[3.16] The Iron Guardian | CI 17k ES | 3k regen | 30k Armor | Full block | Any spell


Hello guys! I’m back playing PoE basically since 3.10 (Delirium), and a lot has changed. As Scourge is pretty hard (my Miner used to be immediately killed while switching to nightmare), I’ve decided to revamp an older tanky build.


This build is a Strength Stacker Guardian heavily focused on defence rather on dps with Iron Will as the main buff to spell damage.
With the several (and most of them cheap) uniques we need, we will reach a huge amount of ES based on strength (Geofry’s Sanctuary, Shaper’s Touch) and mana (Radiant Faith ascendancy, ES mastery, Watcher’s Eye). Moreover we have Full block with Aegis Aurora which grants us 600ES on block thanks to our 30k Unflasked Armor using Memory Vault and Determination. 3k Energy Shield Regeneration on consecrated ground (which we creates with CWDT and Purifying flame).
Using Iron Will as the main buff to spells, this build is very generic and can be played with any spell. Forbidden Rite is probably one of the best spell out there as it’s power is also linked to our Energy Shield.


  • 17k ES (15k without Watcher’s Eye)
  • 3k ES regen
  • 30k Unflasked Armour
  • 75/75 Block
  • 600 ES on block
  • Freeze immune (Soul of the Brine King)
  • Shock immune (Tempest Shield)
  • Chaos Immune (Chaos Inoculation)
  • over 1600 Strength with Iron Will + Doon Cuebiyari (over 520% increased spell damage)
  • Charges 100% on
  • Most uniques are very cheap



+ Safe We stack a tons of defensive layers, die will be very hard
+ Cheap This build relies on common uniques. The 6L chest costed me 30c
+ Easy to play Once you wear all the needed uniques and cast all the auras, you’ve just turned in a 1-click build. Can be eventually turned into an autocaster
+ Map mods immune If you play a chaos spell like the suggested Forbidden Rite, the build is reflect immune. No regen map are not a big problem. Any other mod is not a big problem considered the defensive layers

- Damage is on the low side Iron Will is the only bonus to our spell. It’s a non crit build and reaching 1 Sirius DPS requires the helm enchantment and 3 awakened gems
- Clear speed Clear speed is slow, no need to lie. DPS is not that great hence clear speed is limited. We clear any map, but we need our time
- No League Starter friendly. Relying on a lot of uniques it’s not the cheapest as a league starter. Anyway most of the uniques becomes cheap very fast
- No SSF Relying on a lot of uniques it’s not suited for a SSF League
- Min-Max is limite Uniques apart, we only have rings and belt that we can use to min-max the build. This may results in being expensive


The following is a Lvl 100 finished tree with my current gear in Sourge League and with maxed skills

The following is a “cheap” version which doesn’t rely on Enlighten Support to reduce the mana reserved for our auras


Body Armor
Forbidden Rite – Greater Volley – Volley – Void Manipulation – Spell Echo – Controlled Destruction

Flame Dash – Second Wind - Arcane Surge (Level 9)
This set-up will grant us arcane surge buff for an additional speel damage boost

Enlighten – Discipline – Determination – Tempest Shield
Enlighten is damn expensive this league, check the secondo PoB link for a different tree which doesn’t require Enlighten

CWDT – Molten Shell – Summon Stone Golem – Purifying Flames
This is our auto set-up: Molten Shell increases our armour so, thanks to Aegis Aurora, our ES gained on block; Stone Golem gran us more ES regen, Purifying Flams gran us consecrated ground for huge ES regn boos (even when our flask are out)

Wither – Spell Totem – Multiple Totems
Summoning 3 totems will provide us a fast way to give the Map Boss the 15 wither stack

Clarity (Level 1) – Vitality – Despair – Impending Doom
Clarity is mainly to proc Watcher’s Eye additional ES on mana, Vitality for additional ES regen, Impending Doom linked to our curse is just to fill that slot


Geofry’s Sanctuary provide us an huge boost to ES (based on strength) plus Zealot’s Oath (life regen is applied to ES).
Bought my 6l for 30 chaos, It’s mandatory but it’s also damn cheap.

Memory Vault is another mandatory item which boost our amour stat by a lot based on mana reserved. It also have a good ES stat and give us more mana. Uncorrupted goes for 4c

Shaper’s Touch are another mandatory item granting us a lot of ES and Mana. Without them we lose approximatively 6k ES. Uncorrupted goes for 2c

Doon Cuebiyari boost our spell damage by about 200% and give us a very high amount of strength. Yes is mandatory, but it’s very chep: 1c. I bought a perfect roll for 10c
Aegis Aurora provide us a lot of ES gained on block based on armour stat. It also has a decent armor/ES stat, good block and brings our cold resistance to 80%. We can also use a rare shield with 5% ES gained on block, but it must have at least 32% chance to block and a decent amount of ES in order to compensate the cost.
Consider that corrupted Aegis Aurora’s price starts from 5c and uncorrupted goes for 40c (making it one of the most expensive gear of the build)

Astramentis provide us more than 120 to each stat, making him the BiS. Buy it and use Intrinsic Catalyst on it to increase the attributes provided. Price is 10c

A rare boost with Hunter Influence is the best you can aim. Search at least for high strength (50+), x% increased strength. Other stat should be elemental resistance, Intelligence, Mana, Energy Shield
A very cheap option is Alberon’s Warpath, price 1c

And Elder influenced Heavy Belt is the one suggested with high flat strength and X% increased attributes. Resistance, Intelligence, Energy Shield, Mana, Armor are all juicy mods. Price may vary from 1c to several exalted orbs

Main stat to search is strength of course, Energy Shiled, x% Increased Energy Shield, Resistances, Intelligence, Mana are all good addons. Use the rings to cap your elemental resistance. As for the belt price goes from 1c to several exalted. I bought mine for 10-30c

Refer to PoB link to see where to place them
  • Might of the Meek to boost strength node
  • Efficient Training to transform intelligence into strength (x2)
  • Rare jewels with strength and energy shield
  • Watcher’s Eye with ES gained on Mana

Watcher’s Eye is not really necessary, as without it we will already reach 15k ES. The other jewels are very cheap: 1-2c each


Kill all, we need those 2 points!


Soul of the Brine King + Litanius for freeze immunity
Soul of Tukohama + Tahsin for additional regen and additional physical mitigation


Guardian makes this build possible
Take this nodes which are listed in order of importance:
  • Radiant Faith
  • This grants an huge ES boost
  • Time of Need
  • We regen almost 7k ES every 4 seconds, big survivability boost
  • Harmony of Purpose
  • This makes us always fully charged
  • Radiant Crused
  • I found this useful in order to cap my elemental resistance. Having a Golem will also give us 10% more damage

If you have your elemental resistance capped with gear, you can go for Unwavering Faith for additional physical damage reduction and ES regen


I Will try to improve this post and the whole build as far as progressing in the League
Don't hesitate to leave your comments (constructive ones, hopefully) and suggestions especially regarding the dps!
I’m currently considering trying Energy Blad (which wil bring our ES to a bit less than 7k) and using Cadigan’s Crown which will grant us the Battlemage buff. We lose about 10k armor and more than half of our Energy shield, but DPS should increase in a decent way.

Dernier bump le 16 nov. 2021 14:40:07


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