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Ils devraient revenir en ligne dans environ .Here's my message to GGG about someones post.
Someone said this and i didn't wanna just post a reply because I think GGG should really consider this;
"Poe 2 early access was launched on 6th of december 2024. They game was incredibly hyped and everyone had really high hopes. Some were already calling it the best arpg ever. However from what we are seeing now many people believe its a far worse game than poe 1. Considering steam numbers the game had 570 000 players logged in on launch. This number has plummeted to approximately 40 000 players right now. In my opinion many players and even some popular streamers have concluded that they dont like poe 2 and wont even be trying the next "league". In my opinion the game is so different and so much worse in many endgame aspects that its beyond repair and I completely lost the will to login. I am currently enjoying completely dead hc trade settlers league. I would guess the next "league" will initially have around 400 000 players on day 1 but the numbers will plummet even faster then after launch. What is your guess?" I have to disagree with the premise of this argument. I don't see almost anybody saying it's worse than poe1. I've seen maybe all of 2 or 3 people say this. The truth is, it's actually better with more potential, just needs a lot of work and proper steering. Looking at steam numbers is a horrific way of doing it considering most people probably installed the standalone client anyways first off. Second off, even if a lot of people did leave, it's also because this is half a game. We knew this. That's why it's "early access". You didn't buy a complete game guy. We bought into a test of half a game...and what we have so far has amazing potential, but naturally...flawed. The game has a lot of faults. This is the result of releasing an unfinished product. I don't fault GGG for this. You have to start somewhere. They have an amazing base to work with, but lets address the elephant issues that either are, or are going to come up soon. 1) The game gets you to maps, then drops you in a position where it explains absolutely nothing. You have to go to outside sources to figure out what you're even supposed to do. If the game itself is explained better outside of the game itself, it's fundamentally not ready. A lot of this game seems to assume you played POE1 and should be familiar with its mechanics, which is a huge mistake to make in development. The violent drop off of information on what to do after the campaign is painful at best. 2) The distilled process is basically not explained whatsoever. A maxroll map should not be more informative as to how to obtain nodes or even that that feature exists, than the game itself. 2a) There's not even an indicator in game that shows you you can do anything with distilleds on your amulet. It should show up as an empty feature on the amulet at least....and there should be a menu for insertion built into the game, not on a crude and incomplete list on a 3rd party website. 3) 1 shot mechanics have always been awful in every game they ever existed and need to be removed no matter what the fight is UNLESS the death does not count in hardcore, which would just be stupid. 4) Some builds are WAYYYYYYY too strong. This is the same mistake Diablo 4 made that drove almost everyone away in their last 2 seasons. Despite those who will argue this (simply because they like feeling broken), it does NOTHING good for the health of the game and those people who use those builds are almost always the first ones to leave. I fled to this game because this game felt like it wouldn't do that and the development team at first came out with some nerfs to some things they thought were too strong which was a good sign to me for a healthy and controlled game, but I'm starting to see a lot of it here now too where it's not being addressed. I am completely halting investing money in this game (and I've already invested probably close to a grand...) until this is brought back into a reasonable scope and these boss melting and full screen 1 shot builds are nerfed into the ground. Seeing youtube videos of peoples builds where they're deleting entire screens and bosses in less than half a second is not acceptable development balance. As a point of reference, I refer you to D4's spiritborn class and how it created the largest ARPG forum crap storm to ever exist, leading to what was likely the largest and fastest exodus in ARPG history. 4a) Response time - These things need to always be addressed AS they're found. NEVER let players go an entire season ruining the game. 5) Distilled balance is terrible. All require things that seemingly never drop, and the ones that drop all the time are basically only useful for useless nodes. 6) A talent tree for maps is complete and total overkill. This game franchise is one of the most intimidating skill-tree related to date already even without this second skill tree. There's absolutely no need to further dissuade people from playing because of MORE talent trees. Just give people the bonuses they should have after completion of x map levels and be done with it. 7) An inexplicable amount of useless talents. D4 suffered the same problem with useless gear stats. You have basically the entirety of the player base playing on one quarter of the talent tree. This speaks volumes for balancing issues. 8) Chat - Separate the SSF chat out. We don't need to be in nightly debates about ssf vs regular. If the SSF players want to feel like there's more people to play with, they should be playing non ssf. It's really that simple. Of all the most frustrating things in the game, this ones probably STILL the worst. Wether you play ssf or regular, it's clear these 2 groups of people do nothing but argue. Seeing it in chat is tiring. Or if not separating the chat, allowing chat filters customizable by players. 9) The pacing of the game is broken, largely because of #5, which is characters being too powerful. You will see this mistake lead to a huge problem like it did in all Diablo games. Once people figure the game out, they will always take the metas and run through as fast as humanly possible, turning what's supposed to be a 90 day season of fun into a 48 hour turn and burn. The vast majority of people will play the first day or 2, get a super high level, and then just quit because they're bored and they already have the best stuff. This is not in the best interest of the HEALTH of the game. Keeping people in the game, pushing for things, and keeping goals alive is what keeps the game healthy and the market always moving. That's how world of warcraft survived for as long as it did. If you allow the 48 hour turn and burn rushing mentality to take over, it will in fact have a very negative impact to the games overall playerbase, most notably being after 2 or 3 days of play, most seasonal players will stop playing, leaving all your less dedicated players (who also don't spend as much money on games) with few people to talk to and interact with in a game that's supposed to be multiplayer. 10) The game penalizes multiplayer, ESPECIALLY in hardcore. Pausing in single player is ridiculous. Remove this ability. This is like a built in time-freeze for hardcore that is artificially allowing bad players to get to a point they didn't earn. No other game played online has this and I can without a doubt guarantee that not a single HC player would actually be 100 yet if this was gone, which would have severely extended the life of the game. It kind of makes this game feel inauthentic. Should you be able to exit? Sure...but straight up pausing and playing frame by frame to ensure your characters safety is absurd. Of all the HC modes in every game, this game is the wussiest HC there is because of pausing. 11) You're going to start hearing people crying that there's "not enough end game content" soon. Please don't listen to these people. They equate nothing left to do with no end game content. Every time they say this, it really just means characters are moving too fast. This is an incomplete game. Whatever content you have after this I'm sure will be plenty, just make sure to balance the characters around it so they stop progressing this fast. The best way to do this is to put a gear drop penalty on people who play for longer periods of time but this discussion will start a feud. What happens if you listen to them and just create more bosses and content, is yes you start adding more content for them but their characters just 1 shot the new bosses and don't have to do any of the mechanics anyways, so all the time you waste on artwork and mechanics design leaves them STILL feeling like there's not enough end game content....when you can 1 shot and blow right through every piece of content, it eventually feels all the same because there's no challenge left. People only feel like there's nothing left when there's no challenges left. When they ask for more power because they're bored, it actually means they're already too strong for the games existing content and they needed to be slowed down to a time frame that would take them roughly 60 days get to that point, that way they can enjoy feeling super powerful for the last 30 days of a season, which is reasonable. I'd like you in addition to #11, to consider what I'm saying about the next acts you have in line. People already have builds that are probably so strong they're just going to melt the bosses and the mechanics you've already designed for these bosses are completely useless. They will delete the bosses as fast as a mod can with cheat codes. It will add stress onto GGG developers that you can't ever keep up with, and players will never be happy with the feel of it thinking it means they need more content. Just be advised... Dernier bump le 10 mars 2025 14:28:45
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I don't understand.
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Post your ea feedback here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/2213
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A nice person that OP up there.. a sheep..
perfect for todays game industry with their low attitude everywhere... and also perfect for the rest of trash happening on earth... |
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