3.22 Reflect Totem Lab Runner
Build overview:
This is a specialized Lab runner league start build that uses a lot of weird off-meta mechanics and leap slams really fast. The damage comes from Torchoak's steps in combination with eye of innocence and empire's grasp while the attack speed comes from Wilma's requital (lots of %increased attack speed) and ancestral protector+multi-strike support (lots of more attack speed) Pros: 1. Incredibly fast leap slam 2. Taunting black hole totems 3. Get through yellow maps on a 4-link with the same gear you purchased at level 68 4. Everything is dirt cheap except for Wilma's requittal. This league wilmas cost me 15c on day 3 5. Great Uber lab runner 6. Also good at heist 7. Can ignore most map mods 8. Deals more damage the more enemies are near the totems. Cons: 1. Totem play style, but even worse because we ourselves are so fast. You can easily place a totem and be out of range before it can activate. 2. Awkward for bosses/enemies who move around a lot or are immune to knockback and/or taunt. 3. Not super tanky and uses taunting totems as a defensive layer. 6. Stance dance for onslaught (optional, but much cheaper than sleepless sentries option) 7. Not a build for low end computers. Lots of calculations and hits per second. It's not to bad in lab, but mapping with large packs or delirium will quickly lead to stuttering. (If this is a problem or you just want to improve performance you can switch your main skill to ancestral warchief or Vaal AW, but then you need to press an additional button and manage numbers of totems since we need the buff from Ancestral Protector.) Mechanics: 1. Every hit causes an ignite 2. Eye of innocence causes our totem to hit themselves each time they ignite an enemy 3. Torchoak's steps causes our totem to reflect 100% of their maximum life as fire damage in a small AOE around them each time they are hit. 4. Life on hit prevents the totems from killing themselves. 5. Empire's grasp combined with knockback chance and chance to taunt on hit will cause enemies to be pulled into the totems reflect AOE this is kind of like a deployable black hole. Damage scaling: Unfortunately the reflect doesn't scale with any kind of increased, more, or flat damage. You also cannot increase its radius. The only way to increase the damage is: 1. %increased totem life or gem levels to raise base totem life (+1 level corrupt on gloves or +2 AOE if using AW) 2. Increasing the amount of damage the enemy takes (this includes exposure, lowering resistances, shock, and scorched.) 3. Increasing the amount of hits/second (attack speed, cast speed, additional targets/splash damage will ramp up damage against packs, but not work on single target.) 4. Elemental Equilibrium: once we reach level 80 we can equip the unique ring stormfire. This allows us to ignite with lightning damage and lower the enemies fire resistance. We will first need to swap our flat fire damage out for flat lightning damage and allocate Elemental equilibrium. The reflect damage from our boots does not trigger EE meaning that they will always have -25% fire resistance (-30 with fire mastery) Gear: *Boots-Torchoak's steps: provides all of our meaningful damage with "totems reflect 100% of their life as fire damage when hit" they also buff totem life and totem placement speed. Since they are cheap try and get a pair with good rolls on these stats. *Amulet-Eye of innocence: this is how we cause our totems to hit themselves each time they hit an enemy. Our hits always ignite so every hit will trigger the reflect from our boots. My preferred annoint is primal manifestation for the totem life and totem duration buff. *Gloves-Empire's grasp: By reversing the knockback direction enemies knocked back by our totems are sucked in to the totem like a vacuum so they can get hit by the fire AOE from torchoak's steps. It also gives us the knockback to assist in the vacuuming of enemies. +1 to level of socketed gems corrupt is a nice upgrade. *Weapon- *1. Brightbeak: has highest base attack speed of any melee weapon and since the damage doesn't matter we definitely want that. Also comes with some nice resistances. I start dual wielding these, but there are a couple of shield options that would be an upgrade, but not worth the price imo. I would rather invest in the local attack speed corrupt to increase our base attack speed. Shield: 1. +1 totem shield brings us up to 5 totems which gives us 20% more damage if the enemy is getting hit by all totems reflects. It also is nice Q.O.L. because we can now place our totems in 3 different places instead of just 2. Triangle of Protection 2. The other option is the unique synthesis shield that can roll up to 20% increased attack speed, 20% increased cast speed, and 20% increased movement speed. Getting high rolls on those three stats is expensive and really not worth it unless you really want to push as fast of a leap slam as you can get. Keep in mind that dual wielding grants 10% more attack speed, so the 40% increased from the shield might not actually outweigh that. This shield is pretty optimized for the build, but any shield with +1 totems and max life, maybe a resist is fine as is just sticking with the two brightbeaks *Helmet- *Wilmas requittal: This helmet makes increases to cast speed also apply to attack speed. This allows us to get double the benefit from our haste aura, onslaught and some of the totem nodes to pump out a ton of %increased attack speed. I believe it also works on frenzy charges, but I chose not to invest in those. We need to get 122 int to equip it and we only get 80 int from the tree which means we'll need the rest on gear. Brute force solution is an easy way to get the rest of our int, and possibly reclaim one of our 30 points int nodes. We don't care about the accuracy roll. This upgrade gives us about 64% increased attack speed and adds a fourth totem for 25% more damage. Chest armour: 1. Daresso's defiance: this doubles our onslaught bonus of 40% increased attack speed and 20% increased movement speed and gives us a decent chunk of armour. 2. Kaom's heart: if you would rather be tankier you can use this for the extra hp. You don't need a 5-link, but if you do get one you can get knockback on the tree and slot in empower or faster attacks, empower being the larger damage bonus. Belt: rare with life and as many resists as you can get Rings: 1. First off you want to use rings to get life and cap resistances 2. At level 80 we want to get stormfire and swap our flat fire damage out for flat lighting damage Jewels: 1. You want one abyss jewel flat fire damage pre-stormfire or lightning damage post storm-fire to make it so our hits can ignite. 2. Regular jewels with %increased maximum life, %increased totem life, resistances or Int as needed Cluster Jewel (optional): medium totem damage cluster jewel with sleepless sentries and totem buff effect node can replace our stance dance setup. This makes it easier to get onslaught, but also lowers our single target dps for longer fights since we have to re-summon our totems every 4 seconds to get onslaught. Labyrinth enchantment: our helmet enchantment is a good attack speed buff (ancestral protector buff grants 18% increased attack speed) This ends up being 27% because it is affected by totem buff effect (32% if you have the cluster jewel notable for another 30% totem buff effect.) Gem links: 1. 4-link Ancestral protector Multiple totems support Multi-strike support Life gain on hit support (Level 10 knockback support from gloves) Ascendency options: This build guide is for champion, but a savvy exile could adapt it to any ascendency, elementalist being the most beneficial for the build at the cost of a terrible leveling experience Champion: Pros: 1. 100% taunt chance feels pretty good and solving accuracy allows us to dual wield brightbeaks when we would otherwise need either lycosade, or a fidelitas spike corrupted with resolute technique. 2. A lot tankier and still provides some offensive buffs taunted enemies take 20% increased damage and 20% increased attack speed while fortified. 3. Save points not travelling across the tree and it's much easier leveling with toxic rain. Cons: 1. Can't use EE until level 80 and we lose a ring slot to stormfire 2. Have to invest into getting lnt requirement 3. Have to invest in getting ignite chance Elementalist: Pros: 1. Has around 45% increased damage taken vs the champions 20% 2. All damage ignites allows us to replace storm-fire with deodre's damning and use elemental weakness. 3. Hitting the int requirement is much easier. Cons: 1. Leveling is pretty terrible since we need to be in duelist area. 2. Requires more gearing changes to solve accuracy. 3. Not as tanky or as fast. 4. Need taunt on jewel POB: https://pobb.in/u/ISavlationI/u7FB-LEdEz6r Videos: These videos were made between level 68 and 72 with a level 19 Ancestral protector and a Wilma's. The purpose of lightning warp is to remain stationary for "nearby enemies are covered in ash if you have not moved in the past 2 seconds" Uber Lab: https://youtu.be/UTXXVPTkURE Heist: https://youtu.be/5epqQI_HTQw Tier 10: https://youtu.be/eKEWXGz3q00 Tier 15: I only advertised tier 10 because defensively it falls off after that, but it can also do tier 15's right out of the gate so long as you don't mind dodging and low single target damage. https://youtu.be/4AXSVRSrdlg Managing Expectations: 1. Depending on how quickly you run through the campaign you might not be able to afford wilma's and/or level 19 or 20 ancestral protector right off the bat. Prioritize getting a level 20-21 Ancestral Protector and the Wilma's price will drop fairly dramatically early on. 2.You can of course level it yourself just doing maps and unlocking your atlas naturally, but as you can see in the videos our clear speed is drastically behind our move speed so the flow feels a little off. I've gotten used to it, but I want make sure you know before building this that once the gimmicky joy of "OH COOL it sucks them all up!" goes away you're left with a build with awkward mapping flow. Feel free to ask questions or post critiques about the build, just keep in mind that it's designed to be a cheap league starter that runs lab quickly and isn't meant to really go beyond t10 maps although it can, and I have scaled it all the way up to t16's, it just wasn't worth the investment because of the many CONS of the build. right at level 68 you should be able to do uber lab. Izaro pretty much stays glued to our totems so just Cursing, dodging the occasional back spray, and making sure we put the totems back up before they expire. the single target damage will feel slow at first until you either purchase or level your Ancestral protector up to level 20-21 and will feel even better once you can afford a wilmas and get to level 80 and can equip stormfire and use EE. I did uber lab at level 68 freshly swapped with no helmet equipped and a level 16 ancestral protector, but I would recommend waiting until you have AP higher leveled. Upgrades options: 1.+1 level of socketed gems corrupt on gloves 2.Local attack speed corrupt on weapons 3. 5-6 link chest piece, get knockback from passives on the tree and add these links in order of power Empower>Faster attacks>Combustion(25 ignite chance can be un-specced from tree) 4. curse with flammability ring is nice Q.O.L. and also comes with a 25% ignite chance meaning we can reclaim more passive tree points 5.boot enchantment 10% chance to ignite if you haven't crit recently doesn't trigger off of our totems, so we can also use that to reclaim more passive points. 6. Jewels can get % increased totem life which is a good damage bonus for us and we have 2 jewel slots that are just 2 points away from the current tree. adding ignite chance can save passive points, adding resists can let us use Doedre's damning in our ring slot Dernière édition par ISavlationI#6593, le 6 oct. 2023 16:37:05 Dernier bump le 20 juil. 2024 09:11:45
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my attempt at simmulating dps, about 200k |
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3.24 Update:
1.annointing excess sustenance let's us replace life gain on hit with combustion, faster attacks, or empower. 2. Perseverance unique belt is great Q.O.L. for permenant onslaught. Cluster jewels can still ramp up our attack speed with totem effect, but if you'd rather spend the points on defenses the belt is a cheaper and better solution. (I do both) 3.using doedre's damning for double curse is just the best option for single target. 4.totem life tatoo's can trade 10 str for 5% totem life 5.corrupted empires grasps with +1 gem levels and +2 AOE gems are cheap and combining them with Ancestral Warchief can save us points and increase our damage a lot. (We can remove the strike passives and just use AP for combustion/cull. |
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As of 3.25 Ancestral protector has been removed from the game and therefore the build is dead.
We could instead use ballista totems with galvanic arrow and just weapon swap to dual bright beaks. Ascendent with the new deadeye changes gives us tail wind, an extra projectile, and auto generating frenzy charges. While the new gladiator gives us double dual wielding benefit for 20% more attack speed. I won't be updating the guide, but if I come up with something else and like it I'll throw a link to it in here. Don't hold your breath. |
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