My feedback on patch 0.01b
patch 0.01b - started 5th January to 26th January
System played on W11 Pro, version 23H2 installed on Samsung SSD 990 pro i9-13900k @3.0Ghz, RTX 4080, 32gb ram @5600Mhz perfs : running at mostly @110+, big fights @90, town @80 Game setting DX12 - Windowed fullscreen 1440p @90fps capped, Vsync Off DLSS Quality, Nvidia Reflex On Mouse and keyboard Characters - build lv85 Witch Infernalist - Minion lv30 Mercenary - Grenade lv20 Warrior - Mace # UI - Too much names up the head of NPC, interactibles (Waystones, Well) breaking immersion and hiding what's behind it, you can't change it in options - Worst case is Expedition description's windows hiding fights, monsters and the game itself Stash : - Item's background color when selectionned and moving it is hard to see (to drop in a specific spot), specially in Quad tab with reduced size of items # GAME DESIGN - feelings after playing the game The game feels more realistic but enemy AI doesn't seem to have the same rules as us in terms of reactivity and vision, there's a lot of animations feeling like a big delay between click and attack specially on melee, and you're often attacked off-screen. Maybe adding animation cancelling on melee skills could also add dynamism like a combo (as Lost ark does). Instead of fighting during a long period of time like D2 it feels like the game pushs you to just deal more dmg to avoid the mechanics like PoE1 because a lot of monsters have very strong skills and you can get surrounded pretty fast. Once surrounded you'll get perma-interrupt and not being able to roll out and die, on late game it feels pretty bad and even worse on melee builds. For distance build aiming and kiting back feels wobely because of being slow + slow turn-rate, specially with holding skills like Incinerate making it clunky to play. At the endgame T13+ you still have that weird feeling of not moving like you want, but you're %movespeed and %attackspeed ramp up and because you're one shooting most stuff you don't feel like that but there's definetly a mobility problem. Also the game feels pretty much like PoE1 where monsters don't really attack you anymore so you don't need to play around it. Rituals feel frustrating mainly due to spawn positionning, how monster block you and how props can also do, possible solution could be to spawn stronger monsters but fewer of them. " Itemization : Pretty hard to find good items even for a cheap build, it could be cool to have some tools giving you certain good stuff like RW in Diablo 2 before going more deep into specific builds specially for early game (mapping) and non-meta builds. The worst part for me in the item modifiers is the fact you can have very low tier modifier on very high level piece of equipment added to the multiple prefixes/suffixes that exist it's still very hard to get what you want. Often the best items you have are from the market that you'll get from buying to a league rusher, and not from beating yourself a very hard content with the current build you're working on. A lot of uniques feel bad and/or useless that feel sad for the work that was done on them. Having less "bad modifers" could bring up to faster decent farming builds. " # GAMEPLAY Mobility : - Monsters are really fast and can surround you very easily, especially in earlygame when you've no movespeed bonuses - Blink-roll ends with a very annoying animation that moves the character further and also blocks any action - Difficulties to see where the character will move when clicking for precision movement needed to avoid the fireball traps in Trial of Sekhemas Behaviour : - Sometimes just by running monsters push you far away and they can keep doing that indefinetly, it feels like you're not really controlling anything - As mercenary crossbow, when moving and shooting the shoot is "buffered" and if you move away then go back you'll shoot where you clicked to attack seconds ago (looks like a bug) - As mercenary crossbow, some skills (e.g. Galvanic shards) shoot faster when you spam click than when shoot key is hold - As summoner, minions are often blocked behind something or not moving waiting far away, and arsonists will often throw their grenades into walls, props in restraint areas - A lot of targetted spells even those on allies like "Pain offering" doesn't choose the closest minions to the cursor but often an other one, same on enemies. Seems like autotarget is bugged or working not as intended - Some skills like "Detonate dead" don't work through props you've to get vision, could be interesting to have them work without direct vision - (Campaign / Endgame) Normal monsters being able to interupt you, specially on melee gameplay is very painful to play with and feels like the hero is very weak # GAME BALANCE - (Campaign / Endgame) Some monsters like Iron guard, Iron sharpshooter from Act1 and others have some very hard hitting skills compared, and some are very hard to see like Sharpshooter little blood projectiles - (Campaign / Endgame) Some modifiers hit harder than the Elite monster itself, it's very weird - (Campaign / Endgame) Uncut skill gems drop too much but not the spirit ones - In Atlas passive tree, Shrine nodes feel weak - Lesser jeweller's orb drop very lately - Solar priest (monster) shoots too far and its turn speed is too high - Strongboxes in low tier map (<T10) are not worth to upgrade with orbs - Boss's drop feels very low compared to Elites Temple of Chaos : - Lower defenses malus seem to be too hard too fast, the 1st time you picked it is already a crazy amount of reduction Trial of Sekhemas : - Summon build can tank traps and ranged projectiles making it way easier - Minor afflication : "-20 sacred water per hit" is unplayable (too hard) should be way lower and counts as a Major affliction, the opposite boon gives 2 sacred water and counts as a Major boon - No Evasion/Armour/Energy shield is too impactfull and can break a build - Some afflictions are too punishing, impacting "hiding affliction" difficulty # QOL - changes propositions - Hide allies effects in multiplayer! - Access to Relic Altar relics without using a Djinn Barya - Strongboxes are not showed on the minimap - Infos shared in Character tab are lacklusters, details on minions lacks also a lot of information such as critical chance, attack speed, cast speed - Need to see Elites on the map when they're discovered - More indications on minimap in Temple of chaos - Cursor size between medium and large (1440p) - Being able to do multiple search in passive skill tree - Having all the skillpoints displayed on passive skill tree e.g. "123/123" - Hotkey for Hideout portal - Hideout edit menu is clunky - Trial of Sekkhemas TP Button like Temple of Chaos, Hideout, etc - One more row in inventory would be welcome since we often need to move a lot of items # Art & Sound Music of the Ardura Caravan is very repetitive and sounds like a loop Jewel's blue radius effect is low resolution in passive skill tree Some Witch or Mercenary quotes kinda break the dark fantasy universe with too much funny lines (personal taste) # Optimization - Insanely CPU based - Passive skill tree lowers frame rate even if it hides the game - Heavy fps drop in town and with high number of monsters during fights and/or with summons, effects - Trial of Sekhemas and Temple of chaos seem to be in an other server, it's often lagging pretty hard during those # Bugs - Flammable gas often don't combust with fire spells and stay in the air - Clicking on "Invite to party" (1440p UI) is tedious, button doesn't highlight directly needs to be close to the end of it - Elites icons stay on minimap after their death - Strongboxes in Maps can summon thunderstorm (modifier) but not the monsters after that blocking progression - In Temple of chaos some rooms cannot be finished - In Trial of Sekhemas Scorpion Boss can make the game crash - In Trial of Sekhemas during portal rituals, some of them once the summoners beaten remain open - Before entering trial of Sekhemas Names on minimap of NPC or items can stutter when on the same "level" and start blinking - Some quests from second part of the campaign are impossible to finish (Pinnacle of flame, end act1, etc..) - Passive skill refund is bugged : if you put points in a passive branch to access an other branch and remove some points on a "necessary to exist branch" to get the node you wanted with the new branch before confirmation and confirm, the game will act weirdly and accept the ones you put to access it but not refund the ones you don't need anymore from the "old neccessary to exist branch" Thank you for reading Dernier bump le 17 févr. 2025 04:19:59
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