[3.15] ⚛️ Qosmoz's ⚡ LL Ball Lightning Mines Saboteur ⚡ League Start to Maven with Leveling Guide
____________________________________________________________________________________________ This is Qosmoz. PoE is my main game since Betrayal League. I play 3 to 5 meta builds every league for farming and/or bossing. I've started streaming and helping other players by the end of Delirium League. All constructive feedbacks and questions are welcome. I try to be active on forum posts. You can expect a fast reply to answer your questions.
Other Qosmoz's Guides
Leveling Guide
I've added a detailed Saboteur Leveling Guide and customized it for Eye of Winter spell.
Qosmoz Sabo Miner Leveling Guide - Ball Lightning 👀 STREAM ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I've played Low Life Miners as my league starters in the last 4 leagues with different spells. Originally, this guide was capturing all different spells and showing versatility of the build. However, it was too big to keep it updated and clean. Therefore, I've separated the guide into Glacial Cascade, Ball Lightning and Blazing Salvo miner guides to keep it updated more frequently. Hopefully, this will make the guides to the point and cleaner for the new people. I stream 4 to 5 days/week from start to the end of the league. If you have any questions about the build, leveling, or just want to check out and chat: ============================================================================ 👀 Qosmoz POE Stream ![]() 👀 Qosmoz POE Builds Showcase/Reviews ============================================================================ CHANGELOG ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This section will be updated for every League after the Patch Notes.
This guide is based on 3.15 Expedition League. This section will be updated with patch notes for following leagues.
[3.14] 26.July.21: Updated guide, and added a very detailed leveling guide. Updated all PoB links for Ball Lightning Miner. [3.14] 24.May.21: Updated guide and PoB links for Ball Lightning Miner. CONTENT ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. TL;DR & BUILD RATINGS 2. VIDEOS 3. BUILD NOTES 4. PATH OF BUILDING (LOW AND HIGH BUDGET VERSIONS) 5. GEM SETUPS 6. GEAR, ENCHANTS, FLASKS, JEWELS 7. ASCENDANCY, BANDITS, PANTHEON 8. LEVELING THIS BUILD & LIFE TO LL CONVERSION 9. CURRENT BUILD 10. FAQ 1. TL;DR & BUILD RATINGS ____________________________________________________________________________________________
✅ End Game Bosses Deleting Machine (Sirus) ✅ One of the easiest builds to level through Acts and early maps ✅ You can do any map mod including both physical and elemental reflect maps ✅ Low life version scales great and allows min-maxing for the build ✅ High survival with both Life and Low Life versions ✅ Shock & Ignite immunity is great. You can get Chill/Freeze immunity to completely annul ailment infliction on you ✅ Blinds nearby enemies for extra defensive layer ✅ You can do all league mechanics (Ultimatums, Simulacrum, Invitations etc.) ❌ Mines play style can daunting with Detonation (2 button play). BIG HINT: You can eliminate detonation by left click binding during mapping. ❌ Life to Low Life conversion will require re-speccing many passive points ❌ It can be expensive depending on the league starters meta game ⌛ Start the league with Life version with minimal budget. ⌛ +1 Gem Wands and Shield will carry you until mapping. ⌛ Convert to Low Life when you accumulate enough currency to afford at least 5 linked Shavronne's Wrappings. This will require 40-50 Orb of Regrets to respec your build. ⌛ Next get the Prism Guardian which is typically cheap at league start. ⌛ Build more Energy Shield and more Damage with next upgrades. ⌛ Check the builds for Ball Lightning or Glacial Cascade Miner builds using Path of Building Community Fork (link below).
Build Ratings
These are my own ratings scaling between 1 and 10. Feel free to suggest to refine these metrics. Please also check the notes for detailed breakdown of each category.
" " " " " 2. VIDEOS ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3. BUILD NOTES ____________________________________________________________________________________________
What is Low Life?
Low life (LL) is a condition that applies when life falls below 35%. LL builds are enabled by reservation of life below 35% using "Blood Magic" support for any auras like "Zealotry" or any additional skills like "Aspect of the Spider".
LL build allows reserving mana and life together, which means extra auras can be activated. On top, using "Pain Attunement: 30% More Spell Damage when on Low Life" keystone, the builds are scaled to insane DPS potential. LL builds stack Energy Shield (ES) instead of Life and typically get the "Zealot's Oath: Life Regeneration applied to Energy Shield instead" keystone for ES generation instead of Life. LL builds can be maximized by 3 key Uniques. These are: " Shavronne's Wrappings; provides good ES and lightning damage, but it is used in LL builds mostly to eliminate risk of dying to Chaos damage. Chaos damage in game bypasses ES and directly applies to health (same as you apply chaos damage. For example Essence Drain or Toxic Rain). "CHAOS DAMAGE DOES NOT BYPASS ENERGY SHIELD" unique modifier avoids chaos damage to kill us instantly due to being constantly Low Life. Presence of Chayula: Stun Immunity and Life to Energy Shield Conversion are the main reasons to use the amulet. Prism Guardian: Blood Magic support and 25% Reduced Mana Reservation of Auras makes this shield a must have for LL builds. These 3 unique items synergies so well that most LL builds uses them (e.g. Herald/Aura Stacker). Unfortunately, depending on the early meta during the start of the league, these uniques can be expensive. That's why I recommend to start the league with Life based build and convert to LL later when you have enough currency.
Low Life vs. Life Builds?
Why to choose LL Miner vs. Life based build? First and foremost reason is the damage scaling. The DPS due to auras and Pain Attunement keystone provides so much more damage vs. the life version, but it comes with an expense. Both Life and LL versions of Miners are viable, however for the end game you’ll have an easier time to delete bosses vs. Life version.
4. PATH OF BUILDING (LOW AND HIGH BUDGET OPTIONS) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Path of Building Community Fork
PoB Community Fork is recommended to check all different versions of the build.
Download PoB Community Fork
LL BL Miner Builds
Budget (10-20Ex): 20M DPS per BL Mine
This is the starting point when you convert from the Life to Low Life version of the build. It should clear all content in the game.
Expected budget beginning of the league: 20-30 Exalted Orbs. Later in the league about 10-20 Exalted Orbs. Click for Low Budget LL BL Miner Saboteur Build (or Copy: https://pastebin.com/8cLinN8E)
High Budget Version (50-100Ex): 60M DPS per BL Mine
This is a further min-maxed version for a higher budget. This provides more than triple the damage of the Low Budget version. Given enough budget, this should be possible to achieve throughout the league.
Click for High Budget LL GC Miner Saboteur Build (or Copy: https://pastebin.com/uMUAw5vD) 5. GEM SETUPS ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Read First!
Unless it is stated (e.g. Level 3), all gems must be as high level as possible with maximum quality.
+ Linked gems / Not necessary to link
Gem Setup & Links
" 6. GEAR, ENCHANTS, FLASKS, JEWELS ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Hubris Circlet (Item Level 85+) with Crusader Influence (for -9% Lightning Resistance to Nearby Enemies) is the best option. Fill the rest with required Resistances to cap your resistances.
Crown of the Inward Eye is the budget option. I recommend to get one these and forget until last upgrades to get the Hubris Circlet.
Ball Lightning: 40% increased Ball Lightning Damage is the best DPS option per ball. However, Ball Lightning fires an additional Projectile is very good as it does make clearing the map content much better with all the balls firing in all directions.
Body Armor
Only one option here.
Shavronne's Wrappings enables the Low Life builds. Get this as soon as you are ready to convert from Life version to LL version.
Fingerless Silk Gloves are the best base. Fill the mods with good amount of Energy Shield mods (ideally 150+ ES) and some resistances. Warlord Spell Damage mod will be huge DPS boost.
Anything you like the best would be ok here. There is no clear best.
Similar to Gloves, here you can have Sorceress Boots as the best base. You can craft good amount of ES on it with ideally 35% Movement Speed. "Cannot be chilled" and "Cannot be Frozen" are the best mods for us to eliminate being frozen to Sirus or Uber Elder fights.
Sin Trek boots are the best budget option which will carry you to end game.
Ball Lightning: Adds 1 to 160 Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently is the best damage option. This is 100% uptime due to damage being done by mines instead of us. Alternative option is Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently which is very comparable damage to the flat lightning damage.
Weapon can be one of the most expensive option to min-max for this build.
Spell Damage Wand with 100%+ Critical Strike Chance for Spells and +1 Level of Spells Gems (+1 to Lightning Skill Gems) are the best mods. Another DPS boost mod is to have Gain % of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage. Any elemental resistance penetration or Aura boost (Wrath or Zealotry) mods are very good. See what you can afford, and upgrade over time.
Prism Guardian is the only option here.
Look for corrupted one when you can afford similar to below. This will boost your aura gems.
Presence of Chayula is the best option here to have Stun Immunity as well as Life to ES conversion. This is the 3rd core item to enable the build. Rings: Mark of the Shaper coupled with Elder Ring are the best options for pure damage boost to our spells. Fill the Elder Influenced Ring with flat Energy Shield, missing Attributes (especially Strength will be difficult to attain) and rest with as much as resistances as needed. Fire Damage to Spells and Attacks are one of the best mod to burn enemies to get extra Crit Multiplier from Saboteur Ascendancy. Belt: Crystal Belt with Crusader Influence base is the best alternative. Fill the belt with Energy Shield rolls and missing resistances and attributes.
There are 2 options here:
1) Annoint "Tranquility" Azure + Golden + Golden Oils if you are using Rare Helm other than Crown of the Inward Eye
Read Me
Tranquility is a notable passive skill that grants increased maximum energy shield and Transfiguration of Soul.
Transfiguration of Soul applies increases and reductions to Maximum Energy Shield to also affect Spell Damage at 30% of their value. 2) Anoint "Charisma" Opalescent + Golden + Golden Oils if you are using Crown of the Inward Eye
Read Me
Charisma is a notable passive skill that grants reduced mana reservation for skills. It also grants increased effect magnitude for auras cast by the character.
Presence of Chayula: Use Tempering Catalyst to boost Defenses (ES)
Mark of the Shaper: Use Imbued Catalyst to boost Elemental & Spell Damage (Caster).
Elder Influenced Rare Ring can be enchanted based on the resistances, attributes or defenses need. Belt:
Rare Crystal Belt or Stygian Vise can be enchanted based on the resistances, attributes or defenses need.
There are no mandatory jewels to make this build work. Jewels can boost your survival or damage. A few recommended ones are:
Energy from Within can boost your Energy Shield using the jewels socket near "Melding" Notable Passive. Watcher's Eye can be very good but very expensive. Mods to look for: 1) Gain (6-10)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity 2) All damage booster critical mods from Wrath or Elemental penetrations are huge damage addition to the build. There is no Cluster Jewel setup in this build.
Recommended Flask Setup:
Bottled Faith is big damage boost, but very expensive. This is an endgame chase item. 7. ASCENDANCY, BANDITS, PANTHEON ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Ascend with this order for easier leveling and damage boost:
1) Pyromaniac ![]() 2) Born in the Shadows ![]() 3) Bomb Specialist ![]() 4) Explosives Expert ![]()
Help Alira for:
5 Mana Regenerated per second +20% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier +15% to all Elemental Resistances
Major God: Soul of Lunaris
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8% 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8% 10% chance to avoid Projectiles 5% chance to Dodge Attack and Spell Hits if you've been Hit Recently Avoid Projectiles that have Chained Minor God - Shakari 5% reduced chaos damage taken 25% reduced chaos damage over time taken while in a caustic cloud
Major God: Soul of Arakaali Minor God: Soul of Shakari Uber Elder Major God: Soul of the Brine King (if you don't have the "Cannot be Frozen" mod Minor God: Soul of Garukhan Rest of the Bosses Major God: Soul of Solaris Minor God: Situtational depending on the damage type 8. LEVELING THIS BUILD & LIFE TO LL CONVERSION ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Leveling Guide
I've added a detailed Saboteur Leveling Guide and customized it for Ball Lightning spell.
Qosmoz Sabo Miner Leveling Guide - Ball Lightning 👀
Life to LL Conversion Guide
Level 80 is ideal level to start converting from Life to Low Life version of the build. Please read the section "What's Low Life" to understand what items you need to make the build work. You can follow the PoB for the Passive Tree:
Click for Life to Low Life Converted (Level 80) Ball Lightning Mines Saboteur Build (or Copy: https://pastebin.com/wA1p3CDk) 9. CURRENT BUILD ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Current Build & PoB
I post my current gear and passive tree in this section.
For 3.15 I am playing Sabo Miner as my league starter with various skills to try. Please check the stream for most up to date build. 10. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ____________________________________________________________________________________________
This section is to be filled with frequently asked questions.
OUTRO ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hopefully, you'll try his build, and enjoy it as much as I do. Check out my stream for questions, or leave a note/question here. I will try my best to answer any question you have. Always happy to help for anything you need. Cheers, Qosmoz. Dernière édition par QosmozGaming#4631, le 31 juil. 2021 13:23:00 Dernier bump le 2 nov. 2021 11:43:47
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Hi Qosmoz, appreciate your great work on the guide!
I had a little question on the BL build that I meant to post in the previous combined guide, but just noticed you split to 3 versions yesterday, so posting here. Your PoB has chill, shock and burning effects enabled on enemy in Configuration. While chill and shock come from skitterbots, I don't understand how burning is applied. It provides a bonus of 40% crit multi from Exposives Expert. Since you have Elemental Focus linked with BL, mines can't apply burning to enemies, right? Thanks. |
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" Hey Sky. There are two ways to activate it. Add fire damage to attack and spells mod on the elder based ring or you can have it on your weapon. Other alternative which cost more mana to link skitterbots with burning damage support. In my opinion is to best get it on the ring. |
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Still need a bit of fine tuning. Please let me know if you see mistakes in the guide.
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" Yeah, I had it on a ring with my past miner builds. However, I thought it would only work if there was no Elemental Focus support linked, as it prevents the BL ticks to apply elemental ailments (including ignite/burning). Am I missing something? Re. the burning damage, did you mean the Infernal Legion support? I don't think the Burning Damage support alone enables burning DoT from skitterbots, although I haven't tried myself. UPD: I suppose, Vaal RF could be another source of burning DoT when activated against a boss? Dernière édition par sky_quaker#6891, le 25 mai 2021 11:43:45
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" hey Sky, also I use either Wave of conviction or Storm Brand to curse enemies (both are spells which can add additional flat fire damage to burn enemies). |
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" Good point. When I tried manual Wave of Conviction it felt horrible (slow cast speed), but Storm Brand sounds like a great option for awakened hex touch setup, and burning. Thanks! |
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" this league best spell to add curse, wave of conviction etc. is the Arcanist Brand. That should also work as intended. |
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This has been a fun build so far (level 72), but I have a question about the gameplay aspect. How are you triggering Light Eater. since the mines won't leech ES to you? Are you just using Wave of Conviction for that? Also, when do you trigger Vaal RF? Just seems crazy dangerous most of the time. Thanks, in advance!
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This is still one of the best league starter out there. Maybe the best now after all the other nerfs to raider, etc. I will try this build with cold conversion to maximize damage. It will be fun. I am going to update by Friday and almost done with full miner leveling guide.
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