Need help knowing what gear to buy (lvl 80) BONESHATTER

Hey so this is my first character. I just beat campaign and im specced boneshatter/JUGG. I'm kind of stuck right now because I dont really know what I should be looking to buy or pick up for this build. I've been following this guide as best as i can.

My POE profile is public so if anyone can help take a look at my gear and let me know what to get as of right now for being lvl 80.

I just got the axe, chest, and gloves recently. Resists are 76%(100) mostly approx.

Dernier bump le 1 déc. 2023 16:08:14
I just leveled up a jugg/boneshatter myself with leftover currency I had from league. Right now I have about 10 div spent into it.

I tried to see your character but it says private still, so I'll just say this:

1) Make sure your accuracy is above life or you nullify PT (-40% damage)
2) Pump up that armor! BS trauma hits harder with more stacks. Usually you feel this hurting around 15-20 stacks.
3) Have a good cast on damage setup (rage buildup) and use berserk on large mobs or bosses.
4) I use Warlord Mark for leeching but you can use Punishment for more DPS
5) Have a good two-hander (Despot Axe for example) with pDPS of at least 700+ with 1.7+ attack speed (This will cost you the most, I got one for 5 div).

Be careful with bleed effects on you as I find this degens me hard.

I rarely play melee builds since 3.14 so surprisingly I am having fun with my character

I hope this helps. Oh, BTW, be careful following builds on poe-ninja since there's little explanation to what or how to level/gear up.


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