[2.6] Pathfinder Ethereal Knives Nova - Beginner Friendly

This is yet another take on a Pathfinder EK Nova build. Hopefully this guide can help teach you how to properly scale this build. This should allow you to understand the mechanics necessary to optimize your gear and passive choices. This build will also showcase how to make this build work at a lower investment cost, because not everyone is rich.

Skill / Jewel Description

Ethereal Knives is a Spell Gem that fires Physical Damaging Projectiles in a cone.

Ring of Blades allows you to fire those Projectiles in a Nova or Ring around you.
NOTE: You do NOT have to allocate the Dex, only have it available.

Scaling Explanation
The main scaling for your damage in this build will be Projectile or Spell. Projectile damage will scale any damage that the projectile will do. This includes any damage added by flasks or support gems. Spell damage will be easy to get and readily available in the tree. Physical Damage will be picked up where it also is tied with other stats we need, like Crit. This is because Physical Damage is often times in non-optimal locations making pathing to them a waste when we can be pathing towards better defenses or offensive options.

Secondary Scaling will be Cast Speed and Poison. In our specific build, we will be using Spell Echo. Spell echo is very useful for ensuring we kill enemies in 1 press, but can hold us still without enough Cast speed. Poison will be added on top of our setup by our Ascendancy node. This poison doesn't have to be heavily scaled since we should already be doing a lot of physical damage. However, scaling the poison on the tree can help in single target situations.

Projectile Speed can also be important. The faster the projectiles are, the farther your AoE is. Having slow projectiles can really hurt the feel of the build. Some people feel the need for much more speed than I do, so you are welcome to scale Projectile Speed a lot harder than I do. Easiest way will be on Jewels.

Skill Trees

Leveling - http://poeurl.com/bf05

Leveling is pretty basic. Grab EK as soon as you can and get going. Grabbing Projectile nodes on your way to the Jewel Socket by Vaal Pact and popping in Ring of Blades as soon as you can. Being very helpful to grab life nodes to respec out of later, prioritizing Life nodes nearby ES nodes. Just grab generic Projectile or Spell damage where you can and making sure not to avoid crit chance.

Non-Aura Stacking - http://poeurl.com/bf06

My personal tree stacks a lot of Mana Reservation and Aura effect. This is due to my use of 4 auras. While I find the auras to be very helpful (as I will talk about later), they are not necessary. This is a slightly modified tree that requires much less planning and min-maxing, thus making it cheaper.

Non-Low Life - http://poeurl.com/bf07

This is my tree, exactly as is, just as CI without Low-Life. I will talk about my aura usages later on, but this tree will be the most similar to my tree, while also not requiring Low-Life.

Life Based - http://poeurl.com/bf1b

Some people have a strange aversion to Energy Shield. Maybe they don't understand it or just don't like it. Whatever their reason is, I've included a Life Based tree for them. There is a surprising amount of Life available here. I do not recommend Life while in this part of the tree, but I also believe it can be solid enough on a budget. Also requires no respeccing.

Non-Crit - http://poeurl.com/bf1g

Same as above- some people dislike crit. My build has an alright crit chance when all buffs are running, but it isn't insane. This tree allows you to go ahead and leave those crit nodes behind and grab more generic damage. This tree pushes for much more Poison Damage scaling, meaning it may be slightly better for high health bosses. However, it hasn't been tested, so use at your own risk.

My Tree - http://poeurl.com/bf1i

This is my current tree. Low-Life using a Flask (I will talk about this later) and running 4 auras on mana. Most points will be discussed below.

Ascendancy Explanation

Nature's Adrenaline is one of the best nodes in the game. 15% Movement Speed and 20% Attack Speed while using a flask is insanely strong. Especially since as Pathfinder you will typically be using a flask. This is the reason Pathfinders are so fast. Getting the Node early, maybe first, is recommended.

Master Alchemist is also a very strong flask. This flask allows you to not need a Freeze/Ignite/Shock removal flask. That alone is very very strong, as it opens up more options like Curse removal. However, it's true strength is in its ability to allow you to use Vinktar's without being shocked. This essentially removes the downside of Vinktar's.

Master Herbalist is very powerful for dealing with bosses. As you go up in map tiers you may find bosses harder to deal with. This node can help to support your very front-loaded damage with a decent back end. All in all it boosts your DPS substantially and probably a lot more than you'd think.

Master Surgeon and Veteran Bower are both good nodes on their own. However, they do not offer the same results as other nodes. Master Surgeon may seem very strong, but you should not have any issues with Flask Charges and you should have a Basalt flask for anti reflect anyways, so just roll Anti-Bleed. Master Bower has a similar issue where we do not need more charges.



Ethereal Knives > Pierce > Controlled Destruction > Spell Echo > Increased Critical Strike

A level 20 or higher Ethereal Knives (and support gems) is highly recommended after level 70 to maximize your damage. Quality will be very beneficial, too. Controlled Destruction is a very powerful support gem due to its high more multiplier. Pierce is vital to comfort due to EK not inherently piercing. Spell Echo ensures a quick spam into your targets allowing a one-button press to kill them. Increased Critical Strikes is very nice to improve overall damage, however if you have enough Critical Strike Chance, Crit Damage may be more valuable. If you run a Six-Link, a level 3 or higher Empower would likely be the best damage option, or level 2 in a Skin of the Loyal. If you cannot use Empower, try Faster Projectiles for higher AoE or Slower Projectiles for higher damage, but Slower Projectiles will drastically lower your AoE.

Herald of Ice > Herald of Thunder > Curse on Hit > Assassin's Mark

I run Dual Herald Curse on Hit Assassins Mark. Herald of Ice is a must for solid clear speed. The shattering helps to kill stragglers and can also curse with Assassins Mark to generate Power Charges. Herald of Lightning helps to leech more while Vinktar's is active. but also curses enemies as you move around the map. This is especially helpful in keeping Power Charges up all of the time. My intense reduces reservation was done to allow me this very comfortable way of generating and sustaining Power Charges. That being said, there are other ways to get Power Charges.

Enlighten > Discipline > Blasphemy > Warlord's Mark

This is my defensive aura setup. Warlords-Blasphemy allows me to have a very constant leech and a strong safety net between Vinktar's uses. It also allows me to have enough mana to cast EK at any time. Dscipline is here for the obvious Energy Shield buffing. essentially giving me raw life. I had to socket in an Enlighten to edge out enough mana to cast EK.

Shield Charge > Faster Attacks > Fortify

This is my Shield Charge setup. Shield Charge should be the fastest movement skill while using a Flask. Faster attacks makes Shield Charge just a bit faster. Fortify makes you a bit safer when blasting into packs, but could be dropped if needed.

Vaal Haste > Vaal Clarity > Increased Duration

Vaal Haste and Vaal Clarity can add to your speed and safety. Specifically Vaal Haste allowing for intense speed boosting. Vaal Clarity can be useful for single target where you may need better mana sustain. However, Vaal Clarity is most likely not going to be useful if you have Warlords. Switch Vaal Clarity for Vaal Discipline if you want.

Summon Ice Golem > Hatred > Blood Magic Support

These links are mainly for my Low-Life setup.The important one to note is Ice Golem. The Critical Strike buff is very useful.



Picking up a solid chest piece is important. A moderately high Energy Shield chest piece is probably where you want to start. A Skin of the Loyal can be a powerful DPS option, but will lower your defenses. A 5-link should be all you need, but a 6-Link would be an amazing option. Shavs for Low-Life would also be a reasonable choice.

A high Energy Shield Spell Shield is also preferred. Crit Chance for Spells is nice, but raw energy Shield is our goal.

The same can be said for our gloves. Energy Shield, Energy Shield, Energy Shield. Also, resistance.

I use The Gull. I have an okay-ish Energy Shield roll on mine, but the added benefit of min-shrines is both fun and rewarding for me. The shrines can give you extra Damage, Energy Shield, and Speed. However, you need to get one with a good Energy Shield roll or a Hubris with a good Energy Shield roll.

I use Windscream because they offer a +1 Curse that I have been able to work around easily. There is no need to use +1 Curse if you do not want to, but +1 Curse allows my Herald of Curse to work more smoothly. <If you can get +1 Curse elsewhere or decide to skip it, get high energy shield boots.

Eye of Chyula helps to avoid stuns. Decide if you need Chyula or Valrium and choose your other gear according.

A Spell Dagger is a pretty nice bonus. I crafted my own while leveling just for the damage boost. Going for Critical Strike Chance for Spells, Attack Speed, and Spell Damage. The Attack Speed for Shield Charging faster. A Brightbeak can be powerful as well for its insane Attack Speed and extra resistances.

The build was originally based on Vintar's. This flask adds so much to this build damage and survivability wise. The Added Spell Damage and 20% Leech of it are incredible for keeping you alive. The Shock also helps to melt high health enemies. However, this build can function without a Vinktar's. It just won't be as care free.

This flask is "Shav's in a Bottle." And boy, does it do wonders. I recently slotted this into the build and started mucking around with it. With Pathfinder and my incredible Flask uptime and Charge generation, I am able to be very safe as long as I'm careful. While not recommended for Hardcore and maybe even Softcore pushing 100, normal Softcore players might enjoy the damage boost.

On your other Jewelry, try and fill out resistances as you can. Crit Chance and Energy Shield are very nice, but are not necessary to pushing this build into high tier maps.

Build Notes

What you need for this build is pretty simple: Solid Energy Shield on your gear, Capped Resistances, and Spell Crit. Everything else is covered by the tree. The options I have taken may not be the single best option and definitely may not be the best given your given circumstances. If you need to ask some questions, comment below or ask me in game. Suggestions to the build or guide are always welcome.
Dernière édition par Silvershot7527, le 10 avr. 2017 13:09:06
Dernier bump le 17 avr. 2017 02:34:33
Which bandit's did you take?


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