[3.20] ❄️💀 Dream of the Endless - Cold SRS/Skeleton/Phantasm Summoner (SSF Viable, League Starter)💀❄️

Theme: The Kingdom of Dreams (Sandman OST)

Choose your Starter:
Skeleton Mages =

Skeleton Archers =

Summon Raging Spirits =


26/9 SSF Kalandra (Skeleton Mages):


Soooo many jewels :D

POB = https://pobb.in/JdUnthruURZS

16/9 SSF Kalandra (Skeleton Archers):



16/9 POB - https://pobb.in/mK5vsN59dzPB

PoB Link:
Skeleton Archers + Phantasms - https://pobb.in/V_gBK7wclJQ6
Skeleton Mages + Phantasms - https://pobb.in/_zrQ6l72NLAc
SRS + Phantasms - https://pobb.in/s2de6NPKwZo8
SRS - https://pobb.in/YCW1ccwWCokH

Oshabi - https://youtu.be/gw2nmHAYzwU
Baran - https://youtu.be/UYdC918QNhQ
Map Clear + Harvest Boss - https://youtu.be/83OEkwiUtCQ
Drox on a 5L, no Pierce on clear, no trigger wand, worse gear... - https://youtu.be/OafIjTDL5Kw
Cortex - https://youtu.be/3utPrea5s6U

Build Discord: https://discord.gg/tNEmmPQfne
Join us on Discord for real time discussions, advice and fun :)

Overall we're going for Guardian with capped Spell Suppression, getting great clear speed and defenses without going with Block/Bone Offering. Guardian also provides decent Armor, and various utility features.
If you prefer Scion, go HERE.
Why aren't we going Necro? Well, you CAN, it's just that I'm sick of only doing Necro, and Guardian is at the very least competitive.

Summary of the differences between Scion/Guardian/Necro:
4 Wasted Points (Start)
No "Duration Tax" (4 Passive worth) = 50% Skill Duration + Affected by Flesh Offering (See Below)
30% All Res (Self+Minions)
5% Aura Effect
100% Minion Damage
10% Minion Movement Speed
31% Minion Attack/Cast Speed = 10% + 21% Auras (11% Auras + 10% Gen Auras)
10% Minion Life
30% Cast Speed = 4% Cast Speed + 11% Auras + 15% Offering
15% Movement Speed
10% More Minion Damage
10% Less Damage Debuff
Better Mana Sustain

2 Wasted Points (Start), but 1 is 18% Fire Res
1 Passive (5 Passive, 4 for Duration Tax = 1 "Free")
Affected by Flesh Offering (See Below)
60 INT + 20 STR
30% Minion Damage
33% Minion Attack/Cast Speed = 20% (Onslaught) + 13% (7.32 + 6.48 Auras)
20% Minion Movement Speed (Onslaught)
42% Cast Speed + 7% (7.32 Auras) + 15% (Offering) + 20% (Onslaught)
35% Movement Speed = 15% (Offering) + 20% (Onslaught)
Minor Phys Mitigation
Minor Cuse Mitigation
~5% Regen

3 Wasted Points (Start), but +20 STR, 14 Life, 20% Mana Regen, access to 5% Life/Mana.
-4 Points Duration "Tax"
Immune to Curses
20% All Res (Self Only)
70% Increased Armour
5% Aura Effect
20% Minion Damage
40% Minion Attack/Cast Speed = 20% + 20% (Onslaught)
40% Minion Movement Speed = 20% + 20% (Onslaught)
20% Movement Speed (Onslaught)
10% More Minion Damage
Enemies Take 10% Increased Damage
20% Cast Speed (Onslaught)
~8% Regen = 0.5% Regen + ~7.5% Regen

Actual Stats (in order, can change with tree):
Life - #1 Scion, #2 Necro, #3 Guardian (Necro also has 10% Less Damage Debuff - semi-reliable)
Actual DPS - #1 (with Corpses), #2 Guardian, #3 Necro (no Corpses), #4 Scion
Armour - 144% Guardian, 74% Necro/Scion
Curse Immune - Guardian
Minion Movement Speed - 40% Guardian, 20% Scion, 10% Necro
Regen - 8% Guardian, 5% Scion, 0% Necro
For the main skill I wanted to go with SRS + Phantasms since both got buffed in 3.19, but you can do practically any minion skill on this base, and use Phys/Elemental/Poison.
Soulwrest is also a good option if you want Phantasm-only.

New stuff to look out for 3.19:
Abyss Jewels for minions have 50% More damage.
Necromancer Changes (no +2 gems)
Global +2 Minion Gems Helmet
Minion Ring/Shield Bases
SRS buffed by ~10% DPS
Phantasms buffed by ~38% DPS (due to how Phantasms are coded) - if used by SRS

Grace + Vaal Grace
Spell Suppression
Regeneration + Life Flasks
Minions :)

Minion Defenses:
Minion Life
Capped Minion Resistances from Rings (make sure they get to 75%, they start at 40% so you need 35%)
Medium Cluster Jewel - Blessed Rebirth (Minions Created Recently cannot be Damaged)
Medium Cluster Jewel - Life from Death (Minions Recover 4% of Life on Minion Death) - This triggers whenever a new Phantasm is created!
Until you have this jewel, rely on Sacrifice and the Mastery for "Minions Recover 5% of Life on Minion Death"

New to Minions? Click here!
If you've never played minions, you should learn some ground rules.
1 - Minions are NOT you!
Minion skills may be Spells, but the only Spell portion is you summoning them.
Cast Speed will create them faster, but once they exist Spell Damage or any other modifier on you will NOT affect them.
2 - Minions themselves have skills, and those are either Attack or Spell, some are Projectiles, some are AoE.
3 - Support Gems affect Minions according to the skills they use (SRS are Physical Attackers, Phantasms are Phys Projectile Casters).
4 - Minion mods on gear and jewels and anything else affect minions.
5 - Thing you apply to enemies such as Shock and Curses, do affect minions just like they would help any other ally.
6 - Minions are NOT Party Members, but they are Allies.
Links (somewhat flexible):
6L Chest SRS + Phant:
Summon Raging Spirits
Summon Phantasm
Minion Damage
Cold Penetration / Elemental Penetration (better)
Predator (...or Volley / GMP / Melee Splash)

...or other options as in PoB above. Skeleton Archers/Mages are fun :)

6L Chest Skeleton Archers:
Phantasmal Summon Skeletons
Summon Phantasm
Cold Penetration
Minion Damage (or Pierce for better Clear)
Volley / Hypothermia (or Elemental Focus if white...)

6L Chest Skeleton Mages:
Summon Skeletons
Summon Phantasm
Elemental Penetration
Minion Damage (or Pierce for better Clear)
Volley / Hypothermia (or Controlled Destruction if white...)

4L Gloves (all Green, 2L + 2L):
Grace (Vaal Grace if you can)
Sniper's Mark (Skeleton Archers) / Green Gem (Precision?)
Second Wind

Summon Carrion Golem (or Stone Golem)
Feeding Frenzy
Elemental Army (or Meat Shield)

4L (3L + 1L):
Vaal Haste

3L Trigger Minion Wand:
Flesh Offering

4L Shield/Wand:
Raise Zombie
Raise Spectre
Animate Guardian
Minion Life / Meat Shield

Link Options:
Add Animate Guardian - Warning, 3.19 is somewhat RIPPY for AG. Use at your own risk. It's ok with gear and levels. Mostly.

Weapon: Minion Wand
Minion Damage
Minion Attack/Cast Speed
Minion Movement Speed
+1 Minion Gems
+1 Spell Gems
*Trigger Socketed Spells*
Hatred Aura Effect
(Bonus: Minions are Aggressive)
How to Craft +2 Wand HERE
TLDW - Corroded/Jagged/Metallic/Shuddering. Make sure you use the base with 183 INT (or lower).

Shield: Minion Base (or another Wand)
Minion Damage
Minion Attack/Cast Speed
+1 Minion Gems

Body Armor:
Best in Slot Base (for Skeletons) = Sacrifical Garb (+1 Vaal Skill gems implicit)
Spell Suppression
+1/2 Gems (or extra level to Support Gems!)
+1 Max Skeletons (can't do this + Sacrificial Garb, sadly)

Triad Grip - Unique
4 Green Sockets for 100% Cold Convert
Kay's guide to getting 4 Green - recipe locations aren't Delve, but the rest is correct.

+1/2 Minion Gems (Global)
Spell Suppression
+1 Max Skeletons

Helmet Enchants of Note:
SRS Duration
SRS % to Summon +1
Carrion Golem Buff Effect (best DPS)
Flesh Offering Effect
Hatred/Determination/Grace Reservation
*Dash +2 Uses* - Personal Favorite

Movement Speed
Spell Suppression
Regenerate % of Life per second

Rings (Minion Bases):
Minion Movement Speed
Minion Damage
Minion Attack/Cast Speed
Minion Resistances
*Frostbite on Hit* - Redeemer/Delve (if you use a skill that hits of course) - not needed if your AG does it for you. Also saves you gems and clicks.

Jinxed Juju - Unique
Ashes of the Stars - Unique
Or Rare with:
+1 All Skill Gems
+1 Fire Skill Gems (for SRS)
Minion Damage (Redeemer)
Minion Movement Speed (Essence)
Aura Reservation (Redeemer), etc.
+1 Max Skeletons (Delve)

Darkness Enthroned - Unique
BiS even before the upgrades to Abyss Jewels.
Can also use a rare with Life, Res, Minion Life like:

If using Cluster Jewels:
Large Cluster Jewel (Minion Damage, 8 Passives):
Good options:
Renewal - 5% More Damage on Full Life, 1% Minion Regen
Call to the Slaughter - Generically great.
Feasting Fiends - Minion Leech
Raze and Pillage - Minion Damage
Primordial Bond - Golem Effect
Vicious Bite if going Crit... This is the high budget option, with a 9L Mirror Tier Helmet.

Medium Cluster Jewels (Minion Life Base, 4-5 Passives:
Blessed Rebirth - Recently Created Minions can't be damaged*
Life from Death - Minions Recover 4% of Life on Minion Death*

Abyssal Jewels:
Minion Damage if used a Minion Skill Recently
Minion Attack/Cast Speed
Minions deal # to # Physical/Cold Damage
Minions Leech (Anomalous Flesh Offering works instead)
Minions Blind on Hit
Minions Hinder on Spell Hit
1 - Radiant Crusade
2 - Unwavering Crusade
3-4 - Up to you!
Want Curse Immunity? Time of Need.
Want to generate Frenzy/Endurance using Hydrosphere? Harmony of Purpose.
Aura Effect and a bit more Phys Mitigation? Unwavering Faith.
Can even take multiple small passives (I did).
Harmony of Purpose doesn't work on Minions, take it only if you want charges for yourself!

Support Spectres:
1 - Pale Seraphim (15% Increased Damage Taken, -15% Action Speed)
2 - Primal Crushclaw (20% Increased Cold Damage Taken)
3+ (Annoint Option) - Arena Master (20% Attack/Cast/Move Speed) / Carnage Chieftain (Frenzy Charges)

Spectre Sources (or just ask Ghazzy's Global channel: 6666):
Pale Seraphim - Beyond
Primal Crushclaw - Harvest
Arena Master - Baran Maps
Carnage Chieftain - Old Fields, Act 2
Kill All

Major - Brine King
Minor - Ryslatha or whatever you like... I went with Garukhan + Implicit on Helm for Shock Immunity.

Handling Mana Costs:
So SRS is actually expensive. Early on you'll have an easier time since you have less auras and more mana, and will rely on flasks mostly as well as maybe Clarity, but as you level it will quickly become clear it's an issue.

Some ways you can solve that:
1 - Unleash instead of Spell Echo (might just be smoother mapping in general)
2 - Reduced Mana Cost of Skills on Tree and Rings/Amulet (as needed), whether % Reduced, or -# Cost
3 - Flat Mana on Gear (to make sure you have enough to cast your skill at least once)
4 - Most important one is an Enduring Mana Flask. Basically, you make Mana Flask that doesn't stop when you reach full mana, and you rely on that to spam your SRS. You can either have it trigger when the duration ends, or use it manually, depends on how well you can sustain it (keep in mind the Flask Mastery we took as well - that's why)

The points below are also great options, and should make leveling much smoother.

Can we go EB? Yes. Either from Catarina's helmet, or from the actual tree. Is it worth it? Not late-game, but it could be a good crutch early if you're lazy.

Leveling Guide:

Leveling Tree:

In general, you level up as either pure SRS, minion instability SRS, or Absolution. All 3 options work great.

Ghazzy did a much better write-up than I can HERE:)
Ziz made some good notes on leveling with SRS here too.

In general: Grab Minion Duration + Minion Damage ASAP, and consider leveling with Minion Instability for a while (if you like) - for the Templar it means something like going straight to Witch (Starting through the Minion Damage passives), and then heading straight down to Scion from there (respec later). Spell Suppression and Armor only really matter for maps unless you're HC, so just grab Minion DPS stuff early + Duration.

If you're a Scion, grab Duration early and head up to Witch.

Late-Game Ideas:
Explodie AG for Clearing, like Kay uses HERE

Speccing into Minion Crit late-game? Depends on 3.19 changes and PoB.

Corrupt gloves for Elemental Weakness on Hit, either in addition to or instead of Frostbite / Sniper's Mark.

Other Inspiration Art:

[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Dernière édition par CantripN#4278, le 9 déc. 2022 08:03:00
Dernier bump le 18 sept. 2023 08:51:49
Looks interesting :o Might give it a crack..
Are you sure you can convert srs damage to cold with triad grip? since they deal 100% base fire damage now, and triad trip convert PHYS dmg to xxx, am i mistaking?
Dernière édition par Plomaia#2735, le 13 août 2022 05:05:23
Plomaia a écrit :
Are you sure you can convert srs damage to cold with triad grip? since they deal 100% base fire damage now, and triad trip convert PHYS dmg to xxx, am i mistaking?

To clarify, SRS are 100% Physical, with 100% convert to Fire. Adding another 100% Convert to Cold ends up at 50/50 before Hatred and such...
As such, the better curse is Elemental Weakness (when self-cast, not on hit, because you need Q for the effect). After, it's about 90%+ Cold :D

Added Cold / Awakened Added Cold are also valid links.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Dernière édition par CantripN#4278, le 13 août 2022 12:27:44
Summary of the differences between Scion/Guardian/Necro:
4 Wasted Points (Start)
No "Duration Tax" (4 Passive worth) = 50% Skill Duration + Affected by Flesh Offering (See Below)
30% All Res (Self+Minions)
5% Aura Effect
100% Minion Damage
10% Minion Movement Speed
31% Minion Attack/Cast Speed = 10% + 21% Auras (11% Auras + 10% Gen Auras)
10% Minion Life
30% Cast Speed = 4% Cast Speed + 11% Auras + 15% Offering
15% Movement Speed
10% More Minion Damage
10% Less Damage Debuff
Better Mana Sustain

2 Wasted Points (Start), but 1 is 18% Fire Res
1 Passive (5 Passive, 4 for Duration Tax = 1 "Free")
Affected by Flesh Offering (See Below)
60 INT + 20 STR
30% Minion Damage
33% Minion Attack/Cast Speed = 20% (Onslaught) + 13% (7.32 + 6.48 Auras)
20% Minion Movement Speed (Onslaught)
42% Cast Speed + 7% (7.32 Auras) + 15% (Offering) + 20% (Onslaught)
35% Movement Speed = 15% (Offering) + 20% (Onslaught)
Minor Phys Mitigation
Minor Cuse Mitigation
~5% Regen

3 Wasted Points (Start), but +20 STR, 14 Life, 20% Mana Regen, access to 5% Life/Mana.
-4 Points Duration "Tax"
Immune to Curses
20% All Res (Self Only)
70% Increased Armour
5% Aura Effect
20% Minion Damage
40% Minion Attack/Cast Speed = 20% + 20% (Onslaught)
40% Minion Movement Speed = 20% + 20% (Onslaught)
20% Movement Speed (Onslaught)
10% More Minion Damage
Enemies Take 10% Increased Damage
20% Cast Speed (Onslaught)
~8% Regen = 0.5% Regen + ~7.5% Regen

Actual Stats (in order):
Life - 169% Scion, 150% Necro, 147% Guardian (Necro also has 10% Less Damage Debuff - semi-reliable)
Actual DPS - 1st Necro (with Corpses), 2nd Guardian, 3rd Necro (no Corpses), 4th Scion
Armour - 144% Guardian, 74% Necro/Scion
Spell Suppression - +8% Scion
Curse Immune - Guardian
Minion Movement Speed - 40% Guardian, 20% Scion, 10% Necro
Regen - 8% Guardian, 5% Scion, 0% Necro

In short:
Guardian or Necro are best overall, except for pure speed mapping (Scion can get Tailwind from Jewels).
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
how would pure SRS dps / defenses look? enough for all content?

I may try this SSF HC
Dernière édition par blizaro#3794, le 15 août 2022 14:21:53
blizaro a écrit :
how would pure SRS dps / defenses look? enough for all content?

I may try this SSF HC

Should be fine...?

For HC I think I'd prefer the Block version and farm for Aegis, but this should be able to do all content even in HC.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
According to patchnotes manacost of srs was changes to 16 on level 20, assuming scaling remains the same for lvl 26 as they are currently in pob their base mana cost should be 18 and overall manacost will be 18*4,25 = 76,5. To even afford that we need somewhat around 100 flat mana in addition to what we already have in pob and I have no idea about how are we supposed to afford casting srs at 5.12 cast rate along with casting other skills, maybe some tricks I didn't understand?
Dernière édition par WorldCreator892#1144, le 15 août 2022 20:21:24
WorldCreator892 a écrit :
According to patchnotes manacost of srs was changes to 16 on level 20, assuming scaling remains the same for lvl 26 as they are currently in pob their base mana cost should be 18 and overall manacost will be 18*4,25 = 76,5. To even afford that we need somewhat around 100 flat mana in addition to what we already have in pob and I have no idea about how are we supposed to afford casting srs at 5.12 cast rate along with casting other skills, maybe some tricks I didn't understand?

Basically, I intend to rely on an Enduring Mana Flask, and either Reduced Mana Cost Rings, or gear with Mana / % Mana / % Reduced Mana Cost / RMR on gear. You only really need enough to cast it once.

There's multiple ways to solve that, and just getting EB also works (just kind of annoying to path there).

And yeah, it's also possible to just run Clarity and grab tons of mana regen, that has it's own issues.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Dernière édition par CantripN#4278, le 15 août 2022 20:25:14
CantripN a écrit :
WorldCreator892 a écrit :
According to patchnotes manacost of srs was changes to 16 on level 20, assuming scaling remains the same for lvl 26 as they are currently in pob their base mana cost should be 18 and overall manacost will be 18*4,25 = 76,5. To even afford that we need somewhat around 100 flat mana in addition to what we already have in pob and I have no idea about how are we supposed to afford casting srs at 5.12 cast rate along with casting other skills, maybe some tricks I didn't understand?

Basically, I intend to rely on an Enduring Mana Flask, and either Reduced Mana Cost Rings, or gear with Mana / % Mana / % Reduced Mana Cost / RMR on gear. You only really need enough to cast it once.

There's multiple ways to solve that, and just getting EB also works (just kind of annoying to path there).

And yeah, it's also possible to just run Clarity and grab tons of mana regen, that has it's own issues.

Also I forgot that pob counts spell echo casts and they don't spend mana so when talking about mana I should've used 2,56 cast speed, my bad. That means that we can barely get away with just the flask and one -7 manacost ring, ty!


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