Can anyone help me a bit with Ice Nova of Frostbolts Hierophant?

I have a problem with sustained dps. When using my main skill there are periods of 4-8 seconds where I only cast ice nova and no frostbolt is being cast.
That kills me when I am up against bosses with adds or packs of melee mobs that swarms me.

What do I need to up the casting of frost bolt?
Lost where no man has been lost before.
Dernier bump le 11 sept. 2024 08:34:50
It could be the Kitava's Thirst not proccing. It has a 50% chance, RNG might just be hateful. I've had a few seconds, but never 4-8 seconds.
post your pob
azulazure a écrit :
It could be the Kitava's Thirst not proccing. It has a 50% chance, RNG might just be hateful. I've had a few seconds, but never 4-8 seconds.

I guess, but it kinda annoying when the silence rng hits....
EDIT: Think I found the problem, my mana flask, Lavianga's Spirit Sanccgified Mana flask -_-
Lost where no man has been lost before.
Dernière édition par ZtriDer#7825, le 17 août 2024 17:09:31
tufferugli a écrit :
post your pob

Here is my PoB, But I think I found out the problem.... I was using Lavianga's Spirit Sanctified Mana Flask.... That kinda was not a good idea -_- time to change the mana flask.

But if you still want to give me some advice on the build I am open for any feedback.
Lost where no man has been lost before.

Hey, thats my pob.

I have the same problem.

I know the gear is not good atm, still farming stuff and currency, but it would be great if anyone could tell me why i also stand there most of the time with only spamming ice nova without frostbolt proc.

I try to follow Goratha's build, but he doesn't mention it somehow.


All hail the muffin man !
High amounts of castspeed seem to make it better.
If its a huge problem you could always self cast some bolts if you have a gemslot to spare for a frostbolt gem.

I notice it seem to get better if you have the mousepointer on you char when casting, mabe only in my mind but it sure feels like the kitawa procs better this way.
The reason it probably feels like it casts better is because the frostbolts spawn at your position and as soon as you start casting on frostbolts you stop echoing and start casting 2x as fast, you'll note that your mana also starts dropping much faster because you're no longer casting twice for each input. I find personally that its more important to properly line up the frost novas on the target than ensure maximum smoothness, a cast speed roll on your wand goes a long way and if necessary you can pick up at least a little more cast speed from the caster mastery (I'm not certain if kitavas thirst and svalinn triggers count as non instant spells or not, if they do its pretty easy to get more than 30% inc cast speed from that mastery, if not its pretty minor).
Cast speed is the only fix for this if dedicated to using Kitava's helm. This is why cast speed is stacked so heavily in the build.

Easy casts speed boost:
Rings. Get a crafted ring with it and an Anathemas for the other.

Runecraft. Enchant both wands with cast spee, and later tormented spirits.

Amulet. Once you have mana regen sorted out, swap to Utmost

Alternatives are to manually cast frost bolt, or to use brand w/ returning projectiles. This is the setup for bossing, but for mapping your best bet is to stick with kitavas.

“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
You don't have a curse in your helm? Socket a curse with frost bolt, and later when you have the ability to apply additional curses, socket 2. This will auto cast the curse(s) of your choice on everything. Enfeeble is great for tankyness, Punishment or Conductivity for damage. This is why the ring Anathema is so popular.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Dernière édition par Piousqd#0073, le 11 sept. 2024 08:05:41


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