Help with WS/BF set up

Hi all !

I'm beginning the game with this league and went with a molten strike templar as my first character. I wanted some variety so i started leveling up a new toon and by wandering around on YT/poe forums i put some pieces of builds together and decided to go with a Raider and want to use Wildstrike for trash cleaning and Blade Flurry for single target (was going for molten strike again but was too similar to my templar). I used mathil's previous league build as a base and going to dual wield wasp nest.

I'm wondering what are the best gem set ups for this build, 6L BF or WS, I'm gonna buy thunderfist to have a false 5L with added lightning. So i'll have one true 5L (maybe 6L later) on chest and the thunderfist 5L, which spell set up should i put on those ?

Also am a bit lost on what are the best links set ups for BF, i'm currently using Ele dmg with attacks/conc effect/melee phys dmg, is that ok ? Or should i go entire different supports ? Like ice bite or added cold.. this spell will only be used for bosses and big solo targets.

Last thing, what should i use on my other 3L/4L ? one of the 3L is for my WB set up

Thx in advance for your answers, sorry if some things should be pretty obvious but i'm new to this..

I'll also take any advice on passive tree, which nodes i should absolutely get x)
Dernier bump le 20 mars 2018 10:00:44


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