Can't connect to patch server

Hi guys.

I know there are threads. I read many of them. I am sorry for bringing this up again. If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful.

OK, I've been playing for some months, have some characters I like. Now I moved to a new flat, and I connect through student WiFi using my University login details. And now when launching the game I get "Unable to connect to patching server" thing. I can't ping as well.

I first tried inserting the patch server into the shortcut, but I failed to find that "target" field. Probably I did it completely wrong, but I inserted it into Object field so that it looks like "F:\Path Of Exile\PathOfExile.exe" patching-server

The most funny thing is that my Windows 7 was installed not in English, and I CAN'T change the language of interface into English - it's ridiculous, I spent more than an hour trying to solve it.

Anyway, then I tried to deal with OpenVPN. Another hour and hooray, I am connected to UK server through Romania. But when I load PoE client... I get... EXACTLY the same mistake of "Unable to connect to patching server"!!!

Guys I like this game, I tried hard to solve it, but I failed.

Thanks very much for your help in advance, everyone.
Dernier bump le 24 mai 2017 13:12:30
Hi there,

Please try adding " --nopatch" to the end of your Path of Exile shortcut target and then load the game. Once you have done this once you should be able to then remove " --nopatch" and load the game normally.

Please let us know how you go with this.

Thanks for your help! I managed to acess the game! However, after quitting and deleting --nopatch, it would say the same mistake "Unable to connect to patching server"

However, the first time I managed to connect I was still using OpenVPN. Now I can't connect anymore.

So, if using --nopatch, I manage to access the starting screen. In there, whether using OpenVPN or not, I am stuck on "Connecting to server" thing, whether connecting to Europe, America or Australia. If I delete --nopatch string, I still can't access the starting screen, I am stuck on loading with "Unable to connect to patching server".

I just wonder how did I manage to connect once, just an hour ago. I even played for an hour, got disconnected thrice, and then couldn't join it again.
Hey Morpeheus,

Hmm. If you are unable to ping our servers, it is possible that this connection is being blocked by your ISP. Have you only recently started using your student Wifi to connect to Path of Exile? Filtering of this nature is sometimes the case for campus networks, and you may need to contact your administrator to confirm this.

Do you have another connection you can try to ping our servers with? You are welcome to submit a WinMTR report where necessary so we can address it.
Need Support?
Hey Yeran, Bex,

Thank you for paying so much attention to my problem.

1) The problems with connecting your servers appeared right after I started to use campus network. So it is highly possible my ISP blocks it, but I thought using openVPN gives a guarantee to bypass any blocks of that kind.

2) An important consideration is that I managed to contact to your servers today for about an hour when using openVPN and campus internet. Then in an hour my access to internet stopped for 5 mins, as if they restarted their servers or smth. After this brief disconnection I did not manage to connect to your servers even using VPN. I will test this problem a bit later today.

3) Can you please provide me any specific server addresses so that I can check my ping? I only know the update server address.

4) Currently I don't have another connection to try, but I used the same laptop for months to connect to your servers before, so I assume it's my ISP problem. Still don't understand why using OpenVPN stopped helping with this. I'll run WinMTR report in about 4-5 hours and will submit it.

I am not sure the administrator will want to help me at all with a problem like this :) So I hope to deal with the problem with our own resources so far... But if it comes to the point, I'll try to chat with them.

Thanks again, I'll provide more information later today.
Hi there,

Thank you for this additional information. If you're connecting from a campus network this may be a porting issue. Is it possible for you to try disabling your firewall/anti virus and attempting to log in again?
Hi there

Sorry for a delay with resolving this. I am not sure, what worked, but I am able to access game if I have --nopatch in shortcut. Inside I am able to login if I use OpenVPN only. Recently I also tried to turn off my antivirus (avast), which NEVER cost any troubles before, and suddenly I managed to access the game without --nopatch string. However, I am still unable to login without OpenVPN. Still, the game is playable, but if I have any more issues with this, I would refer to this thread again (hope there will be no problems).

Thank you very-very much for your support, your tech support is awesome!
Morpeheus a écrit :
Recently I also tried to turn off my antivirus (avast), which NEVER cost any troubles before, and suddenly I managed to access the game without --nopatch string.

Same here, KIS 12 prevented me from connecting to patch server, and i never experienced anything like this before. Let's keep this thread alive, it's #1 in google search results for a reason =)
Im having this issue of the "cant connect to patch server" but im using my home wifi (not sure if that makes a difference) and i would like to know how to fix it


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