[3.24 STANDARD] 213/844 MF Solo 100% Deli T16 - Pound for Pound the Best MF in the game

This is a summary for my "high end" Standard MF build for juiced maps, casual maps, boss fightin, struttin, bragging, and casual vicarious living.


Be aware that this build only functions in Standard because it depends upon a legacy item, Soul Catcher.

If you are familiar with Standard MF builds, you will be aware of the dominance of attack based deadeye builds that require astoundingly expensive gear across the board to perform well in a solo T16(+) context, let alone 100% Deli or Pinnacle boss fights.

These builds also inevitably trade off absolute levels of IIQ/IIR for damage (or simply require an aurabot), something I feel is antithetical to the idea of Standard MF.

And so, I present here a solution to all of that.


Solo 100% Deli T16 @ 206/587
(Sextant) Alch and Go Mapping
It also works with garbage gear
1k Delve 3.17
1k Delve 3.18 ft. glacial cages and perma soul eater from buffed HH
1k Delve demo of Soul Ripper / Focus bridging
Blights and Ravaged Blights without moving
Uber Sirus
Uber Shaper
Jacked Elderslayers
Wave 30 Sim
Yes, Nimis is completely busted...
Sooooo busted.

How to use this guide

Everything presented here comes from only my experience with my build. I highly encourage you to consider variations that suit your preferences, your gear level, your character level, or your whims. There are many, many variations of the build presented here that you can adapt to, don't be afraid to experiment or try different things, and I try to share a few different setups/items that can be used for you to consider.

Why VFB?

With 140% increased flask effect, a pair of legacy soul catchers, and 40% reduced soul cost from a weapon(s), Non-Aura vaal skills may be cast with no downtime on Standard.

This build originally started as Vaal Storm Call (adapted from my deep delve zhp build), ran for some time as Vaal Blade Vortex, and finally landed on Vaal Fireball.

Due in part to recent skill damage changes, VFB has unparalleled coverage and range, while still doing enough damage per hit to effectively handle very hard content.


These POBs are the last ones I used includes some your basic mapping configuration and a bossing configuration if you would choose to do high end boss content. See below for POBs of other players for other ideas:


(3.22, POB 2.34.1) Tattoos - Mapping and Bossing setups



Since this build has a lot of excessive stats, much more MF is possible now without any real downside hence the update to the thread title.

The above pob has both mapping and bossing setups, there are a few tradeoffs I've spent about 1000 divines testing out different trees and setups to gain significantly more MF than before (213/844) while still being solo viable.

These figures are gratuitous and I'm not particularly convinced are worth investing into for much beyond 200/600, but since we're a MF char and more is always better -- even if those increments are marginal, they're still increments -- I choose this way.

NB: Tattoos are currently very expensive in Standard being supplied only by the Hardcore League market, which is itself small. Post merge or if Ancestor goes core, these should be at least temporarily much more affordable.

EDIT: Nevermind. Nice one GGG.

(3.21, POB 2.26.3) Leadership's Price + Nimis - all round setup

(3.20, POB 2.25.1) Leadership's Price 3.20 - mapping and bossing setups https://pastebin.com/y2YzYp6Z


3.21 appears at first blush to be a series of minor and annoying nerfs.

Above is a very quickly modified tree for 3.21, but it has only a few mins thought put into it. There may be many more completely different options for both pathfinder and non-pathfinder.

It is the case that there are many, many variants of play style and purpose in POE now so it follows that there are many variants of this build and gear depending on what you want to do. I am currently using Nimis + LP for infinity damage, but you may choose other options.

I plan on fiddling a bit more once 3.21 launches.


Nimis is now the best way to get outright damage on VFB, but it comes at a (small?) cost: You lose a ring slot, and your stat balancing for Leadership's Price becomes different. However there's no doubt if you want to be killing the very tankiest bosses in the game this is the way to go. As a side effect you no longer want (let alone need) Ricochet from Forbidden jewels, and would be better off using Gathering Winds.

If you *don't* use Nimis, take a look at weapon swapping for a very strong Vaal Flameblast. This offers > 600m dps with very good gear, or 100-200m dps with starter gear and is also a great option to kill tanky things fast.

If you don't use either of these setups, Ricochet is really the best way to make VFB do decent single target damage as noted elsewhere in this guide.

The below POBs are alternatives and may not be precisely correct for POB version 2.19.1 or above, please also look through this thread as others have shared their starter builds at various stages.

Pathfinder's 3.22 build https://pobb.in/SJUofX5qDwq2
Peter's 3.22 build https://pobb.in/Zfvgt8SRtnKQ
(Prior) Leadership's Price 3.17 Version https://pastebin.com/kG1q8aa5
(Original) Ashes Version https://pastebin.com/ZMyrjZvu
Keegan's early progression version https://pastebin.com/STidUERx
Márkusz' dual wield version (tanky) https://pastebin.com/wLfpCKfW

The original (Ashes) version is much easier to pull off. There are multiple trees included, a target level 100 tree, and a level 70 version to provide some idea about how to manage points. Drop lower value reservations such as Temporal Rift for the lower level version and before you have very good RE items.

After extensively testing Leadership's Price, it is the stronger setup if you are OK with losing some rarity from a corrupt implicit. It is much more difficult to gear due to requiring specific total stats for Dex and Str

Anecdotally, I have been able to fairly consistently delve @ 1k depth with LP, but not without.


You can start this build at the level required by your gear and gems, which will likely be 72

Defensive Mechanics

* 22/74 Petrified Blood
* 88-90% all elemental resistances
* 75%+ Chaos dot resistance
* 25k+ Armour, with Molten Shell + VMS
* 40%+ Evade Chance
* 100% Spell Suppression with 53% damage prevention
* Proportionally high regen + leech (~100% of available pool per second)
* Slayer leech due to PB mechanic

Offensive Mechanics

Clear with Awakened Fork, IIQ, IIR. This is per projectile, each cast produces 32 projectiles and each projectile may hit a single target.

Forked projectiles and those that miss a single target can chain back off terrain and hit it again if you're fortunate enough to have Ricochet jewels.

Versus large hitboxes with terrain nearby you can hit somewhere between 10 and 20 times (highly dependent upon hitbox size), or even more if the target is very close to a wall (fireball proj vs explosion mechanics).

Pinnacle Boss single target. This is a two-gem swap, with optionally a flask swap, and again uses IIQ and IIR. VFlameBlast is a bit fiddly to configure in POB, but an average can be seen by setting stacks and count to their midpoints.

If you are no longer leveling gems to sell, a weapon swap for single target can be used however a second bow + quiver will be required for this.

(Yes, Brittle and Scorch work rather well - 28% more life Screaming)


For all pieces except the weapon, there is more than enough in the way of "base" MF gear in Standard to make great items for far less than a mirror.

You can even effectively begin with absolute garbage MF gear once you have a weapon, flasks, jewels, headhunter, and gems in hand.

By garbage, I mean items such as the below. Refer also to the video above.

Core Items

Weapon (REQUIRED): https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/Krq2rRc5
Legacy Soul Catcher (x2, REQUIRED): https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/aJqdQkHe
Headhunter: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Standard/12bdck

The best possible Vaal Skill weapon is a bow, due to having the highest skill level potential, the ability to additionally use a quiver vs a staff, and significantly more body armour options than with dual wielding. If you only mirror one item, it should be this slot.

That being said, any weapon setup that provides 40% soul cost reduction will work. Look for the highest +gem level you can find, and preferably with a focus double damage mod which provides the best burst potential (let alone average damage) for boss fights and 100% deli cold starts (a not-too-uncommon situation with the stability of the game client), and when used to bridge Soul Ripper uses in delve, blight, and simulacrum offers the best average damage in the most challenging content.

I also like the 8% quality of socketed gems craft here for that extra bump of MF (IIQ + IIR gems).


This modifier can still be obtained in the game, it is only legacy on non-core bases such as Heist weapons. Here's how to go about finding your own base to craft:

When you roll the sextant below, store them up or otherwise use them along with any two Uber Atziri fragments. This will cause the Gifts of the Red Queen strongbox to spawn.

It's probably worth using Engineer or Infused Engineer orbs on these boxes.

A random base with various Vaal themed modifiers will drop from this box. Perhaps every dozen or so boxes opened you will see a Vaal Skill modifier on a decent base. You are preferably looking for a bow of any type here, some being better than others.

There are several ways to go about crafting this base, but most important is to use Imprint Beasts to ensure your Regal doesn't butcher the suffixes and risk losing the base item.

All that matters on this flask is the 25% reduced souls per use line. Note that these must have Enkindling orb effect with a suitably high roll, and you want two of these so that you can alternate between them (note the downside of the Enkindling orb).

You do not need Headhunter, but I include HH here because MF is all about efficiency, and since MF content is all about mob count, and all of the best methods for increasing mob count produce many, many rare mobs; there is nothing that improves your clear speed and power more than this item.

After the tweaks to AN mods and the buff to HH, this belt is the hands down BIS option for general play. It is more powerful than ever for this build, and I would even go so far as to say this build is empowered more than most others due to the incredible interaction between Vaal Fireball with 2x Fork + Chain, and Glacial Cages which are easily and often stolen for permanent uptime.

Otherwise, several other belt options exist:

(use in combination with Red Nightmare)


There is a lot of flexibility here, I use the following. Ricochet is very powerful for VFB and effectively multiplies your clear, but it is not required.

Any voices will work, with fewer wasted Nothing nodes being preferable. A large with spell damage, or elemental damage will also work. Particularly useful notables include Doryani's Lesson and Disorienting Display.

There are various combinations of mediums that will work, however you do need a Spiked Concoction somewhere, and at least one 50% RE notable is very useful. As noted above, skipping the projectile cluster and using a large instead of the voices is also an option.

For the Ashes version, this is where a significant amount of damage comes from; high brittles and max scorches provide all the base crit you need and significant pen.

You do not need this if you use the Leadership's Price version, and you do not need the RE implicit here (or at all, depending on other factors of your build) I just happen to have one.

Smalls to fill out any weaknesses and provide even more RE to cram in more auras. If you aren't getting leech anywhere else, this is a good place to get it from the Blacksmith notable, which is insanely powerful for this build.

Conc Potency is mandatory to hit +140% flask effect.

None of these are mandatory, they're just quite good for the build. You may choose very different jewels for yourself.

Other bits

These are the gear pieces I use, most of which I crafted myself either from scratch or from blue (magic) quant bases which are plentiful on Standard trade.

Any Greed's can be used, and a quiver like any of these can be crafted for one woke orb, a few dozen Deafening Essence of Scorns, annuls, a handful of ex in meta crafting fees, and some veiled chaos orbs.

I crafted all of these items from magic quant bases. They are not literally perfect, but fairly close. This build does not require a large life pool due to having substantial mitigation, which helps significantly. The new influence modifiers are excellent, you want Unnerve, Exposure, Speed, RE, and Speed. I like speed.

Rings like this are expensive, but much cheaper Ventor's Gambles are very nearly just as good. If you're lucky enough to have a fractured quant ring, you're looking at less than 100-200ex in mats to get a nice outcome with double rarity.

Nimis replaces the need for Ricochet (you can use Gathering Winds instead and just be faster) and offers the very best single target damage possible, also replacing the need for a weapon swap Vaal Flameblast on ultra tanky bosses and Uber Pinnacle bosses. Consider its downside (consumes a ring slot) and how the Dexterity it has will affect your Leaderships Price balance, if you do use this amulet.

Ashes is also a very good option because alt quality gems are incredibly powerful on this build, it even adds a level to every single skill for good measure. Get one while you can, I see this thing getting heavily nerfed in either power or drop rate.

Ashes also significantly accelerates weapon swap gem leveling, which for woke and/or enhance/empower/enlighten gems means x% more income depending on your roll.

Leadership's Price is arguably the preferred option at max level, because if you use a Lethal Pride instead of a Brutal Restraint you will have very nearly equal strength and dex which can be tuned with cluster jewel suffixes.

Damage and EHP is better with this amulet (you free up a jewel slot and can use Red Nightmare in the Scion slot for ECs, or even run another small cluster jewel), however there are significant QOL losses such as projectile speed, movement speed, molten shell/vms duration and cooldown and no possibility of a double corrupt (less MF!) to contend with.

An omni setup is possible but loses very significant survivability and I believe either of the above amulets to be much better choices.

You can use any Divination Distillate you want, but obviously the +max res versions are ideal. A quicksilver and gold flask is a natural choice for the other two. A soul ripper may be used instead of a quicksilver for the big boss fights, it will more than double your damage (damage numbers shown above are without it).


My choice of skill gems and supports is plain to see in the above POB, with a few notes:

* You're a petrified blood build. This means you're low life, and this enables 100% Divination Distillate uptime provided that you don't over-reserve your life. Make sure you have at least a few HP unreserved above the 50% mark.
* Determination + Defiance Banner is an incredibly strong combination when combined with unlimited Vaal Molten Shell, and Molten Shell itself.
* Grace is an option instead of Haste, if you want to be practically unkillable. Expect 40k+ armour and 80%+ evade chance when using this combo.
* Purity of Elements massively saves item suffixes and passive points, and solves all ele ailment problems. Use it.
* Any skill that costs mana to use must be linked to Lifetap, due to the downside of Soul Catcher.
* I am growing fond of Anomalous Temporal Rift for global cooldown and its very specific ability to erase backtracking which is incredibly good in Incursions. It does consume a lot of mana reservation however, and would be the first reservation skill you drop before you have very, very good RE jewels and gear.

What I like about this build

It's fast.
It uses a real MF chest.
It has 360 degree multi-screen range.
It doesn't sacrifice MF for speed or damage.
It doesn't require astoundingly expensive jewels.
It doesn't require a lot of life (read: prefixes) to have excellent survivability.
I have solo'd two characters to 100 with this build doing nothing but mapping, and consistently yielding as much as ~150m xp/hr at 99. It is extremely reliable for this level of MF.

What I don't like about this build

GGG use what is quite possibly the worst engine of any modern game. It is a dog.

I'm not sure if this is a surprise anymore, but the fact that a $14 fireball MTX solves 99% of framerate/client crashes ought to be considered an embarrassment for this company.

Yet here we are...

[Buy the Dire Blade or Stygian Fireball MTX if you are having framerate or client crash problems in extremely juicy maps, --nosound also fixes this]

Note that this is far less of a problem after the removal of fun (beyond) from the game. Ymmv.


Contact me in game @muir if you are making this build and I can share a video showing what I think is the laziest technique to play it. I am usually on pacific timezone evenings for an hour a day.

Known Good Atlas Trees


Roll maps for high quant, put 2 or 3 deli orbs on, preferably vaal orb for 8 mod outcomes. Run with Alva and Beyond on the map device, use the highest reli, strongbox, abyss, and div card scarabs you can, and use any sextants that add strongboxes, abyss, legion, etc. If your map has beyond dont put beyond on the map device or sextant as it will cause an early boss spawn and end beyond mob creation. Goal is to maximize rare mobs that more often drop the most valuable items.

Mirror Shop

I have a few items that are ideal for this build and worth considering if you are have a mirror or two to spend in Standard, and want to jump straight into a high end version of this build.


Peter has the BIS Quivers for this build and can be found here:

Dernière édition par muir#5779, le 4 mai 2024 10:43:57
Dernier bump le 2 août 2024 12:34:25
Pog, it's here!

Always happy to see new twists for MF gameplay, and this one seems to work astonishingly well (obviously, it's vaalskill abuse).
Nice writeup so far :)
This is very good <3 thankyou for sharing this to the community
nice one
Added Leadership's Price as an option.
Hello there. Thank you for sharing what looks like a very nice and interesting variation on an industry standard.

I would like to adjust and improve my MF build to yours, though if possible, without spending all my current savings, which I'm trying to amass for my last build in poe. To this end, I'd like to ask a few questions to perhaps help me understand how much currency I would need to spend to become a downscaled version of yours.

So firstly, I consider your damage to be super high, and I only plan to farm red maps, so it's most probably ok to have it lowered for me. Hence, the following questions:

1) What is an alternative to voices3? What kind of large cluster should I look for?
2) What stats should I look for on rare jewels to replace both of the forbidden ones from Eater/Exarch? (Can't even find an Exarch one with Ricochet but it'll prolly be super expensive)
3) Since I will have to use a large cluster instead of voices, what 5-10 passives points (damage-wise) can I take out to have the least impact, since my MF is also lvl 95, so -5 points.
4) Watcher's eye - what's the most important mod that I should get, since yours lookssick, so I need a cheaper one.

Another new thing for me - I tried googling on the life flask (Distillate) and PB interraction, found one but didn't understand it completely, so could you please explain how to use it so that it queues almost infinitely and how does the interraction actually work?

Currently I'm running two legacy uniques for gloves and boots, rings and helmet are okeish, nowhere near your IIR but overall I should get close (about 5-8% away) to your IIQ with changing to distillate and chest (have a rare one with hp/resists/stats atm).

Also a question on gems - I would like to have more survivability just in case, you mention that it's possible to change haste for grace with this, are there any other possible gems to put into the chest, considering that I will most likely not be running temporal rift which frees up a bit of mana?

Also, as far as I understand, your Vaal MS is always off cooldown when used during the vaal flask and costs no souls too? So can I link it with CWDT and use the vaal version at the start of the map when I don't have HH stacks or in dire cases?

Thank you very much beforehand for any advice you can provide. I would really like to improve my build, but want to estimate the costs and potential of a downscaled build, since yours is definitely way cheaper than the usuall top MF buidls I've seen, but still way high up than what I can afford atm.
Bethrezhen a écrit :

1) What is an alternative to voices3? What kind of large cluster should I look for?
2) What stats should I look for on rare jewels to replace both of the forbidden ones from Eater/Exarch? (Can't even find an Exarch one with Ricochet but it'll prolly be super expensive)
3) Since I will have to use a large cluster instead of voices, what 5-10 passives points (damage-wise) can I take out to have the least impact, since my MF is also lvl 95, so -5 points.
4) Watcher's eye - what's the most important mod that I should get, since yours lookssick, so I need a cheaper one.

1. Any Large with % spell/ele damage will work. Disorienting display, doryani's lesson are really good.

2. Cast speed, % damage, int, resists that you need. Red Nightmare is fairly good in the bottom Scion jewel slot. Mantra of Flames. Intuitive Leap can be used to skip to notables on the ranger slot. 3x Ele Dmg Grand Spectrums are a decent option. Vaal Sentencing is really strong.

3. Use Intuitive Leap to skip nodes in ranger slot.

4. There are so many good options I'll leave this to you to figure out. Regen. Armour. Crit reduction. Arcane surge is very hard to get elsewhere so ideal to get on a watchers.


Another new thing for me - I tried googling on the life flask (Distillate) and PB interraction, found one but didn't understand it completely, so could you please explain how to use it so that it queues almost infinitely and how does the interraction actually work?

PB prevents any form of life recovery except flasks above 50% life. Therefore if you reserve < 50% of your life and have a margin above 50%, only the life/sec from Distillate will counteract the degen from RF, and therefore Distillate will run its full duration because it will never fully heal you (unless you have extremely low amounts of life along with 90% fire res + Arakaali pantheon).


Also a question on gems - I would like to have more survivability just in case, you mention that it's possible to change haste for grace with this, are there any other possible gems to put into the chest, considering that I will most likely not be running temporal rift which frees up a bit of mana?

You would need very very good gear and probably 2x RE jewels to run another aura altogether. Consider enhancing PB. You will be very durable with the Grace + Det combo.


Also, as far as I understand, your Vaal MS is always off cooldown when used during the vaal flask and costs no souls too? So can I link it with CWDT and use the vaal version at the start of the map when I don't have HH stacks or in dire cases?

Yes, CWDT will only proc Molten Shell (you cannot trigger Vaal skills) however you will still need it to be linked with lifetap.
Dernière édition par muir#5779, le 23 mars 2022 11:01:24
Thank you so much for all the explanations. Gonna try to get the build done. One more thing - do I need 40$ soul gain prevention as well on both flasks or how much lower % can I go?

About Molten Shell I knew CWDT only procs the normal one, but seems like it's not possible since there's no space in helmet for it and always need lifetap if I wanna move MS to other slot.
Dernière édition par Bethrezhen#4970, le 23 mars 2022 13:06:18
Bethrezhen a écrit :
Thank you so much for all the explanations. Gonna try to get the build done. One more thing - do I need 40$ soul gain prevention as well on both flasks or how much lower % can I go?

Reduced Soul Gain Prevention Duration just gives your Vaal Haste more uptime, that is all. You can run with any %. The only important line on the flask is the 25% reduced souls per use mod.


About Molten Shell I knew CWDT only procs the normal one, but seems like it's not possible since there's no space in helmet for it and always need lifetap if I wanna move MS to other slot.

There is space for it. I run with one socket empty right now as I'm preparing for a new pair of gloves with an abyssal socket.
Interesting, I thought that Vaal FB had 4 secs of prevention so it mattered to some extent, prolly I'm misundertanding something here, not too familiar with this.

On CWDT - well wep and body are fixed, with 1 extra socket on body but can't put anything since auras. Another 4 slots go to hp reservation auras. The PB/RF 4 slots are fixed, well I replaced the Temporal with Enlighten, but it's still full (or anyway maybe 1 free socket there). And the last 4 slots are for MS, Lifetap, Dash, Lightning Golem. So if I move any spell from here I would need to support it with Lifetap to cast right? Like technically there are 2 open slots (chest+Enlighten), but they are in separate items, so if I want to move the golem instead of the Enlighten, I'll have to add another lifetap there and then it's a 5slot. I may be missing something obvious here.


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