who were mirrored. Using a Mirror of Kalandra you create a copy of another item, that copy can't be modified with such orbs. IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain) |
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" Thank you Sovyn. Sure you can run both on end game. But what I wanted to point is that you probably shouldn't try to run both while levelling. It'd hurts you more than help. Even on end game, maybe you decide to don't run both, it depends on your stats. Quick numbers based on my actual stats: level 75, 51% chance to evade with Grace, 17% physical reduction without Determination, 2.8k life no aura maintained on life. Let's assume all gems are level 17. I could move Grace to life and start using Determination on mana. Grace would reserve over 288 life, that's 10% of my total life. Determination would give me 48% more armour points . Let's image it boost my physical damage taken from 17% to 25%. I am not willing to trade 10% my life for 8% physical reduction. Same would result when I think on Anger or Wrath. My elemental damage boost is quite low, and my dps is good; I won't trade life to a few dps. Of course what applies to my character won't fit on others. I can think on those guys having over 30% physical reduction, probably they would prefer running Determination instead of Grace. Should they run Grace on life?. It depends on their life, evasion, block chances and preferences. If they are capped on block, probably they think it's not a great deal trading 10% life versus having 10% more chance to evade (imaginated numbers). Hope this helps to understand my point of view IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain) |
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" Thanks Kaho. Looks good then as we gain quite a bit of resistance from passives, and generally rings will give good resistance. If needed then I can tweak 3 different rings depending on the area I am in. Not a big hassle for the gain I guess. Ermm... So if we use Mirror, we can't modify the the copy, but we can modify the original all we want? " Cuz that confuses me lol |
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Sorry, my bad. I mostly typed from phone and it's a pain to review my post, sometimes I notice errors on my own post but decide not edit them because it's quite difficult using a phone.
You guessed what I wanted to say. You can modify the original item as much times as you want, it's the mirrored item the only one you can't modify. People who offer their items to be mirrored, ask for Mirror of Kalandra, some exalted as a fee and tons of chromatics, so they could change the colours on the original to fit to the buyer needs, mirror it and turn the original back to its starting colours - fits the vendor needs-. I have no idea about how much a Mirror of Kalandra worths. I think it was over 30 exalted, in case you find someone interested in selling it. Maybe it's value has dropped after the addition of the latest orb; can't remember it's name, I mean the one that backup an item. IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain) |
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This build has been great for me, my most successful Character so far :D (just got into Merciless) I'm new to the forums and can't quite organise everything properly so gonna hide the full post so that it doesn't take up the entire screen ^_^ Any tips would be nice as I'm still new to the game. Well, new-ish, but this game is very complicated what with having to find the right items with the right sockets with the right links to keep the character functional haha. Currently level 50 and about to get Leather and Steel (I think, the one that removes movement penalties from armour). Next stop: Ondar's Guile?
I've used for pretty much the entire game as I was lucky enough to pick it up from a mob drop only shortly before finding this guide. At the moment I'm not happy with the colour of the slots on it but lack the Chromes to change them at the moment. Should I change shields soon or stick with this? I finished Cruel with roughly 600dps on Heavy Strike and 500ish on Infernal Blow using IB as my main attack with Blood Magic, Life Leech, and Melee Splash supports. Upon entry to Merc I decided to spend all my currency on getting closer to the build as IB wasn't working out for me (far too dangerous). I got lucky in Ledges whilst farming with a friend when I Alched a white axe My main attack now is Heavy Strike and I've abandoned IB completely. Getting just over 1k without damage auras and an extra 200ish with. It's linked into my gloves which have quite poor stats but I don't want to give up the links My helm also has poor stats but good links I don't have enough mana at the moment to run anything other than Determination, Purity and Tempest Shield but I'm working on sorting it out with BM supports and Reduced Mana. Rest of my gear: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/532639/filter-account-type/staff
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" That sounds like a cheat-code way to get a unique without farming for ages for one lol. Even if it still does cost a bomb. Bet these guys do this for Searing Torch. |
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I don't think changing your shield would be a priority. It's good on block chance, life and leech life.
Your weapon is good too. Only it's a lot of elemental damage and life leech from gear / skill tree isn't so much effective. Do you really need Blood Magic + Life Leech? I know levelling characters are always limited with its orbs, so probably you won't be able to test the following chances: drop wrath to have more mana, Heavy Strike + Multistrike, maybe you could add Faster Attack if you have it (problem it's green) or if we fit to red gems you could use Stun, to have more mana leech you could use these gloves that leech 2% mana 3% life - I think you can buy it for 8 to 16 alterations. There' a unique belt with high leech capacity, but your belt has better stats than your gloves. I'm afraid any idea I suggest will be limited by the lack of orbs. Anyway don't worry too much about being undergeared or not. Gearing process start when you're farming docks, late 50? I don't feel like I have helped too much this time... IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain) |
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Is it just me or are others seeing some weird combi linked gems on maffa50's gear? I am seeing just 1 gem on the main hand and it's reduced mana... I really do hope it's just my eyesight or a forum bug for me.
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We both see the same gem unlinked.
But it has sense for me. He's levelling another Reduced Mana gem. On end game he will use both. Pretty smart Imho IGN: Pintxo (Harbinger)
Online: 22:00 to 24:00 GMT +1 (Spain) |
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