Endgame feels slow and boring compared to POE 1.

It's kind of odd, but POE 2 has the exact opposite problem of POE 1.

In POE 1, the campaign is on the long side, and people try to hurry through to get to maps.

In POE 2, it feels like the campaign is amazing, and yet the endgame just feels flat and unrewarding.

For a while now, I feel like the POE devs were trying all sorts of ways to artificially slow down progression to increase retention in POE 1, but when they did, they just made it feel less rewarding and it turned people off.

In POE 1, you have short maps that people can blast through, so if someone is rewarded once every 20-30 maps, it doesn't feel bad because of the speed at which people can clear and gain currency.

However, POE 2 slows everything down, and the maps are WAY bigger and take longer to clear.

Yet, they appear to have the POE 1 reward system and I think that's part of the issue.

You can't just slow down map clear and NOT reward for the time spent in these much bigger maps.

The reason POE 1 was so popular was because the reward to time spent ratio was in a good place for players, and it killed the league whenever the developers tried to mess with it to make it artificially longer.

But endgame is NOT in a good place now in POE 2. I find myself rather wanting to reroll a new character than play endgame. Not enough rewards and gear progression seems to die off once you hit maps - at that point its all about grinding currency to buy what you need.

Not saying there isn't a place for it, but at a bare minimum, why not keep the campaign gear progression in place for maps (where the longer you go without getting a relevant drop, the more likely you are to get it in the future? Obviously not for chase items, but what about for just rare items below a certain tier?

As it stands now, I'd be open to ideas. The infinite map system is a great idea, but just not fun or rewarding as it stands right now.

Maybe for the fun part, it needs a bit more story to it to make it feel more entertaining - like Kirac and the whole endgame Maven | Eldritch Horrors stories? In addition to making it more rewarding, that is.

Just some ideas. The framework for a good endgame is there, but it just needs - more...
Dernier bump le 13 mars 2025 03:28:23
Chill out Bro, you talking about lack of inovated ideas and new content wich is indeed something incomparable with POE1 because PoE1 needed almost a decade to be a complete game. Let POE2 the time it needs to reach this level. The worst thing right now is that some classes kill bosses in less of 2 sec while others melt the mouse for a little damage not mentioning the huge gap in HP and shield between classes that provide survibility. A lot of things should matter in a game to reach if not in a perfect level at least acceptable.


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