Dual RAT TS Deadeye phys/poison totems

notable changes.. things are going swimmingly in the legacy league. i got a foily taste of hate, 6l'd my Opus (BiS now) picked up some curse on hit sadimas and divined the best ventors i've ever owned.

up until recently, i was running about 65 quant with legacy sadimas/blazon/goldwyrm combo and 19 iiq from my ventors.. i've since downgraded to a regular curse on hit sadimas, switched to cospris from my placeholder chest (having finally 6l'd my opus Viva~!) and my dps has gone through the roof.. my effective dps is now peaking at about 160k and i am absolutely tearing through (and currently comfortably sustaining) my vaults and shaped atolls. i feel like i've finally hit my stride this league. (wish i could get some strands to drop, not sure what the deal is with that map these days...)

I got pretty lucky today, 3 exalts dropped for me and i sold a few items and an esh blessing to make up the difference to buy
for 5 ex and am basically full build now. While i have an additional arrow from quiver and +2 to secondary projectiles on the helm, i am also using a rain of splinters jewel for 2 extra projectiles to make up for the quality of life those 2 extra (4 total) arrows reach of the council used to grant.

something that i have discovered is i have been horribly undervaluing diamond flasks. I am ashamed of this and I HIGHLY encourage you to use one if you run this build.

<-- also picked up this talisman and thoroughly pleased with the deal i got on it.. thing is bonkers good

note: those that may dismiss this build as being too expensive should take into account that this build is the reason i was able to acquire these items.

Hey kid- Do you like to go fast? Do you like to wear item quantity? Do you dislike having to worry about reflect or any other stupid detrimental map mod that cripples your puny and pathetic current build?

What if. I told you. You could have. All this.
And. So. Much. More. ???.

introducing Ratty Deadlocks the Ranged attack totem tornado shot deadeye build

O Forge of phoenix down, farmable
O Pit of chimera down, farmable
O regular atz/ uber izaro all t15 content down, farmable
O Chayula down, farmable.

all on roughly 4k life, glass cannon deadeyes represent! *silence*

Using the awesome power of the most op and criminally under-represented totem ascendancy in the game, the Deadeye ranger ascendancy, we-- No, i'm serious.. The +1 chain? get out. leave. leave if you don't think that's the nuts on a dual totem build that doesn't suffer from being an ugly templar or having the CRIPPLING downside of your other damaging abilities no longer doing damage. just go.

______ end fluff

This build is simple and effective at map or boss farming.

Bandits: Oak, book, book/frenzy

The build centers around the Unique Quiver "Skirmish" which grants you the ability to summon one additional totem and abuses Cospri's Will + CoH gloves for free poison application and Tornado shot's impeccable ability to apply MANY stacks of poison.

Tornado shot links:
4l: Tornado shot, Ranged Attack totem, Greater Multiple Projectiles, added chaos damage
5l: + pierce
6l: + slower proj

This is assuming you don't have Opus or Reach. In the case of acquiring these, replace GMP with void manipulation for best endgame clearspeed and dps.
I use Item quantity gem even while farming the guardians i'm capable of so far.
--- ^ yes, this is a legacy legacy reach.. even with the second nerf to reach incoming, i plan on acquiring one as soon as possible if the prices are low enough as I anticipate the bow still remaining BIS for farming most content in the game. If it doesn't pan out, I know I can run this build on Opus with either Lmp/gmp or the totem jewel that gives additional projectiles/dying sun

this build benefits greatly from using frenzy charges, and is not crippled by ancestral bond so we use

Frenzy links:
4l: Frenzy, curse on hit, power charge on crit, temporal chains OR vulnerability (whichever you prefer, i usually have CoH gloves and run both.
5l: add pierce
6l: add faster attacks

It should be noted that frenzy, even though it is a curse applicator / charge generator, still adds legitimate dps and stacks even more poison charges on your target.

other links: CWDT/Immortal call/portal
blink arrow/faster attacks

auras: hatred/herald of fire

selfcast: portal, ice golem

As for the ascendancy itself, +1 chain is your bread and butter. IGNORE the +1 arrow path even post reach nerf. If you are in need of more arrows, use dying sun, get your +1 quiver, get the +proj ts lab enchant on a helm

These are your best options.

In a perfect world (the world I live in), you get full resists off of your 2 ring slots and belt:

Having full resists on those 3 items is very important.. it enables you to use the most OP and beautiful item in the game:

Unbuffed, my movespeed is 104. amplified by a flask, you can really book it through low populated zones / through towns / or from item to item on the ground that you are farming.

ideal amulets / belts look like this:

for flasks,
are pretty much the best things you can get, but
are also good.. i use one quicksilver, one healing and one mana flask otherwise.
(edit: diamond flask is hiiiighly recommended over almost any other flask available.. maybe excepting dying sun)

my jewels
the tree looks like any crit/phys tornado shot build for the most part, but feel free to look at mine. cheers and gl.
Dernière édition par moxemerald, le 11 mars 2017 23:23:13
Dernier bump le 27 juin 2017 14:18:59
This is exactly what i've been looking for. I'm very excited to try this out in the next league.
I have very limited experience with RAT, so i might ask some stupid questions.

1. Is the single target dps good? If not, is it possible to adjust your setup to make a noteable difference in single target dps(like switching out TS & GMP)? Mainly thinking about stuff like Uber Izaro and Atziri.

2. Bandits?

3. Would you consider this build 'good' for ulab, even on a budget? Totems always makes life easier, but hp looks a bit low but i guess there is room for adjustments when IIQ/IIR gear doesnt matter.

4. Might be a tall order, but is it possible to get my hands on some video of this build in action?

5. Arrow Dancing [Passive tree, bottom right] is not good? I have no experience with it.

Thanks in advance! Might PM you ingame as well =)
Dernière édition par Sixtyeight, le 8 févr. 2017 09:50:08
hey - thx for taking a look-see at the build.. its pretty simple and easy to get going

as for these questions
1) single target is fine for all content up until tier16s. this league i've only completed chimera for t16s so far.. i struggle with the other bosses because i only have about 4k hp and run sub-optimal gear in the gloves/boots slot for the movespeed and quantity that sadima's touch and seven-league-steps offer.

as for uber izaro and atziri, they are both walks in the park once you get the mechanics of the fight down.. whether you succeed or fail at those challenges has a lot to do with your positioning and knowledge of the boss's phases.
2) i take (oak) hp, skill, skill because i like to have a little more flexibility when i move points around on my tree.
3) yes this is a good build for uber lab -- once you get the hang of it you won't have any problems at all. yeah i have around 4000 hp as i mentioned-- i don't have hp on boots, gloves, helm, chest or quiver.. you could comfortably get up to 5 maybe 6k if you tried a little harder than i have. some other options might include wearing kaoms and getting your poison via snakebite- or just use the poison gem.. its manageable but not ideal

4)as for the video, i'm afraid my potato of a computer couldn't handle that request.

5)arrow dancing might be useful, but i've never really felt the need for it because totems allow you to play from a fairly safe distance when encountering porcupines and other projectile threats.

feel free to pm me in game with any further questions -- i could show you how it looks in action, too. cheers and gl
Will this do in 2.6?

Do you have a tree link?
Hi there, having never played a RAT totem build, I am wondering whether something like this would be a good starter (seems to have cheap gear set) for 3.0. Any idea or suggestion how you would build that in 3.0 ?



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