Feedback after 250h
Dear GGG, dear fellow exiles,
I've been happily playing POE2 and want to give some Feedback. First things first: I really think this one of the best games ever and for this early state it is really good. Considering other games coming out these days for high prices but in a disastrous state for months sometimes years this is phenomenal. Never the less its early state and there have to be improvements made. I hope this feedback will be heard and considered. For my exile-companions playing the game and commenting this post, please be respectful and if you know any solutions to the following problems i see, im happy to read comments and maybe learn something new. For context here is what i play, how i play: I am now playing a Archmage Spark Stormweaver, Im at LVL 81 running mostly Waystones. I play one or two hours a day. FEEDBACK: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monsters: I really like that you need different Strategies for different kind of monsters. This really makes the challenges fun. But some Monsters are insanely hardhitting (i mean beside getting oneshoted by some) Firebeam of the priest of the sun: even with a good fireresistance i have a hardtime with these. The beam tracks me perfectly so dodging them is kind of useless. If the beam would have less velocity so i can dodge/escape would be great. now my startegy is to kill them offscreen when im assuming they are on the map. This feels more like a workaround of this problem. Also they sometimes kill me when they are offscreen, so...*shrugs* Rare monster with blue Ring sucking mana/energy/life: these are the archenemy of every mage for sure. Now if it happens a monster with high attackspeed got this blue ring im done. happens way too often that i can not outrun these guys and get sucked to death. Maybe with perfect gear, but thats the next point. Oneshots: Ok, its meant to be hard. knowing the attacks of enemys is key. Could they leave at least 1HP especially when you are full health? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Economy: the META: I really pop a champange if any Arpg get rid of metabuilds and the game is still a good challenge and fun to play. What fascinated me in the first place by POE2 was the amount of possibilities in the skillstree and that you kind of can create your "own kind of Class". But in reality you are bound to the METAbuilds. You need specific Skills/skillcombinations and specific Gear. Eveything else is maybe fun but you will die a lot more. so to progress in the game stick to the META.maybe try variations. This leads to crazy prices for the METAgear everybody is looking for. The Tradingissue: If you are "late" to the game you get kind of stuck. The best strategy for seasons/leagues seems to be to run as fast as possible to the endgame and run the highest waystones/ kill the highest leveled monsters to get the highest itemleveled/-tiered gear. Then trade it. get rich. impossible to get there if you are late or "wasted you time" by trying different classes and builds or enjoyed the Story so far. If you get lucky you get a divine while playing. thats what you need to get the good gear. But after weeks of playing, getting to LVL80 running WaypointXV I just get dropped 5div by now and about 1000ex. I guess The rest should be earned by crafting/selling. If you run Waystone 1-10 its useless to trade the gear (in the late season) because someone already selling gear with higher Tiers/itemlevel for 1ex or so. So the best gear i find in early Waystone becomes irrelevant and i cant make enough exalts to buy myself the gear i need. See the METAproblem mentioned above. running waystone after waystone to get to the top getting expensive too. If you dont have good/meta gear you die easily in Waystone XV/XVI. Experience gets Lost, the Area looses ists modifiers. And also not enough waystone with high tiers are dropping. I had already a good amount of waystones with +300% waystone dropchance but it was always lower tiers. If i run LevelXY waystone I need more drops of LevelXY+ waystones. Whats happening right now is that waystone XVI is really expensive on the market and im investing all my Exalts into it and get not enough out of it. And so the circle closes. also there are obvious market manipulations. The scheme is easy. You insert some gear or currency you want to have on the trading site for way less its worth but never sell it. If player are not aware of the "real" worth of this item they will look it up and see whats listed.see the fake item-advert and orientate to it. then insert it for an exalt or so, when its real worth is much higher. Then the "fake-adviser" buys this item and sell it again much higher. Yes, its called a Scam. See for example "normal Stellar amulets". Worth like 300ex maybe, but a lot listed for 1ex. The Thirdparties: I guess Im not the only one who got spammed with advertisements for external Sites selling Ingame currency and gear for real money. I rather consider to give GGG money for Stashtabs or Cosmetics or whatever so i support my favorite gamedevelopers so they dont struggle to fix issues and keep this game developing. But i can kind of understand why people buy ingamecurrency there. its because you need the currency to play the game, buying the metagear, buying waystones and so on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suggested Solutions: I know its easy to cry about stuff, but for constructiveness you need Ideas what make things better you cry about. Maybe following Suggestions point in the right direction to solve the listed Problems: - the Priest of the Sun firebeam should have more inertia so its more possible to "escape" - the blue ring-Suckers maybe shouldnt suck this much this fast. - no oneshots when you are on full health+shield or amour. - For trading maybe its best if higher Tiers of Affixes comes with higher Itemlevel and Itemlevels are more bound to Playerlevels/-experience or other required Attributes. So players trade more within their Level. - For the Market it would be nice to see at what prices an item has sold in the past so you can estimate an average pricinglevel. with all the Affixes its kind of hard compare items. But with some experience in the game you know what Affixes and affixcombinations players want but its still not obvious if its worth 1ex or 1000ex for example. A kind of database of items sold would be nice (which also cant be manipulated by circletrading). - Making higher chances for Divinedrops, Waystonedrops, fixing market issues will lead to less thirdparty-sales. but will maybe never eradicate them. As long as people are ready to pay to win there will be a market for them. So this is also an issue for gamers themself. Maybe helping communities is the real answear, where gamers help gamers. And remind people that this is a Videogame and the only real money you should spend in there sould be for real work. like developing and maintaining this game. So, thats it for now. Im very curious what the future of this game brings and in what direction it develops. Keep on with the good work. bests Robert Dernier bump le 11 mars 2025 16:14:28
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The Siphon Mana ( I think is what it's called) monsters with that blue bubble are annoying just as much for Warriors trust me.
I think the effect is too strong. It would be somewhat challenging and interesting if it was like a slow mana degen but they want it to be "impactful" I imagine but instead it feels like I have ZERO mana. So basically inside the bubble I am unable to cast skills, have to run, shoot something or throw down a slam, run... I wish I didn't say this but I actuallay find Volatile Plants more entertaining :P |
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Thanks for sharing your feedback.
Oneshots are never fun and are only rewarding if you can clearly tell the attack. However as it stands they are all over the place and inconsistent. I've been "oneshot" by the druid in Seepage once, but now I can tell when he lifts his wand and starts "invocating" the big boulder that hurls down. But in Savannah for example, a supposedly well "telegraphed"attack feels compltely unfair because the Hyena lifts his arm up in the air with his sword all the time, it's really not clear when he;'s about to do the most damaging attack. With the druid it's easy: he doesnt life his wand and doesnt do anything remotely ressembling his oneshot attack at any other times. I'd say the difference also in difficulty between certain bosses is completely random. |
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