[3.14]Poison Spellslinger Poet's Pen Blade Fall/Blast | Budget league start viable | Fast clear
I have a CoC poet pen bladefall/blast build that focuses on scaling physical damage. So i decided to venture into a poison version of my original build but made some changes to make it more budget friendly. CoC poet pen build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2785328 I will be streaming for 3.13 https://www.twitch.tv/astariftt playing and testing out different builds every now and then. Try not to PM me in game or forums for questions, drop them here in the thread or come by the stream, its easier for me to answer questions on the thread as your question might benefit others as well. I am pretty much afk 95% of the time just doing trades while i am in game Before you decide if this is the build you are looking for, why not take a look at the videos. After all its all about the looks(visual clutterlol) and feel of a build that matters. Changes for 3.14: The ONLY change is a flat boring nerf to blade blast base damage. Unlike BV, we dont lose any aoe radius whatsoever, meaning our poison stacking scalability has not changed, just a direct nerf to damage. Build still viable? yes, but it wont function much like before where everything simply melts with almost no investment. You need to invest into awakened gems to melt end game content(which luckily will be cheap because toxic rain is dead, poison BV is technically dead) Overall 25% dps loss Videos: T14 defiled cathedral with enfeeble, lvl 79 with shit gear and uncapped res https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xQuxH3D9rg Phoenix map with decent gear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYddTc6CgIo A8 Sirus deathless with decent gear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLRhsrR-a50 Pros New skill Very budgeted uniques that enables this build, making it easy as a league start(after poet's pen) The MTX for blade fall and blade blast is stunning Assassin scales single target poisons very well Very fast clear(look at my map clear videos) Multiple layer of avoidance/mitigation defensive layer with a comfortable health pool No need any sort of temporal chains/durations shenanigans to bring dps up Fast. Fast and Fast Decently low budget because we dont rely on rare uniques/insane crafted gear to work well Cons Build really starts to take off only after poet pen is in, just a vanilla self cast bladefall/blast before Poisons means ramp up damage, although its pretty fast Screen clutter is real This is not a tank and spank build, you need to move There is a minimum computer specs to run this build, more details behind the box No cluster jewels required, meaning we save currency on this aspect This is still a strong build and GGG hates strong builds Our Defenses: I explained more of this on build mechanics btw 5.5-6k life(depends on how much life you can roll on your items) Elusive on crit 30-40% evasion(with wind dancer up), 50%ish with wind dancer down Wind dancer(20% less damage taken if not hit recently) Very consistent and reliable chance to blind on top of our evasion 20-30+ life gain on hit/spell(we hit often on our spells) Mistwall/replica: 75% spell/attack block on first hit, avoid physical/elemental damage when phasing Easily 2-4% life gain on kill(noxious strike) Quartz flask for extra dodge We kill so fast, sometimes things just die before they kill us Understanding build mechanics Highly recommend a short read through off the mechanics we handle in this build. Following a guide is great, but understanding it is important so you know how to scale/improve it on your playstyle/means
Poison Mechanics Explanation Only if you want to further understand the mechanics and how poison builds in PoB work
https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Poison To make it simple, poison only scales off the base damage dealt, to prevent double dipping. With this, flat added chaos/physical damage are very strong. Poison's damage can be very inflated in PoBs because stats like increased duration, number of poisons on target can drastically change the total dps number. PoB's poison damage is calculated based off having you constantly attacking and not moving for 1 whole duration of a poison. Example, your poison last for 6 second, pob's calculation is assuming you stand on the spot and constantly attack for 6 seconds. Use attack/second multiplied by poison duration, you will get the effective number of poisons on the target. With this, temporal chains are effectively really really strong with poisons(if you can get +1 curse and put it in the build) **do let me know if any of what i had written is wrong As an assassin, we innately get insane poison scaling from our ascendancy. Poison gets an ever increasing damage dealt based off our poison application frequency thanks to noxious strike(5% increased duration per poison applied recently, thats 4 seconds btw). We apply so many poisons in this build, we pretty much can get 200-300% increased duration easily Also, it is extremely easy to fake PoB dps numbers as an assassin, because pob calculates poison duration into dps, because more duration = more concurrent poison = more dps Blade blasting explanation
Blade blast is introduced in 3.10 as a new skill that synergizes with bladefall and blade vortex. Blade blast explodes blade left behind by bladefall and blade circling you for blade vortex. Blade fall leaves 1 blade per volley(thats 5 volley without lab enchant) and leaves 50% less if its a triggered spell. This wont be a problem as we will be triggering blade fall often Blade blade just explodes the blades around you for blade vortex like a nova and it gains more aoe per blade detonated. I chose to build around blade blast because it can possibly have high dps as we leave a shitload of blades from bladefall+spell cascade + poet pen combo. Blade blast can potentially do lots of damage because we can burst 50 blades at 1 go easily with our spell cascade bladefall set up. Blade blast has good single target because of overlapping aoe. Overlapping aoe/shot gun mechanics in poe = good single target. This fully covers the weakness bladefall usually have of having good single target damage TLDR explanation: blade fall + conc effect = blades on floor. Blade blast explodes all the blades on floor which are nearby = overlapping explosions = good single target Blade vortex sucks. Defensive mechanics This is long btw, but this is a good to know on survival mechanics here
We dont have amazing ehp(usually around 4.5k-5.5k at lvl 95ish with decent gear. However, we make up for it with using multi layers of mitigation and avoidance. I will go over layer by layer our form of defenses. First layer: Evasion and blind. Evasion should not be confused with dodge, its a different mechanic and is calculated before dodge. Evasion utilizes an entrophy system, meaning it will prevent chains of good/bad luck rolls and will forces your evasion chance to stay true to its %. E.G. You have 80% evasion, monster A hits you 7 times, all of them misses. The chances of you evading the next 3 hits are highly reduced because the system is forcing your evasion chance to be 80% Blind bascially reduces enemy's attack chance on you to be reduced by 50%(means you effectively get 50% evasion chance). We apply blind consistently with our bladefall spellslinger set up. According to my set up, i have 64% evasion with wind dancer up, 72% evasion without. Second layer: This centers around mistwall/replica Block and avoid damage. Block bascially does what it does, it blocks a source of damage and you dont take any damage. The downside however, block has a recoverytime, that pretty much is a mini stun for you to have a block animation. We however, have some block recovery stat on amulet and duskblight(if you have not upgraded to tailwind boots) We also get avoid physical/elemental damage when we are phasing(phasing means quartz flask up, not just the conditional being fulfilled on the shield) Replica mistwall: According to my set up, i have 19% attack block, conditional first hit 52% spell block, 15% chance to avoid physical damage while phasing Normal mistwall: According to my set up, i have 19% attack block, conditional first hit 75% attack block, 0 spell block, 15% chance to avoid elemental damage while phasing Third layer: Our favourite dodge/acrobatics. Going purely by tree, we get 40% attack dodge, 30% spell dodge. Going by assassin ascendancy, we get elusive, thats 24/24% spell/attack dodge that decays, going with calculation we use 12% as an average. If all other previous layer failed, dodge will come into calculation. There is no bad/goodluck protection on the calculation of dodge. It simply rolls the dodge chance everytime anything hits you, that means you can get an unlucky chain of hits or a lucky chains of nohits. According to my set up, i have 62% attack dodge, 52% spell dodge, taking into account an average elusive buff Final layer Wind dancer. This reduces any damage you take(if you have not taken a hit in the past 4 second) by 20%. This simply protects us against some random 1 shot mechanic with our lower than usual ehp(my usual ehp i like to aim on softcore is around 5.5k) After taking a hit, we get more evasion chance, to prevent us from getting hit again. So in total, we have 4 layers of calculation/mitigation before damage comes in. Although the low ehp makes this not so ideal for a HC playstyle Why Assassin? Assassin is by far the strongest ascendancy when it comes to single target poison damage due to its ever increasing poison duration based off your recent poison applications(recent in poe is 4 seconds) With a skill set up like this, we can hit upwards of 30-40times in a second(honestly it might be even more with awakened spell cascades) My current set up
Excluding flask and including gems, its about 30 ex investment in 3.12's economy week 3ish Sirus A8 phase 3, he died around 5 seconds in while casting meteor maze, did not cast a single die beam or rotating beam BS. This proves that the dps is absurd enough to handle all content I have a thing for bottled faith, i even bought it before any big upgrades. Its optional and not the build defining unique here. Disclaimer: Before we go into PoB, do make sure you are using the PoB community fork. Else there will be random issues or bug when you try to load my pob links https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/releases Also if you are having issues with the PoB link(error 301), add a "s" after the http before the ://, link should be https://(link) I removed the S because some were getting error 302, which was fixed by removing the S PoB and skill tree explanation
IT is extremely easy to prop up dps and fake insanely huge numbers for poisons in PoB as an assassin. I will not edit the numbers too much to make insanely huge yet unrealistic numbers. Base line i will set 5 poisons on enemy and 5 poisons applied recently(in actual game play you will never apply 5 poisons on enemies, you apply more than 40 per second easily.) If you can reach 150k damage per poison on blade blast, with these basic settings, you are good enough to delete sirus a8 no problemo The gear in the paste bin arent optimized yet, will optimize as i go on in the league. Refer to gear section to know what is the supposedly ideal items https://pastebin.com/ii27iqHG Pre poet pen we will just self cast blade fall and blade blast, using bladefall as your main source of clear, swap in blast for single target level 95 tree https://pastebin.com/RMwQh4dn Lvl 96+ tree https://pastebin.com/eWNkw8Wy This is my final tree and where i had stopped optimizing because i felt this is very achievable and i dont want to throw in 5 mirror tier items I will add in different versions/variants of this build as i optimize on Cluster jewels
As of now i dont see the huge value in going cluster jewels because that would mean i have to give up more life/defense layers. However these are some notables that we chase for Large cluster: Prefix: Overwhelming malice Suffix(can only have 1): Unholy grace, Unspeakable gifts Medium cluster: Brush with death, Haemorrhage, Flow of life, Wasting affliction Haemorrhage is strongest, but you need good crit to support it Small cluster: Fettle Small cluster is just life focused Ascendency
Mist walker(survivability, speed) Noxious strike Toxic delivery Opportunistic Gearing ***** VERY IMPORTANT ***** DO NOT ADD QUALITY TO YOUR AWAKENED SPELL CASCADE It gives bladefall increased aoe, that reduces our blade blast overlaps, which is not what we want Also, use lvl 21 blade with without any quality, quality in bladefall gives bladefall increased aoe, we hate that Do not over level precision, keep it at mana comfortable range, you decide how comfortable you want your mana to be Gems
Alternate quality gems: Anything not mentioned are not good enough Alt quality gems are a good to have and not a must have on this build luckily, but there are some we want to get and some we dont mind having, dont sell your wealth just to get some of these, this is supposed to be small upgrades Good, we want, we need to have Divergent Onslaught Divergent/anomalous Vile toxins Anomalous Concentrated effect Anomalous blind(i find this important btw) Good, we might want, debatable Anomalous blade blast Anomalous spell cascade(awakened is always stronger) Divergent dash(this is expensive) If there is an awakened version, we use it. Poet's pen Blade fall spell cascade Concentrated effect Debatable, we will put a despair in place of concentrated effect for a way to apply curse, but this will reduce your blades per second. Entirely your choice On Shield Herald of agony - Precision // Portal Your choice if you want an enlighten here, enlighten allows higher lvl precision, but keep it low enough for you to have enough mana to double dash On Armor Deadly Ailments - Blade Blast - Vile toxins - Void manipulation - Unbound ailments - Spellslinger For a 5 link, drop void manipulation On Helm Dash - Second wind // Wither - Spell totem On Gloves Bladefall - Blind - Spellslinger - Spell cascade On Boots Power charge on crit - Frenzy - Onslaught - Faster attacks ***** VERY IMPORTANT ***** DO NOT ADD QUALITY TO YOUR AWAKENED SPELL CASCADE It gives bladefall increased aoe, that reduces our blade blast overlaps, which is not what we want Also, use lvl 21 blade with without any quality, quality in bladefall gives bladefall increased aoe, we hate that Weapon
Poet's pen, lol aim for 12% attack speed Corruption Increased aoe 19-20% roll gives us +2 radius to our blade blast, thats a huge single dps boost(the aoe affects bladefall too, but it benefits bladeblast slightly more) Shield
We actually have many choices here and some of the choices here will affect some gearing. My Preferred: Mistwall/replica mistwall https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Mistwall Preferably, replica one is better, because you do get a spell block(which is generally uncommon), not 75% btw its a net 52% because of acrobatics We have slightly less avoidance on spell so i like the replica one more. However its less avaliable, because grand heists arent super common. Stick with mistwall for budget, its usually easy to get day 4-5 for <10c Body armor
There is no unique chest that catches my eye for this build, so this slot will be reserved for as much resist/life as possible. For unique chest however, we can look at Belly of the beast Carcass jack Carcass jack is debatable, more aoe increases clear, but it can damage our single target My favourite is getting a normal rare chest with high life/res This in fact, is super cheap, you just need a base from dapper prodigy or some divination card, fossil craft with pristine/prismatic. Enough to bring me alltheway to end game For high budgeted chest, we want a hunter/crusader influenced chest Exploding effect, Additional curse(this is assuming you do get a curse on hit corrupted gloves), high life, high res Corruption No, i wouldnt run the risk of bricking the chest, but if you like corrupted gear, we want +1 socketed gems here(make sure it doesnt bring barrage past the lowest possible mana threshold) Gloves
Snakebite is the best here, it also gives some life, which is ideal. The gloves are a common tier unique and drops fairly commonly, you should not have a problem getting this day 1/2 Corruption This is the most important part of this gloves. We want a curse on hit corruption here, you can either buy a completed gloves or do the corruption yourself. Best curse is despair followed by vulnerability Very cheap to buy them in mass(1c) and corrupt and pray for rng god. I got mine is 50 gloves Boots
There are a few options, we start with the 2 budget options 1: We want a boots with high life, res and movement speed. Simple nothing complicated 2: This is great because it helps slightly with clear. With this boots, we get a huge stun/block recovery, together with ungil's harmony, that further makes it safer for us to block and every now and then, get a big hit. Long stuns are extremely deadly in poe Also, chaos res while flasked + flat chaos damage to spells are good additions. Downside is the low base movement speed, 20% is lower than the usual 30-35% Not cheap, expensive version: We will be focusing on life and movement speed here. Resist are a good to have. Most importantly, we want a shaper's boots with cooldown reduction. For end game, we want tailwind, this will bring our dps and consistency in triggering much much higher. Ideally, shaper/hunter influence with cooldown recovery and tailwind + good movement speed is king here This is our close to high end upgrade, highest being a similar boots but also with tailwind(expect multi ex for this) Awakener orb craft Corruption Dont do it Helm
Rare item slot. We want life, life life and more life + loads of resist here to free up gearing everywhere else. Helm enchant: 10/15% spell slinger mana reservation reduction. We dont need to get 15% at all cost, just dont level precision as much Corruption The king of the king corruption here is +1 power charges, but its not worth trying and bricking your enchanted helm Neck and anointing
Very easy, very budget If you are looking at hardcore min maxing, we want a dual influenced amulet with +1 level to phys and dex gems high life Crit multi Crit chance (maybe dot multi) Amulet anointing This will be an undisputable slot: Dirty techniques Very high dps boost, makes poison deal damage faster, very very strong There are no high end upgrades i would recommend, unless you are ok to sink currency into making a +1 dex/phys spell gem amulet with crit chance. Losing the huge crit chunk of crit chance greatly reduces our crit. Corruption We want the stats here, else i dont see any other good corruption(we dont really run curses here) Rings
This is our slot for life and sustain. As we attack many times per second and we procc a shitload of blades spells and explosions, these rings will give us a strong sustain in a swarm kind of scenario(simulacrum) This allows us to run t16 fearlessly with almost no fear of death(you still gotta dodge shit, we just heal to full almost instant after taking a random hit) Coupled with our high avoidance/mitigation, you will always be full life I am also using this slot for resist. Accuracy is a plus but not a must Corruption Similar to amulet, we love the implicits here Belt
High life, high res, very simple. Crafting cooldown recovery here helps spellslinger CD recovery For a more high end upgrade, we want cooldown reduction on this belt. Either shaper influence, crusader influence or the weaker crafting bench mod Corruption Likewise, we like the implicit of belts(unless its cloth, chain or rustic) Flasks
Coralito's signature Staple of all poison builds, we want this, we want high duration roll ideally, but if its too expensive, settle for a lower one. Yes we allocate perfect agony, but diamond flask + increased poison duration cements this slot. Undisputed Life, quartz, quicksilver, we want these with curse, bleed, freeze immunity Final flask: We have a few choices 1: Atziri's promise Phys as extra chaos, extra chaos = more poison damage. Downside is low uptime Also comes with free chaos res, might be good for some chaos related damage(dot and shitfloors) 2: sin's rebirth Unholy might is simply phys as extra chaos. This has higher uptime, but we can get unholy might from pen corruption or overwhelming malice so this can be a good choice only if you dont invest into clusters 3: End game i am rich version of flask I am in love with bottled faith, but you can remove it for another survival flask or stick with a diamond flask to consistent cap crit Bottled faith is always a dps boost as long as you deal damage in the game. But for the price i always label it as a preference/last upgrade Jewels
We dont take lots of jewel slot, but we need 1 intuitive leap near perfect agony. You can allocate the required passive yourself, but intuitive leap saves some points As for the second jewel, we have a few choices 1: watcher's eye We only run precision, i dont like watcher eye here. However, if you insist, ill go for attack speed/flask on crit/crit multi 2: rare jewel Life, attack speed, chaos dot multi, dot multi Ideal jewels can be as expensive as watcher's eye TLDR gearing priority for power spikes(from start to end) 1: poet's pen 2: Ungil and snake bite and duskblight 3: 6 link chest 4: start murdering red maps This is pretty much our bare skeleton to activate the build Pantheon
Major: Solaris or Lunaris are good Minor: Abberath because i hate floor on fire Shakari with poison immune(poisons/caustic ground is a huge bitch in metamorph and Sirius fight, his beam poisons) Bandits
We want +2 points Leveling
The PoB links provided are mainly for the tree, gem set up i will explain here instead As a mid league leveling 1-12 Any spells, stormblast mines can be good 12+ Poet pen with EK on it EK - Lesser poison - unbound ailments/deadly ailments Use a bladevortex on an extra 4-6 link for extra single target damage Start using frenzy - onslaught - attack speed after lvl 16-18 Right click and kill stuff with poet pen ek Without poet's pen, use EK - LEsser poison - Deadly ailments + unbound ailments on a 4 link for clear BV - lesser poison - deadly ailments + unbound ailments for a 4 link for single target (BV is pretty trash for clear, but single target wise, its undisputedly good) Early Tree, with or without poet's pen https://pastebin.com/iffDCcH1 **herald of agony is important here to go as close as possible to poison chance cap 28+ With poet's pen, Set up blade blast spell slinger and poet pen blade fall It can be hard to set up a 2nd spellslinger with bladefall because spellslinger have shit mana reservation requirements early on Easy from now on, just right click and bladefall on people Dont run spell cascade on bladefall early on because mana is an issue Without poet's pen, Run bladefall instead of EK Run blade blast instead of BV Throw in unleash on Bladefall the moment u get use it Tree roughly to lvl 40 https://pastebin.com/AxHRWfXW 40- Act 10 If using poet's pen, we focus on more dmg nodes, pick up phase acrobatics and wind dancer https://pastebin.com/c5bKVCvV We need the charisma node for reduction in mana reservation so we can squeeze in the mana reservation of 2 spell slingers Dont run spell cascade on bladefall early on because mana is an issue If not using poet's pen, skip the charisma nodes, but still take perfect agony When mapping, focus on poet pen asap if you dont have it FAQ
Q: mana reservation problem, problems mana, problem reserving mana, no mana, cant reserve 21321312% mana?
Mana question: Look at the pob and see how much mana i reserve for each skill and the final calculations for the mana ![]() Base = base mana reservation At level 20, spellslinger base mana reservation is 25%, likewise at level 21 its 24% I am ONLY assuming your spell slinger is max leveled, you dont need quality or alt quality or any sort of quality except a level 21 or level 20 spell slinger gem. Stop asking if this alt quality that alt quality is good, quality is useless for spellslinger for this build On the main 6 link blade blast, we get X2.0592 mana reservation multiplier(on my 24% reservation level 21 gem), thats 49.4% mana Counting in the reservation reduction on passive tree, my helm enchant, look at the screenshot, bladeblast reserves 36% mana On the alternate 4 link bladefall, 25% X1.4 thats 35% Counting in the reservation reduction on passive tree, my helm enchant, look at the screenshot, bladefall reserves 26% mana Herald of agony is 25% Counting in reservation reduction on tree, final amount is 22% Precision is a flat amount, level comfortably, depends on your mana, 76 mana is 8.16% mana 26+36+22+8.16% = 92.16% mana reserved If you legit have mana issues, dont level precision If you still have mana issues, take out spell cascade on the alternate 4 link bladefall If you still have mana issues, make sure you allocated the correct notables on the tree If you still have mana issues, something is wrong and i cant save you, sometimes u gotta spot your own mistakes Q: Dendrobate? A: No, having an extra link on the main 6 link further increases our mana reservation for spell slinger. Very bad idea if its an inferior link(lvl 10 lesser poison) and we have to squeeze reservation for it Q: Divergent/anomalus/alt quality spell slinger? A: no quality works with our build on spell slinger. We scale poison, spell damage does not affect our dps in any way considerable to be good. Q: Why poet pen and not trigger socketed spells on skill use A: poet pen has 0.15 second cd, trigger socketed spells on skill use has a 5 second cd. Q: Cooldown recovery break points? A: doesnt matter, just get as much as you can, comfortably, because it affects spell slinger and we dont mind a more frequent trigger for spellslinger Q: lolweakPoBdps A: I have 35k per posion dps from my blade blast. Sirus dies in 5 seconds on last phase, i am not going to calculate the actual dps because its a pain in the ass. PoB numbers for poison builds are just there to boost epeen, having 100M pob dps does nothing to gameplay Q: Poison version or the original cocpoet pen version? A: Poison version is easier to start because poison scaling dps is ridiculous and very easy to achieve. Downside is that our damage is delayed and ramped, means tankier targets tend to not melt instantly when we attack them. This has more survival mechanics because of that. Original coc poet version has more frontload damage and go into max damage mode fast. We kill things fast with almost no ramp up, but we dont have multi layered defenses and just have dodge and decent ehp Changelog
16/4/2020 Not much changes for 3.14 22/10/20 Updated most mechanics information and reedited some stuff here and there 3.12.heiststillbeta 1/10/2020 Guide added My Builds/Stream https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 Dernière édition par Astarift#3417, le 4 mai 2021 23:07:01 Dernier bump le 10 mai 2022 19:45:51
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Hello there,
looking for your guide. Have similar build, and I have a question. You take ring with life on hit. So, what about mana? we have around ~15 mana per attack, huge attack speed and zero sources to regen this? Right now I playing without rings on -# manacost, and with mana nodes on tree (uselss points) and that is wrong. We need to sustain mana, how? |
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" Theres 2 ways Get 2 -mana cost rings, frenzy cost 13 mana for me, as long as theres -13 total, we dont need mana anymore, dash pretty much can be covered by purely on regen Allocate Thrill seeker from intuitive leap, we get a lil bit of attack based mana leech and mana gain on kill Either way, will need at least 1 ring crafted with the -mana mod Think you took too much mana nodes, if you are using the thread of hope there, essence sap is bad because you use thread of hope just to avoid pathing there to get swift venoms Edit: i am running a single -8 mana cost ring and a life gain on hit with a 5 mana cost frenzy, working fine, might not need 2 My Builds/Stream https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 Dernière édition par Astarift#3417, le 2 oct. 2020 04:15:41
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So far the leveling is good! Looking forward to map with the build.
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Hi, How can we get the poet's pen at 12 level at the league start? Could you please tell how to level this one to the maps without poet's pen?
Is Blade vortex setup available? But i feel too squishy with BV setup at the leveling, what's the def mechanics we use while leveling. Thanks a lot in any case. |
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" As a league start, i suggest running ek(level 1) with poison supported Cant be too squishy while leveling, BV is there for single target where ek probably lacks early on Lvl 16 onwards, use blade blast for single target instead Lvl 28 onwards, start running bladefall spell cascade Everything has to be supported by lesser poison early on because you dont get 100%chance to poison early on I will do the league start leveling later on, because i am still min maxing optimizing the build My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" Never did a Assassin build! And Spellslinger is fantastic on console! So I'll definely track this build! Only issue is Poet's Pen, a lot of builds are using and on Ps4 is around 50c~1ex. So expensive league started. But I'll definely do this build! |
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Added a t16 phoenix map clear and an A8 sirus deathless kill from stream
My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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Why do we need frenzy in the six link given that we already have a frenzy setup in the boots to trigger everything?
If it's just a copy paste error, which support gem would you use instead? How does this build compare to your regular bladeblast build? On paper it looks like it's much better, isn't it? Tankier with the added block without sacrificing much. Or am I missing something? Have you considered Rumi in the flask flex slot? Or is there too much anti-synergie with the "haven't blocked recently" thing from your shield? Thanks in advance, haven't tried the build yet but it's looking great. |
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" Thanks for pointing that out, its deadly ailments there Compared to the regular coc/dual pen version its slightly tankier for the downside of being a poison build(dot/delayed/ramp up damage) Assassin scales ridiculously well with poison, so this also requires less investment to jump straight into t16s However at an end game pov, the other one is better because it straight out deletes stuff without any sort of ramp My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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