Regikoko's 3.17 Eye of Winter Totem Hierophant Build (build improved but caught some nerfs.)

This is a Hierophant, Eye of Winter totem build. This build took some hits this patch but should still be a good starter build with steady progression. I don't think it's something worth investing a ton of currency in due to the nerf to Hydrosphere really hitting our single target dps and the nerf to soul mantle. (although I could be wrong). The clear should be about the same as before and I was running fully juiced nem3 beyond maps with this build in 3.16.

Not really sure yet how big totems are gonna be this league it seems like they wont be huge so the gear should be fairly cheap especially the weapon due to few builds using staves.


Just a note the damage calculations for Eye of Winter only shows the damage for 1 projectile. We have up to 6 totems firing tons of projectiles in the area the actual DPS numbers depend on how well you place the totems and how many shards hit the target.

3.17 PoB


Main Skill 6 link
Eye of Winter
Added Cold Damage/Awakened Added Cold Damage
Increased Critical Damage(if not yet using soul mantle replace this with spell totem support)
Cold Penetration/Awakened Cold Penetration
Divergent Multiple Totems Support
Increased Critical Strikes

This is our main skill and source of damage it sends out a trail of projectiles that when it reaches it final destination or collides with terrain will detonate sending out a circle of projectiles. The final explosion can shotgun enemies allowing for big single target damage. The goal when using this skill is to set up your totems in a way that the final blast land as close to the enemy as possible. The support gems are pretty much just typical damage gems with multiple totems allowing us to fire as many projectiles as possible.

Curse/Debuff 6 link
Sniper's Mark
Frost Bomb
Arcanist Brand
Spell Cascade
Arcane Surge (lvl 10)

Sniper's Mark allows us to deal more damage with projectiles to the target we mark with it and since Eye of Winter fires projectiles this will allow us to maximize our DPS. Frost bomb applies Cold exposure giving negative to enemy cold res, further increasing our damage. Arcanist Brand simply makes it so both abilities will fire simultaneously saving us some clicks. Spell cascade increases the hit area of our abilities. Frostbite Another curse increases cold damage taken by the target. Finally Arcane surge which will proc when we spend X amount of mana of the supported skill giving us spell damage and mana regen. If not on a six link I suggest dropping Frostbite and just delay picking up the curse nodes until you get it. (also watch the cost of the spell vs the required mana spent to trigger arcane surge).

utility 2 link
Flame Dash
Arcane Surge (lvl 6)

Flame Dash is our movement ability allowing us to jump gaps and escape dangerour situations. We use another lower lvl Arcane Sruge here just to keep the buff up at all times (you don't have to use this here but wasn't sure what else to put...could us portal if you want)

Cast When Damage Taken 3 Link and vaal haste 1 link
Cast When Damage Taken lvl 5 (Anomalous)
Vaal Molten Shell lvl 13 or Immortal Call
Summon Lightning Golem lvl 7 (Anomalous)
Vaal Haste

This is pretty basic we take Vaal Molten shell to give us a nice shield when we get hit to ensure we don't take anymore damage to finish us off. If you're having trouble getting the str for determination (mentioned in the aura section) use this if taking grace, as Molten shell scales with armour. The vaal part of it can be used as an "oh shit" button in case we get into a bad situation. Summon lightning golem is just more damage and since they tend to die a lot its easier just to put it on cast when damage taken. Finally there is Vaal haste (we don't use the haste aura just the vaal buff) we use this buff to provide us with a large damage boost when we need it)

Auras 4 link
Determination or grace

This is pretty simple the Hatred and Herald of Ice provide us with damage and Determination provides us with a large amount of armor to help reduce damage taken. If you can't yet afford Enlighten simply drop Herald of Ice until you can. (If you have Viridi's Veil put these there to get the plus to skills bonus on the auras). If you can't get enough str for determination or prefer evasion you can take grace if so use immortal call over molten shell. The option of Flesh and Stone is if you want to be more defensive, it also pairs well with grace since blind now only really works with evasion.


The budget version of this build uses

Once you get a lil richer you'll invest in a rare staff for this build. a staff with implicit block chance Any kind will work as the damage on the staff won't matter and we get 100% crit without it. Then you'll want Spell Damage, Cast Speed, Critical Chance for Spells, + to spell skills, + to cold skills, and crit multi.

something like this or close to it


Soul Mantle is the body armour you will use with this build it is a key part of the build it adds spell damage, and curses you when you're totems die (resummoning totems counts as them dying) although this may sound bad when you combine this with a way to become immune to curses and the self-flagellation jewel which adds damage per curse on you it becomes a power house and a heavy source of damage for this build. That being said make sure you have curse immunity which we will discuss further down in the guide before using this armour.


For gloves you'll want a set of rare gloves preferably Fingerless Silk Gloves for the bonus to spell damage but can use any old pair of gloves until then the stats you'll want are high life Res and Either Dex or Str depending on what you need this build really struggles getting those stats since we take mostly int nodes)



For boots you'll want rare boots the base type does not matter as much although two-toned are going to be best to help with resistances. Again you'll want high life Res and again either str or dex, next you'll want movement speed since this build can feel really slow without it. For our boot enchant you'll want either movement speed or Damage penetrates Cold res if you hav'nt killed recently


If you're using the budget version you'll want anything with high life and resistance rolls

The final Version of this build uses Viridi's Veil This is a key part of this build as it provides us with hexproof while using a magic (blue) ring in right ring slot which allows us to use our armour (Soul Mantle) while bypassing the negative effects of the curses we inflict on ourselves

For enchant the best one for damage is Effect of Sniper's Mark but any of the damage ones relating to our skills will do.


For our amulet we now have a choice here you can use Gloomfang which allows chaining and extra damage as chaos for chained projectiles this was the goto amulet for us until they nerfed hydrosphere. Now if you want more single target damage take The Pandemonius.

(Ignore the super lucky scourge its fine without it :P)


For ring we will use Mark of the Shaper for a big damage boost and some life. alternatively in our right ring slot you'll use a Magic ring to synergize with Viridi's Veil. If using Mark of the Shaper you must get a Elder ring in order to benefit from the spell damage bonus on Mark of the Shaper. On this ring you'll want a Tier 1 life roll and as much res as you can get. I recommend a vermillion ring base although Cerulean or Opal can work if you want more damage over survivability.

If using the budget version of this build this will be the slot you use to get curse immunity as Viridi's Veil can be a bit costly. Using 2 Kikazaru rings will give you 80% reduced effect of curses on you. (40 each) combine that with the 20% you'll get for the pantheon (Yugul) and you have 100% reduced effect of curses. It also gives mana and life regen which is useful for this build and a good amount of lightning res on the implicit.


For the belt it heavily depends on what gear you have. If using Viridi's Veil then you will want to use Coward's Legacy it give you "You count as on low life while you are cursed with Vulnerability" plus curses you with Vulnerability with 80% increased Effect. which allows us to get a permanent buff from the passive keystone Pain Attunement. The movement speed and all attributes is nice as well.

For the budget version get a good Leather belt or Stygian Vise with life and resistances. If using a Stygian try to get life and some damage added to spells on your Jewel.

Jewels/Cluster Jewels

For jewels you'll need to get a Self-Flagellation. This gives us up to 20% increased damage per curse on you and allows an additional curse to be applied to you. This with soul mantle is a huge source of damage.

For the Jewel slot located nearest to your starting area you'll want to put a militant faith this jewel can be a nice damage increase or used to fill in resistances as needed.

next you'll want to eventually get a watchers eye a pure hatred one with cold pen is fine and usually not to expensive. if you're looking for a mid range one you can get hatred plus zealotry or determination. Or you can go all out cost and damage and get a double hatred.

this is what i'm using

Lastly our cluster jewel we only need 1 its a medium and its super easy to roll on your own so no need to worry about big spending. Its a medium 4 or 5 passive (doesn't matter) Projectile damage jewel with Shrieking Bolts and Repeater. Shrieking bolt provides us with some damage and causes our totems to taunt enemies causing them to target the totems instead of us, and Repeater is just damage. You can try for res or str/dex if needed on this.

I rolled this one in a couple hundred alts. Could of done it sooner but wanted that t1 res


These are the flasks I am using most are optional and i would suggest getting a immune to freeze flask. Surgeon's prefix is nice since we crit a lot, it just means more uptime on the flasks. The diamond flask is required to reach 100% crit chance so that's just damage. The quicksilver is for mobility and the final flask is just defense you can also use a silver over a granite for more damage. Lastly I wanna talk about Sorrow of the divine; What this does causes our energy shield to recharge while our life flask is active. That being said since life flasks end when you hit full like if you use it while you have full life it will not recover any energy shield. the Use when you use a life flask enchant is really handy for this.


Help Alira This gives crit multi, mana regen, and all res. All of these stats are great for this build.


I Recommend Soul of Arakaali and Soul of Shakari although any of them will work

So for this as mentioned in the amulet section take Whispers of doom its kinda pricey at 3 golden oils but it allows us to run 2 curses. Feel free to use something cheaper until you can afford this one.

Leveling Tips

So when you first start off you'll want to use Freezing pulse until you get Eye of Winter. It scales with the same stats and works great for the short time we use it.

As for how to path in the tree I found it best to go down and get the nodes near Ancestral Bond so you can be ready to transition into totems. Take the life nodes you need along the way and the mana reservation nodes so you can get your auras going. what I did was anytime I felt strong I would save points and when I ascended I took Pursuit of Faith and Ancestral bond but as many other totem nodes as I could to smooth the transition into totems from self cast.


THESE ARE OLD VIDEOS I will update them once I get some footage of the new reworked version of the build. You can watch them to see the playstyle and now the reworked version is Much much better :)

Here is a video of me running normal Atziri. The gear I was using at the time is linked in the PoB below the video. (its pretty bad gear, I ran it as soon as I had a full set)

Ran an Altered Distant Memory here is the boss kill still have below budget gear but getting close to my next upgrade will keep updating.

Dernière édition par Regikoko#4174, le 3 févr. 2022 19:44:16
Dernier bump le 21 févr. 2022 04:13:48
Any update on how this build is doing?
Dernière édition par Derpy_Mudkip#4751, le 2 août 2021 00:21:13
Derpy_Mudkip a écrit :
Any update on how this build is doing?

So I got the six link finally and Viridi's along with mark of the shaper and the damage feels ok. The problem I am having is with survival. Mapping seems good but not sure if this will be a good boss killing build. Also it's not the greatest at clearing out the league mechanic. Been going back and forth with Eye of Winter and Freezing pulse and honestly Freezing pulse seems better at doing the league mechanic. Honestly this skill may need some tuning, Freezing Pulse may be a safer option at the moment. Luckily they use the same setup so if you wanna try it you can always fall back on Freezing pulse if its not for you.
Regikoko a écrit :
honestly Freezing pulse seems better at doing the league mechanic.

I had such high hopes for this skill but FP is just better, since it doesn't suffer with "placement scaling" that eye of winter does. Glacial cascade has the same issue and that is why people keep playing freezing pulse.
Just an update been doing some testing with chain and hydrosphere it seems that it could be better with single target. Going to be taking a break from Eye of Winter. I still plan on maxing out the build this league but wanna do something a little more effective at early stages been having trouble with some things and wanna make money while still early in the league.
Thanks for the great guide, it's working really well for me so far. But I don't really understand what the issue is with positioning? How should I position them for single target? Round the boss on every side? Or what? I usually just put them in a bunch, but I guess it's not the best. And also what about hydrosphere? Would I need to switch out one gem for chain for that to work? And what would that be? Or maybe there's another way to get chain? Any help on these would be great!
Oh, and what about arcane cloak? Wouldn't it be better for defense? The added lightning damage is almost useless I guess, but the defensive part is worth it maybe ?

Dernière édition par Karpathos#5348, le 6 sept. 2021 17:04:29

Thanks for the great guide, it's working really well for me so far. But I don't really understand what the issue is with positioning? How should I position them for single target? Round the boss on every side? Or what? I usually just put them in a bunch, but I guess it's not the best. And also what about hydrosphere? Would I need to switch out one gem for chain for that to work? And what would that be? Or maybe there's another way to get chain? Any help on these would be great!
Oh, and what about arcane cloak? Wouldn't it be better for defense? The added lightning damage is almost useless I guess, but the defensive part is worth it maybe ?

So for positioning you'll want to set the totems up so that the orb explodes on or just behind the target ensuring more of the spikes hit the target. In order for the chain and hydrosphere there are a couple ways to get chain, you can either swap out one of the gems in the main link or wear a GloomFang Amulet (gloomfang seems like the best option). The idea is you place hydrosphere behind the target and aim the eye of winter to explode between the target and the hydrosphere. This is the part that makes it a lil tricky to aim. I have yet to try other forms of defense as i have been playing with a self cast raider eye of winter build with moderate success. TBH I found the totems playstyle to be not really my thing while doing harder content although I have been thinking of giving it one more shot if so i'll update the guide on what other defensive options are available. Thinking that perhaps dropping immortal call and second wind off the one 4 link for arcane cloak and arcane surge is a good idea as it adds defense and offense to the build.
Thanks for the answer, I'll definitely experiment with the positioning thing. Well every build of mine struggles in this new patch, and the curse immunity alone makes it worth playing for me, as I hate to waste currency removing curses from maps. But at the middle of red maps, it starts to die:) Until then it was smooth sailing, it's a great uber lab runner, doesn't worry at all about traps, but endgame bosses... yeah that's different! But the skill looks really cool, so I enjoy the build still, and thanks again for the guide, I especially like this arcanist brand cursing-frostbombing part, it's really great qol!
I was wondering if this was going to get updated for 3.16 or if anyone has messed with this as the skill tree is definitely different this new league coming out.

I had a buddy who used this build and was clearing pretty well with it and figured this might be worth starting with. I hope this gets some love for the new league :D
Is this build somewhat viable to do mapping?:D


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