Poison should simply not be hit based. Other Ailments make sense but not poison.

Hello dear GGG team,

I am very sorry if what I will write here is not exactly great or or something like that but i feel i have to adress this issue. Don't get it wrong I'm on board with your vision, that harder hits should cause stronger ailments. I do agree with all but one ailment. That is poison. While with the other ailments it is indeed great idea and can be even nicely explained i feel poison is lacking. Let's talk about the meaning behing what I just said.
the Harder the hit, the stronger the ailment:

Fire: sure that it prety easy here. The stronger hit here generates more heat therefore it causes more fire dmg and stronger burn dmg. Easy.
Cold: stronger hit generates stronger chill and freeze buildup thus causes stronger chill effect and stronger freeze effect. Also easy,
Lightning: Again stronger hit mire static energy therefore cuasing stronger shock.
Bleeding: Now this one is my favourite. Here it makes sense the most. I mean stronger hit stronger bleeding right? Let's present it on three examples - min. dmg hit, max. dmg hit and critical hit. - min. dmg hit = fleshwound, something you barely need to pay attention to. Basically nothing to worry about.
- max. dmg hit = Strong hit. More like a deep cut across your chest, leg, arm and such. Bleeds significantly more. One would need to sew it up or heal it properly to stop the bleeding.
- Crit. hit = basically something like if you hit Artery, a massive bleeding that can cause death in a matter of few minutes or even faster.

Poison: Here it's where is makes no sense at all. Poison should not be affected by the strenght of the hit, in fact it should not be dependent on physical damage at all. I mean we know poisons that can take effect frim just a simple scratch or even by being smeared on one's skin. What use would poison be for assasins like for example Shadow. Why would they train or research poison if it was dependent on the strenght of the hit they do? In that case it would be far more easier to just train in sword or dagger wielding with some movement skills. What use would poison hat is dependent on the power if a hit do, if all you can then do is to stab someone in his/her heart or in their eye. In that case there's no need for poison at all. If poison is dependent on how hard i hit then there's no need for the pathfinder ascendancy (whish i basically made for poison builds on ranger), instead i could just pick Deadeye and max phys dmg and projectile dmg and speed. And also the Herald of agony is pretty much useless. The effect it has is prety much the same you get in Pathfinder ascendancy. I'm running poison stacking build and it looks like poison was simply not intended to allow this kind of build. I will gladly tell you what skills use, and for clearing mobs they are great. But for bosses? Exept the bosses in Ultimatum. I can slaughter them in a matter of seconds. (Well exept the manticore which is prety annoying when it takes flight).

Well please don't take it personally. I'm not trying to be mean or insulting, but that's just how i feel about the whole poison ailment. And no I'm not going to use PC from Pathfinder's ascendancy. I'd feel restricted and i think hat PoE 2 simplified passive tree is telling players that they can make teir own build. It's a lot easier than in PoE.

OH another thing is quivers. I feel that thanks to the main skill i use to poison enemies (posonburst arrow) i have no need for quiver that gives me a chance to poison. and frankly i havent seen better quiver for my build yet (and i'm playing since the start of the EA). I was so happy when i got the invitation. And all around the game is awesome. You did amazing job with it and it's definitely light years in front of D4). It's just that I feel the poison was adressed or approached form the wrong direction.

Last thing i found out that now i have to use Plague Bearer whish is actually an overkill.

My setup if you want to know is:

Main skill (poisons everytime): Poisonburst Arrow
Other skills: Vine Arrow, Gas Arrow, Plague Bearer, Toxic Growth (which can't be used ad a dodge properly), Barrage, Wind Dancer, Blasphemy with Despair Curse (whose range makes it feel a little bit underwhelming even though I have 20% quality and use Magnified Effect support) and tornado shot since the combo with gass arrow makes it worth it especially in enclosed spaces. Most of my passive points went into the magnitude of either poisons of ailments and their duration. Some went into defense, some into chaos dmg. but is still feels undewhelming and a lot. When it comes to regular - rare monsters it's easy to deal with them. Just pop Plague nova on 100% and it's done.

Sorry for the long message. And sorry for bringing up this issue if it was somehow adressed in the future patches. But i feel that is the issue with poison.
Anyway thank you very much for your time and understanding and hope that you will at least read this mail.

Wish you all a amazing and succesfull day, nice weather and frim health.

With regards

Dernier bump le 17 mars 2025 09:01:08
Cold projectiles should also never deal fire damage but this is POE - the game that converts everything to anything, no matter how stupid it is.
POE2 is a game of no logic. Creating chilled ground should permanent extinguish the burned ground from Juiced maps. But no bro... They made it to have magical effect or like lava that has 1.000 °C.

Im disappointed becouse some gems should have meaningful purpose in game and be strong. But no bro, only one shot kill should be godlike.
Creating chilled ground should permanent extinguish the burned ground from Juiced maps. But no bro...

They should have really leared from Larian here .)
The burning ice spikes from eye of winter on burning ground is also a new trend:) It isn't even some coincidental synergy from passive effects, skill was actively designed to have burning ice as its main distinction. These things impact immersion for questionable benefit. You can design enough build variety without resorting to "combine everything with anything".
Same goes for ice and lightning flying through firewall. Like wtf, lightning streak can catch flame now?:)
I mean no disrespect. They did a hell of a job and i enjoy both PoE and PoE 2. To me they are so far the best games i played after Diablo 2 in this genre. And they made a lot of great things.... But some things somply don't make sense hmm... And they are not even properly explained (as to why it should be like this then).

I don't know with ice but lightning (should not caught on fire) should generate heat so i would undesrtand if it could start fire. Fire could thaw ice... etc.
I hope this will be adressed at least, that's why we have EA after all no? Anyway thanks for your insights guys.
oh yeah right... didn't play BG3 in a while so i totally forgot XD Nice one.


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