CWDT Replica Tulfall BladeBlast
big list of other builds
uhhhh basically i had currency (and my gpu) to burn and a bad build to make happen this is a cwdt engine build, which basically means that we do what we can to make it so when we trigger cwdt, the spells cast by cwdt activate cwdt again. in this case our engine is built from replica tulfall, 2 minimum power charges, replica red trail, and golden rule. with these three items, when we hit an enemy, red trail gives us a power charge (putting us at 3, our max). tulfall then pops and hits us for 500 cold damage (removing 1 power charge and giving us a frenzy charge in the process). this 500 damage is reduced to 100 by our 80% cold res, and that damage is what triggers the next round of spells. what's important to note is that the 100 damage happens for every hit we put out, which means we're basically trying to hit as many times as possible, but also that we take a FUCKTON of damage doing so (about 5k per second against bosses, more while mapping where aoes can hit many enemies). in order to handle this, we run volls devotion, eternal apple, and kingsguard. with these uniques, when tulfall removes our 1 power charge, we get 1 endurance charge. after this happens 3 times (300 damage taken) we reach max endurance chrages, at which time eternal apple deletes the charges and kingsguard gives us 100 life each (300 life recovered). as a result, we perfectly sustain the damage we take and can hit a theoretically infinite amount of times per second and survive. maw of conquest makes us unaffected by poison, so we wont kill ourselves there, and also gives % of damage taken recovered as life, which gives a fuckton of what's basically life regen. so basically since the kingsguard loop perfectly cancels out the tulfall loop, and maw of conquest scales its recovery with the damage taken (uncapped btw), the more we hit ourselves the more life we gain per second. to that end we use the following skills in cwdt: cwdt(lvl1) - desecrate - cascade - divergent ball lightning cwdt(lvl1) - volatile dead - bladefall - woke cascade cwdt(lvl1) - anomalous EK - blazing salvo - BV cwdt(lvl21) - bladeblast - damage - damage - damage - damage with this, we create 10 corpses, turn about 7 to 9 into volatile dead balls, launch a ball lightning, throw out knives, throw out fire aoes, and summon a blade around ourselves, and drop a ton of blades from the sky. this amounts to 7+1+5+1+6 = 20 or so hits per cwdt loop, leaves 12 blades on the ground, and puts 1 blade circling around ourselves, all of which happens every 0.22 seconds give or take. blade blast then can be at a higher level requirement and detonate those blades once every two or three rotations for maximum damage output and serves as the main way we actually end up killing enemies. then youll need to solve mana, which comes easy by using a 20% of damage taken gained as mana watchers eye clairty mod and a lvl 1 clarity. since we are so good at hitting ourselves, this keeps our mana full 24/7 no sweat in conjunction with battle rouse on the tree and -mana cost rings. for flasks, rotgut is a no-brainer. You generate frenzy charges at an alarming rate, so youll always get the full onslaught duration from it, and with the amount of spells youre throwing out, the beefed up sugeons mod means its always full to give you that sick movespeed. Ive instilled mine with use when full to keep it going all the time with no micro. From there youll want an anti-shock flask and an anti-chill flask. if you're shocked, you take extra damage from tulfall, which fucking HURTS a ton so having grounding use when shocked is a good idea. the chill is also a must-have since tulfall dealing 100 cold damage is enough to chill you, and while the chill wont lower your dps it does make you walk slower so might as well go fast with a flask of heat use when chilled. which flask bases is up to you from there. i also went with the forbidden taste used when taking savage hit to really let me turn my brain off (with our recovery and chaos res from golden rule this is no problem). as for how you want to take the build from this point, i really leave it up to you. I personally went for assassin & poison since i was already getting a bit of poison to golden rule myself and BB being pure phys means it can clap cheeks with poison scaling (important since we're basically operating on a 5L here as one of the links must be CWDT). from there, you decide what utility you want. I went with phase run, a dash skill, malevolence, and despair self curse. BIS would be to get dispair on hit and self cast wither on bosses since its pretty hard to fit in otherwise. youll also need some way to start the engine, which can be done with flame dash, but i personally keep a brand handy to do it a bit easier. all in all the build is just okay at best in terms of damage, but man is it fun. your screen is a mess of explosions all the time, you run at lightspeed, and you dont have to think too much. its great in mid-level delve for that reason: you just sprint at full speed in front of the cart and enemies keel over in your wake. mapping is fast and feels good, though bosses are a bit slow. that being said, bosses are also braindead easy since you get to just run in a circle at high speed the whole fight so youll basically never get hit unless youre lazy with dodging and dont have to focus at all since your damage is automated. it can handle most map mods though personally i reroll reflect since in order to make up the incoming damage id need to have only 1 minimum power charge instead of 2 (effectively doubling my recovery and reducing my hits/second by a bit in turn) but then id need a ring to swap in and im not about that life. i can actually run -max, but prefer not to since it basically turns a 1k regen build into a 0 regen build which just feels bad. ele weak is fine since im overcapped and you should be too. videos coming, maybe soon, maybe not. the build is super GPU intensive and turns compression algorithms to mush so it doesnt record well. not recommended for streamers or tubers unless your audience like to get up close and personal with the pixels. if you really want to destroy the screen, put firestorm on woke cascade and really just rain down hell. passive tree i use a cluster jewel with touch of cruelty, grim oath, and overwhelming malice along with 2x eldritch inspiration + sceptic spells medium clusters. the abyssal jewel in my belt is what procs hinder for touch of cruelty to come online. PoB paste: Dernière édition par OxidisedGearz#3098, le 22 oct. 2021 03:12:49 Dernier bump le 22 oct. 2021 03:03:23
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How much did you invest in this?
Highest map tier? I told myself no more meme builds. Lol. I see we like to use common characters for character names. :) Dernière édition par chrischoi#5738, le 1 sept. 2021 21:13:09
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Lastly, why not take the other gem levels up higher to the minimum sub 38? That would just scale more damage and still trigger. Did I miss something?
Some of them: Ball Lightning - 4 Bladefall - 4 Anomalous Ethereal Knives - 11 |
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sorry to reply a bit slow
gems other than blade blast are low level because it helps to start the cycle. whatever level cwdt youre using determines how many hits you have to do with storm brand to start your engine up. you could have one setup be low level and the others high, but at the end of the day since those skills are unlinked anyway they won't do much damage even at lvl 21. might as well keep them low. in terms of investment, a fair bit? not sure about the exact number since its all gear i slowly compiled while chill mapping on my phys trapper. at the end of the day: need the corrupt amulet (with anointment). really want woke cascade. need 6l kingsguard. really want +1 min power rings w/ mana cost on top (needs to be veiled or multimodded). really want damage recoup watchers eye. really want the 3 mod large cluster. its not cheap and not amazing, but its a lot of fun. Also highest map tier was alch & go t16s, but the bosses (and some of the tankier rares) were noticable slow at that level. Still doable, but you are running around waiting for them to die for a fair bit of time, so it doesnt wipe the floor with them or anything. The clear is decent though, being a 0 button build more or less means you can just run through packs and the super long duration poison cleans up nicely. Dernière édition par OxidisedGearz#3098, le 22 oct. 2021 03:07:47
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So I managed to put this together
although I am missing some gear, mainly the cluster jewels The principle of this build is amazing, however I can't seem to scale the damage accordingly. I initially had struggled to sustain the mana, after the watchers eye. It became better however it seems it is still lacking a little. So i'm trying to figure out tweaks to improve mana sustainability I also thought about leveling one of the CWDT setups but as replied to the other person, it seems it may not be the answer. I'm running T8 maps and it seems to be doing more damage to my gpu than enemies haha |
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Yeah. I mean I was able to do t16s & logbooks, but the bosses and even some of the tankier rares were quite slow compared to my other builds for sure. Putting a cap on the assassin poison duration really hurt the raw dps of the build relative to its old numbers...
Its still viable, but if youre looking for the strongest build at the price point, this aint it. Not having the cluster would explain a bit of the lack since that does represent a lot of damage... hopefully you were able to have fun despite stalling out early, haha. As you mentioned, its more of a spectacle forbidden build than anything particularly "good". Obliterating gpus was part of the fun. I hope i mentioned it, but firestorm is an absolute gamechanger. Turns your screen from a mess of effects into a mess of effects completely obscured by a hailstorm of massive meatballs. A sight to behold then immediately disable to preserve your eyes. Dernière édition par OxidisedGearz#3098, le 22 oct. 2021 03:04:04
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