Buff/Debuff visibility & Fanaticism Inquisitor

This is just a quick feedback post regarding the visibility of buffs/debuffs from playing fanaticism inquisitors for my past 3 builds.

*Tldr; I don't really need to track my frenzy charge count or auras mid-combat, I do need to track bleeds/poisons/shock effect and, in the case of my inquisitor, Fanaticism buff.*

Though not overpowered or anything, I've found the Fanaticism playstyle to be a lot of fun, and the recent defence buffs have really given it a solid foundation to make it much more viable.

However, the visibility of buffs/debuffs as indicated by the image boxes in the top right of the screen does make the Fanaticism playstyle a little irksome.
Because a Fanaticism build works entirely by creating that 4 second Fanaticism window in order to maximise your spell damage output, having the Fanaticism buff shuffled in amongst all of the other active and cycling buffs makes tracking your Fanaticism buff a bit of a challenge, particularly in a hairy moment.

In particular, I often find myself having to spy the buff from behind a creature or boss nameplate which is obscuring the buff queue. I mostly rely on counting my attacks and effectively maintaining a rotation while in combat, but, again, a hairy moment can spook you out and cause you to lose track of your count, and thereby your build's critical damage output window.
Specific request: It would be really good to see in 3.17 an adjustment to the signalling of the Fanaticism buff so that you are able to track it more easily. Having your eyeline dragged to the top right while navigating melee-range combat feels disruptive to play.

General request: It would be really, really good if there were a an option in the interface to select 3-5 buffs/debuffs to be 'highlighted' in a more prominent position on the UI. This would make it significantly better for players to have those buffs/debuffs that are important for their character, either defensively or offensively, to be far more visible and centrally located to the player/character/eyeline.
Dernier bump le 9 nov. 2021 00:07:07


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