Sovyn a écrit :
FideiAngelus a écrit :
Hi there
I'm quite new to this game, so I was wondering why you leave enduring cry and such at low levels
Hi there, FideiAngelus. We leave enduring cry at low level because we use it on a Cast When Damage Taken gem. One cannot raise the required level of the supported gems above the required level of the CWDT gem. I find with my recommended setup I usually have all three endurance charges up in maps. That's all you need out of it.
Ah right that makes sense
So why do you leave CWDT gem low level unless mana pool is large? Is that because it casts more frequently if you level it up?
And also, for the bandit quest, on normal, why do you take the 40 base health and not the skill point/+8% all res? Is it just flat out better?
FideiAngelus a écrit :
Ah right that makes sense
So why do you leave CWDT gem low level unless mana pool is large? Is that because it casts more frequently if you level it up?
And also, for the bandit quest, on normal, why do you take the 40 base health and not the skill point/+8% all res? Is it just flat out better?
Your first CWDT is kept low so it casts MORE often. The higher the gem is leveled the less often it casts. I know it is counter-intuitive, but that's the way it works currently.
On bandits, I made that call when life nodes were nerfed. Now they are un-nerfed, so either way is just fine. I'd take the skill point, but not the resists. Resists are easy to get on gear, but you can't make up for not having some nodes, and one point can sometimes be the difference between reaching a critical node or not. The whole bandit reward thing is very minor, won't matter one bit what you do really.
Posté parSovyn#2637le 17 nov. 2013 23:31:22
nbriles2000 a écrit :
Few updates on my progress so far. I finally went ahead and bought a Multistrike gem even though tons of people advise against it for Glacial Hammer. Don't listen to them, they're liars. It works out perfectly! Everything is frozen about as often as with faster attacks. I got a new helm and that brought up 1 of my resists to capped and another just a few points behind. I'm probably going to move some resists from my belt to a new pair of gloves and cap out another. The only thing that'll be behind is my fire resists by about 15 points or so...
Now the real question. I'm moving resists from my belt in hopes to squeeze some more damage out of that slot. I can either grab a rustic sash with as much phys dmg/ life/ armor and that extra fire resists OR grab a Magnate. I'll still be shy a little fire res but that can be made up in a ring or something, and I'll be out a little life (i'm only at like 2k right now at lvl 65) but I think that extra damage would help a lot...
Thoughts? Suggestions?
OH BTW, I'm currently doing Kole/ Piety runs and some level 66 maps if they seem unintimidating and I dont have any problems surviving anything really. I facetank Piety in all of her forms and kole can't 1 shot me xD
I'm curious how you managed that-- I'm using a Doublestrike-Multistrike-Added Physical-Added Splash-Blood Magic 5L right now with about 3K hp and I can't facetank Kole/ Piety :(
Around 50% DR, resists at 77 and lvl 72. Weapon is lousy though, I should really get a new one.
Dernière édition par curryflurry#5023, le 18 nov. 2013 00:43:43
Sovyn a écrit :
Weidi a écrit :
Hello! Just starting out in this game and wondering if it is viable to go with HS and cyclone or maybe even cyclone only? or would you recommend just HS (cyclone is my favorite spell so far :P)
Thanks for a great guide!
Howdy, Weidi! :)
I never found cyclone to be that great for bosses or single targets. It works of course, just a lot of back and forth. You could use HS on a 4-link and put cyclone on a 5-link chest. HS can do adequate damage with just a 4-link. The problem with cyclone will probably be the mana requirements, you may need to use the blood magic support gem with it, and possibly the life gain on hit gem to restore your life quickly enough.
I just want to say thank you for all the help, it seems that you've been helping people for 200 pages now, mucho love!
Posté parWeidi#0534le 18 nov. 2013 02:06:17
curryflurry a écrit :
nbriles2000 a écrit :
Few updates on my progress so far. I finally went ahead and bought a Multistrike gem even though tons of people advise against it for Glacial Hammer. Don't listen to them, they're liars. It works out perfectly! Everything is frozen about as often as with faster attacks. I got a new helm and that brought up 1 of my resists to capped and another just a few points behind. I'm probably going to move some resists from my belt to a new pair of gloves and cap out another. The only thing that'll be behind is my fire resists by about 15 points or so...
Now the real question. I'm moving resists from my belt in hopes to squeeze some more damage out of that slot. I can either grab a rustic sash with as much phys dmg/ life/ armor and that extra fire resists OR grab a Magnate. I'll still be shy a little fire res but that can be made up in a ring or something, and I'll be out a little life (i'm only at like 2k right now at lvl 65) but I think that extra damage would help a lot...
Thoughts? Suggestions?
OH BTW, I'm currently doing Kole/ Piety runs and some level 66 maps if they seem unintimidating and I dont have any problems surviving anything really. I facetank Piety in all of her forms and kole can't 1 shot me xD
I'm curious how you managed that-- I'm using a Doublestrike-Multistrike-Added Physical-Added Splash-Blood Magic 5L right now with about 3K hp and I can't facetank Kole/ Piety :(
Around 50% DR, resists at 77 and lvl 72. Weapon is lousy though, I should really get a new one.
You've got more life than I do, too! I posted all my gear/ stats about a page or two back and I'm pretty sure nothing has changed. Ive got about 5.5k dmg with melee splash and 7k with added fire.
If your armor/ evasion is decent, the only thing I can think of is block. Is your shield around 35% block chance? If you're like me and can't run with determination and the evasion buff yet, I still use tempest shield and I think it helps a little bit. Hopefully in the next few levels ill grab my last block nodes, level up lesser mana and drop tempest.
Ps oh I'm sure blood magic is killing you. Get a ring with 2% mana leech or slitherpinch gloves. You'll be very satisfied with it over blood magic
Dernière édition par nbriles2000#1072, le 18 nov. 2013 03:10:51
Hey :)
First, I'd like to thank Sovyn for this awesome guide. I've only played PoE for a few weeks now (since release), and had a blast with my Lazy Pally so far (currently level 64) :)
Two questions:
1.) With some crafting, I managed to get my hands on a half-decent 3L Vaal Buckler with +5% block, +max hp and one type of resistance; however the recommended evade-bonus eluded me so far, so I'm stuck with a meagerly 287 evasion rating on my shield. Since I'm quite happy with the other stats, I thought about using armor parts on other slots with inherent armour/evasion bonus. Is this an ok way to deal with the missing evasion, or should I stick with other types of armor (armour/energy shield or armour-only)?
2.) I understand the reason to leave the CWDT gems and connected active skills at a lower level after the 1.0.1 nerf. However, are other linked support gems also affected by this change? For example, in a 4L item I put a lvl 10 cwdt, a lvl 11 Enduring Cry, a lvl 10 Immortal Call and an Increased Duration gem. Does the Increased Duration gem also have to be of equal or lower Required Level as the CWDT gem (in this case lvl 10), or can I bump it all the way up to lvl 20 since its not an active skill triggered directly by CWDT?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english. Keep up the good work! :)
Posté parFlap1#0674le 18 nov. 2013 12:02:11
curryflurry a écrit :
I'm curious how you managed that-- I'm using a Doublestrike-Multistrike-Added Physical-Added Splash-Blood Magic 5L right now with about 3K hp and I can't facetank Kole/ Piety :(
As the prior poster mentioned, must be evasion or block.
The winning formula to do the endgame for me is 40%+ damage reduction, 30%+ avoidance, 60% avoidance vs projectile, 75% block, 47% spell block and 75 elemental resists. Combine that with minimums like 5K+ DPS and 2700+ life. Oh yes, instant flasks.
If a picture helps, here it is:
Match that and use a leveled up Enfeeble on Kole or Piety and you will be facetanking them with ease like I do. :)
Dernière édition par Sovyn#2637, le 18 nov. 2013 12:53:15
Posté parSovyn#2637le 18 nov. 2013 12:52:52
Weidi a écrit :
I just want to say thank you for all the help, it seems that you've been helping people for 200 pages now, mucho love!
Thanks for the recognition, I appreciate that. :D
Posté parSovyn#2637le 18 nov. 2013 12:55:51
Flap1 a écrit :
Hey :)
First, I'd like to thank Sovyn for this awesome guide. I've only played PoE for a few weeks now (since release), and had a blast with my Lazy Pally so far (currently level 64) :)
Two questions:
1.) With some crafting, I managed to get my hands on a half-decent 3L Vaal Buckler with +5% block, +max hp and one type of resistance; however the recommended evade-bonus eluded me so far, so I'm stuck with a meagerly 287 evasion rating on my shield. Since I'm quite happy with the other stats, I thought about using armor parts on other slots with inherent armour/evasion bonus. Is this an ok way to deal with the missing evasion, or should I stick with other types of armor (armour/energy shield or armour-only)?
2.) I understand the reason to leave the CWDT gems and connected active skills at a lower level after the 1.0.1 nerf. However, are other linked support gems also affected by this change? For example, in a 4L item I put a lvl 10 cwdt, a lvl 11 Enduring Cry, a lvl 10 Immortal Call and an Increased Duration gem. Does the Increased Duration gem also have to be of equal or lower Required Level as the CWDT gem (in this case lvl 10), or can I bump it all the way up to lvl 20 since its not an active skill triggered directly by CWDT?
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad english. Keep up the good work! :)
Hello Flap1! Glad you have had fun so far. :)
1) Sounds like a decent shield, don't forget to 20% quality it to maximize the evasion. A Bringer of Rain would be ideal for a large chunk of armour and evasion. Short of that, a couple decent pieces of rare hybrid gear might work. See the screen shot above for my stats, try to match it if possible by level 75. I'm sure you can find some combo that will work for you.
2) Yes, the support gem(s) supporting any active skills linked to CwDT can be leveled as high as you can.
Posté parSovyn#2637le 18 nov. 2013 13:05:25
Sovyn a écrit :
Howdy, Weidi! :)
I never found cyclone to be that great for bosses or single targets. It works of course, just a lot of back and forth. You could use HS on a 4-link and put cyclone on a 5-link chest. HS can do adequate damage with just a 4-link. The problem with cyclone will probably be the mana requirements, you may need to use the blood magic support gem with it, and possibly the life gain on hit gem to restore your life quickly enough.
One bonus of cyclone is that you proliferate curses etc very fast with "curse on hit".
Cyclone + CoH + Warlords Mark + Blind = very cheap way to curse and blind large packs of mosters very quickly. Warlords puts on a 6% mana leech so the cyclone becomes self sustaining. Blind goes off frequently (you get a lot of hits very quickly) but the damage is pretty ordinary overall.
Once they are marked, then I lay down the smack with my MS HS or IB. Double flask recharges are a bonus of warlords. If you take enough damage from a mob, then the enfeeble CoDT overwrites warlords in an area around the mob that hit you, often leaving plenty of warlords cursed targets to keep attacking.