Ziz Exp Gauntlet Practice SSFSC Crowdfund

Looking to start a last minute practice league for Zizaran's Expedition SSFHC Gauntlet. It is SSFSC with all the mods from the gauntlet event. Help me start it up if you are interested. I will add more spots if there are people interested in joining.

Join here

Dernier bump le 10 sept. 2021 14:06:27
I went ahead and funded the first 10 spots, I'll accept anyone who is interested in joining.
To anyone who I removed, please re-apply, that was an accident.
I sent an application if you are still checking :)
If you are done practicing, please feel free to leave the league so others can join. if there are people who have joined and haven't created a character after a long period of time I'll remove them to open up spots for other players.
I'll still be adding spots today as long as people are wanting to crowdfund.



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