[3.16] Forbidden Rite Totem
Totem life got gutted, we lost around 50% of our DPS. The updated build got around 12m DPS, which is just alright considering how much investment is required. The build still work, but will definitely need 2 medium clusters with Ancestral Preservation now (to reach 70% chaos resistance). Had to drop Zerphi's Heart and remove cast speed. Quality of Life of the build when down. Still a decent build, the clear is just worse now.
This is a quick guide I've put up to answer most people that have been asking me question about my version of Forbidden Rite Totem. Big thanks to Wallach for his Freezing Pulse Guide, I have used his guide as reference for this one.
I was the first Hierophant to reach level 100 in 3.15 Expedition league.
The build handle high-tier mapping very easily. It is not tanky, like most totem build, but can easily reach 10k, up to 12k EHP with 16% physical mitigation. The best part of Forbidden Rite is the single target. This spell melt boss down almost instantly. I have done most contents in 3.15 with this build. The main downside of the skill is the clear speed. It require decent investment before feeling good. Videos of the build in action: [3.15] Valdo's Rest Nemesis Delirious Port - Forbidden Rite Totem Solo Gameplay/Guide [3.15] Forbidden Rite Totem - Sirus Awakener 8 [3.15] Forbidden Rite Totem - Mapping Preview If you are looking for a good Leveling Guide, check out Wallach's guide. This build is only for endgame.
Path of Building
Primary: Forbidden Rite -> Increased Critical Strikes -> Increased Critical Damage -> Void Manipulation -> Increased Area of Effect/Concentrated Effect -> Cruelty Note that if you are not yet using a Soul Mantle, Spidersilk Robe you'll need to equip a Spell Totem Support gem to convert Forbidden Rite into a Totem; the support gems above are listed in order of priority so drop gems as needed to fit your current available links. I use Increased Area of Effect in most case and only swap to Concentrated Effect during big bosses (Sirus, Maven, etc.) Use Anomalous Forbidden Rite for extra clear speed. The gem gain +2 autoproj at 20% quality and gain another at gem level 21. It does not boost single target DPS. Damage: Wither -> Spell Totem -> Multiple Totems This is a basic automated Wither setup. Multiple Totems allow you to place two extra spell totem that will Wither the enemy without losing any totem from your main damage setup. Wither is a 90% increased damage taken at 15 stacks, further increased by the Corruption Node on the tree, for a total of 108% Curse: Arcanist Brand -> Assassin's Mark AND/OR Despair Arcanist Brand is probably the easiest way to apply a Mark to an enemy. Assassin's Mark is the best curse for Critical Strike build. If you get an extra curse from somewhere, you can also use Despair, but Mark are generally stronger. Recommended quality: Anomalous Assassin's Mark Utility: Steelskin -> Cast when Damage Taken -> Increased Duration -> Void Sphere Totem build tend to be very weak defensively. Steelskin give a decent amount of EHP when you need it (right after getting hit). Void Sphere spawn on top of the enemy that triggered the setup, it confuse the AI and stack them together. I recommend level 19 Steelskin with level 16 Cast when Damage Taken. Movement + Utility: Vaal Cold Snap -> Increased Duration -> Flame Dash -> Arcane Surge Flame Dash is our main Movement Skill to travel fast. At level 20, it can trigger a level 8 Arcane Surge every cast, giving us extra Damage. You might want to use the Anomalous version of Flame Dash if you have the Movement Cooldown Reduction from Watcher's Eye and Boots for extra range. Vaal Cold Snap is used to generate Frenzy Charges against bosses. It also chill and slow down enemy close to us. Movement: Phase Run -> Increased Duration -> Enhance This is a decent setup to move safer and faster when Flame Dash is not to use (in enclosed space, Delve, walking throught a pack, etc.) Enhance can be replaced for something else, but the extra Movement Speed % is nice. Aura: Only use 50% aura if you are currently using an Essence Worm to not reserve any Mana. Best Damage Aura: Zealotry Best Utility Aura: Haste Other: Clarity OR/AND Precision You should take into account available Watcher's Eyes for your Aura. I would only recommend Haste if you have a increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills Watcher's Eyes. Only use Clarity or Precision at level 1 if you have a Watcher's Eyes that require this Aura. Check the Item section for more info.
Awakened Void Manipulation and Awakened Increased Area of Effect Note: Awakened gem impact is very minimal in 3.15, it is not a priority to get them. Also, you might want to consider buying them already level 5 or to check the price of Facetor's Lens from harvest to upgrade them quickly.
Pursuit of Faith -> Ritual of Awakening -> Conviction of Power -> Divine Guidance This is what most totem build use. A massive amount of Totem Placement Speed and Totem Duration, which is amazing quality of life. We also get an extra totem, more damage and life/mana regeneration. Conviction of Power give us 4 permanent Minimum Endurance Charges and Power Charges. 16% physical mitigation and 16% to all elemental resistances. 160% increased global critical strike chance. Divine Guidance boost our defense by a massive amount, as long as you have enough Mana to deal with your Life pool. To calculate how much Mana you need: Life / 0.6 * 0.4 = Mana. Example: 4000 / 0.6 * 0.4 = 2666~ Without it: Life / 0.7 * 0.3 = Mana. Example: 4000 / 0.7 * 0.3 = 1714~
1 - Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Staunching This is our main source of instant life if something goes wrong. Also using this flask to remove Bleed. If you have Coward's Legacy (Low Life), swap Bubbling for the Panicked Prefix. 2 - Bubbling Eternal Mana Flask of Dousing This is our main source of instant mana if something goes wrong. Also using this flask to remove Ignite. If you have Coward's Legacy (Low Life), swap Bubbling for the Panicked Prefix. 3 - Chemist's Diamond Flask of Heat OR Bottled Faith, Sulphur Flask For extra global critical strike chance and to remove Freeze/Chill. If you have boots with the Cannot be Frozen mod, you can consider using Bottled Faith, which is more damage. 4 - Chemist's Amethyst Flask of Grounding For chaos resistance and to remove Shock. If you don't have a Medium Totem Cluster with Sleepless Sentries, you might want to consider using a Silver Flask in the meanwhile. 5 - Chemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline/Quickening/Curing For the increased Movement Speed. You can use anything as Suffix here. I would personally recommend Quickening for the extra Cast Speed.
Major: Soul of the Brine King - Cannot be stunned recently and reduced effect of chill Minor: Soul of Abberath - Unaffected by Burning Ground (personal pick) Soul of Shakari - Reduced chaos damage taken (probably best)
Either Help Alira or Kill All Help Alira is probably best since we lack resistances and we can definitely use the multiplier and mana regen. Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 20 oct. 2021 23:51:19 Dernier bump le 26 janv. 2022 03:43:52
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This version use Viridi's Veil, Praetor Crown (if you don't go for Atziri's Reflection, Golden Buckler) to acquire Hexproof. Hexproof is very similar to "Unaffected by curses". It also allow us to use Self-Flagellation, Viridian Jewel (20% damage per curse) and Coward's Legacy, Chain Belt (Low Life). This require us to use a Magic Ring in our right slot. The item also come with +1/+2 to socketed gems and decent elemental resistances. This is a boss drop from Maven (around 1/5 chance to drop). Best enchant: Forbidden Rite fires an additional Projectile Example:
The best Body Armour for totem build is Soul Mantle, Spidersilk Robe. It allow us to have a 7-link (come with a level 20 Spell Totem Support), give us an extra totem and curse ourself every time one of our totem die, allowing us to use Self-Flagellation, Viridian Jewel. We can boost our damage even further by getting one or two corruption on it. The best DPS corruption is: +2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems and +2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems. +1 to Level of Socketed Gems is also very good. Example:
I recommend Asenath's Gentle Touch, Silk Gloves. The build struggle with survivability: Fast target are hard to hit, we don't have a way to destroy corpse, etc. Those gloves solve many of those problems: Most corpses end up destroyed on kill and explode for extra damage/clear. Our totem will apply Temporal Chains on Hit. It will also blind in some situation. The gloves also come with decent Life and Mana and a very cool effect when you kill something. Best enchant: Trigger Commandment of Spite when Hit Example:
The build lack in resistances badly, as it use many unique items. Here we have to fill the gap by using Rare Boots with specific stats. Personal choice of Boots type: Dreamquest Slippers (increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills) Here is the list of mods we are looking for: Prefix - Movement Speed % Prefix - Life Prefix - Open Prefix to craft Cannot be Frozen (1 Exalt). It is a veiled craft from Rin (syndicate). Suffix (3x) - Enough resistances to be at 75%. Chaos Resistance if you can afford it. Best enchant: 120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently (the only thing that can crit on our build is Void Sphere in our Cast when Damage Taken setup) Example:
Here we could use Sceptre, but Wand can come with Projectile Speed, hence why I recommend to use wand. We want to use two Rare Wand. Both the wand should have at least 5 good mods. One should at least have a good tier of Projectile Speed (for safety) and one should have +1 to Level (so we can easily reach level 21 Forbidden Rite on Anomalous Quality without corruption). Here is the list of mods we are looking for: Prefix - % Increased Spell Damage Prefix - Mana Prefix - +1 to Level of all Spell/Chaos Skill Gems Suffix - % increased Cast Speed Suffix - % increased Projectile Speed OR increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells Suffix - % increased Projectile Speed OR % to Global Critical Strike Multiplier Here's a weighted search (require to be logged on the website) for decent wand: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Expedition/Yv3ZdEDIY Higher Sum = Better wand. Make sure to check and modify the weight of each mods as necessary. A +1 totem shield is usually weaker than a wand and harder to acquire. It can reach higher DPS than a wand but at a very expensive price and can't roll Projectile Speed. The +1 totem is only useful against boss or very specific situation. It will be less "on-hit" damage. Weapon enchant: % increased AoE Example:
Weapons Swap
We use Sinvicta's Mettle, Ezomyte Axe as weapon swap. With this axe equiped, as long as our totem kill one enemy, we gain Rampage. We can then swap back to our main setup while keeping Rampage active. Rampage give % increased Damage and % Movement Speed. Example:
Here we want to use Essence Worm, Unset Ring on our left slot and a Magic Ring in our right slot (for Hexproof from Viridi's Veil, Praetor Crown). Essence Worm, Unset Ring allow us to use an Aura without reserving any Mana, which is great since we use our Mana as EHP with Mind over Matter and our Ascendancy. Check the Aura section in the Gems section for more info. As for the Magic Ring, you want to use it to fill the missing Elemental Resistances you might have (Implicit and Suffix) to reach 75% and by using Prismatic Catalyst to further enhance this. If you are missing Mana, you can get Mana as Prefix (or craft it), otherwise Life is a good Prefix. Example:
Generic rare amulet with attributes implicit if you need. Here is the list of mods we are looking for: Prefix - + Flat Life Prefix - + Flat Mana Prefix - +1 to Level of Intelligence/Chaos Skill Gems Suffix - % increased Cast Speed/Resistances Suffix - Global Critical Strikes Multiplier/Resistances Suffix - Resistances Anoint: Whispers of Doom (+1 curse) - 3 Golden Oil Example: No example.
Here we use Coward's Legacy, Chain Belt with Intrinsic Catalyst or Accelerating Catalyst if you don't need the extra attribute. This belt give us Low Life and come with a decent amount of Attribute. The Movement Speed is also very good. The curse doesn't affect us since we have Hexproof. This allow us to use Pain Attunement Keystone in the tree for 30% more Spell Damage and allow us to use Panicked Prefix Flask. Best enchant: Enemies Withered by you have -6% to all Resistances (Do work on totem) Other: 15% increased Area of Effect while you have Arcane Surge OR Enemies Hindered by you have 50% reduced Life Regeneration rate You can also consider to use an Headhunter, Leather Belt for juiced, delirious maps or Simulacrum, etc. Example:
List of Unique jewels that we use: Self-Flagellation, Viridian Jewel - This give us a lot of % increased damage with Soul Mantle + Hexproof. Rain of Splinters, Crimson Jewel - This is a +2 to projectile, the reduced (not less) % damage is easily mitigated. Massive damage boost with Forbidden Rite. Watcher's Eye, Prismatic Jewel - Depend on your Aura, either Zealotry or Haste in my case. For Haste, you want increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Movement Skills and maybe also Phasing. For Zealotry, Increased Critical Strike, Increased Damage Taken and Cast Speed are decent. You can also get % critical strike multiplier with Precision or Damage Taken as Mana/Mana as Energy Shield Clarity as a bonus but the cost will be way higher. For Rare Jewels, here are some of the mods we are looking for: Prefix - % increased Totem Life Prefix - % to Critical Strike Multiplier while Dual Wielding Prefix - % increased maximum Life Prefix - % increased maximum Mana Suffix - Elemental Resistances (to be at 75%) Suffix - % to Global Critical Strike Multiplier Make sure your elemental resistances are capped before going for more damage. We do not use Clear Mind, Cobalt Jewel for the simple reason that a good Rare Jewel is better. Example:
There's many good clusters, but I personally use one Large Chaos Cluster with two Medium Totem Cluster. We want two Ancestral Preservation to reach 70% Chaos Resistance on our totem. We also want Sleepless Sentries for Onslaught, but the cluster is very hard to roll and can be quite expensive. The next best node is Ancestral Reach. The 25% increased Totem Placement range is massive for survivability. Other node can be decent if you can't afford those. We want either 4 or 5 Passive Skills on them to not waste any points. As for the Large Chaos Cluster, we want Touch of Cruelty and Unholy Grace. To save point, we also want Unwaveringly Evil or Dark Ideation on the cluster with 8 Passive Skills, so it will only cost us 5 points to get what we want. If you only want to use one large cluster, you can consider using a Voices, Large Cluster Jewel at a very expensive price (3 socket for 40ex+ and 1 socket for 180ex+). Example:
Extra Projectile
I did some better test in PvP with my friend, using poison on hit. No matter how many projectiles I would use, my friend would reach in average 4 stacks per cast. So, unless the target is pretty big, more projectile ain't any better. What does that mean for us? I will now recommend to have at least 4 projectiles (maybe 3 is fine too), which mean Rain of Splinters is probably plenty. I will now be using Rain of Splinters with +1 enchant for 4+1 projectiles and drop Dying Sun to be able to use Life + Mana flask, which is way better than Hybrid. I will update the build guide.
Can this build do 100% delirium? The answer is yes, but I wouldn't recommend it. I did a set of 4 100% delirium map fully juiced with sextant and scarab, with nemesis 3 on Valdo's Rest. The profit was decent, but it was slow and painful to clear the map, 30 minutes minimum. If you want to do similar, 20% or 80% is probably the way to go just to save around 10 minutes per map. Same thing for Simulacrum, the build can do up to Wave 20, but it quickly become a struggle for survival and the build doesn't reach very high reward level. If you got an Headhunter, put that thing on and you'll be easily be able to clear them then. Headhunter do work with totem build. Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 20 oct. 2021 23:56:14
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Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 31 juil. 2021 03:05:23
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Glad to see you got a guide together for it! Lolo knows what he's talking about.
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Why no Greater Volley or GMP support? Most builds on PoE ninja use one.
Also what are best mods to get on large cluster jewel? | |
" Ah sorry I was fixing the guide, there should be a cluster section now. As for the reason of no GMP/Greater Volley/Volley/etc., it's simply more consistent DPS with less projectile, both for clear and single target. Less projectile = more chance for all projectile to hit the target. Also the on-hit damage is higher, so monster might die in one hit while mapping then, which make the build safer too. We already get one free projectile from the cast + one autoprojectile. We get another +2 from Rain of Splinters and another +2 from Dying Sun. 6 is plenty in my opinion, but the +1 projectile helm enchant is looking juicy. Dernière édition par loloppe#7398, le 31 juil. 2021 03:26:44
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Great build and thanks for the guide.
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Thumbs up.
I like your "push it to the limit" notifications (best enchants, corrupts etc) |
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Lolo much appreciated, I've always followed your thoughts and changes on FP totems.
How would you say this compares gameplay wise in the mid>high budget vs FP? I played FP for the past couple of leagues so curious on your thoughts. |
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" Freezing Pulse always came with a struggle for single target DPS and now with the nerf from 3.15, you need massive investment to make it decent and will probably only hit 10-15m DPS max on Sirus. Forbidden Rite reach 10m Sirus DPS with a 5l soul mantle and garbage gear. When it come to clear speed, Forbidden Rite come very close to Freezing Pulse in term of speed, but that's only because of Soul Eater from Zerphi's Heart. Also, Freezing Pulse is way safer to play, because the projectile hit the target faster and freeze in most case (but thing die slower in general). I personally enjoy more a skill that can easily destroy single target, but I know plenty of people that when back to Freezing Pulse because they didn't like the clear speed of early Forbidden Rite and how dangerous it is to map with without must investment. The gears of both build are very similar and will end up costing around the same price. Pandemonium = Zerphi; Good rare gloves with unnerve/cull = Asenath; etc. You can always swap with Ice Spear for more single target, but this is so awkward and barely an DPS increase on boss that move a lot. Freezing Pulse is just in a bad spot at the moment, at least for red-tier and hard content like The Feared. |
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