[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

By the way, I looted a Tabula Rasa the other day. My impression is it's not worth it for this build to give up the stats, compared to a decent 5-link. Would you agree?
Kamina100 a écrit :
I hit 75, so I'm able to use Doryani's now, and I made some other tweaks to my gear as well. Right now I'm at 3.5K health, 10.3K tooltip dps (which I think doesn't include explosions), 67% block chance with aura up, 56% armor mitigation, 23% evade chance (the high armor and low evade is due to using Lioneye's as my shield), max elemental resists. I'm still at -60 Chaos resist.
Should I worry about being maxed out on block, or just leave it, and let it be a long-term goal? Maybe I should try to get Rainbowstride for some spell block, and use The Anvil over Lahzwar sometimes?

First, grats on 75. Your stats look good for your level. At 75 having 17.5K sustained damage is very good with a 4-link. Don't worry if you are not max block yet. You will be come 2.0 but in the meanwhile you could always craft 2% block on gloves or save up 1ex for a 2% lazhwar. Anvil is a fine choice as well if you can live with its downsides and not having much spell block. Bringer of Rain is also an option but very expensive to max resists with that.

Kamina100 a écrit :
Offensively, I guess the biggest upgrade by far would be to go to a 5-link.

High flat physical damage rolls on rings and gloves are probably at least as good as, or better than, another link. A cheap 5-link chest is fine. When you are high enough level to really upgrade the 1-5 chaos or whatever will be a trivial sum that you won't miss so go for it. For friends I've sometimes traded a chaos for a white 5-link chest and use a few chaos on it, looking for life and a couple resists. It's often not hard to do. I can't recommend an expensive 5-link just save for a 6-link or find and craft one as a long term goal.

Kamina100 a écrit :
But if 2.0 comes out soon, maybe Immortal Call won't be part of the setup - I didn't see it mentioned in the 2.0 guide.

I don't think we will be using Immortal Call in 2.0 as there are more ways to mitigate physical damage. I think keeping the occasional endurance charge we will get from stuns rather than dissipating them would have more value. If you want you can work really hard and manually cast enduring cry and time your manual immortal calls just so. Other than that it's probably not worth it.
Stefacle a écrit :
On the fourth attempt I did hit the jackpot:


Only problem was that my Int was getting low now, so I had to pick the 30 Int node near the Templar start.

Now, next should be to get my Thousand Teeth shield vaal'ed as well, but as I only have one shield available I'll hold back with that for now.

Well done. Great for 2.0 as block will be a tiny bit easier to get so having regular block on a Lazhwar is probably not as useful as what you have there.

Well worth spending a skill point for the 4% spell block.

It's usually cheaper to buy a 'finished' corrupted item as the odds are very low to get what you want. However, Temu's are only 1 chaos or something like that so you could probably go through a few of them. bear in mind I'm probably switching to an armour shield in 2.0. I have this one ready:

Obviously the regular Lioneye's for 3-5 chaos is fine for most folks.
Carlovski a écrit :
I'm giving a variant on this a go in the beta - don't think I'm revelaing anything, but I'll put the rest in a spoiler tag just to make sure!

Going to roughly follow your 2.0 guide, but might drop a bit of block for a bit more damage/life. I'm intending on using the Anvil, and using tempest shield so should be able to drop a couple of nodes. I'm hoping that mana on block from the amulet, and nodes will help me sustain (using Ice Crash) with the reductions to leech.
I just hope I can cope with the move speed reduction from the Anvil - I normally always have high move speed characters (My main in standard has about 50% without buffs). The fact I shouldn't need to kite should compensate, and I do have leap slam.
I'm also going for a scion start, removes the need for the first few low value nodes in Templar, plus lets me take the three inc aoe nodes if I like later.
No idea how it will work, never gone high block before. Should be fun though.

Other things I'm going to play with

- Use Hypothermia instead of fortify on ice crash, and fortify from my leap slam (I know - less lazy!)
- As stated, run tempest shield, will play with supports. Mana leech might work? Hopefully I can find a way of auto triggering it too, otherwise if I link with inc duration, should only need to recast occasionally.
- Will play with AA, but probably won't use.
- If I can get them, mixing and matching shields depending on map. I wish thousand teeth temu was armour based though, I like the idea of having even more damage on block.
- Might try and see if I can stretch to some of the ele damage and freeze nodes. Seems a shame to not make more of the cold damage

I'm considering the new Tempest Shield (only 3% block) for sure and if I adopt it I may drop a couple block nodes, it's all up in the air. The 2.0 guide has not yet been updated since TS was released a few days ago.

You can always use blood magic support with ice crash and run AA or Herald of Ice (with quality) with the remaining mana.

Shield charge with faster attacks would completely negate the pain of losing run speed from anvil. Once you have that even quicksilvers are not needed.

Tried fortify on movement skill and found it very difficult to use, having to lose dps to leap on a monster/boss every few seconds... no ty.

Good luck finding enough points for ele damage when the physical ones give you so much more dps. :)
Kamina100 a écrit :
By the way, I looted a Tabula Rasa the other day. My impression is it's not worth it for this build to give up the stats, compared to a decent 5-link. Would you agree?

It's only worth it if you want the most possible damage and can make up for the resists elsewhere. Easier to make up for only losing the chest vs. BoR where you lose both the helm and chest (no resists on BoR and can't use a chest). Plus, tabula is a bit more damage than BoR once you get all quality gems. The lost life might make tabula more of a farming item rather than for challenging content. I can use mine no problem in most areas. The lost armor is no issue as it's nothing compared to what we get from our shield.
Haven't really tried shield charge - will give it a go (Rapidly running out of sockets though!). Just bought an anvil, will have to resist the urge to vaal it until I have a few spares!
I got the new unique one handed axe, which is fun while it lasts (Should do me until mid cruel) - culling strike and onslaught.
You might be right on the phys damage nodes, the one handed and one hand + shield nodes are really good - hadn't really used them before. I was more thinking of getting freezes than damage, but maybe not worth the investment. I am playing with hypothermia as a link at the moment which gives me a bit of freeze anyway.
For tempest shield i'm toying with running chain/curse on hit/curse of choice (possibly punishment) - the colours could be a pain on the kind of gear I want though.
I tried out Leap Slam the past couple days and I found I really liked it. Seemed to help a lot with quickly repositioning, and you can start moving right away afterwards, whereas Shield Charge has a pause afterwards before you can move. I had been using Shield Charge, but Leap Slam seems a little more handy overall. Maybe I'll feel differently if I start wanting to move more quickly through a map or start doing groups and have trouble keeping up.
Kamina100 a écrit :
I tried out Leap Slam the past couple days and I found I really liked it. Seemed to help a lot with quickly repositioning, and you can start moving right away afterwards, whereas Shield Charge has a pause afterwards before you can move. I had been using Shield Charge, but Leap Slam seems a little more handy overall. Maybe I'll feel differently if I start wanting to move more quickly through a map or start doing groups and have trouble keeping up.

In linear areas like ledge shield charge + faster is really nice as you can really zip along and it does not have the targeting issues that leap slam has. Leap is better for area like Lunaris. Can have both on a 3-link.
Big news, may shock some of you...

In 2.0 since GGG is being a bit kind to us we will go crit for the high level rich folks build. More details soon.
The 2.0 guide (for now hidden in the spoiler tags on page 1) has been updated today. There is a new "High Damage, High Level" build that is complete at level 95 and a basic build that is complete at level 85 (much more solid for casual players). I edited a lot of the sections to accommodate the new stuff. I'm sure I missed a few details.


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