[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
sockgr, that's EXACTLY the next tests I wanted to do !
For a pretty huge DPS boost, you can use Phys to Lightning gem too : http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Physical_to_Lightning With quality, this gem is fucking awesome ! Only "con" of this version may be that Lightning-dmg will represent a huge part of our DPS, so +XX% light resist for mobs may be hard in maps, but well.. :) |
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Thanarchy, Its true that u get a boost and i can recomend it but Phys to Lightning gem plus statick strike turns all your damege into a elemental damage.
This means that makes you more vulnerable to elemental reflect(not somthing you cant handle btw). Plus you wont get the mana-life leech from physical damage because you deal no physical damage. I dont know why but i am kinda beleave that physical dps is way more stronger than elemental dps or to say it better its harder to get resist on it. Its easy to get lighting resist to 75% but i dont thing there is a way to make p.def reach 75% reduse phys damage taken. And for that reason i use as my last slot meele damage on full life (which gives me more dps than phys to lighting but its hard to be full all the time) unless you got Aegis Aurora. If not use Added fire damage you do less dps with that gem but u still have the phys damage that gives you all i say above! i hope you find that usefull bro. |
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" Hello sockgr, First, Unrelenting plus a couple nodes from the scion life wheel is better than the six points you have spent to take Devotion. I'd probably take Unrelenting and Amplify though. I have 133 free mana and a skill cost of 34 on the six-link attack skill. 34 mana for three reps of the skill due to multistrike. Never have any mana problems whatsoever even with chain leap slamming for mobility. I still do enough physical damage (389-739) for mana leech to be sufficient. I can even do half regen maps as long as I'm careful to always be near monsters while attacking. While my dps is actually a little bit higher now, I think the 35,281 sustained tooltip dps as shown in the guide is probably hard to beat for this build without a mirrored rare weapon. As far as I know only the absurdly expensive legacy soul taker on standard league (as opposed to an ordinary soul taker) could match my current dps. Remember, I'm using a 2ex Doryani's Catalyst, something most players at high level can easily afford. I have found herald of thunder / herald of ice to be minor, at least for now. I'd rather have the free mana and a fifth dps support gem on my attack. Thanks for posting. :) |
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i cant agree more about Unrelenting. i havent think of it and looks GODLY...
about the soul taker now... the dps is more-less the same with soul taker because you use a 5 aura that adds dps plus u dont have to care aboute mana anymore (leech or no regen maps or half regen maps or even find a good ring that has mana leech plus whatever missing). i wont insist any more about that. its in the choise of anyone but i thing that is a reaaaaaly good idea to add it as an option in YOUR build. as i say i am here to help not steal any idea or whatsoever. you can test it of course first and then the idea its yours i dont care. i own you actually... |
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" Yes, the soul taker has been mentioned in the guide for year(s). Many, many lazy pallies that have posted their gear throughout the thread have used the soul taker. I'm just of the mind that it's not worth the coin currently so it's not my top recommendation. Maybe if one loves cyclone. Mana costs of the rest of the melee skills were reduced a while back, that was the turning point I think. |
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Sockgr, just wanted to give my 2 cents
A few weeks back I found a near perfect Soul Taker, used it and HoI and yeah it was decent. But have to agree with Sovyn on this one Doryani's is insanely good dps and more than makes up for dropping HoI/HoL. and just to show im not making this up Been using that Doryani's for a bit and love it! |
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General commentary on new 2.0 skills:
Now that I have a little bit of info on some of the new skills in the upcoming expansion, I'd theorize that the build may drop one attack skill support and add in the Fortify support gem for defense (25% damage reduction from most sources). This would be a replacement for enduring cry / immortal call as these would now have to be manually casted because enduring cry is being reclassified as a warcry instead of a spell so it won't work with CWDT any more. To make up for the lost dps from losing an offensive support gem from our attack skill, we would put the Summon Flame Golem on CWDT and hope it scales past 15% damage when it's leveled. Or, if the Vigilant Strike dps ends up being good enough with a leveled up gem and we had some way to generate endurance charges* to bypass the cooldown, that might be a good choice instead of the Fortify support gem. If we went this way perhaps we could forgo Resolute Technique as well as the skill "can't be evaded", which could open up some modest critical strike capability. * like Warlord's Mark perhaps with the Dark Thoughts passive skill tree jewel for an additional curse, or the Endurance Charge on Melee Stun support gem or Bringer of Rain |
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Dear Squarebush
i never say that soul taker is better. of course catalyst is better because of the elemendal damage boost plus some life leech. but for me (or for poeple having mana issues) i use soul taker plus HoT. my dps at tooltip is 31k without having Retribution node and beeng only 89 lvl with scion, having almost same damage from gear(sovyn has better belt and gloves). i beleave at his lvl i will have 1-2k less dps tooltip but i wont care about mana. if u can control mana go for catalyst all the way!!! |
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Uh-oh, looks like Ondar's could get nerfed. Tentatively 40% more evasion chance against projectiles and 20% less evasion chance against melee (as opposed to the current 100% more evasion against projectiles and no downside). It'll be interesting to see how this impacts the build.
[img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/2e57fcaba2ea48cc9832fecc55c6d0d6.png[/img] Dernière édition par Commoble#7688, le 19 avr. 2015 23:30:30
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" Too bad but it won't affect us that much in practice. It was worth two points as it was but I don't think I'll take Ondar's in 2.0 if this goes in as-is. Saves us two points that we can put into something more useful. Thanks for the heads up. |
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