Toxic Rain Trickster - Help with Min Max <3
Greetings friends!
I've been using a combination of forum posts and poe ninja browsing to come up with my current TR build. I recently got a very lucky drop (onslaught boots from a heist chest) which has given me access to some exalts to spend on this character which I love! About 80 in the bank now which is the richest I have been and likely will ever be though I know it is a drop in the bucket for many of you. My character is open you can see it here: I'd gladly repay folks in game for any time spent on helping me grow this character - gear or tree recommendations etc. As I am at a point where I don't know where or if to invest further. Damage is really not an issue at this point, and defense may be as good as this gets. But knowing me, there are at least one or two total noob moves in my build somewhere. As I am forever learning and never able to understand the game as deeply as I would like to. Many thanks to typical, tripolar, many others on YT and this forum for giving this build so much love and help for putting this fun character together, it is the most fun I have had with a build since impale bow champions were a thing because this 4.3k hp is deceptive, a very hardy character indeed! Dernier bump le 16 nov. 2020 12:41:38
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