hierophant arc totem build **totem builds are fun & op**


Welcome visitors to my first build guide!!!!

First I would love to thank my friend Roolstar for helping me making this build real and for encouraging me to make this forum post he is the best exile in-game, Thanks a lot rool <3 <3.

The build idea was to combine an op spell that is arc with the spell totem to simulate a mobile tower defense gameplay, I would love to note that the skill that I was going to use is crackling lance but sadly its garbage compared to arc especially with totem ai aim and the fact that arc is a great skill with clearing and bossing with the help of totems.

At the end of the thread I'll talk about alternatives for the build and possible ideas, also i want to apologize in advanc for the lack of videos for showcase, I run poe on a potato so picture is blury 80% because of dynamic resolution.


+ the build provide great clear for fast mapping.

+ while the build isn't that most tanky in-game but it provides nice Ehp around 15k and with the totem playstyle and not needing to stand still like melee or being super close to the target or even aiming at the target make the build super safe.

+ the build needs a starting budget of around 35 to 40 ex for essentials but from that point the more currency you put into the build the more it gives back in terms of better bossing.

+ damage consistency, this build got one of the most consistent damage output because buffs last longer and it provides huge damage burst against bosses because of the multiple totems.


- the build require some exalts to start with so that might not be a league starter friendly especially with having some legacy gear on.

- not a league friendly because some gear and items are legacy, but still can have it in leagues with little less damage.



In this guide there are 2 types of gear, one is must-have and the other is could have a similar to it gear.

The must have gear:

Elegant Hubris Timeless Jewel with Commissioned (2000-160000) coins to commemorate Chitus on **its a legacy mod**
to explain why the items above are must have we must understand how the build work.

- With the jewel self-flagellation **https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Self-Flagellation** more curses on you = more dmg you deal, and here comes the job of the spidersilk body-armor because every time a totem dies you get a random curse on you and by simply recasting your arc skill a couple of times you'll get the max amount of curses on you in no time also spidersilk has level 20 spell totem suppoeted skill gem linked to your active skill gem you have on body-armor which is a free link.

- now regarding the belt which is a huge boost in damage because with it we can allocate the keystone **pain attunement** which gives 30% more spell damage which is huge damage.

- now to deal with all these curses we use atziri's reflection shield which just eliminates curses effects on you turning maps with curse mod on to a bonus damage for you.

- the essence worm ring is to make use of **clear mind** jewel https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Clear_Mind which adds mana reg and increased damage and both are welcome stats to the build, also would like to note that essence worm can be normal with no elder influence the elder influence is just a little more damage with shaper's touch ring.

- the boots are crucial when using **Elegant Hubris timeless jewel** to allocate **supreme ego** keystone https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Supreme_Ego and with these on we could squeeze another aura which we will talk about in the gem links section.


Gear that you can get similar to and not crucial for the build to function

- basically the rest of the gear.

- regarding alternatives of the amulet I highly recommend one with **zealotry reserves no mana mod** or an amulet with zealotry has reduced mana reservation and you could link zealotry with **Enlighten support** to reduce mana reservation, overall reserving mana isn't that bad because it lasts for 0.2sec only it's just to maintain a filled mana pool for **mind of matter** keystone.

- for the weapon you could get even a wand, the important thing is to have stats like spell crit chance and crit multiplier lightning damage and cast speed spell damage.

- gloves and helmet are to cap elemental resistances and make sure to have arc enchant on the helmet with arc chain 3 more targets or just arc chains one more time at least.


GEM links & pob link!!!

** pob: https://pastebin.com/Mwh07Qpj
there is 2 trees one with level 94 (my level) and a level 100 tree i also didnt activate flasks in pob because i like to see consistant damage like from curses and auras

arc links:

can be the normal version tho awakened gems are op and once you get more exalts you can get the awakened version.

- I liked duration support with lots of the skills to make buffs last for a longer time so the playstyle feels comfortable.

- Divine ire is not important but what is, is having a lightning channeling skill linked to infused channeling support with increased duration to get the infusion buff for a longer time.

- **wave of conviction** is linked to both spell totem and multiple totem support to have them on without affecting the number of arc totem (will explain in detail in the how to play section).

- wrath on unset ring so it reserves 0 mana.

- arcane cloak linked with arcane surge which is a huge combo and almost must-have in every build with a huge mana pool linked to increased duration and enhance for a longer duration, enhance support gem is great because the quality on arcane cloak gives longer buff duration (make sure to get arcane surge support to the highest level you can buy 21 if possible).

-and movement skill with conductivity curse linked to a low level arcane surge to refresh surge buff and second wind to have more dashes on flame dash.


Playstyle and build mechanics


Every player got his/her own preference of skill layout in the skill bar, I'll share mine here then explain it.

# 1- cloak on left mouse button.
# 2- divine ire on mouse scroller.
# 3- movement skill on left mouse button.
# 4- curse on q.
# 5- wave of conviction on w.
# 6- arc on e.
# 7- golem on r.
# 8- zealotry on space.

* the process goes summon golem whenever it's not up in hideout or in map (just make sure it's up.

* in mapping you don't need to go hard mode and smash every skill on the keyboard I just use zealotry every 15 sec or so it last 20sec anyways so the window is wide open, however when bossing if there is a phase where the boss talk for an hour you could spam arc to resummon the totems to give you curses and make sure that wave of conviction totems are up to give boss lightning exposure and use divine ire for 0.5 sec to get buff that lasts for 10 seconds and when the boss starts to be vulnerable cast conductivity on him then before you know it they are dead.

from my experience most bosses take like 5 to 10 sec to die, elder is a huge joke (more than how he already is) also drox with his "tanky" phase melt in no time it is just plain op basically whatever dmg you see in pob multiply it by number of totems and that's your dmg.


What is happening in the background when we smash these skills?

* because of supreme ego and the *50% more aura effect* wrath play the role of perma aura on the unset ring and zealotry (which is a huge dmg aura) work as usual but with a duration with the help of
which turns any socketed aura into a duration skill and with my links on you get the most out of zealotry in terms of +6 to max levels and the 20sec duration.

* note: you can reactivate the aura at any given time as long as there is mana and if you have
then that means you can reactivate it all the time.

* wave of conviction totems in link with multi totem and spell totem help you maintain the same amount of totems on arc use while the planted wave totems aren't changed no matter how many times you spam arc because in wave of conviction eyes the player has 6 to the max number of totems with multiple totem support and arc got 4 max number of totems thus when you spam arc max arc you will get is 4.
* lastly divine ire is there just to get the infusion buff from infused channeling https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Infused_Channelling_Support so again you can replace divine ire with any lightning channeling skill I just use it because it looks cool like when goku charge up his kamehameha :P


Other alternatives and League starter

**I am not a big fan of leagues (team standard here) but a league build is still possible tho with little less damage because the timeless jewel that we are using isn't obtainable from the game anymore (GGG be nerfing) but when you go to the pob link and remove it you'll lose like 16% damage so not that big of a deal.

**lightning skill isn't the only option you could go with chaos damage and ignore the shield on all enemies tho you will have to remove all elemental damage nodes from the tree and look for chaos damage on gear and tree this kind of open the option for you to drop shaper ring and elder influence on unset ring to get another kind of ring that serves your purpose, also if you decide to go with another type of elemental dmg like cold or fire you'll drop shaper ring too to get a ring with the elemental damage that you are using, there are lots of other options like flame wall could assist you and **scorching ray** can be used in the place of both arc and wave of conviction because it applies fire exposure itself which open the door for other options to further amplify your damage.

at last thank you all for checking this guide you can ask me anything here on this thread or in-game any time and hopefully, I can help you with what you need :)
Dernière édition par UniZeus#3150, le 19 oct. 2020 09:36:45
Dernier bump le 28 oct. 2020 19:11:57
Nice build, I've played arc totems for years! following your build now. I am confused why you take discipline of the slaughter on neck? thanks
Hardcore only, cause yolo :)
miektwo a écrit :
Nice build, I've played arc totems for years! following your build now. I am confused why you take discipline of the slaughter on neck? thanks

hey, thanks for following the build I simply went with that anoint because it was the highest dmg in pob, there is a power report button in pob which show you the number from highest to lowest total dps points for your build and it showed that one otherwise I would go with any better node. if you get something else please let me know to check it out see if it is a better choice than mine.

thanks a lot and have fun :)


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