[3.23 Work in Progress] f1rstborn's Shockwave Totem Inquisitor | Sanctum God farmer. | WIP
Hello Exiles. For several leagues we have focused on perfecting the Shockwave Totem build. With off-screen targeting, freeze strong enough for pinnacle bosses, 100% damage uptime, freedom to focus on movement and juuuuust enough HP to keep from getting 1 shot by bosses; this build is designed as a jack of all trades for end game content. That said, this build absolutely dominates Sanctum, with the only true rival being Hexblast mines at the current moment. Now that Sanctum is a core mechanic I will be updating this guide from beginning to end to ensure the smoothest possible transition from day 1 to killing pinnacles before they move and everything in between.
As is tradition, feel free to leave any questions and comments here or join me on: Twitch!
3.23 Notes: Most are happy... we are not.
While 3.22 was nothing but fun for us, 3.23 [so far] has not been. -Heatshiver nerfed massively -Alt Quality Shockwave Totem removed -Tattoos Removed -Righteous Fire deals us more damage -Totems have less life -Alt Quality Purifying Flame, Assassin's Mark, RF, and others Removed -Replica Dragonfang's Flight Nerfed -Helmet, Boot and Belt enchants removed -Not to mention unreported drop rates on core uniques. What did we get in exchange? -Temporary power from a league 99.9% guaranteed not to go core So what do we do? Give up Shockwave and play Icespear totems? ----Never-----
Pros and Cons
+0 screen clutter. Very simple skill design and clarity allows you to focus on the fight. +Totem playstyle allows for the best defense of all, off-screening. +[Mostly]1 hand playstyle. +League start viable with a bit of effort. +A+ Map Clear +S+ Bosser +No Hit Sanctum runs are an after thought with this build. -No regen maps are not your friend. -Totem playstyle not for everyone. -Expensive to min/max -Unique heavy makes resists and stats a challenge
TL/DR POB and Vid NAO!!
3.23 [WIP]:
Previous Versions
3.22: https://pastebin.com/WpN0z3Nd
3.20: https://pastebin.com/PJaCBGrR 3.19 PoB: https://pastebin.com/XgP7QCWm 3.18 PoB: https://pastebin.com/SsGYD2EX 3.17 PoB: https://pastebin.com/Wi4ntWdF [Make sure to use community fork]
Mapping Showcase
More Coming Soon.
Questions and Answers
Do you need Ashes of the Stars?
Negative Prior to acquiring (or never if you prefer) we convert all physical to cold using a Hrimsorrow unique Gloves or Rare gloves in conjunction with masteries.
I have 5 Divine what do?
Buy an Astral Projecter, Heatshiver, Hrimsorrow and you still a couple of divine to fill out an entry level mapper/sanctum runner.
Do you need Astral Projector?
No, but it is a huge quality of life upgrade. In a league start scenario we can run without it and clear the atlas, but it is your first major upgrade.
What is the play style like?
Cast totems and watch mobs die. For bosses, add in arcanist brand too.
Why Heatshiver
Heatshiver, with our proper critical strike setup, gives up to 60% cold damage as Extra fire damage. Since we are ignoring resists via Inevitable Judgement, this ends up being 60% more damage. For a very inexpensive unique.
Why is it so Squishy
The Build is focused on Sanctum, fast mapping and bossing. As a result, it has just enough EHP to not get 1 shot but random AoE or trash. It's biggest defense is Full screen AoE freeze and unethical damage. If this doesn't suit you however, I've included a mapping variant in the PoB section which won't die with bad positioning.
Leveling Guide [Under Construction]
Ascendancies and when to switch
Though we will end up as an Inquisitor, a lot of it's damage potential is locked behind critical strike and a shaper shield for a third totem (that we have naturally with Hierophant). We will get some levels and early mapping done before making the Quisitor swap.
[Hierophant Nodes before the swap] 1. Pursuit of Faith. The build will not feel comfortable with less than 3 totems. In addition, the placement speed gained is a huge QOL boost. 2. Ritual of Awakening. More damage and regeneration. Straight forward. 3. Conviction of Power. Power charges will help with crit once we drop Elemental Overload. [Inquisitor Nodes after the swap] 1. Sanctuary. Alone, this does not do much. In conjunction with Purifying Flame on Arcanist brand, this will give us more damage on single targets. 2. Pious Path. Curse effect reduction, 5% life regeneration and adds life regernation to ES regen as well. This ES regen, in conjunction with the Discipline Aura, allows us to allocate Eldritch Battery and Mind of matter. This combo addresses mana costs, increases survivability and allows us to attach the Hatred Aura to Divine Blessing as well. 3. Righteous Providence. Base Stats and increased crit. 4. Inevitable Judgement. Massive Damage. Period.
Detailed Gearing Section [Updated for 3.23]
Our uniques are pretty set in stone as we progress, so we rely on our rare spots to fill out Resistances, Dex requirements and ailment immunity.
League Start: Life>Resists
First Upgrade: Heatshiver Final Upgrade: Heatshiver with 90% Mana Multiplier Corruption
Note: Anoint Charisma when affordable
League Start: Life>Resists>Dex>Crit Multi First Upgrade: Life>Resists>1 to all spell skills or 1 to all physical spell skills>Totem Placement Speed>crit multiplier End Game: Replica Dragonfang's Flight with +3 Shockwave Totem Final Upgrade: Ashes of the Stars
League Start: +1 to Level of all Physical Spells>Cast Speed>Critical Strike Multiplier
First Upgrade: Singularity Unique Sceptre End Game: +1 to level of all spell skills>+1 to level of all physical spells>Cast Speed>Critical Strike Multiplier>Cold as Extra Chaos Final Upgrade: +1 to level of all spell skills>+1 to level of all physical spells>Cast Speed>Hatred Effect>Critical Strike Multiplier>Increased Spell Damage
League Start: Use double singularity and Multiple Totem Support until forbidden gem swap
First Upgrade: +1 to Maximum Totems>Socketed Gems have 30% Reservation Efficiency>Life>Resists End Game: +1 to Maximum Totems>Socketed Gems have 30% Reservation Efficiency>100+ Life Regenerated per second>Life>Resists Final Upgrade: +1 to Maximum Totems>Socketed Gems have 30% Reservation Efficiency>100+ Life Regenerated per second>+1 to all physical spell skill gems Life>Resists
Body Armour
League Start: Tabula Rasa First Upgrade: Dialla's Malefaction Final Upgrade: Double Corrupted Dialla's Malefaction [+1 skills and +2 AoE skills]
Note: Astral Projector is your first major upgrade for one of your ring slots.
League Start: Life>Resists>Dex First Upgrade: Life>Cast Speed>Resists>Dex End Game: Reduced Curse Effect>Life>Resists>Dex if needed Final Upgrade: Reduced Curse Effect>Life>Cast Speed>Resists>Dex if needed
League Start: Hrimsorrow Unique Gloves First Upgrade: Temple mod gloves with eater implicit totaling to 60% physical to cold conversion>Life>Resists Final Upgrade: Temple mod gloves with eater implicit totaling to 60% physical to cold conversion>Damage to Chilled Enemies>Life>Resists
League Start: Life>Resists First Upgrade: The Magnate Unique Belt End Game: The Magnate with Hatred Corruption Final Upgrade: Coward's Legacy [Note: Requires ring upgraded reduce curse effect to be viable]
League Start: Movement Speed>Dex>Resistances>Life End Game: Movement Speed>35% Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailements>Dex>Life>Resists Final Upgrade: Movement Speed>35% Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments>Dex>Life>Resists with Physical as Extra Lightning and 35% Chance to Avoid Shock implicits
Flask choices
1. Life Flask to help our regen if we get low. Bleed removal mod is an excellent idea here. [If going full damage, swap this for Atziri's Promise].
2. Overflowing Chalice. 40% increased damage and helps immensely with up time on other flasks. [Note 1] Enchant this with Increased effect as it already fails to gain charges during effect. [Note 2] Bottled Faith can be used here for some extra damage. 3. Taste of Hate. Works as a mini Hatred Aura while also helping us with physical hits by converting them to cold damage. 4. Silver Flask. Pick up with Cast Speed Suffix. 5. Quicksilver Flask. Pick up with Critical Strike Chance.
Cluster Jewels
We will use 2 identical 8 passive cluster jewels that have Battle Hardened for increased Armour and increased Damage; Force Multiplier for both increased and more damage; and Iron Breaker for increased Damage.
End Game Gem Links [Updated for 3.23]
Damage 6L
Shockwave Totem>Empower>Hypothermia>Increased Critical Damage>Concentrated Effect>Increased Critical Strikes
Note: Before Empower use Cruelty Support.
4L Arcanist Brand
Arcanist Brand>Assassin's Mark>Punishment>Purifying Flame
Note: Purifying Flame is still useful without divergent as it spreads Consecrated Ground
Shield Auras
Haste | Discipline | Zealotry. These should be socketed in your shield with reduced reservation when acquired.
3L Arrogant Auras
Arrogance Support>(20)Vitality>(1)Clarity
We are taking Vitality to provide Life and ES regen (through use of Pious Path. Clarity is used at lvl 1 to boost damage through the Reservation Mastery
Divine Hatred
Divine Blessing>Hatred
Divine Blessing gives more than 30% Aura Effect making Hatred the best option for this slot.
Miscellaneous Slots
Righteous Fire. Flame Dash. Herald of Purity. Herald of Ash. Steel Skin. Precision(1)
Bandits | Map Mods
Bandits: Kill Them All Map Mods to Avoid: No/ %reduced regeneration. You can do it, but it will not be a comfortable experience.
Major: Soul of the Brine King. Stun lock sucks.
Minor: Upgraded Soul of Yugul. This helps us get to 150% reduced effect of curses to negate our Coward's Legacy.
Big Boy Upgrades [Updated for 3.23]
Forbidden Jewels
I Initially suggested Ritual of Awakening here, but after discussing with Tatiantel2 I think Pursuit of Faith is far better. This node gives an additional totem (25% more damage) and a huge buff to Totem Placement Speed, a massive QoL upgrade.
Grand Spectrums
In the end game we will want one Power, Frenzy elemental damage. Along the way, combinations of Grand spectrums can solve a host of problems such as ailment immunity and critical strike chance.
When combined with shock avoidance on boots, ailment avoidance on boots and the Astral Projector, this new addition will make us ailment immune opening up other slots.
Watcher's Eye
The goal mods here are Cast speed with Zealotry, Arcane Surge with Zealotry and cold convert with Hatred
Bottled Faith
Used in the place of The Overflowing Chalice, this will bump our burst damage up significantly at the cost of flask charge generation while mapping.
1. Replica Dragonfang's Flight is an excellent mid point (or final upgrade) in this slot on the way to Ashes of the Stars. 2. Ashes of the Stars. Best Amulet in the game for a huge chunk of builds.
Waiting for 3.23 to Start
Change log
6/10/2022 - Guide Published 6/14/2022 - Build Rebalanced against Chaos Damage | Glorious Vanity Added 6/14/2022 - Mapping Showcase Added 6/20/2022 - Updated PoB. Clarified my current items. 7/29/2022 - Updated Forbidden Flame/Flesh goals. Clarified my current items. 8/11/2022 - Initial update for 3.19 8/17/2022 - Leveling Guide Added. 10/5/2022 - Heatshiver Conversion 1/23/2023 - Major Guide Overhaul 4/7/2023 - Verified Readiness for 3.21 8/29/2023 - Began updates for 3.22 Build of the week?? 9/20/2023 - Added Mapping variant 12/7/2023 - Adjusted for the 3.23 nerf fest Dernière édition par f1rstborn#2550, le 8 déc. 2023 11:55:16 Dernier bump le 27 mars 2024 15:34:18
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What are you supposed to level with?
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" I league started with orb of storms+storm blast mine. Switching to totem after the first lab. I went heirophant initially picking up pursuit of faith. After second lab i unspecced and went hierophant. Note: leveling guide coming soon. |
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Spark is much better to level with than stormblast mine
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" I've not tried leveling with spark before. But would certaintly consider it. |
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Nice build!
What would you use before getting empower support? |
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" Fire Damage Support (awakened helps with the level as well). Keeps the same link color and boosts damage quit a bit since we ignore all ele res. |
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Hey! Need some help if you got the time.
I followed a coc volatile dead build, and got to level 90, but the end game bosses are just not doable (barely doing any damage), and I'm planning to switch to this build since I wanna play a more "safe" build/totem build. Do I follow your 3.18 tree or 3.17 tree? Seeing as you've done some extensive, and expensive upgrades xD Also I currently have about 5-7 ex (after selling my gear) what would you recommend I get first? Dernière édition par Bl0rk#1206, le 20 juin 2022 06:30:55
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" To get started I'd pick up the following: Galesight: 5C max Skin of the Lords with a inert keystone (like Perfect Agony): 40C Astral Projector: 10C Darkness Enthroned: 10C Forbidden Flame/Flesh (Ritual of Awakening): 200C for the pair Taste of Hate: 10C Atziri's promise: 1C Divergent Shockwave Totem: 100C (Cannot believe how mucht his has taken off since this build release). In total this is right at 2ex Spend the remaining on rares as suggested by the guide. Biggest upgrade after this will be clusters and the wand. |
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" Thank you so much for the reply! Switching now. Should I follow the 3.17 tree? or 3.18? |
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