[3.23] oriath's end inquisitor | mapper, harvest farmer, 20M dps

Since chase uniques are very affordable this league (3.23), I wanted to make a mageblood build. I also wanted to make a build that was very fast at farming T16 harvests and I wanted to make use of some mechanics that likely won't exist after 3.23.

This lead me to try penance brand of dissipation (likely getting nerfed) + oriath's end to help with clear. I'm overall very happy with the result. The screen-wide explosions are satisfying, the build can clear a T16+altars+harvest in 3-4 mins and instantly phases harvest bosses.

Note that this build isn't cheap, my current version costs around 300 divs and I would say it will cost 200 div minimum.

This build uses the oriath's end unique flask to clear packs and penance brand of dissipation for single target DPS. This build relies on oriath's end and mageblood, which I would normally never be able to afford, but they are much more accessible this league :D

This build scales the AOE (~180%) and damage of oriath's end to chain explosions, which gives us satisfying clear in high density maps. The build is pretty fast with movespeed from mageblood + adrenaline + elusive + rampage.

The build was designed to excel at farming T16 harvests. It can:
• Clear maps in 3-5 mins including clicking the blue altars and clearing the harvest
• Instantly kill harvest mobs with the 100% more life sextant and altars active
• Click every +quant% blue altar. This means that I couldn't stack charges because some of the blue altar mods scale negatively with charges. This also means the build needed ~50% overcapped ele res

Overall I'm very happy with this build. Its really fun to see screen-wide explosions while still having high single target DPS.

Video showcase

I pick up shrines in these videos but I believe there is only 1 map where I pick up an accelerating shrine. Most of the speed bursts that you see are likely the eater of world's tentacle masses. I didn't change gear between mapping, harvests, and bossing.

Multiple T16 jungle valley + harvest https://youtu.be/QNkIOxYCqAA
Multiple T16 mesa + harvest https://youtu.be/Uq4lBwD49ug
T16 mesa + harvest with strongbox explosion death https://youtu.be/JdfMW5lA_9w

Drox https://youtu.be/hk6Ckr3dIno
Baran https://youtu.be/2T5MXPWqzVI
Veritania https://youtu.be/n3l61q8KJls
Alhezmin https://youtu.be/Dvp4cqKDbF4

Path of building

In the configuration, you will want to disable assassins mark for mapping because its not active unless you manually cast it. If you are bossing you should disable adrenaline (death rush) and unholy might (shadow and dust) because they are both on-kill effects.

Pros and cons
+ fast
+ instantly phase any harvest mob with all altars/compasses active
+ explosions are satisfying

- not cheap, requires mageblood, oriaths end, a beefy ring to cap res
- requires specific mods on your watchers eye, that which was taken, charms, corruptions
- not tanky. i die roughly once every 1/16 maps? usually due to standing in an on-death effect
- i'm not sure how it will perform with large wildwood wisp counts, the damage reduction may prevent large explosion chains
- does not have ailment immunity (other than freeze)
- relies mechanics that won't exist in the next league: penance brand of dissipation and flat crit on charms

Overview and mechanics

Oriath's End Mechanics
Oriath's end is a unique flask that gives you a % chance to explode enemies that you kill for elemental damage. Enemies you kill with an oriath's end explosion count as your kills and have a % chance to explode. This means that if you are able to reliably kill enough enemies with an oriath's end explosion you can chain explosions through packs of monsters.

We scale the damage and AOE of the explosion to be able to chain explosions through multiple packs. We kickstart the explosion with penance brand to kill the first mob. Sometimes frostblink even does enough damage to kickstart the explosion.

The oriath's end explosion is not a skill or a spell so its scaling options are limited but this build leverages a few scaling methods that apply to both oriath's end and penance brand:
• We get up to 4% base crit from the charms/that which was taken . My current build has 40-50% crit chance on the oriath's end explosions
• Base crit allows us to scale oriath's end's damage with generic global crit chance and multiplier. We get quite a bit of crit chance from inquisitor and our clusters
• Crit also enables the inquisitor ascendancy to ignore enemy elemental resistances
• Generic increased damage from the tree, rampage, adrenaline, niko sulphite
• Increased elemental damage from our cluster jewels
• Herald of ash allows overkill damage to proliferate to nearby enemies, this helps clean up stragglers that did die in the initial explosion chain. To be honest they burn so slowly its often times faster to pop down another brand instead of waiting for them to burn


For single target, we use penance brand of dissipation, which benefits from all of the above scaling methods. We don't really need to invest much into penance brand specific scaling (e.g. spell damage) to reach high DPS. However, we do want cast speed to make the build feel good. We mostly scale damage by getting + skill levels on gear and from empower lv4

The primary defense of this build is exploding the entire screen before they can attack. However, that isn't 100% reliable.

For mitigation, we run a mageblood ruby flask (~40% reduced fire damage taken) and purity of fire (+7% max fire res). Then take as much "X taken as fire damage" as possible through cloak of flame, dawnguard, helmet affix/eldritch implicit. This brings us up to a maximum of:
• 75% physical taken as fire
• 20% lightning/cold taken as fire

We also get elusive from our boots and a charm that gives us crit immunity while elusive.

For recovery, we run the fire mastery to get flat life regen from our overcapped fire resistance and with inquisitor ascendancy this life regen also applies to energy shield. I also run a charm with "recover life/mana/ES on kill" which helps keep ES topped up while mapping. Before the ES recovery charm, I would die to packs of porcupines.

Our effective health pool is quite low, by level 95 I ended up with 2k life and 2k ES. We run glorious vanity + corrupted soul to get some of our life as ES. This keystone also causes a portion of all damage to bypass our ES, which is actually a positive for this build because it allows us to take advantage of both of our life and ES regen at the same time. Because we run a lot of uniques we need to get as much life as possible on our 1 ring, boots, helm, and clusters.

You phase (which we get from watchers eye) into the middle of a pack and drop a brand. This brand will kill a mob, causing an explosion chain which will likely clear your screen.

Every once in a while you will need to use frostblink or assassins mark to generate power charges. We need to maintain maximum power charges to enable the base crit chance for oriath's end.

Against tougher monsters you can hit them with assassins mark if you have time before they die.

Gem links
The socket pressure is actually quite high in this build. We aren't running shield charge and we have to manually cast assassins mark. If we had more sockets I think we could have fit in another aura. To be honest though, we don't need shield charge because we move so fast, and you barely have time to cast assassins mark because monsters die so fast.

Our main damage link is penance brand of dissipation and we aim for as many +levels as possible. With the base crit from charms we easily hit crit cap without "increased critical strikes". You could drop "added lightning support" by getting conversion from the lightning mastery (40%) + glorious vanity (10%). I'm running inspiration to reduce the mana cost, we don’t need the crit chance so if you can find a way to fix mana then you can swap this for something stronger.

You can get a cheap corruption on cloak of flame and then 6 link it yourself with the tainted fusing method https://youtu.be/V_uJ0Aosjns?si=qBATgcrRtOu_ObDj&t=138. For corruptions you're looking for +2 aoe, +2 duration, or +1 socketed gems
• Penance brand of dissipation, this is $$$ but ideally we would get a 21/20
• Empower lv4. can be swapped for lv3
• Awakened added fire. Gives us +1 level and extra damage as fire
• Physical to lightning. We need to convert the remaining physical damage, its not the strongest support but we don't get the conversion anywhere else
• Critical damage
• Inspiration. We need this to reduce our mana cost, we don't need it to cap crit

We have 3 auras + enlighten in our gloves. Note that these gloves have the implicit "+1 to socketed", which turns our lv3 enlighten into a lv4! We need lv23 purity of fire to get +5% max res, this gets scaled by our "increased aura effect". To get lv23 we buy a lv21, put them in the +1 gloves, and get +1 to all spells from our weapon.
• Enlighten
• Petrified blood. Enables us to run pain attunement
• Purity of fire. Mitigats as much fire damage as possible
• Haste. We use the watcher's eye that gives us phasing while we have haste, which is huge for this build

We use righteous fire socketed into the shield with "+2 to socketed aoe", which gives us 2% more damage
• Righteous fire. Ideally we get lv21 for 1% more damage
• Herald of ash + Arrogance. Bring us to low life and help with clear

cwdt-immortal call
• Cast when damage taken lv2
• Immortal call lv1
• Herald of purity. We needed somewhere to fit this in with enlighten
• Enlighten

We use the dark marionette trick to fit in an additional aura: https://youtu.be/GUdxmuCWf3U?si=lyOkoT0D_1tr62Lm. The dark marionette's respawn after they die so as long as their don't both die at the same time you can maintain a free aura.
• Guardian's Blessing
• Raise spectre
• Zealotry. Spell damage (doesn't scale oriath's end) and consecrated ground
• Assassins mark. We hard cast this and needed to squeeze it in somewhere. We need to cap our power charges and rely on assassins mark for single targets

In our weapon we are running frostblink to trigger arcane surge as well as generate power charges.
• Frostblink
• Power charge on crit with 20% quallity
• Arcane surge lv1

Gear and jewels

Mageblood and flasks
Oriath's end is mandatory to create our explosion chains. A well rolled one is important because a lower roll means fewer explosions.

This build was designed around a mageblood. The flasks we run are:
• Ruby flask for fire damage mitigation and overcapped fire res (= life regen)
• Diamond flask gives us generic crit chance. Penance brand doesn't need it but oriath's end does
• Quicksilver for movement speed
• Silver for movement/cast speed
• Our suffixies are: cast speed, ele resistance to overcap all resistances for blue altars, crit chance, and reduced mana cost because brands are expensive

Body armour, shield, gloves
We want to take as much of our damage as fire because we have so much fire damage mitigation. For this reason we go with cloak of flame and dawnbreaker. The corruptions aren't necessary but they add a lot of damage.

These gloves aren't necessary if you want to replace them with phys conversion gloves or something that gives more defenses but I think they are very strong for this build. Rampage, 20-30% crit multi, and unholy might are way too good to pass up. A good corruption is also reasonably priced (1 div). We need at least 1 4-link with "+1 to socketed gems" so that we can turn our lv3 enlighten into a lv4 to fit our auras. Alternatively, you could buy a lv4 enlighten 🙀

Flex slots, ring, boots, helm, amulet
Our flex slots are the rings, boots and helm. We'll need a lot of chaos res, elemental res to overcap by ~50, and as much life/ES as we can get. We will also need to fix dexterity somewhere. On the helm we want phys taken as fire and on the boots elusive is nice because we can get crit avoidance through the charm modifier. I went with death rush for more speed but this isn't a requirement for the build and can be swapped out. I'm using replica dragonfang for more penance brand damage but you can get away with ashes of the stars or a +1 amulet with defenses.

I recently upgraded to the weapon below, which costs >100 div (probably less if you craft it). However, you can get away with a budget +1 all spell weapon with some cast speed or crit multi.

Current weapon:

Budget weapon:

Crafting this involves:
1. a fractured base (10-20 div)
2. fossil spamming (aetheric, metallic, shuddering, corroded) for +1 all spells and annulling off the unwanted mods (roughly 10 div on average)
3. blocking physical modifiers with multimod, "cannot roll attack", and a non-attack physical mod (3 div)
4. augment physical harvest craft (15 div) guarantees +1 physical spells but has a 1/4 chance of removing your +1 all spells and bringing you back to step 2, I bricked 3 times in row before getting the +1 phys spells +1 all spells 🤦
5. metamod and craft crit multi + non-chaos as chaos (2 div)

I followed this guide is for a dot multi +2 spell skills weapon but the I think the process will work for this weapon: https://youtu.be/NgOOTx_KT_0?si=y61i-rAcM7g-phPN

The most important stat on our charms is flat crit at max power charges. We want this stat on all of our charms, ideally with a good roll. This crit chance applies to oriath's end and outside of these charms is very difficult to get base crit chance.

There are quite a few utility stats we can also get from our charms:
• Take no extra damage from critical strikes while elusive, we get elusive from our boots so this is quite nice
• Recovery life/ES/mana on kill is actually important for this build, before having this on my build I would always run out of mana and I would die to packs of porcupines
• Remove ailments every 4 seconds, this build does not have ailment immunity and is one of the biggest unsolved challenges so I thought that this would help. It kind of helps but isn't a great solution for ailments to be honest

There are a few mandatory modifiers on our jewels. On our watcher's eye we need haste > phasing. Without phasing this build feels bad. You move so fast you get blocked all the time if you don’t have phasing.

One our that which was taken, we'll want flat crit at max power charges. This helps us get crit on our oriath's end explosions. Since we run 4 mageblood flasks and oriath's end we don't have room for a life flask so bleed immunity is also nice but I think you can out regen bleed in most cases because you take phys as fire (not just from hits).

We use glorious vanity to get life as ES from corrupted soul. Glorious vanity also replaces the travel nodes and you can get some useful replacements:
• Global crit multi
• Global crit chance
• Resistances including chaos
• Max life/ES
• Cast speed

I used this tool to find my glorious vanity: https://vilsol.github.io

We use unnatural instinct at the scion intelligence/strength jewel socket. This unique jewel gives us the benefits of all of the unallocated nodes in its radius. This is very powerful because we get a lot of stats that benefit our build from this one jewel:
• 36% increased area of effect
• Regenerate 1% of life per second, which also adds to our ES regen
• 20% increased skill effect duration, which applies our brand duration
• 34% increased physical damage, which applies to penance brand because it’s a phys conversion spell
• 9% cast speed
• 10% spell damage
• 15 strength

I went with a "25% reduced effect of chill" implicit because there are blue altars that reflect chill, which means we run around with max chill. With this implicit + our panteon we get down to 75% reduced effect of chill.

There is 1 flex slot for a jewel that you can use to get more life and to fix dex.

Cluster jewels
We run 2 large clusters, 4 medium clusters, and 2-3 small clusters

For our large clusters we want generic elemental damage and area of effect so we go with widespread destruction and sadist on an elemental damage (not cold damage) cluster. For our last notable the only option that was available on trade was prismatic heart. These clusters have room for 1 more affix and I would go with either chaos resistance or dexterity

For our medium clusters I went with crit and AOE clusters. These are interchangeable but we're looking for: AOE, crit multi, crit chance.

The small clusters are optional but I went for increased life + AOE via towering threat.

Passive tree, ascendancy, pantheon

Since we run 2 large clusters our passive tree is fairly light. There are a few things we need from the tree and the pathing between these necessities ended up being pretty efficient:
• 1 first mastery for regeneration
• 2 brand masteries for attachment range and more brands (might be able to drop down to 1 brand mastery)
• Runebinder
• Pain attunement
• Jewel socket near scion for unnatural instinct
• Enough reservation to fit our auras and >=40% aura effect is nice to get +2% max fire res from purity of fire
• Life and ES

Inquisitor gives us crit, resistance ignore on crits and buffed consecrated ground.

Pious path makes our life regen also apply to ES. This synergizes nicely with our fire mastery (regen life based on overcapped fire res) and the large amount of fire resistance that we are getting from mageblood > ruby flask and purity of fire. Since we aren't running a life flask this regen is really important to mitigate degens.

For our major pantheon we go with Soul of the Brine King for stun/freeze/chill mitigation.

For our minor pantheon we go with Soul of Shikari for poison mitigation. We have capped chaos resistance but don't run a life flask so we have to watch out for poison and chaos degens. In the past 50 maps I don't recall dying to poison once so it may be safe to swap this pantheon 🤷‍♂️

This is an endgame build but comes online once you put on mageblood and oriath's end. I leveled with storm brand until I could equip a lv20 penance brand of dissipation.

Around level 70 you can equip all of the key items and swap your tree to start using cluster jewels. I was able to start doing T16s at lv70 you just have to watch out for tough altars until you level up and overcap your res.

Atlas tree, map modifiers, and farming strategy
This build was designed to farm blue altar + harvest. I've been running mesa/jungle valley, skipping the wildwood, clear the map and click all of the +quant blue altars, then running the harvest.

I added niko and shrines for more speed and some max resistances. My current version of this build can do a mesa including harvest in <5 mins and jungle valley in <4 mins.


Map Modifiers
The only modifier that this build cannot run is "cannot regen life/ES". If you need to run an elemental reflect map then you have to swap out a charm for one that gives immunity to reflected elemental damage.

On maps with "reduced recovery rate of life/ES/mana" you may have to drop righteous fire.

Dernière édition par Dahj#6261, le 5 févr. 2024 12:55:58
Dernier bump le 5 févr. 2024 12:52:32
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