[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Hello Sovyn, quick question:

Can I level up Enduring cry/Molten Shell/cast when dmg taken/Increased duration Past level 16/14?
Gunthers a écrit :
Hello Sovyn, quick question:

Can I level up Enduring cry/Molten Shell/cast when dmg taken/Increased duration Past level 16/14?

Hi Gunthers, of course you can, it's your character! I don't see much benefit though as the explosion damage from regular molten shell is nothing to speak of and the extra armor is just OK. With CWDT it's always a tradeoff between how often you want it to go off and how much you want to level the linked skills.
Alright so mana issues

I don't have a 5L yet so I'm using clarity atm, but when I do get a 5L, is there no other way than mana leech on ring? what about mana leech on flasks effect?

ps. what is your static strike mana cost on 5L and 6L?
Gunthers a écrit :
Alright so mana issues

I don't have a 5L yet so I'm using clarity atm, but when I do get a 5L, is there no other way than mana leech on ring? what about mana leech on flasks effect?

ps. what is your static strike mana cost on 5L and 6L?

My cost for the six link as shown in my current gear is 34 mana. Bear in mind multistrike swings three times for this cost giving additional chances to leech.

If I remove Added fire damage to make it a 5-link, my mana cost is 28.

I have the notable Unrelenting (use the search box on the passive tree on this website if you don't know where it is). This notable and the nodes leading up to it provide lower mana cost of skills, which helps a bit but not essential. You can take it anytime, it's never a waste of points.

You can get mana leech from inexpensive uniques like Wurm's Molt or Slitherpinch.

You can use the Blood Magic or Mana Leech support gem linked to your attack.

You can use only Herald of Ash and Clarity to have a larger unreserved mana pool available.

A few ideas to manage your mana.
Beta update - finally got the flame golem from an early quest in act 4.

Nice little pet.

I have static strike 3-linked with melee physical and fortify. 227 DPS without / 247 dps with the golem.

The golem is only level 1.

So perhaps we can guesstimate that at a typical 22k tooltip DPS for the midlevel build (80ish) this golem would add 2K or so damage.

Plus whatever little bit the golem adds from his own spells.

The golem seems to keep up fine when I hit my quicksilver.

He dies fairly easily but not a problem to recast. I don't have a CWDT to test on beta but if it works with that it will be fully automatic which is what we need. With a CWDT setup I assume we would level the golem to 15 for the 19% increased player damage instead of the 15% it starts out with.

Not bad.
In Beta, I was able to kill normal King Kaom without retreating even once to refill flasks and with total junk gear and gems. The power of block + Fortify.
Good stuff Sovyn, sounds like we are still defensively strong :)

Fortify seems to be a good defensive boost.
Stefacle a écrit :
Fortify seems to be a good defensive boost.

Yes, it's much better than armor for example. :)

With armor we get only a trivial amount taken off of a big physical hit whereas with Fortify it's a whole 25% no matter how big the hit is or what type of damage (Damage over time (DoT) effects excluded).

I did find armor to be quite good act 1-3 normal but after that probably not so much.

Still worth having some armor though as it smooths out small fast physical hits and there is nothing better to get as loading up on more evasion is fairly pointless as well.
Daresso (act 4 boss) down in beta without any retreating. After that I crafted a new claw that raises my DPS a little bit. A much-needed boost.

Knock on wood, I've full cleared everything in normal acts 1-4 so far with 0 deaths and no retreating needed while even being slightly under-leveled.
Here's Reave in beta currently (only at level 7):

As with the others shown on page 373, Reave in beta has the x% increased Physical Damage removed and the Base Attack Damage raised in order to scale the damage as the gem levels.

Generally reave dps is still a bit lower than static strike. Both at level 7 with same supports:

Static Strike - 371.8 DPS x 1.6 for explosions is 594.9 DPS total

Reave - 336.7 DPS

I think that the Base Attack Damage values on all the melee skills I've talked about may scale high enough at high gem levels that the skills may actually do more dps than the current live versions. I'm not a math wizard but scaling the base damage instead of providing some "% increase" should mean that the damage nodes on the tree will be more effective.

I'd like to test Cyclone but I don't have the necessary gems (cyclone, blood magic) on beta.


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