new player thoughts for future release poe2
hi im newer player just since 3 weeks ago, in total 300 hour. my gear pretty decents and these just my experience and feedback, maybe no everyone agree ofc but that okay, this just my thought so we can disgree is just how i feel what will makes game cooler experience in my eye and the thing i like when i playing onlines game (no just poe2)
- armor style / transmog (like warcraft) - transmog is goods idea but i can understand some ppl no want, even if never happen that okay, but i really enjoying the aura glow i buy on the shop, and i match some armor from shop + a regular wickeds tiara hat that give me a overall cool look. i hope there can be team who job only to design cool looking armors on future. Both for inside shop and also from boss/contents. Some game do that for shop and abandons the game contents drop, but i think importants have cool armor on both, that way some player who really good can earn a rare styles and only those ppl wearing it u will know they are skill. this bring another point i wanted make later, but for those drop item, maybe content has be solo so u no allowed to grp up, that way no1 can sell it carry. super cool armor got be available both for shop casual player who want and alsos skill player who want to earn and shows off how skill they are. - armor coloring kit in cash shop to help stand out or some kind dye in currency shop that rly xpensive, few divine or somethings rare drop from boss instead, that way ppl with same armors maybe can look differents n custom the style they wants? just idea though np if bad one, but b4 i playing warcraft and d2 and one u got at the endgame build all the ppl look sames. i know poe2 got big passive skill so ppl doing all different stat/build, but still look pretty similars overall item, only few style of hat/armor/staff appearance, will be so cools to customize - make ur pet follow on around map and he gonna loot all the small item 4 u, either he loot currency like rune, transmog orb, regal, exalt, chaos, etc, or maybe he have functions u can select and choose him to pick up to 4-5 item only, and base what u select he gonna automatic loot that if it become visible on ur screen. like if game register to ur screen the item drop, he gonna loot it, i think cool if pet can got a function like that, and maybe even go far as he got a backpack and u can keeps spare loot onside, not loot that drop but maybe u gonna swap some ring/amulet or boot/glove for boss, so u can swap without go back to town or take up ur bag space color affects for skill - i saw shop got cool finisher move. that rly good idea to me, whoever think is cools. I imagine 1 steps more than that when i saw it on the shop, i playing ice strike monk so i press 1 time and entire screen delete and lightning and frost explode, would be cool if can make my lightnings purple or blacks/red combo like the character glow i buy at the shop, then i really gonna be demon lord style. dont have be just monk tho, i saw youtube video spark wizard, all spark blue, but would be cool if ur spark can be like red with cool glow or something, and cool way for company make extra money, like optionals stuff, no need to buy but there for ppl who want it. - portal effects on ur hideout when map done - sometime i finish map and i selling item on vendor/look my stash/doing trade/sitting hideout chat, and i forget my map done, then i go back inside and map complete and go out again, everyday 50 time, maybe just me? but cud be cools for few coin on shop i happy buy it, some kind glow or "chain" that wrap around ur portal just for styles, and that way u see it and u know dont go back inside u can start anothers map. - when i leave map with fulls grimfeast buff, it go away, idk me or bug? sometime i go town before boss recharge my flask or somethings, change a gear, then my energyshield from 5-6k to 3k, so idk if intend but will be goods if grimfeast stay on u until is consumeds - some skill maybe no describe well for new player. 1 example i spend entire day plan a builds around patient barrier skill on my monk( says gives 60% maximum energy shield ), i think okay how much max energy i got, i press "C" and says right theres "energy shield - maximum energy shield 4266" so i need get 60% of 4266 which 2500+, but my es only go up likes 600-700. i know alot skill like that but because way is worded and UI show, rly confuse for new player and i waste few divine i farm for item to do that and then was all wrongs. - some kind of ingame dmg meter in hideout or dmg meter map to test ur combat dmgs, i go into map sometime, but hard to tests my dmg cause i got rage on hit and drop away so fast my stack, and i runnings slow even 35 movement boot, so sometime cants keep my combat up and hard to compare item/build/spec. just want way to be able test dmg reliables so can tests my gear quickers, go inside map over n over n over n over n over rlys not nice. no make the meter viewables to anyone but urself tho, no need for playing the game, just for test urself. - i was on my bag in map and holds ctrl + left click item to drop back to floor but nothings happen, like diablo2, i know sux copy that but is rly nice, or there is way do it and just setting have to change? - player inspects - maybe existings? i thoughts cool be able inspect player either from trades chat on their name or maybe only if on ur grp? - trading issue is big talk about, hard rly think wat best solution, make auction house or no, auction house creating alot new problem, maybe no best direction for game, but i understands need for that, i want also, but i need think more careful how can affects game. For now i think good solution is do a window shopper on ur hideout, so i had idea u inv some1 to ur grp, then u can clicks them n give permission to thems, they can view ur public shop stash tab but no take any item out, or maybe u can selects which tab u want them see, and they can views ur price u set on it and then is like some1 come to ur shop n buy ur item in persons is kind cool, and after thats, maybe u cud even have functions like u invite 10 ppl ur hideout or 5 ppls, and u set "auction" on ur item ,and ppl bidding on its in ur hideout, that kind hard to imagine as i type cuz maybe some guy conspires with other guy to get xpensive item cheaps. but u can make seller set minimums bid so that way he get minimums price he want guarantee and then bidder can bids for real vs each other. there alot to thinks about that. - for auctions house i think hard choice. i think can be good and bads idea, if got it, i think need have function like, item only display for sale for "x" amount of offline hour. u cannot keep item listeds forever. problem now trade site alot ppl got item that averages for high price and inflate quality of item by makings bad stat look xpensive, and since item never come down, is just stack and stack and stack, is no good 4 anyone. item duration gonna change that and lets more real market price that make more sense. i got alot more idea i workings everyday to improve on my note and ill make update, for now these just idea thoughs is okay if they no good. i just share how i feel incase any1 else think sames or will get a goods idea from one of these idea. 1 idea for future i gots was like a solos adventure xperience, u gonna start and do solo progress like tower or something, it exist on alot of game i think so maybe no tower, maybes like a caves or castles, gonna got infinite progress, so best player cant ever clears even, and for those u gonna earn very slow reward, maybe u play entire day like 8-10 hour, u gonna earns maybe just chance to get super rare cosmetics style item or weapons glow or somethings, and all this versions has be solo only, become not doables if u enter party, that way no1 can selling it and only best player will get highest lvls (i no good player so i no benefit, but i love when b4 i go to a town and see all the gear ppl standings around, it give me motivations play hard and get better and alot game missings that because all gear no that hard 2 get just about raritys and u can buys any item withs enough farm currency), so it will be cools got item only u can earn urselfs that affect on ur characters (not item that give u stat, but item that give u style). that all i gots for now after just 300 hour but i keep update as play more let me know u like or hates, we can keeps find out 2gether ands discover best solutions 2gether alsos maybe bug i forgot abouts b4 but today i do my new builds n i got arbiter book IV, so i go to try him agains after that and i instant dying as soon as fight start, no near him or the beams he do, i get the IV book so i alrdy do fight like 4 time, i just instants dead b4 he even cast beams. i notice since i was only 2700 ES, instant die waste like 5divine orb buy more fragment, then i change my ES to 3600 and take 0 dmg and kills him. maybe there some skill or something u need certains % hp or ? i no do anything different, when fight start i alway run behind him avoid beam, and i nowhere close him so not get clip by beam, i think maybe if u just have unders certain size life/es u autos die? as i writings that i think 1 of my first thought whens i see poe2 release, cause i loves hardcore version games too. every game on internet got problem with dc and lose ur hc toons. I know is too hard to make solutions restore character for disconects, ppl gonna fake somehow or somethings, but i have solution i thinks make company look good ands responsibles and is fair for player to understand. Have team for hardcores review if player die to bug. there are condition for this, 0 xceptions, u have be recording ur gameplays when you encounters bug n die, cuz issue with dc i mention and fakings, if any point ur video or streams the screen freezing even 1sec or less, ur appeals is deny cuz just too hard verify anythings if is relate to some1 tamper on purpose or no. but in event u got a game bug, maybe boss teleport thru floor or somethings, ur character fall thru floors or something, boss no drop any item, some kind bug, if ur game recording and is smooth n no freeze, u can submit video to appeals team and they gonna review. I think this fairs and require for any game with hc modes. i watch video warcraft and 1 guy on the dungeon almost highest lvl, he just walking besides his team and random he fall thru the stair and die, then he lose like 100-200hour and no mob nears him or anything, that cannots be allow happen and if do, need some way get back after that, is really no fair. maybe those bug never happen ever in poe2, that good then, i new so idk, but haves that option avaiable to player under all situation with video record/etc, if can prove a real game bug kills them on hc, i think is only rights that option appeal for them. alsos i think okay maybe so many ppl gona abusings that system even ppl know if screen freeze u no allowed appeal, they gonna keep appeal anyways, so u make rule, if u submit videos clip which is require for appeal, if ur screen freeze even 1 sec even tho u know is not allow for appeal, u gonna lose ur future privilige to ever do appeal agains. that prevent ppl from overload and fake. okay that it for now. i try update when can, or reply any idea any1 has and feel free make any of these idea better or tell me whys u think no good. i want try find good solution so all player can enjoy the most. ** i gonna make edits here after read some other forum post, I know alot ppls say quitting or no fun or maybe no what they expects, but is importants i think remembers this not fulls game, this just parts game so far. we can maybe helps building future of game here on forums if we trying our best and company like our idea, so i think when complain about game at moment remember that this not a finish games yet, is our dutys if u really love game like this to try and help shape future for it. now is chance, if u quits now u wont be able help create future game you mights love. Dernière édition par dragonmaidtamer#0520, le 16 févr. 2025 03:51:42 Dernier bump le 16 févr. 2025 03:36:36
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