Feedback / Improvement ideas


I’m loving the game so far, but there are also some major issues to solve. There are so many good things about it that I can see a huge potential for it, but for now the negatives outweigh the positives, and I truly hope that you listen to the players so you can pivot / re-work the game to better directions. I know this game is still in early access, and it's nowhere near finished, but I wanted to highlight some of the things that I’ve noticed need attention the most:

* I'm sure yall heard it from everywhere, it needs work overall.
* Do not punish dying so much
* Especially, as there is no feel of progress in end game. It just makes me hate the game, when where I just had a juicy nice cranked up T16 map (that I had to plan and prep for 3 hours), there is now an empty map blocking my way. And I lost 600000000000 XP.
* Find a way to create the feel of progress.
* The endless map just feels tiring, especially as it's so slow to progress through.
* Dead ends & finding citadels
* Considering how slow the progress is, it is infuriating to move towards a citadel, only to discover that the way you are moving does not lead to it. I tried to get to one through 3 different directions, and every time, after tens and tens of maps, the path just stopped right before the citadel. We lose so many freakin hours on that kind of bullshit that it makes me feel like I'm literally wasting my life.

Suggestion for Towers:
* I would introduce a new Waystone / precursor tablet specifically for towers and make it possible to travel between them. Using the tablet before the Tower could mean that the more juiced up precursor tablet/ waystone you put to the tower when you go into it, the harder the tower is, but the more powerful also the precursor effects would be!
* These could also enable the players to travel straight from tower to tower (in range), without having to clear the maps between them. This would make the overall mapping experience soooo much smoother and faster.
* Also, maybe the precursor tablet could determine what kind of map / content the tower has. So if you put in a Breach tablet, the tower would have breach content etc.

Trials of chaos:
* Add the stash in to the rewards room.
* I just finished the trials, but forgot to add the other two fates into my inventory. So I took the portal out to go to the stash, but look and behold there is no portal back, so I ran through all the levels, just to waste time and notice that I couldn't use the door to the trial master anymore. Like wtf :D I realized I probably could've made my own portal to go to town and use the stash, but it’s not really optimal either.
* Traveling to hideout from the temple
* It makes no sense that I can travel straight from my hideout to temple of chaos, but to leave it I have to go to the town first.
* Show the locations on minimap
* Fe: as soon as I've finished a room, and the "proceed to the next room" comes up, just show the damn lift / next door in the mini map so I don’t need to look for it. 

Mechanics overall
* Finding the high level content is too random and slow.
* I know it's the whole "point of the game", but 300 hr in on the game and I've got 3 omens (the shittiest ones) from rituals and gathered one simulacrum and found the expedition boss once. Only working mechanic atm is breach, I’ve managed to collect several stones and fight xesht on 4th level.
* I have a good bunch of rarity in my gear and always max out, delirium and vaal my waystones and irradiate and all that shit, but nothing. Invitation from the king? I didn't even know it's a thing, before I saw it in a video somewhere. It's frustrating, and why the hell are the mechanics even there, if I can't access them? At least with fe. Breach I can decide to invest time on it because I know I will be rewarded with the high level content after my effort. Rituals and expeditions just waste my time and I can never know if I get anything of them. This far I’ve been repeatedly disappointed and it’s sucking the soul out of me and makes the game (or at least these mechanics) unplayable.

Tempest Flurry
* Moving with Tempest flurry is clumsy and annoying.
* When moving with tempest flurry, the character gets stuck into any and every little stick and leaf and corner and stone. I’ve built a few characters already, and this has been by far the most annoying gameplay aspect about all of them. Please adjust it. Like when I just run, the game guides me smoothly around corners and twigs and stones. This thing has cost me to die several times and when I die because of something like that, and then lose 50000000 XP because of it, it's just utter dog shit experience.

Unnecessary / poor content
* I know, early access, but there are so many just pointless things in the game, or just not worth doing.
* Fe. The expedition coins etc. The vendors are selling lvl 60 garbage. Absolutely fn drainage hairclumps. Like what is the point with the whole mechanic?
* Strongboxes? Why are they even there? I’ve gotten one exalted from one, which doesn’t pay back all the exalts I’ve naively put into them, everything else has been absolute garbage.
* Essences?

But, hey. Even with all this negative feedback and frustration, I appreciate this game a lot. I think the frustration for many people (or at least me) comes from the fact that the game would be SO FN AMAZING if these things worked better :) 
I would also love to hear what you have in mind with these mechanics and end game etc. I think it could settle a lot of nerves if we knew what to expect.

Dernier bump le 6 mars 2025 à 07:58:16


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