Resonating Shield, Shield Wall, and Other mace/shield related skills

It would be cool if these skills had an attack time that was impacted by weapon attack speed. This is because in the current meta, Warriors use a two handed mace with a shield. The attack time being a static value currently benefits this set up more than a one handed set up. Instead if it was based on weapon attack speed, then I would have incentive / benefit to use shield wall or resonating shield with a one handed mace. The damage numbers could also be scaled differently either getting less damage for base armour and evasion on shield or getting more / less damage base damage depending on using a one handed mace or a two handed mace. Even though the skill might deal too much damage if it scaled off of weapon attack speed while getting more flat damage from armour value on the shield, this would provide a relevant reason to actually weapon swap or to actually want to use a one handed mace and shield. Current meta being that you just go for Giant's Blood and ignore one handed maces entirely. Even if the attack speed of one handed weapons combined with a skill that scales on shield armour values was a "broken combo" I still think it could be good for the game to have a relevant and compelling choice other than the current "big hammer go bonk" meta. Just something to add more choice to build diversity.

For shield wall, I want to use this skill. I want to have a reason to have it on my hot bar and to want to press the hot key to include it in my rotation or just want to use it in certain scenarios for it's situational benefit, but I just can't justify it. Either the damage numbers on the skill need to be higher, the attack speed needs to scale on weapon attack speed or have higher attack speed in general when laying the skill down, and I would really like it if the wall segments were connected but still acted as multiple walls for dealing damage. This way there could be multiple explosions from each wall piece and if I have enough AoE then I could effectively shot gun a rare with it similar to earthshatter. It would also be nice if when shield wall was supported by Fortress support the ring of walls was created around where your cursor was, not around your character. As it currently stands, there is not a relevant reason to use fortress with it, because you are more likely to trap yourself than you are to trap dangerous monsters. So, there is not a situational benefit to using the skill. Also, it's lack of value as a skill means that it would kind of be silly of me to include it in one of my skill slots as I am already pressed for socket / skill space. Damage numbers could be higher and skill interaction could be improved. Maybe if you hit the walls with an empowered slam vs a normal slam, the wall explosions would also be "empowered" either releasing shockwaves from Seismic Cry or gaining bonus fire damage from infernal cry. As a different route of scaling relevant value on the skill, it would be cool if there was a passive skill cluster in the warrior region that increased /decreased wall life and then the skill could also have damage scaled by the amount of damage the walls took while they were summoned instead of just having them be a static value that explodes when hit by a slam. I am not sure what I want from this skill, but I would like something more to provide more incentive to even want to include it in my rotation or even spend a skill slot on this skill.

Between auras, warcries, travel skills, clearing skills vs bossing / single target skills, I am just not sure where or how I am supposed to make room for these other "situational" skills when they are not providing enough benefit when I use them as compared to something else that I could have done instead.
Dernier bump le 16 févr. 2025 17:40:40


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