[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block
" That's one way to do it for sure. Another way would be to stick a Devouring Totem gem on Cast when Damage Taken. :) Heals you a little too. :) |
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hey man im trying something close to your build
(using facebreaker, lion remorse,abyssus,meginord) but i have never used evasion before or even melee build, so im asking myself... Does it worth stacking eveasion? i mean, if i take iron reflexes runing determination and grace i should have really high armor, so why should i bother trying to evade ? if i can block spell damge using stone of lazhwar and ranged attacks are not going to "hurt me" all is left to ress wich are not hard to stack using shields. im doing something like this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAdwB5wSzBS0FWxQgFE0ZLhoyGjgaVRvIG_odFCXfJ-0oxSlPKaU26DrYQKBDMUbXR35MNU3YTipPfVBHUWBVxlcNWfNdxl4TYEtgbWEhZKNlTWaebmlwfXKpdO1673zZgFaBb4KbgziE2YTvi4yMdo9GkFWdgJ48nrmezaC0ogCkGacwp4SplayqrK-2Qb6nwA_AGsOGxLjPZdDQ0iHSTdX42WHd8-Fz4urnkew47SDvfPO-97760vuq i just don't want to spend all te currency i farmed to respect 20+ points |
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" Imo it's quite a viable way to do things until you walk in a craptonne of chaos projectile damage. The way evasion works is tricky. It uses an entropy calculation (pretty sure it was covered here but never hurts to rehash) rather than true (well, true pseudo) random. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Evasion " Pretty self explanatory. " Chance to Evade = 1 - Attacker's Accuracy / ( Attacker's Accuracy + (Defender's Evasion / 4) ^ 0.8 ) " In other words, even the highest evade characters will eventually get hit, but the hits will not usually be streaky, ie. 4 hits in a row followed by 6 evades. The second line of defence is blocking (75% capped, this is a straight RNG) then whatever get's through is mitigated by either armour or resists. So with evade, you have 3 lines of defense. First they need to hit you, then they need to get past your block, then they need to break your mitigation/resists. This can work well because you will evade shots that you might not have blocked, and block hits that you didn't evade. Yep, the few things that do get through do far greater damage to 40% mitigation compared to 66%, but they don't get through that much. An IR build drops evasion altogether and (in this case) relies on block then massive amounts of mitigation. For starters, it can be more streaky (ie. 5 non blocks in a row which will almost never happen with evasion). Second, elem/dot/chaos bypass mitigation entirely, so you might run in to a combined pack of constructs, viper strike spiders, puncture mobs and chaos cobras and suddenly find yourself losing HP like crazy. Of course, you are rocking GG in the form of BoR with a built in blind, which is a form of evasion anyway. If you look at the above formula, it relies heavily on the mobs ability to hit you. Even once your evasion is dropped to 0, blind drops the mobs accuracy making you far more likely to evade attacks. Add on endurance charges and your damage mitigation across the board goes sky high. In short, that one item significantly changes the equation regardless of your other forms of mitigation and avoidance. |
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Ty a lot for taking your time to make such a clear explanation.
So basically EV is a better/safer option for hard maps with tons of chaos damage (i will die if i get hit doesn't matter how much armor i own) but need another kind of damage reduction or "wall" to stay alive bc EV is forced to fail at some point. For me taking BoR is not an option.. i don't like it at all (just personal hate i guess lol) but blind never came to my mind, sounds like a good option, but can be kinda risky to rely on it. I think im gonna focus on EV. just stop by IR to lvl and then respect out of it once i get a decent evasion amount |
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I don't suggest going all evasion, or going all armour. We need both.
The problem with all armour approach is that the delivery systems for certain kinds of damage will bite right through armour, but a build like mine with some of both (and Ondar's) will stop those things cold. Like splitting Voidbearers and named snakes, but there are many others. Obviously we need armour too for melee hits that get through. But, the evasion as a first line of defense really does make the difference oftentimes of getting hit vs. not getting hit. For example, I usually do Kole without him getting a hit in. See video. We get a ton of evasion from just one piece - a high evasion shield - due to the nodes we take on the tree that increase defenses from shields. The rest of the gear can focus on armour. I understand why some folks with Aegis Aurora may want to go all armour, because they WANT to get hit to regen their ES. That's fine, but it's a specialized case and I don't, nor ever will in all likelihood, have any experience with that configuration. PS Thanks for taking the time to type the detailed explanation, Saviourself! PPS Welcome to the thread, Erkebram. |
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Happy to report that my lazy pally can tank and beat Piety with relative ease -- a personal achievement for me!
Anyone has tips on beating Dom though? My resists are all capped at 75%, and probably overcapped in some, but I keep getting creamed by his lightning and closeup AOE spell. Having trouble overcoming his henchmen as well. Do I need to kite more or armed myself with topaz flasks? |
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why not connect multistrike with cyclone?
i'm using this setup: cyclone+ms+physical damage+faster attacks i have over 900dps on 61lvl if ill switch to HS i have over 3k but this cyclone setup lets me just dance around hundred mobs and kill them all, it costs me 98mana to use but i have leech 4% and 6% life, tried few minutes ago without multistrike and my cyclone stopped after few mobs without mana, also i didn't seen any benefit when using cyclone without MS so can you tell me more about it? |
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ill be more precise: whem im using cyclone with ms i never stops untill all the mobs are dead even when it costs 98 mana
when i'm using cyclone without it i'm constantly stopping and mana costs is 54 i'm also cannot manage to survive big groups of mobs with HS, cyclone is my only chance so far but i blame it on poor gear. HS im using only for single bosses when everyone around are already dead (switched from cyclone to HS) ed.: if you can show me my errors and explain if im doing smth wrong i would be happy cuz i want to improve and only way so far is to get better gear and lvl up, but there must be smth what i can do better with my attacks. i would appreciate help. Dernière édition par Dragosani#3964, le 21 nov. 2013 07:51:40
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Great guide, keep up the good work.
Just a question. You mention under Gems, to only level Molten Shell to level 8. But your Molten Shell in your gloves are level 16. So do you still recommend keeping it at lower levels ? |
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Hey Sovyn, reporting back with some results...
Current Gears
Gears for Future Levels
Gears are fairly modest for the most part (nothing beyond 4-links), but it's been working out pretty well. I started with a Duelist base and getting Ondar's Guile earlier on was pretty helpful. I'm currently level 61 and facetanking was mostly a non-issue - back in Cruel Scepter of God, I was able to facetank Caliga with no problems. It was pretty amazing and I hope I can do this again in Merciless! DPS isn't as good as my Templar, but survivability is much better with the Duelist and I'm okay with that. I feel if I can get my hands on a Bringer of Rain, DPS should get a lot better. Good job on the guide! xeroslash - One-Hand/Shield Lightning Strike Templar http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/75285 Dernière édition par shyftyx#6628, le 21 nov. 2013 10:54:26
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