[3.23] Lk's Vaal Caress Cold DoT Trickster [Zoomy League-starter] (New 3.23 Gameplay Video)

This is a low-investment high-output zoomy league-starter for players who want to blast maps without a care.

Use Cold DoT skills to freeze enemies to death. Triple your movement speed using Onslaught, Rampage and Adrenaline. Traverse land deftly using Shield Charge and Flame Dash.

3.23 League-start Gameplay demo: https://youtu.be/P4mbYl-yV-8

For my commentary on the latest 3.23 patch notes, please see the 8th post.

If you have any questions, ask away!

-Added 3.23 Affliction League-start Gameplay Video (https://youtu.be/P4mbYl-yV-8)

-Updated Path of Building for 3.23
-Updated Gem Links for 3.23
-Updated Playstyle, Immortal Call is on left click
-Helmet and Boot Enchantments are now indicated as Standard Legacy
-Updated Acts 6-10 Leveling Notes for Culling Strike and CWDT

-Added 3.23 Initial Patch Notes Commentary (text in 8th post and video: https://youtu.be/ukTIepyQ35k)

-Guide is complete

About the Author
I have played numerous Cold DoT characters across multiple ascendancies and leagues (Trade, SSF, Hardcore, Races, Private).

I retired from POE racing in 2014.

I played quite a bit of SSF before the Atlas passives rework. I was rank 20 in SCSSF Harvest League.


Pros, Neutral and Cons & Playstyle

1. Very high output for low investment - suitable league-starter to farm currency to respec into another build. Push straight into T16s on Day 1.

2. High durability - High evasion, high Phy/Ele/Chaos max hit, spell suppression capped, elemental ailment and stun immune, high life and ES recovery, Mind over Matter

3. Speed mapper - High mobility (~200% movespeed), low cast time AoE skills

4. High quality of life - Recover 10-12% life and ES per kill, Eldritch Battery

5. Fun - racking up the rampage kill counter and watching the various rampage effects blow up on the screen is a lot of fun

6. Relatively well-rounded - suitable for beginners who want to explore the PoE's various contents

7. DoT bossing - unlike attack based builds that have to stand still to attack bosses, you are free to dodge the boss' attacks after applying the DoT spells.


1. Buttons - This build is slightly above average in terms of button pressing. More buttons to press than RF, lesser buttons to press than Melee/Lightning Strike.


1. Limited scaling beyond ~25 divines - This is not a build that scales to the moon.

2. Pinnacle boss DPS - you can clear Ubers but it will take a long time.

Immortal Call - put on left click so that it will automatically cast every few steps.

Creeping Frost - cast on right click

Vaal Cold Snap (VCS) - use on cooldown while mapping unless you are saving it for the map boss. It should be sufficient damage to walk through and kill most things. When used in conjunction with Vaal Caress, we gain onslaught.

Cold Snap / Vortex - use when VCS is on cooldown, or for tanky rares / hard maps.

Arcanist Brand - mainly only used for tanky rares / bosses. It will activate Frostbomb, Frostbite and Ele Weakness

Shield charge / Flame Dash / Frostblink - for mobility purposes

Path of Building
3.23 Leveling to maps: https://pobb.in/Vhq3SWEe4qSK

3.22 Leveling to maps: https://pobb.in/ODqE9CSBXt_k

See the "Leveling Notes" section for an act by act commentary.

Gem Links
5L chest: Vortex - Creeping Frost - Controlled Destruction - Elemental Focus - Cruelty

6L chest: Vortex - Creeping Frost - Controlled Destruction - Elemental Focus - Cruelty - Swift Affliction

Late game 6L chest: Vortex - Creeping Frost - Awakened Controlled Destruction - Awakened Elemental Focus - Empower (lvl 4) - Awakened Swift Affliction

-Bonechill can be switched between chest and gloves, but ensure that Bonechill and Elemental Focus are not on the same skill.
-Gem levels for Vortex, Creeping Frost and Vaal Cold Snap are more important than quality (choose lvl 21 over 20%).

-Culling strike can be linked to either Shield Charge or Flame Dash / Frostblink

Gloves: Vaal Cold Snap - Bonechill - Cruelty - Swift Affliction

Late game gloves: Vaal Cold Snap - Anomalous Bonechill - Awakened Controlled Destruction - Cruelty

The rest of the gems are slotted between the helmet, boots and weapons.

4L Curse + Exposure: Arcanist Brand - (Anomalous) Frostbite - Elemental Weakness - Frost Bomb

3L Shield Charge: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Culling Strike

2L Hatred: Divine Blessing - Hatred

Other 1L gems: Grace, Malevolence, Discipline, Immortal Call Flame Dash / Frostblink

Bandits/Lab order/Pantheon
Bandits: Kill all bandits because we need the 2SP

Lab order:
1. One Step Ahead
2. Polymath
3. Escape Artist
4. Spellbreaker

Major Pantheon
Mapping: Soul of Lunaris

Pinnacle Bossing: Soul of Solaris

Minor Pantheon
Bossing: Soul of Ryslatha for the flask recharge and recovery

Mapping with Searing Exarch: Soul of Abberath with the burning ground immunity unlocked.

Mapping w/o Searing Exarch: Soul of Gruthkul

Leveling Notes
Passive Tree: https://pobb.in/Vhq3SWEe4qSK

Act by Act Details
Acts 1-5
Act 1:
The Mud Flats
(BBG) Freezing pulse + Arcane Surge + Chance to Poison

After The Mud Flats
(BBG) Freezing pulse + Arcane Surge + Volley
(BG) Frost bomb + Chance to Poison
(B) Flame wall
(B) Frostblink

After Brutus
1. Switch to "double daggers" OR "dagger + shield" to use Whirling Blades until Act 6. Alternatively, you can use Flame Dash if you do not wish to use daggers.
(GG) Whirling Blades + Momentum

2. Add Added Cold Damage to the Frost Bomb set-up
(BGG) Frost bomb + Chance to Poison + Added Cold Damage

Entering Caven of Wrath
1. You will receive the Merveil quest rewards as soon as you enter the Caven of Wrath. Replace Freezing Pulse with Creeping Frost.
(BBG) Creeping Frost + Arcane Surge + Volley

Act 2:
1. The Great White Beast quest is not required if you are using Whirling Blades.

2. After clearing "Intruders in Black" and "Sharp and Cruel", you will unlock the gems to upgrade your Creeping Frost set-up. You will also add Cold Snap, Skitterbots and Herald of Ice:
(BBBG) Creeping Frost + Arcane Surge + Volley + Elemental Focus
(BBB) Cold Snap – Controlled Destruction - Efficacy
(B) Summon Skitterbots
(G) Herald of Ice

3. Kill all bandits for 2 skill points.

Act 3:
1. Add Frostbite for curse after clearing the Lost in Love quest.
(B) Frostbite

2. Once you have Vortex unlocked and are lvl 28, switch over to the full DoT set-up. The gems will be:

(BBR/B) Cold Snap – Controlled Destruction – Cruelty / Efficacy
(BBBR/B) Vortex – Controlled Destruction – Ele Focus – Cruelty / Efficacy
(BBBR/B) Creeping Frost – Controlled Destruction – Ele Focus – Cruelty / Efficacy

If you did not complete Fixture of Fate (optional library quest) use Efficacy instead of Cruelty until you help Lily Roth in Act 6.
If you are facing mana issues, reduce Vortex to 3L or remove auto-cast on left click. Any mana issues will be resolved when Eldritch Battery is allocated in Act 4.

(B) Frostbite

(B) Frost Bomb

(B) Malevolence

(GG) Whirling Blades – Momentum
(B) Frost Blink / Flame Dash

3. Run Normal Lab and allocate One Step Ahead.

Act 4:
1. After Eldritch Battery is allocated, add Grace to your auras.
(G) Grace

2. After killing Malachai, add Bonechill to Cold Snap
(BBBR/B) Cold Snap – Bonechill – Controlled Destruction – Cruelty / Efficacy

Act 5:
After Whispers of Doom is allocated, add Elemental Weakness to your curses.
(B) Elemental Weakness

If you have gem slots, you can combine Frost bomb and your curses into an Arcanist Brand.
(BBBB) Arcanist Brand – Frostbite – Frost bomb – Elemental Weakness

Acts 6-10
Act 6:
1. After helping Lily Roth, you can replace Whirling Blades with Shield Charge (you need to equip a shield).
(RG) Shield Charge – Faster Attacks

2. When you acquire a 5L chest, combine Creeping Frost and Vortex into the chest:
(BBBBR) Creeping Frost – Vortex – Controlled Destruction – Elemental Focus – Cruelty

This will free up four sockets for more gems:
(R) Immortal Call
(RG) Divine Blessing (lvl 1) – Hatred
(G?) Culling Strike (link to Shield Charge or Flame Dash / Frostblink)

Act 7:
Run Cruel Lab and allocate Polymath.

Act 8:
After Mana Mastery is allocated, add Discipline aura.
(B) Discipline

Act 10:
Run Merciless Lab and allocate Polymath.

Twink Leveling Uniques:
Leveling is a smooth ride even without unique items but here you go:

Helmet: Goldrim/Rime Gaze
Chest: Tabula Rasa
Boots: Wanderlust/Seven-League Step
Gloves: Vaal Caress (put VCS inside)
Weapon (for standard league): Spine of the First Claimant

Swap these items for decent rares ASAP (except gloves).

Use a one-handed Wand/Sceptre/Rune Dagger
1. +1 cold spell skill gems / +1 spell skill gems
2. Cold damage over time multiplier / damage over time multiplier
3. Spell damage / Cold damage

1. Resistances

If you are playing trade league, I highly recommend using POB Trade to find weapon upgrades: https://youtu.be/U_ugXJ5VGAA

Optional Weapon Swap:
Unique: Sinvicta's Mettle


When you have 140 STR, you can use a Sinvicta's Mettle weapon swap to proc Rampage instead of relying on Bisco's Leash.

Early game
1. Life
2. Resistances

1. +1 cold spell skill gems / +1 spell skill gems
2. Spell damage / Cold damage

Mid-late game

1. Elemental Avoidance
2. Life

1. Spell suppression
2. Resistances
3. +1 cold spell skill gems / +1 spell skill gems
4. Spell damage / Cold damage

#% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments (Redeemer mod) on shield gives you a damage boost but that mod is quite rare.

If you are playing trade league, I highly recommend using POB Trade to find shield upgrades: https://youtu.be/U_ugXJ5VGAA

Early-Mid game

1. Life
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

Final helmet
Best Exarch implicits: % increased frostbite/ele weakness curse effect in the presence of a unique enemy (or the generic version without presence of a unique enemy)

Best Eater implicits: % physical damage taken as lightning damage

Craft: % of physical damage from hits taken as fire damage

1. Life
2. Suppression
3. Resistances

1. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength
2. Flat/percentage Evasion
3. Flat/percentage Energy Shield

Optional Helmet Enchantments (Standard Legacy)
Tier 1:
1. % increased Frostbite Curse Effect
2. % increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect

Tier 2:
1. Vortex has % increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
2. % increased Vortex Damage
3. % increased Vortex Area of Effect
4. Flame Dash has % increased Cooldown Recovery Rate / Frostblink has % increased maximum travel distance (depends on which you use)


Early game

1. Life
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

1. Craft: % increased effect of non-damage ailments
2. Anointment: Ash, Frost and Storm

End game

Anointment: Ash, Frost and Storm

Craft: % increased effect of non-damage ailments (Explanation: https://youtu.be/TIi4MCyw3mk)

1. +1 Level of All Skill Gems / +1 Level of All Cold Skill Gems
2. Damage over time multiplier
3. Spell damage / Cold damage
4. Life

1. Resistances
2. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength


Early-Mid game

1. Life
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

End game
1. Life
2. Resistances

1. Vermillion Ring base for % life
2. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

Some other considerations:
1. Death Rush

Death rush is a good consideration for speed mapping if you have sufficient life and resistances on other gear. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Death_Rush The Adrenaline buff on kill is quite strong. It provides:
1. 100% increased damage
2. 25% increased attacks, cast and movement speed
3. 10% additional physical damage reduction

2. Mark of the Shaper + Elder Ring Combo

An optional super late game consideration is using Mark of the Shaper with an Elder ring for more DPS. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Mark_of_the_Shaper
Getting a good Elder ring can be very expensive. You will probably have to sacrifice some life/stats. The "Summon Volatile Anomaly on Kill" helps a bit with map clear.

Very early game / SSF

1. Life
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

Early-End game
Unique: Vaal Caress


Why Vaal Caress
1. +5 socketed vaal gems is a huge DPS boost to VCS and CS
2. Onslaught improves our mobility
3. Common and cheap tier 3 unique

Min-maxing with corrupted implicits
For min-maxing, get a corrupted Vaal Caress with a useful corrupted implicit. The full list of vaal implicits for STR/DEX gloves can be viewed here: https://www.craftofexile.com/?b=36&ob=both&v=d&a=e&l=a&lg=14&bp=y&as=1&hb=0&bld={}&im={}&ggt=|&ccp={}

+2 to Level of Socketed AoE/Duration Gems are ideal

Early-Mid game

1. Movement speed
2. Life
3. Resistances
4. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

End-game boots
Best Exarch implicits: drops scorched ground in the presence of a unique enemy (or the generic while moving version without presence of a unique enemy)

Generally the best Eater implicit: Elemental ailment avoidance
Situationally useful Eater implicits: % increased cooldown recovery rate of travel skills / % cooldown recovery rate

1. Movement speed
2. Life
3. Suppression
4. Elemental ailment avoidance
5. Resistances

1. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

Useful optional Boots Enchantments (Standard Legacy)
1. % increased attack and cast speed
2. % chance to avoid being stunned if you've killed recently (if lacking in stun immunity)

Early game

1. Life
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

Unique: Bisco's Leash


If you have sufficient stats on other gear, consider switching to Bisco's Leash! Rampage provides 50% increased movement speed and 100% increased damage at 1000 stacks. The kill counter and rampage effects are also quite fun.

Further reading on rampage: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Rampage

When fighting pinnacle bosses that don't give rampage stacks, consider switching back to a high life roll belt.

In the end-game, you can get Rampage from a Sinvicta's Mettle weapon swap. Hence, switching back to a rare belt is advised.

1. Stygian Belt Base
2. Life
3. Resistances
4. Regenerate 150 Energy Shield Per Second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby / % increased damage

Best Exarch influence: increased effect of non-curse auras from your skills.

Good Eater influence: increased aura effect of malevolence/hatred in the presence of a unique enemy (or the generic version without presence of a unique enemy)

Early-Mid game

1. Life (either high a life roll or none at all for the 15% life mastery)
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

1. Evasion
2. Energy Shield
3. Exarch/Eater influence implicits

End-game chest
Craft: % chance to avoid elemental ailments & % chance to avoid being stunned

1. Life (either a high life roll or none at all for the 15% life mastery)
2. Suppression
3. Evasion
4. Energy Shield

1. Exarch/Eater influence implicits
2. Resistances
3. Attributes - Dexterity/Strength

We have three jewel slots.

Early-Mid game: 3 rare jewels
End-game: 2 rare jewels + Watcher's Eye

Rare Base Jewels
The two priority lines are generally the best prefix and suffix lines available on rare base jewels. Jewels can be used to supplement required resistances/attributes or top up DPS. Corrupted blood immunity is a good QoL, especially against Sirus.

1. % life
2. % cold damage over time multiplier

1. Resistances/Attributes
2. Corrupted blood immunity
3. % damage over time multiplier
4. Spell damage / Cold damage

Rare Abyss Jewels

The purpose of Abyss Jewels are to provide % chance to avoid being stunned if you are lacking in stun avoidance. Otherwise, outside of a Stygian belt base jewels are better than Abyss Jewels.

1. Stun avoidance
2. Maximum life

1. Resistances/Attributes
2. Phasing on kill

Watcher's Eye Jewel

Unique: Watcher's Eye

You can only equip one Watcher's Eye at a time. The price of the Watcher's Eye jewel will vary based on the aura modifiers.

Some useful modifiers:
1. Damage over Time Multiplier while affected by Malevolence
2. Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence
3. Unaffected by Poison while affected by Malevolence
4. Increased Cold Damage while affected by Hatred
5. Chance to Evade Attack Hits while affected by Grace
6. Chance to Suppress Spell Damage while affected by Grace
7. Increased Movement Speed while affected by Grace
8. Unaffected by Enfeeble while affected by Grace
9. Chance to Block Spell Damage while affected by Discipline


1. Divine Life flask (preferably 50% recovered instantly and grants immunity to corrupted blood)
2. Quartz flask (phasing is important)
3. Jade flask

Highly recommended additions:
1. Quicksilver flask
2. Granite flask / Taste of Hate

Recommended suffixes on non-life flasks:
1. Increased evasion rating
2. Chance to avoid being stunned (if lacking in stun immunity)
3. Increased movement speed
4. Reduced effect of curses

YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Dernière édition par LkGGz#3994, le 12 déc. 2023 06:50:26
Dernier bump le 2 avr. 2024 13:05:52
Q: How does Trickster compare with Elementalist for Cold DoT?
-higher output at low budget levels
-higher quality of life
-higher durability (good for hardcore or beginners)
-respec into Shadow ascendancy builds

-way higher DPS at high budget levels
-can run all map mods (elemental reflect immunity)
-respec into Witch ascendancy builds

Devouring Diadem Elementalist Cold DoT Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183

Q: Is there a leveling filter for this build?
TyTy's AAAACaster loot filter is quite useful for Acts 1-5: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Tytykiller/item-filters

For the custom sounds, you need to download them from his Discord channel: https://youtu.be/a4yvJgRBTC0?si=RqMlLaOJ2Xf0dEA_
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Dernière édition par LkGGz#3994, le 28 nov. 2023 11:12:03
Reserved 2/3
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Reserved 3/3
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Hi all, the guide is finally complete!

I will be updating this guide for 3.23 soon.
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Hello! This looks like almost exactly what I'm looking for! Will SSF practive with this soon. Any thoughts or tips on where you'd go from this build? So league start with this build, and then what else would you respec into?
Swootyx a écrit :
Hello! This looks like almost exactly what I'm looking for! Will SSF practive with this soon. Any thoughts or tips on where you'd go from this build? So league start with this build, and then what else would you respec into?

I will check out the new transfigured gems when the catalogue is out.

Prior to that, I was considering a ZDPS trapper for bossing or an INT stacker.
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Edit: Hi friends, I've added my further thoughts in a video: https://youtu.be/ukTIepyQ35k

Initial text post:

Below are my thoughts on the latest patch notes reveal for Cold DoT (patch notes are in the quotes):

TLDR: Overall QoL nerf, Immortal Call on left click, slightly higher defense, roughly same DPS. Wait for transfigured gems.

Vortex Skill Gem:
Now has a 0.750 second Cast Time (previously instant), and no longer has a Cooldown Time.

It can no longer be cast on Frostbolt projectiles, and as such, no longer has 20% less Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt or "Can explode from up to 5 Frostbolt Projectiles."

It now deals 49 to 73 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (previously 41 to 62), scaling up to 779 to 1169 at gem level 20 (previously 1209 to 1813).

Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.

The instant cast time removal is the largest nerf for the build. Our Vortex DoT DPS remains the same, but we suffer in the Quality of Life (QoL) and mapping speed area. Currently, we cast Vortex on left click. In 3.23, this will no longer be possible. Hence, we will have to cast Vortex manually. Our mapping speed will suffer.

What shall we put on left click now? The best candidate is Immortal Call.

Since we are casting Immortal Call on left click, we can use a lvl 20 version of Immortal Call which provides us with more damage mitigation. We also gain a gem slot from dropping CWDT.

What shall we put on the gem slot gained from dropping CWDT?

We can slot in Culling Strike into Shield Charge/Flame Dash/Frostblink/Both. This will improve our effective DPS against bosses and tanky rares.

You can simulate this left click change by loading up your Cold DoT character and putting Immortal Call on left click. Unfortunately you won't be able to simulate the cast time on Vortex.

Other Vortex changes:
Removal of Cast on Frostbolt >> doesn't matter as we don't use Cast on Frostbolt

Change in Vortex on hit DPS >> doesn't matter as we only care about the DoT aspect of Vortex (unlike ignite Vortex, which scales from the on hit damage)

Quality change >> inconsequential

Transfigured Gems
-Transfigured Gems are alternate versions of existing skill gems that have different functionality and balance than their regular versions. We have added many of these, with interesting variations that drastically change how existing skills play.

-Some existing skill gems have had stats or interactions removed from the base gem and moved to the Transfigured versions to provide more focused support for pre-existing alternate playstyles.

The second pointer provides some hope that the old Vortex skill gem that we ran on left click will be restored in the transfigured version. We will have to wait and see.

I am also excited about what the transfigured versions of Creeping Frost and Cold Snap will bring.

Cold Snap Skill Gem
-No longer has 0-19% increased Effect of Chill.

-Quality now provides 0-20% more Effect of Chill, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.

This is a buff to Cold Snap with quality but a nerf to Cold Snap without quality.

Obtaining 21/20 Vaal Cold Snap is not an issue in trade league, due to the existence of this divination card: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/A_Chilling_Wind

I am looking forward to the transfigured version.

Creeping Frost Skill Gem
Quality now provides +0-0.2 metres to radius, instead of 0-10% increased Area of Effect.

Inconsequential change. I am looking forward to the transfigured version.

Elemental Weakness
Quality now provides 0-20% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Cursed Enemies, instead of 0-10% increased Effect of Curse.

This is a minor DPS nerf.

Removal of alternate quality gems and lab helmet
Alternate quality gems, labyrinth helmet enchantments and unique threshold jewels are all systems that were trying to subtly modify the behaviour of skills. With this expansion these have been combined into a new system called Transfigured Gems that allows us to fully achieve the goal of these three systems, and then some.

This is a minor DPS nerf.

My current plans for the week ahead are:
-I will update both Cold DoT Elementalist/Trickster guides for 3.23 after the transfigured gems are out
-I will be league-starting as Cold DoT Elementalist/Trickster in 3.23 (leaning towards Trickster)
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Dernière édition par LkGGz#3994, le 3 déc. 2023 13:05:13
PSA: Vortex DoT DPS is bugged in the latest version of Path of Building.

Aias_o_Telamonios a écrit :
The latest version of PoB reduces the DoT damage of Vortex by 50%. Is that an error on their part or did I misunderstand something in the patch notes?

Path of Building is wrong lol. I will raise a bug report. Thanks for your contribution to the Path of Building program XD

Edit: Fixed!

YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@LkGG-Gaming
Devouring Diadem CDoT Elementalist Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3362183
Vaal Caress CDoT Trickster Guide: www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3450602
Dernière édition par LkGGz#3994, le 6 déc. 2023 09:42:08
I'm giving this a go, even though I started before I saw vortex had a cast time. I haven't played since Ultimatum and it seemed easy enough to understand. Leveling guide was nice!

Will update once I get into maps. Cheers


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