3.1 Frost Blades Gladiator - T11 RED Elder Viable So Far

General Overview:
Wanted to play Frost Blades as my starter build and thought Glad was a great option. Not sure what else to say here... There's a much better explanation with mapping showcase at the end of YT video.

Youtube Video
small static sound at 00:00:34. please be careful sensitive ears.

112k Tooltip w/ Auras & Golem
286k Tooltip Fully Buffed
434k POB w/ Full Buffs in Best Case Scenario vs. Trash Mobs

Why the hell are you 80% cold...
Gratuitous Violence can only proc bleed explosions if I deal some form of Phys dmg. Therefore, I did not take "Winter Spirits" so that my damage will not be 100% cold but rather, 80% cold and 20% phys.


Gear and Equipment



1) Frost Blades, Ele Dmg with Atks Support, Multistrike, Added Cold Dmg, Increased Crits, Increased Crit Dmg.
2) Ancestral Warchief, Faster Attacks, Added Cold Dmg, Ele Dmg with Atks Support
3) Whirling Blades, Faster Attacks, Blood Magic
4) Herald of Ice, Hatred
5) Ice Golem, Faster Casting, Minion Life
6) CWDT, Immortal Call, Vaal Haste, Inc. Duration


1) Level with Frost Blades, pick up supports like "Maim", "Melee Physical Damage", "Faster Attacks"
very early on and slowly progress in to the main 6 Link Setup.
2) Herald of Ice is available towards the middle of Act 2 and helps damage immensely.
3) Make sure you're constantly pumping life in to your gear whenever possible.
4) IT IS IMPORTANT to know that claws will be a struggle to gear with early on, use swords and save the claw nodes on your passive tree for later. Swords work well with Frost Blades until you switch to Touch of Anguish.
5) Threshold jewels are your best friends. Get 2. Good for cold penetration.

Short Video of my Leveling Progress at Act 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-law-VwFx0

Dernière édition par asphyxiaPOE, le 16 déc. 2017 13:09:58
Dernier bump le 28 déc. 2017 19:39:37
So how is this build working so far. I have a 89 gladiator I respecd into this and it seems to do pretty good. I also put on a pair of the unique evasion gloves that grant assassins mark on hit and that really boosted the damage and survivability on hit. Gives me max power charges on it. Like always frost blades is lacking single target. What do you recommend to help with that. Also do you think ancestral call would be better for mapping vs multistrike?
So how is this build working so far. I have a 89 gladiator I respecd into this and it seems to do pretty good. I also put on a pair of the unique evasion gloves that grant assassins mark on hit and that really boosted the damage and survivability on hit. Gives me max power charges on it. Like always frost blades is lacking single target. What do you recommend to help with that. Also do you think ancestral call would be better for mapping vs multistrike?

The build was a good enough starting build for me to farm Red Elder with no deaths. Single target feels fine if you follow my links. If you sub in ancestral call, you lose a lot of single target viability but gain immense mapping clear. You are free to swap gems for different scenarios.


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