[3.25] Doryani's Archmage Lightning Conduit of the Heavens



My name is Hunter, i have been playing PoE for about 4 years with more then 5k hours in to the game, i have always made my own build and this league is no exception, so i would like to share the build that i made with you guys.


This build uses the unique item Doryani's in combination with the rings from the Kalandra mechanic to reach -200% lightning res, on top of that, we utilize Lightning Conduit of the Heavens in combination with Archmage to reach the true potential of the build.

But what does all of this really means? Well, Lightning Conduit of the Heavens skill gem does not require shock to be able to proc, which means we can play this gem as 1 button build instead of 2 button build like the original skill gem is intended to play, the original gem has 140% Effectiveness of Added Damage while Lightning Conduit of the Heavens has 270% Effectiveness of Added Damage but does not scale base on shock.

This means that all the added lightning damage from Archmage will work at 270% of it is value and since our damage is connected to our mana pool, this means that for every time we upgrade our mana pool, our damage increases considerably base of that.

Pros and Cons:
+ Fast movement speed and map clear
+ Very tank build with multiple layers
+ 1 Button build
+ High Dps
+ Infinity scaling
+ Mapper and Bosser
- Can run out of mana in specific boss fights
- It is league starter build but requires 5-10 divs to move to Doryani's set up
- Chaos damage and dgen can be a problem in lower versions of the build

Path of Building:
All steps version: https://pobb.in/vpttGFomfyjw

My current end game set up: https://pobb.in/e5qgZJuXbD-B


Note: This is Tier 16 100% Delirious, do to PC crashing the video is not me clearing the full map but their is 5 min of footage of me killing the monsters in the map.

Questions about the build:

How detail is the PoB?

The PoB current has 6 itens set ups, 6 trees and 2 full gear gems combinations.

Can i league start this build?

Yes, PoB has league start set up but not a leveling set up, you can use any leveling guide and then spec in to the 1 tree in the PoB.

How expensive is the build?

The build has infinite scalling so it can be as expensive as you want it to be, but the initital set up goes from 1D to around 10D and then you can keep improving at your own pace, every improvement will push your build further as you are not require any specifc item for the build to work, outside of initial set up Doryani's + Rings combination.

Can i do everything with this build?

Yes, you can do map, bosses, all league mechanics, tier 16, 17, delirum. Their is nothing this build can't do.

Build tricks, explanation and choices:

This build uses armour instead of evasion + spell supression, so how do we get our armour high to the point that it becomes effective?

The trick comes from the new quality chances, since quality now is multiplicative instead of additive, Doryani's can have up to 1786 Armour and 306 ES, the cool thing about this item in combination other types of itens with Armour and ES, is that we can use the mastery:

100% increased Armour and Energy Shield from Equipped Body Armour if Equipped Helmet,Gloves and Boots all have Armour and Energy Shield

So effective, we can have up to 3.5K Armour and 612 ES in our chest, but we dont stop here, by using the unique item Crown of the Inward Eye Prophet Crown we can have up to 1.1k armour and 160 ES and in combination with our Eater of Worlds influence on boots, we can have up to 35% increase Armour + ES on our helmet and gloves.

To finish it, we use Determination to increase our defence, this will gives us:

- 30k+ Armour
- 4k+ ES

This also combines with 24% Physical and Elemental Reduction from ou Endurance charges, up to 8% physical damage reduction from our Watcher's Eye and since we will be using soul of lunaris, we get about to 8% physical damage reduction and 6% elemental reduction while mapping and up to 6% Physical damage reduction and 8% elemental damage reduction while bossing, by using soul of solaris.

We will also use Mind of Matter, and many options to recover mana on damage taken

This pretty much covers our defensive layers, until you can upgrade to a mageblood and get 90% Max Res and 50k Armour.

Fixing Mana:

We fix our mana by annoiting Mind Killer, mind killer gives us 2% mana recover on kill and since we can hit up to 16 enemies we can recover up to 32% mana on clear, this means that we will always be on full mana as long as their is enemies on the map to kill.

For bossing, use a level 20 Clarity yes, you will reserve life but it will allow you to sustain the fight.

In case you dont want to use clarity, then either wait for mana to come back up or portal out/port in to recover your full mana.

Final Notes:

Im sure i mess up and i didnt explain everything, so any question you can fire it away.

The itens in the PoB are not max stats, you can look in to my current PoB to see how far i have reach.

The damage numbers you see are not max damage but average damage, if you want to see max damage you need to change some parts like using low life or use 5 stages for sigil of power, but i advice you not to, since it will give you wrong numbers about what you are expect to hit.

Have a good day exiles!
Dernier bump le 30 août 2024 14:26:56


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